480-2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5904 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: RC-0480-2018 Tax Map No: 297.13-1-39 Permission is hereby granted to: HAYES CONSTRUCTION GROUP,LLC For property located at: 11 Beacon Hollow DR In the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance Type of Construction Owner Name: HAYES CONSTRUCTION GROUP, Single Family-New $175,000.00 Owner Address: 297 Saratoga AVE Total Value $175,000.00 South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency HAYES CONSTRUCTION GROUP,LLC 297 Saratoga AVE South Glens Falls,NY 12803 Plans&Specifications Single family Dwelling 2088 s.f. Garage 560 s.f. $ 801.40 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday, September 19,2019 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiratio da .) Dated at the Toef Qu b , y, September 19,2018 SIGNED BY: /� for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Office use Only PIIFICIPLEYIl1CY[118 IyBlMlT' Permit APPLICATI CFI Permit gee:$ $01.40 742 Bay Road,eueensbuiy, NV V804 'Rec. Fe P: 518-761-8256 www .c1ueen bury.net Invoice:f: Project Location: 11 P-1Mu fly, J110 0 Tax Mai Subdivision dame: TOWN MR�SOl,IJTl0NI.86-2 5i�1 iieGicati�l�fern for E1�,r���ru�ll,na r��� �ic��IQ �ti����ilu r� �^ upr�nu�ltwo-family, multiplefamily, apaitn� adar� Mums, town nouses,and/or manufactured x modular omes,but not mobile homes. This is In addition to the permit fee(s), IE _ -- ..CONTACT IdF®RMA�"I®f�l: � [E Q D JUL 25 2018 Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Y UILDING&Wuts Cell Ph.: ^C21 b Land Line: _( ) Email: o . Primary Owner o Name(s): c to Mailing Address, /S/Z: 21.'-+ 52rCqb4�m 'Ne L �F Cell.PIS.: _�) U .Land Line: —U Email: ' o ContraotoP(�): Name(s): Orly -Y Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Ph.:-^(� Land Line: _( ) Email: Architects)/Ehalneer(s): Name(s): �►rs ill Mailing.Address, C/S/Z: 134 D�k �vr - (','if Cell Ph.: _( ) Land Line: Email: Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: 'M%`tsi_QAY-mg to Cell Ph.: _(� Land Line: Email: "A PROJQC IAIWRIMIATiQ TYPE: Corni-nercial PeslZie�i i i WORK CLASS: J Sing!e-Farnfly Two-Family _Multi-Family(fof ) Townhouse Business Office Retail Hotel/Motel ,,,, Industria!/Warehouse Garage(/cfcars ) Other(describe j STRUCTURE SQ RE FOOTAGE: GAR&GE S nUARE_f®®TAGEo ---1ST floor: 1 ST floor: - - 210 floor: 2nd floor: 3 d floor: Total square feet: `JbZ Basement(habitable space): Total square feet: 20 ZO ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ \'rj, 000 2. Proposed use of the building: :\ ' p-m1\ Z"v l� 3. If Commercial or Industrial, indicate the name of the business: 4. Source of Heat (circle one : Ga Gil Propane Solar Other:. (Fireplaces need a separate Uel Burning Appliances&Chimney Application. one per appliance) 5. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? YES NO xplain: 6. Are there any easements on the property? YES NO 7. SITE INFORMATION: a. What is the dimensions or acreage of the parcel? b. Is this a corner lot? YES NO c.Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? YES NO d. What is the water source? PUBLIC PRIVATE WELL e. Is the parcel on SEWER or a PRIVATE SEPTIC system? T f! ..b 6ECUk RATION.- 1. 1 acJkfiowledgeiharno c.onE,,truction Shall r-01-jimenue prJorto issuance ,_4 a and vvorkwlill be completed within a *12 riionth'periiod. 2. If the work is not completed by ihe 1year expiration date the parrnit may be renowed, to fees and department approval. 3. , 1 certify that the application, plans and supporflho rriaterials are a true and con'ipiote- statement. and/6'r description. of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS - Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with 1=1 zoning regulations. 4. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed 1, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 5. 1 understan d lhve are requiredta provide anas-builtsurvey by licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and-agree to the above: PRINT NAME., � .A, L 4i , e SIGNATURE: DATE: , BF-PTIC DISPOSAL PERMIT Af�PLIGATi ON office L Oi,1 74-2 Bay Road,Queensburyy,NY. 12804 P:yIR-761-u256 www.gueensburv.neC Tax Map ID4: 'Z '}. — l Perniii Fee: if1V C?�': Project Location: �1 fJZGK_,t n Sepiic Variance? Primary Owner(s) l�►'�S ox� IViailing Addres s Phone & Email Installer/Builder Mailing Address Phone& Email Engineer — Mailing Address Phone& Email - Contact Person for Building&Code C7,c5omP11 iAnc� ea?: 1 o Phwriea . RESIDENCE NFORMATION: _ Year Built # of bedrooms X gallons per bedroom = totaldaily flow Garbage Grinder. Yes No 1980 or older Installed? {circle one) . 1981-1991 Spa or Hot Tub Yes No Installed? {circle one) - resen PARCEL NFORMATION: Topography Flat Rolling Steep Slope %Slope Soil Nature Sand Loam Clay Other Groundwater At what depth? Bedrock/Impervious material -At What depth? Domestic Water Supply. Municipal Well{if well,wate r supply from any septic system absorption is ft.) Percolation Test Rate: per minute per inch�testto becompleted by licensed engneer/arcltect) PROPOSED SYSTEM FOR NEWCONSTRUCTI ON: Tank size gallons.{min'.size 1,000 ga Ilons,add 250 ga lions for each garbage cylinder or spa/heft tub System Absorption field with#2 stone Total length ft.;EachTrench ft.. Seepage Pit with#3 stone How many:W-_ -.Size: Alternative System Bed or other type: HoldingTank System Total required capacity?. -tank size ;# of tanks NOTES:1.Alarm system&associated electrica Iwo rk must be inspected bya Town approved electrical inspection agency;2.We wi II no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an as-built plan is received and approved. The installed system must match the septic layout on file-no exceptions. Declaration:Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void.[ have read the regulations and agree to abide bythese and all requirements oftheTown of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. PRINT NAME:- \ry\, i C_ 1"� C___ lC/�•� 2_ f (,I- DATE: SIGNATURE- DATE � Town of Quoe,:,sbuiry Thomas R.Van Ness i IIgthya�-Departi,em Highway Superintendent 742 Bay Road;-Queensbury, NY 12804 Home:518-745-0929 Phone:.518-761-8211 Fax:518.745-4466 . David Duell Deputy Highway Superintendent Home:518-745-0938 DRIVEWAY PERMIT Date: '297j`7­0 ti Applicant Name: --� cDyyz�oari Telephone No,: Address to.be Inspected ?-2US`'t rN 1M QvJ LY - Return Address; - Applicant must show exact location and width of driveway(s)to be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the specified location, The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. The following action has been taken: STEP 1: ( ) Preliminary approval NEED O Slight Swale ( ) Deep Swale O Level with the road ( ) Level with the top of the paved wing Size culvert pipe to be used (if necessary) ( ) 12" ( ) 15" ( ) 18" ( ) 24" ( ) 36» Preliminary inspection completed by: Date: Approval by Highway Supt.: or Deputy Supt.- Upon completion please resubmit this approval permit for a final approval. STEP 2: ( ) Final Approval ( ) Rejected Date: Thomas R.Van Ness, Highway Superintendent David Duell, Deputy Highway Superintendent Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Principal structure Application Revised February 2017 JLT Building Services, LLC 700 Indian Road Fort Plain,NY 13339 518-925-7718 Blower Door Test Results Report Test Date: October 27,2020 Client Name: Hayes Group Client Address: 297 Saratoga Ave S.Glens Falls,NY 12803 Test Site Address: 11 Beacon Hollow Queensbury,NY Zc\b Test Data D Total Area Tested[cfft]: 29,511 cuff NOV 2 0 202 Infiltration Rate Results[CFM@50pa]: 1,316 cfm50 M,} iVI_ � 1,,4 ;� !, 3U11 DIMG 8,C .I31e:J Air Leakage Rate as tested at 50 Pascal: 2.68ach *2015 Code N1102.4.1 requires air leakage rate<_3ach Based on our test results your building...................................PASSED Air Infiltration in accordance with 2015 IECC Residential Code Provisions section R402.4.1 I certify the above information as performed in accordance with IECC 2015,ANSI&ASTM protocols,and BPI standards using up to date calibrated Retrotec equipment models#5101 and#DM32 as required. Thank You for choosing 1LT Building Services LLC. Jim Telfer BPI ID#5058106 Residential Plan Review; I- and 2 Famfly ®wyeffi gs Y/N/NA (Z of 2). vlCarbon Monoxide detector.outside lowest sleeping area, on every.level&interconnected ., within 15'of sleeping area Soil test results,.if required.: Septic.to well or water line separation All paperwork signed Note on plans energy saving light bulbs 75% LPL) BIo_w_er.-'.door testa en a �� Floodplain Permit.required.—check map:2 feet.above flood elevation tHurricane cJi s;re u�red "� t v. Floors.less than 2 x 10 covered by%"gypsum or.5/8"wood panel'. _ y tMarrivaLsi -,&J.{requirttl,for�l eat ngsystem Cold art refur`.n=hard piped tSq Separate room for draft HVAC or hot water heater with fresh air .-- ,': ".�HRV shown an`d caleulat�ons�.�_��` � -�,'��f - _ $�"�.:•;�,��j Baffle' s-at eaves-for insulations:and knee walls IVI�keup a�rfor range hood>400{efm "_. " � i ,�- �Conttrnrous headerfor:,ga_rage,door to endim'.40 ;' �--_-a 'h: „ U.i Chimney_rain cap-shown for fireplaces Deck hold down shown not Tess than 4 lags and bolts per table 507.2 MI �O b 12� ti oP DF PV '-V 4 PCec- V�I fNWgC I;C- 1�34. L Residential Plan Review Revised Mardi 2018 Residential Plan Review. 1- and 2- Family ®swellings -YIN/ A (1 Of 2) Two.(2)full sets- of plans G Over 1,500 sq.ft.,requires engineering stamp Design loads on plans: 115 Wind Floor Loads 40 psf / (North of Rte. 149 60) 50 Ground Snow Load Sleeping Areas&Attics 30'psf V Calculations Decks 40 psf Wind design for lake front properties Window schedule with glass size&main doors/,Air•leaka_- < 5 cfm for�,dV-o <:3 cfm for.:--V =� indgts/Tempered glass in bathrooms �Doorscliedule/Matn�entr_ance 36 Emergency Escape or Bedrooms& Habitable Space M1� !�'�Cj=L-� J _' Gr�1ca a 5:0_sq rft.. tJ It j� .zC-;� 5r't1JvtT. w 24"'(h)x 20" (w) minimum �� J� 44"maximum height above door - Window control devices�24"or less 2"a story or 7. r..;:-ove gratle j Egress window from basement 5.0 sq.ft. Floor system sizing,per table 502.3.1 Residential check ERI or Prescriptive method riveway length:300' or more-12'width.required/500'.or more,.turnarou rid.required. ( er— r i.'?At9"is'. f � ..::. J s 4 I VNI"tionidM,� rag � 'ians, if re'q�atre_l a r i c.. _ , ; . -_ A ", �:�n�'" f. 6"-dr6p in 10':exterior grade Framing cross section for each roof line,vertical fire stopping-every 10'where required/joist spans pg. 127 Ice&snow shield-24"from exterior wall Platforms at exterior doors Stairway headroom 6'8";all stairs 36"width Stair run and.rise Winder run-and rise Spiral stairs meet requirements Smoke detectors-battery backup&proper location,interconnected Bathroom fixtures—proper clearance Hall width-36"width Handrails more than four risers on open.sides Railing&guards->30"/basement stairs included/closed risers more than 4 in height Safety glazing notes for required areas Garage fire separation:%"gable end/5/8" under living space&%"on walls/20 min. door and closer TGa6 eflo yid r.__ Aft ic access:gasket seal&R-value equal to roof insulation Roof over 30"-22"x 30"/Crawl spaces 18"x 24"access Residential Plan Review Revised March 2018 RUCINSKI HALL ARCHITECTURE Ronald Richard Rucinski Ethan Peter Hall G� 134 Dix Avenue ' Glens Falls NY 12801 Voice 518 741-0268 Fax 518 741-0274 Email ephall@nycap.rr.com Transmittal To: John O'Brien—Town of Queensbury Code Enforcement From: Ethan Hall Date: 13 September, 2018 Re: 11 Beacon Hollow Drive— Hayes Construction Attached please find two (2) sets of revised plans A-1 thru A-5 for the above referenced project. These revisions are in response to the review comments from your office. If there are any questions please let me know. SEP 13 201d T BU LOF QUEENSB ING a CODESRY C:\!Ethan\!Al Temporary Files\Transmittal-,13 Sept 2018.doe Residential Plan Review: 1- and 2- Family Dwellings Y/N/ A (1 of 2) Two (2)full sets of plans G- Over 1,500 sq. ft. requires engineering stamp Design loads on plans: 115 Wind Floor Loads 40 psf / (North of Rte. 149 60) 50 Ground Snow Load Sleeping Areas &Attics 30 psf Calculations Decks 40 psf Wind design for lake front prope o 'indow schedule with glass size & main doors/ it lea?E- «f, Q_r �oo0 > xa.forfi �n7in ow--5 Tempered glass in bathrooms D IiIsj- .edu i enfiranc 3 dczor _ r Emergency Escape or Bedrooms & Habitable Space T -A _go e- r de: 5.7 sg. ft. Gra_e• 5 ®V 0 ft 'i �,� _:ft UP 31 1209M0 'O !T- 3 24"-(h)x 20" (w) minimums - 4" maximum height abov r Window control deb ^ 411, " or,le``-ss 2"d s or° or ' a,ove ra. e. Egress windo m basement 5.0 sq.ft. Floor.system sizing per table 502.3.1 Residential check ERI or Prescriptive method Driveway length: 300' or more-12' width required/500' or more,turnaround required. r Foundation dra°ifn f mp-e on Ians, if re uired eVI 6" drop in 10' exterior grade Framing cross section for each roof line,.vertical fire stopping-every 10' where required/joist spans pg. 127 Ice &snow shield-24" from exterior wall Platforms at exterior doors Stairway headroom 6'8"; all stairs 36" width Stair run and rise Winder run and rise Spiral stairs meet requirements Smoke detectors—battery backup & proper location, interconnected 'Bathroom fixtures—proper clearance Hall width-36" width Handrails more than four risers on open sides Railing &guards.>30"/basement stairs included/closed risers more than 4" in height .Safety glazing notes for required areas Garage fire separation: %" gable end/5/8" under living space &%" on walls/20 min. door and closer Attic access: gasket seal & R-va ue equal to roof insulation Roof over 30"-22"x 30"/Crawl spaces 18" x 24" access Residential Plan Review Revised March 2018 IV, Residential Residential Plan Review: 1- and 2- Family Dwellings Y/N/NA (2 of 2) Carbon Monoxide detector outside lowest sleeping area, on every level & interconnected within 15' of sleeping area Soil test results, if required Septic to well or water line separation All paperwork signed ote on plans energy saving light bulbs 75% MEMOIR 53WI 7 a enc �a �erw _ oodplain Permit required—check map: 2 feet above flood elevation Hurricane clips req07 ui Floor less than 2 x 10 covered by%" gypsum or 5/8" wood panel s _ re uire ea�tin y� �okd i -etuu ar "e Separate room for draft HVAC or hot water heater with fresh air Baffles at eaves for insulations and knee walls up a' nor rig > 00 tinuous header fo gj age door tE end wall . Chimney rain cap shown for fireplaces Deck hold down shown not less than 4 lags and bolts per table 507.2 +�oT K11� F��'P���C7 � t�oC� OF I"VA C-V\R Q Q=�- 7-"IF-- GqEj'P-tAA -V 0 Vbb-V O�( Residential Plan Review Revised March 2018 i Your Company Here... coloniial model home Yoq Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queens!bury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 System I (Average Load Procedure) Design Conditions Location: Glens Falls AP, New York Elevation: 335 ft Daily Range: Medium Input Data: Outdoor Dry Bulb Indoor Dry Bulb Latitude: 430 N Design Grains: 26 Summer: 92 72 Heated Area 2544 Sq.Ft. Winter: -17 70 Cooled Area 2544 Sq.Ft. Heat/Loss Summary (July Heat Load Calculatioins) ILE C,®p� Gross Sensible Latent Area Loss Gain Gain Walls 3112 -14403 2481 0 _ Windows 437.5 17295 17105 0 _ Doors 42 1426 508 0 Ceilings 906.4 2284 705 0 _ Skylights 0 0 0 0 _ Floors 2543.4 1273 97 0 _ Room Internal Loads 0 3090 600 _ Blower Load 1707 0 Hot Water Piping Load 0 0 0 ' _ I i Winter Humidification Load 0 0 0 _ Infiltration 13867 1633 1312 ----- Approved ACCA Ventilation 10527 2420 1945 _ MJ8 Calculations Duct Loss/Gain EHLF=O ESGF=O 0 1163 603 AED Excursion n/a 0 n/a _ Subtotal 61075 30899 4460 Total Heating 6107.5 Btuh Total Cooling 35359 Btuh 120 Linear ft. of Hydronic Baseboard *Calculations are based on the ACCA Manual J 8th Edition and are approved by ACCA.All computed calculations are estimates based on building use,weather data, and inputted values such as R-Values, window types, duct loss, etc. Equipment selection should meet both the latent and sensible gain as well as buildding heat loss. p � -CEaVI LAU!G !2!9 2018 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES Adtek AccuLoad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 1 Your Company Here... colonic,il model home Your Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here.....-Email Here... queenslPury , ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 Equipment Selection Design Conditions Design Location: Glens Falls AP, New York Relative Humidity: 50% Elevation: 335 ft Summer Outdoor Design: 92 Latitude:. 43° N Winter Outdoor glesign: -17 Daily Range: Medium Summer Indoor Design: 72 Design Grains 26 Winter Indoor Giesign: 70 Heating Equipment Mfg: YORK BY JOHNSON CONTROLS Altitude Correction Factor: 0 Model: TM9E080B12MP11 Heating Input(btuh): 80(100 AHRI Ref#: 7141702 Heating Output(btuh): 75(100 Efficiency (AFUE): 95 Calculated HeatPump 0 Output @ Design (btuh): Cooling Equipment Mfg: CHAMPION BY JOHNSON Altitude Correction Factor: 0 Oudoor Unit Model: TC3133621 Rated Total Cooling (btuh): 35�I.00 Coil: CF/CM/CU42D+TXV Sensible Cooling (btuh): 36000 Furnace: TM9E080C16MP11 Latent Cooling (btuh): 8850 AHRI Ref#: 8636604 SEER - EER@95: Heat Pump HSPF: Summary MJ8 Calculations Status EggWment Capacities Sensible Gain (btuh): 30899 Sufficient Sensible Capacity(bl:uh): 36000 Latent Gain (btuh): 4460 Sufficient Latent Capacity (bttuh): 8850 Total Heat Gain (btuh): 35359 Sufficient Total Capacity (bltuh): 35400 Heat Loss (btuh): 61075 Sufficient Heating Capacity (bttuh): 75000 Adtek AccuLoad Report Version 17.3.6 Page 2 Your Company Here... colonia11 model home YouO Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 cour•.itry club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queensl)ury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 System I © AED Curve — DAL 1.3 1.5 25000 20000 L 16000 m 10000 5000 0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Hour AED Excursion: 0 btuh AED Status: System has Adequate Exposure Diversity. AED Flag: No AED Flag. Hours are listed in 24-hour format: 8 is 8am, 20 is 8pm. Adtek Accul-oad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 3 Your Company Here... coloniail model home Your Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queenst)ury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 System I Breakdown Item Name U-Value /SHGC Net Area Htg. HTM. Clg. HTM Sens. Htg. Sens. C:Ig. Lat. Clg. Total Clg. Construction Type _ System-1..._ 0 — 1707 0 1707 2nd floor bath 0 0 0 0 Ceiling 0.029 68 2.523 0.78 172 53 0 53 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsiDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesINAIR-38 blanket or loose fill __._...__.....__-- -........._........... - ......_. _.-_. --._..........___..... __...._...._....___ Floor 0.--_..034.. ... 68 2.95...8 68 27 0 27 Floor Over Enclosed Unconditioned Crawl Space or BasementIR-19 Insulation on Exposed Walls,Ven _ or Leaky SpacelPassiveINAIR-30 blanketlAny Floor CoveringINAINA South Wall 0.065 54.4 5.655 1.32 308 72. 0 72 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 iNoneINAISiding or StuccoINA _ --........_._..............._.._. .. ......_ ....-_......... - _............ _ bedroom 1 0 0 0 0 Ceiling 0.029 -116 J 2.523 0.78 293 90 0 90 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsjDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesINAIR-38 blanket or loose fill _.. _ .._._...._.__......_._...__ �... __....—......................._............._....---.........._..._-......-_--........................_......................-__._.................._...._...-_ ......_.................._........._...._....._..........._.._....__._._......................_.-.--.-- Floor 0.034 116 2.958 116 45 0 45 Floor Over Enclosed Unconditioned Crawl Space or Basementl R-1 9 Insulation on Exposed Walls, Ven or Leaky SpacelPassiveINAIR-30 blanketlAny Floor Covering�N_AINA South Wall 0.065 92.8^ 5.655 1.31 525— u` 122 0 122 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA ...................___.__..__..................... ..._-..._._................-....._---.--_.-._ .-.......-- ...� ---.-- _............_.......------._....-............._ -........_.._....--_ East Wa..11 0.065... .. 50 5.65..5 1.32 283 66 0 66 Frame Wall/Partition I NAI NAIWood I R-21 I Nonel NAI Sid i ng or StuccolNA Window-6x5 0.47/0.31 30 40.89 38.67 1227 1160 0 1160 OperablelNormal V1lindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood; Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl __-bed...ro r000m 2 . _ - 0 0._0 0............_ --..._ _ -.._.... _ —. ..............._ _...—._ Ceiling 0.029 132 2.523 0.78 333 103 0 103 Adtek Accul-oad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 4 Your Company Here... colonial model home Your Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queensbury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 Ceiling Below Roof Joistsj Dark or Bold Color Asphalt ShingleslNAIR-38:blanket or loose fill — Floor 0 132 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA North Wall 0.065 80 5.655 1.33 452 106 0 106 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA West Wall 0.065 63 5.655 1.32 356 83, 0 83 Frame Wall/PartitioniNAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA Window-3x5.5 0.46/0.36 16.5� 39.15 42.97 646 _M 709�— 0 709 FixediNormal WindowlLow-e (0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl __..____............._..__-- ----__..._.._...._ -- --__.._._...._ _...__— Window-3x5.5 0.45/0.36 16.5 39.15 42.97 646 709 0 709 FixedINormal WindowILow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl ....... ............ _ _�._ _ ........ _....... --- --- _. bedroom 3 0 . 0 0 0 Ceiling 0.029 130 2.523 0.78 328 101 0 101 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsjDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesINAIR-38 blanket or loose fill _......_ __.. _ . _ Floor 0 130 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA South Wall 0.065 80 5.655 1.33 452_ 106 0 106 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA West Wall —_ — 0.065 63 5.655 1.32 — 356 83 0 83 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21INoneINAISiding orStuccoINA Window-3x5.5 0.45/0.36 66.5 39.15 42.97 646 709 0 709 FixedlNormal WindowlLow-e (0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl ..-.- .........__......... .-......."".-3 ._ .---.._.. .................. -- Window-3x5.5 0.45/0.36 16.5 39.15 42.97 646 7043 0 709 Fixedl Normal WindowiLow-e(0.20)12 Pane (0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl ..._.._._.—..............-...- —_-.- .._...... __.__ dining 0 _ 460 400 860 Floor 0 192.5 0 0 0 0 Adtek Accul-oad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 5 Your Company Here... colonial model home Youv Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queensbury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA North Wall 0.065 — 99 5.655 - 1.32 560 131 0 131 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA West Wall 0.065 97 5.655 1.32 549 128 0 128 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA Door-3x7 0.39 21 33.93 _ 12.1 713 254 0 254 WoodlSolid CorejNo Storm Window-1x7 — 0.45/0.36 7 39.15 43 274 301 0 301 FixedlNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood,Woad with Metal Clad, or Vinyl Window-1x7 0.45/0.36 7 39.15 43 274 301 0 301 FixedlNormal WindowlLow-e (0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl __-_._ —.— _./0.31 --_____...__-...-_.-..- -.....__--..�.._..- _.__.........-...._....-.—___..__......-...-------.-.---- - Window-3x5 0.47/0.31 15 40.89 38.67 613 580 0 580 OperablejNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane (0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl ..._._ _.._............._....----............._......... _....._......-...............-..._..__.........- --- Window-3x5 0.47/0.31 15 40.89 38.67 613 586 0 580 Operablel Normal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane (0.05) Surface 21Wood,Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl kitchen — 0 2630 200 —2830 Floor _ - - 0 168 0 w 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA East Wall 0.065 115.5 5.655 1.32 653 152 0 152 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA Window-3.5X3 0.47/0.31 10.5 40.89 38.67 429 406. 0 406 OperablejNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood,Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl --__---.. ._._._.--__.....................-.._-_.__.._.....-...- _....._._.._.. ----.-.................._ kitchen... —0 -1-1— 0 0 0 ___.-................ Floor 0 168 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA South Wall — 0.065 108 — 5.655 1.32 611 143 — 0 143 Adtek Accul-oad Report Version 17.3.6 Page 6 Your Company Here... colonis,il model home Your Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... .Email Here... queensbury , ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 Frame Wal[/Partition I NAI NAIWood I R-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA ................East Wall 0.065 59 5.655 1.32 334 78 0 78 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA Wndow-2.5x5 0.47/0.31 12.5 40.89 38.64 511 483 0 483 OperablelNormal WindowlLow-e (0.20)12 Pane (0.05) Surface 21Wood,:Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl Window-2.5x5 0.47/0.31 12.5 40.89 38.64 511 483 0 483 OperablejNormal Windowl Low-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05)Surface 21Wood,'Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl 0.6i —5 1435 0 1435 Window-U7 .39 42 36.54 34.17 53 French Doorl French DoorjClearj2 PanelWood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl laundry--garage entry 0 0 0 0 ___iE_16o_r..........*,-"*-----,","--,"-",----*--,—,—o........... Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA East Wall 0.065 52.5 5.655 1.31 297 69, 0 69 Frame Wall/Partitionj NAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA! Wil 0.45/0.36 10.5 39.15 42.95 411 4511 0 451 FixedlNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21W66d, Wcod with Metal Clad, or Vinyl North Wall 0.065 78 5.655 1.32 441 103. 0 103 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA' Door-3x7 0.39 21 33.93 12.1 713 254. 0 254 WoodlSolid CorejNo Storm ............. living 0 0 0 0 ............... ..........I____......................... ..................._­................. ............. F" 0 224 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned SpaceINAINAINAINAINAINAINA West Wall 0.065 96 5.655 1.32 543 127 0 127 Frame Wall/PartitioniNAINAlWoodIR-21[NoneINAISiding or StuccoINA n_d&w_-3x5 —047FO.31 15 40.89 38.67 613 580 0 580 Adtek AccuLoad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 7 Your Company Here... colonial model home Your Address Here...-City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queensbury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 OperablelNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl Window-3x5 0.47/0.31 15 40.89 38.67 613 580 0 580 OperablelNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane (0.05) Surface 21Wood, !,Hood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl South Wall 0.065 126 5.655 1.32 _ 713 166 0 166 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA --___.__........_. .. _.__..._._ ------- - master bath 0 0 0 0 ................_ _._--_.__-- _...... ___ - - -__.-__ _ Ceiling 0.029 81.. ._ 2.523._ 0.78 204 63 0 63 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsjDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesINAIR-38 blanket or loose fill ......_.. _........ _ Floor 0 81 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned SpaceINAINAINAINAINAINAINA _....___..........._...._..._______.._-................................_ ............._.......__........................_._........._..__ ......._..._______..._...._.___......_...___._._..—_......._............_. ..........__---- East Wall 0.065 64 5.655 1.31 362 84 0 84 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA ........ ... ........... Window-2x4 0.45/0.36 8 39.15 43 313 344 0 344 FixedjNormal WndowILow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wcod with Metal Clad, or Vinyl -�- .....-............_.... ._ master bedroom 0 0 0 0 �__- .. . -- ... Ceiling 0.029 258.4 2.523 0.78 652 202 0 202 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsjDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesjNAIR-3€3 blanket or loose fill Floor 0 258.4 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA East Wall 0.065 59.3 5.655 1.32 335 78 0 78 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA Window-3x5.5 0.47/0.31 16.5 40.89 38.67 675 638 0 638 OperablelNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood', Wood with Metal Clad, or vinyl ........... _ Window-3x5.5 0.45/0.36 16.5 39.15 42.97 646 70.E 0 709 FixediNormal WindowjLow-e (0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood,Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl Window-3x5.5y 0.45/0.36 16.5 39.15- 42.97 646 709 _ 0 709 Adtek Accul-oad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 8 Your Company Here... colonial model home Your Addre$s Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queensk)ury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 FixedlNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Woad with Metal Clad, or Vinyl North Wall - 0.065 152 5.655 1.32 860 �- 201 0 �201 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 iNoneINAISiding or StuccoINA masterwic- ~� 0 0 0 0 - Ceiling v� 0.029 65 2.523 0.78 - 164 51 0 51 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsjDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesjNAJR-38'blanket or loose fill Floor 0.034 65 2.958 65 25 0 25 Floor Over Enclosed Unconditioned Crawl Space or BasementIR-19 Insulation on Exposed Walls,Ven or Leaky SpacelPassivelNA�R-30 blanketlAny Floor CoveringINAINA -....__....._.__......___..__._— _......_.....__� _.._..___ _...-_ �.._._ ..__ ..-._........._.-- West Wall 0.065 52 5.655 1.33 294 69 0 69 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA ................._._. .-.._.-..--__......_....._._................__....___-._ East Wall 0.065 52 5.655 1.33 294 69 0 69 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 jNonejNAjSiding or StuccoINA North Wall ^- - 0.065 80 5.655 1.33 452 -- 106 0 106 Frame Wall/PartitioniNAINAlWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA opt bath 0 0 0 0 Floor- -�- 0.015 54 1.305- 71 0 0 0 Basement FloorINAINAINAIR-3 or higherjAny Floor Covering128 feetINA opt study --- -� � 0 0 — 0 0 - Floor_ 0.015 132 1.305- _ -173 0 �- 0 0 Basement FloorINAINAINAIR-3 or higherjAny Floor Covering128 feetINA North Wall 0.059 96 5.133 493 0 0 0 Basement WaIIINAlEight Inch Brick, Stone or Concrete WaIllWoodIR-13lNoneiNAlBlocki4ft East Wall 0.049 66� �4.263 281 0 0 0 Basement WallINAlEight Inch Brick, Stone or Concrete Wall[WoodIR-13lNoneINA16lockl8ft Window-6x5 0.47/0.31 30 40.89 38.67 1227 _1160 0 1160 Adtek AccuLoad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 9 Your Company Here... colonial model home Your Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 couritryclub drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queenstiury , ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 OperablejNormal WindowILow-e (0.20)12 Pane (0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl opt.family room 0 0 0 0 Floor 0.015 364 1.305 - 477 0 0 0 Basement FloorINAINAINAIR-3 or higherlAny Floor Covering128 feetINA _.....-__ _.......... _......_ ............ _._.._..._...__._ __._ _._.........._ __- West Wall 0.059 112 5.133 575 0 0 0 Basement WallINAlEight Inch Brick, Stone or Concrete WaillWoodIR-13lNoneiNAlBlockl4ft South Wall _- 0.059 216 5.133 - _ 1109 0 0 0 Basement WallINAlEight Inch Brick, Stone or Concrete WalllWoodIR-1"INonelNAIBlockj4ft East Wall 0.049 40 . 4.263 171 0 0 0 Basement WallINA1Eight Inch Brick, Stone or Concrete WaIIjWoodjR-13INonelNAjBlockj8ft _..- ._-..__......_..._._....-_ ._._..__.-_._.. ._...........-__...__-_..._--__............. ......----------..._.. _.._..... -...... ------- --- Window-6x5 0.47/0.31 30 40.89 38.67 1227 1160 0 1160 Operablel Normal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl Window-6x7 0.6/0.39 42 36.54 34.17 1535 1431f5 0 1435 ^ French DoorlFrench DoorjClearj2 PanelWood, Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl .._...........� pwdr. rm 0 0 0 0 ��_-........_..-_ ._-.........__._..._..-.-- __....__.._�. _ . .-.__-____.._.... _ ..... -_ Floor 0 27.5 0 0 ... 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned SpaceINAINAINAINAINAINAINA North Wall 0.065 45 5.655 1.31 254 _ 59 0 59 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAIWoodIR-21 INoneINAISiding or StuccoINA --....._.-..._ _.__.__.__........._......__..-_--_._...........-.-.._- utility 0 01 0 0 _....._.._....._ Floor 0.015 231 1.305 303 _ 0 - 0 0 Basement FlooriNAINAINAIR-3 or higherlAny Floor Covering128 feetINA West Wall 0.059 112 5.133T�-- 575 0 0 0 Basement WallINAlEight Inch Brick, Stone or Concrete WaIllWoodIR-13lNoneINAlBlockl4ft North Wall 0.059 112 5.133 - 575 0 0 0 Adtek AccuLoad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 10 Your Company Here... colonial model home Your Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queensbury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 Basement WaIll NAI Eight Inch Brick, Stone or Concrete WalliWoodIR-13,lNoneINAlBlocki4ft wic-2 0 0 0 0 Ceiling 0.029 27.5 2.523 0.76 69 21 �+ 0 21 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsjDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesINAIR-38 blanket or loose fill ____ _.................-�_. _...... _._—..___ __. ._........ lo For 0 27.5 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA .........- West all 0.065 30 5.655 1.33 170 40 0 40 Frame Wall/PartitionINAINAlWoodIR-21 iNoneINAISiding or StuccoINA Window-2.5x4 -- 0.47/0.31 10� 40.89 _ 38.7 409 387 0 387 OperablelNormal WindowlLow-e(0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood,,Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl . .--- . _.._...........-._.._ -...... _...._._._._..._........... -.........-......._......._.__......__..._._......_--.............._.....I......_--. ._.................._......_.__...----.............._.. _.--.._......... . _.........-_ w.c-3 0 0 0 . 0 Ceiling 0.029 27.5- 2.523 0.76 69 21 0 21 Ceiling Below Roof JoistsjDark or Bold Color Asphalt ShinglesINAIR-38 blanket or loose fill Floor 0 27.5 0 0 0 0 Floor Over Conditioned Spacel NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NAI NA West Wall 0.065 30 5.655 1.33 170 40 0 40 Frame Wall/PartitioniNAINAlWoodIR-21 iNoneiNAISiding or StuccoINA Window-2.5x4 0.47/0.31 10 40.89 38.7 409 387 0 387 OperablelNormal WindowlLow-e (0.20)12 Pane(0.05) Surface 21Wood; Wood with Metal Clad, or Vinyl Adtek Accul-oad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 11 Your Company Here... colonial model home Your Aodress Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... -Email Here... queensk)ury , ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 System Design Conditions Location: Elevation: 0 'Daily Range: 0 Design Data: Outdoor Dry Bulb Indoor Dry Bulb Latitude: 0 De!sign Grains: 0 Summer: 92 72 Summer'Design RH% 0 Winter: -17 70 Heating Equipment Mfg: YORK BY JOHNSON CONTROLS Heating Input(btuh): NA Model: TM9E080B12MP11 Heating Output(btuh): 7!i000 AHRI Ref#: 7141702 Calculated HeatPump 0: Efficiency (AFUE): NIA Output @ Design (btuh): Outdoor Equipment Mfg: CHAMPION BY JOHNSON Rated Total Cooling (btuh): 1,5400 Oudoor Unit Model: TC3133621 Sensible Cooling (btuh): 313000 Coll: CF/CMICU42D+TXV Latent Cooling (btuh): 8850 Indoor Unit: TM9E080C16MP11 AHRI Ref#: 8536604 Adtek AccuLoad Report Version 17.3.5 Page 13 Your Company Here... colonial model home Your Address Here... -City Here..., State Here..Zip Here... 33 country club drive Phone Here..... .Email Here... queensbury ,, ny 12804 Sales Consultant: Job#: 33 country club dr Date: 08/22/2018 Expanded Manual S (ACCA Guidelines) MJ8 Design Calculations Sensible Gain (btuh): 30899 Design TD for Airflow: 17 Latent Gain (btuh): 4460 Design CFM: 1523 Total Heat Gain (btuh): 35359 SHR: 0.92 Heat Loss (btuh): 61075 Manufacturers Performance Data(A) Entering Coil Temperature= 75 (F db) Lower Return Air Total Sensible Latent SHR CFM (F wb) BTUH BTUH BTUH Rated CFN @ Rated RA Temperature: 0 0 0 0 Rated CFN @ Design RA Temperature: 0 63 0 0 0 Rated CFN @ Rated RA Temperature: 0 0 0 0 Manufacturers Performance Data(B) Entering Coil Temperature= 75 (F db) Higher Return Air Total Sensible Latent CFM (F wb) BTUH BTUH BTUH SHR Rated CFN @ Rated RA Temperature: 0 0 0 0 Rated CFN @ Design RA Temperature: 0 0 0 0 0 Rated CFN @ Rated RA Temperature: 0 0 0 0 Equipment Performance Data Entering Coil Temperature= 75 (F db) Design Return Air Total Sensible Latent SHR CFM (F wb) BTUH BTUH BTUH Intopolated Equipment Capacity 0 0 0 Excess Latent Capacity Calculation 0 0 0 0 0 Capacity @ Design CFM/RA (F wb) 0 0 0 Equipment Capacity as a% of Design Equipment Performance Data Entering Coil Temperature= 75 (F db) Capacity Capacity gh rmall Supplemental ance @ 47 F db @ 17 F db point Heat Required Heat Pump Data N/A N/A 0 0 Desired Calculated Input Output AFUE Temperature Airflow Capacity Capacity Rise Furnace Datal NIA I N/A I N/A I N/A 0 Adtek AccuLoad Report Version 17.3.6 Page 14 1. 4i ISS UAX REKT RECOVERY VENTILe ® ■ ENGINEERING 13ATPI LIFEB5RERd1HT THERMALLY CONDUCTIVE,PATENTED DEFROST i ~i ALLIMBR9L1IV)CORERecirculating damper defrost system. The counter-flow heat recovery core transfers heat between the two airstreams.It is CASE easily removed for cleaning or service. Twenty gauge prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance.Insulated to MOTORS AND BLOWERS prevent exterior condensation.Drain connections 2-1/2 in.(12 mm)00.Balancing ports Each airstream has one centrifugal blower driven by a common PSC motor,with multiple: are located on door. fan speed operations. ELEtCYR®NICS FVERS The DXPL02 control included with the unit can be wall mounted in a central location of Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams. the home.3 wire 20 gauge(min.)100 It length(max.). MOUNTING Four threaded inserts at comers of the cabinet designed to accept the"s"hooks andtimRR-ANVY hanging straps supplied with the unit. _ A • o - a ^pLjjj AIf` ..................................................:........................................................................................................................... 1#11TIONAL i Weather Wood TechGriUe germinator i Wireless 20/40/60 99-185 99-EA64 Pitting Min Timer 99-EAGS 99-DET02 99-186 99-EAG6 �.. 99-TM4 •a. 99-187 99-TMS ��' 99-EAGB ` '. 99 TM6 .............................................................................................................................................................................. LIFEBREATH CONTROL OPTIONS TWER OPTIONS 99-0ET01-Lifebreath 20/40/60 Minute Timer •• J u� Initiates high spiced Ventilation for 20,40 or 60 minutes.3 wire connection.5 speed fan operation on each mode J 9g-oeroz 2 speed fan operation(Low/High) `/ `, Wireless Lifebreath 20/40/60 Minute Timer Continuous low speed fan operation ✓ Initiates high speed Ventilation for 20,40 or 60 minutes.Wirelessly connects to main control for Humidity control through adjustable Dehumidistat ✓ ✓ ✓ ease of installation.40'approximate range. Excusive to Lifebreath. Large digital LCD screen ✓ 99-RX02-Wireless Lifebreath Repeater LED status indicator lights ✓ ✓ ✓ Extends range of 99-DET02 Wireless Timers.Plugs into 120V power outlet.Wirelessly connects to Continuous Ventilation `r `� main control and 99-DET02.Install at halfway point between timer and main wall control if timer Continuous Recirculation ✓ `� is out of range. 20 ON/40 OFF ✓ - ° i ` •v 10 ON/50 OFF 20 ON/40 Recirculation ✓ ✓ `� �,I i I L„ 20/40/60 min.High speed override button 99-0XPU2 _ 99-DET02 Compatible with 99-OET02 Wireless Timer ✓ ✓ ✓ 00 3 wire connection 1m IFEBRERT C7e Indoor Air Systems 1SSMAX(01-01-18) www.lifebreath.com dr AMW ISS Mn",AX HEAT ■ ® AT ® � ° ,r e o e a . e VAC @ 60Hz 115 Not Supply Airflow 184(8l) 163(77) 146(69) 132(62) 115(54) 92(43) 60 All7(28) Watts/Low Speed 66 Gross Supply Airflow, 188(81) 166 pill 149 90) 134(63) 117(55) 94(44) 61(29) Watts/High Speed 118 Gross Exhaust Alrflow 239 013) 228(101) 212(100) 193(91) 172(81) 150(11) 126(60) Amp Rating 1.4 Sensible Effectiveness(ASE) 32°F(0°C) 84% ISO ...... ............................................................... WEIGHT: @ 59 CFM(28 Us) ��!�������) Sensible Efficiency(SRE) 160 ................... ..... ............................................ SHIPPING WEIGHT: @ 59 CFM(28 Us) 32°F(0°C) 75% Sensible Efficiency(SRE) 32°F(0°C) 15'/° @ 64 CFM(30 Us) 120 ........ Sensible Efficiency(SRE) 13°F(25°C) 72% NOTE: @ 64 CFM(30 Us) a l00 Front clearance of 25 in.(635 mm)is a0 ..................• ••• ....I........... •• ............••••• recommer.ded for seruicing unit All ducts use 6 in.(152 mm)round collars.Balancing �f_ IS® �� ,q� 6D dampers s relocated in all airstreams. r; u5 Kvo BON °....°ww.b CERTIFIED eceutdm 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 O.S 0.6 0.7 0.8 Static Pressure(in w.g.) ................................................................................................................................................................................... DIMENSPONS FRONT VIEW TOP VIEW filter I 14314wl ' Recirculating Defrost Damper o , 'Removable Blower Heat Motor E Stale air to outside Recovery Core Fresh air from outside -- -` -------------- Stale,air from Inside v - M O Fresh air to inside 6In.(152mm) I� 33 518 In.(854 mm) �I Round Collars ................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: WAARAMY Contractor. ty Tag: Project* qtY Supplier: Engineer: Quote#: All units conform to ESA and UL standards ©0 Control: Submitted By: L FE RERT U° Timer. TimerQty: ©© indoor Air systems 1SSMAX(O1-01-18) www.lifebreath.com comfortable T� Dr Y and fortable basements sell more hordes DENNEF% ,MS- The high Performance air-gap membrane g p r any that keeps basements dry and mold-free, Uniquely shaped air-gap membrane drains water away,protecting foundation walls from moisture. X DMAb M5 foundation protealon membrane d DELTA-FLASHprevents dirt from entering air-gap I N DELTA%FA57ne►for Y� secure Installation I m armges all cracks, keeps water from entering i i i i I f i i i i � Lode A r �aCode CC ES � �C ESR-2308 72788-R `" I 765g.R DELTA*quality branded products made by Cosella-Darken. Irrotect your reputation. Don't rely on ordinary dampproofing. Keeping foundations dry is important to Dry and comfortable basements are a Homebuyers will know that basements pro- avoiding costly repalrsand damage to your sel[ing point tected by DII.TA•-MS are better,leak-free reputation as a builder.Most foundation Builders who build a better foundation have basements.Knowing that they are better problems are related to unwanted moisture. a strong point of differentiation from other built;homebuyers will purchase their new builders,helping sell more home& home with confidence. The Problem Basements that are built to just meet code Homebuyers are concerned about water in requirements are often damp and mokfy.If the basementof their new home.They rely the basement is to be a useable living space, on the expertise of the builder to keep their proper moisture protection is necessary. basement dry and comfortabfe. I ?Ire Solution Today's homebuyers do their DELTA'-MS provides reliable protection for research before buying a new permanently dry basements,keeping mois- home.Whlle manywill kook for ture away from foundation walls Air-gap granite countertops and other Technology membrane allows incidental visible amenities,they also realize moisture thatdoes get past to drain harm- that a reliably dryand comfortable lessly to thefooter drain.DELTA•-MS is tough basement makes a truly high and durable.It keeps basements dryand quality home. comfortable even when the concrete foun- dation wall tracks—something asphaltic dampproofing spray can't do. 1l Available in many saes for easy Instalfation on various foundation heights * Protects foundation from ground water with two lines of defense: -Dimple sheet provides capiflary break -Air-gap allows incidental waterto freely drain bygravity * Eliminates interior dampness and mustyodors ® Reliably bridges foundation cracks and deflects soil moisture,unlike as- r � phaftic sprays *Continues to function even if foundation shifts or cracks 1 * No unpleasant chemical odors or harmful VOC{s $ * Resists damage from backfill,like rocks and debris ® High compressive strength of dimples resists soil pressure ® Durable plastic 100 96 recycled HDPE core encased by virgin HDPE ® Installs in all types of weather I � Technical data sheet available 1:[. .l S.• -1. f h v' •• ; J� ' 1 ,�Y f . � •. 4 h `' 4 v{ -sh-. '+., t+ t c. �.r '�.. �"' '�- .L•t._h-e,+Jti. kFlt.lL,e .`:>7'' .{r,-m f_.8,,. !+ ��' r t t f•i f«s� i �, 4 �#�ji ��� � i*� ��T •S.i r� ��ti E'- — d{����4 Y �Y��{-{.� X--••'� t �l f •fy•�r Y r �l • ._ _ � Ala{t�1 r - � 1 1 _ iy 3 •" Y r f uqjo(l* t uo:),U;; b tv aso)*AMWWMW t OTUD41C U, gun;! eY P.PY, niu*ew s]:)npqJ5..qjjenfs .4 j36�LIPUe 'D UJIPIJ.;q alep.91,1),Ie S1.1011P. UM ' u—aye— IJOJ a11n4?wc0q1 P11.p'aluf R A Al,l-711It it - Iz ' %fMN P iga U . Zt,*. Wall 21 -mv -w—w.51 51 -q; P" vc Ti ...... ...... A` Nf Z7,' Nf -�Muvz Mg V, 11.1 MEL - �ELTA•protects property.Saves•porgy.Creates comfort. DERM E.AV= M S Foundation Wrap. --� Health and Safaty m Required safety equipment:hard hat,safety boots,gloves,safety glasses. s Always follow all safety precautions as directed by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA-USA)or the Construction Safety Association(Canada). r� a Please refer to Safety Data Sheets for all components and observe all recommended safety precautions therein, a The general codes of practice for protection at work and Instructions of the manufacturers for tools and components are to be observed at all times. -. Recommended Materials a DELTA-MS 1 `� a DELTA°-MOLD STRIP ■DELTA•-SEALANT o DELTA'-FAST'ners Recommended Tools a Utility knife or scissors w Measuring tape ' is Hammer or automated nailing gun(Trak Fast 1200 or HiM GX120) ■Concrete nails 1 3/a"(3 cm)—1'/4^(3,8 cm) ■Large caulking gun,chalk line,broom Notes and Limitations a These installation Instructions for DELTA'-MS are Intended only as a guide and are for the convenience of the contractors,specifiers,and other interested parties.The final application and details are the sole responsibility of the design authority on record for the project ■Always confirm the local building code requirements prior to Installation. DELTA•:MSdraped ■ DELTA°-MS Is not designed for permanent UV•exp.osure.Always cover as soon as possible. over the footing Installation Perforated pleatlo +::r a Mark a line(i.e.snap a chalk line)at expected final grade line as a starting point. drainage tlla ■Clean top of faoter of any gravel and debris with broom. ■The"flat tab"and orange stripe of QELTAm-MS must always be at the top of the Option 1 installation and facing the Installer(see Detail 1). e Option 1: Recommended Best Practice DELTAtiM4tol Al With the flat tab lined up along the chalk line,roll out DELTA°•M5 continuously with the membrane draping over top offooting(see Detail2,Option 1).Position the roll In the Perforated plasti direction of installatlon for easy roll-out of the dimpled membrane. drainage file ra Option 2:Minimum Building Code Requirement Place the bottom of the roll on top ofthe footing(see Detail 2,Option 2).Position the roll Option 2 in the direction of installation for easy roll-out of the dimpled membrane. in Always install DELTA*-MS tightly and evenly over the foundation wall. a For ease of installation,work with 2 people. •Roll out DELTA-MS approximately 10'(3 m)in length along the.wall. in As one person holds the DELTA"-MS,the other person installs the DELTA-FAST'ners in the "o/C concr 1%!nail body at appropriate intervals,as shown(see Derail 3). DELTA°-MOLD STRIP 'o For lolls greater than 7'(2 m)in height an extra row of DELTA'-FAST'ners Is suggested In the �' •' •:.� - '� ' middle 4fthe membrane at 3'(1 m)o/c. a Apply a bead of DELTA•-SEALANT behind the flat tab to prevent soil particles from entering 1 DELTAm-M8 "" '"'°"• '` the air gap. ■Install DELTA•-MOLD STRIP at the flat tab using concrete nails(see Detail 3). /� =4" $� Installing around Corners a 2°alc•. ■Install DELTA'-MS on inside corners as tightly as possible by pushing the membrane Into DEL•TAo FAST'ner the comer,then anchor It In place with DELTA-FAST'ners in the body and DELTA•-MOLD STRIP on the flat tab(see Detail a), to Install DELTA*-MS on outside corners as tightly as possible by pressing the membrane around the comer,then anchor it in place with DEW-FAST'ners In the body and DELTA*- Disposal of wasty ` ®DELTA*-M5 is made out of environmentally friendly HDPE, a Waste can be recycled where facilities allow. iftementyAndow Evaluation Reports(certifications) m[CC Evaluation Service ESR-2303 Dampproofing and wall Waterproofing Membrane-System to CCMC 12658-R DELTA,-Ms Dampproofing Membrane 8"ofo concroto nalls a CCMC 12788-R DELTA*-MS Drainage Layer �I For technical support call ourTechnical SupportTeam at 1-888-433-5824 extension 326,or visit www.coselia-dorken.com. DELTAN MOLD STRIP DELTA'-FAST'nor Flat tab DELTA@-MS X. Tear "1\1�:`, ..•. �; Fetch DELTAR-SEALAN DELTA°-FASrner r 6"Overlap 2 ® 9 DELTAO S DSLTO bfl A N .1 ELT �c g Optional. . ay�de .o e g Cosella-D6rken Products Ine. a1CC ES' CCMC e 727aa.R 4655 Delta Way ESR-23ey r•r Beamsville,Ontario 12638-R LOR 1 B4 t (g05)5153-3255 The Information printed in this brochure Fax:{goy)563-5S8z reflects product Information and specifications 1-898-433-5824 at the date ofprinting.Themanufacturer Info@cosella-dorken.com reserves the right to make changes when $ to www.cosella-dorken.com necessary.All rights reserved. CBnndim W DELTA•-branded quality products NM a„$ HomeBuildars' A company of the DOrken Group manufactured by Cosella-DSrken. •��^'°^"" AA��"«iiRRR� aeeoctatron i ?L C •r ti Jl J 'J V O f w i Y ` 0 .n.rrr qn .d"r+� r{..�✓ .,;3'rYc '+�.:+�����+�6�3'J''roa.�..{� .s4,�,.�"�"'y` Sra,�r.E �T _ �� ��'i'""J•} r��t�?°rrl.or. 'y4 • — • — • • • •• • — • • • • • • ��� . ii .%.Z Jp��srat�jS't�_vy,�d'•u4,,.*�i_�i..,ygq-$.�gF �>';tt.'�3; tiry i ? x 1 r y S'a s tiia r {s a�+c� - . 3 t� MNEI1 'm2;tl F F� �5 'i• t v tYy�r�7 4°>'� 1� >�` t`�E}.�i�.a 'Stir}� {}:k� ty + { s t � r t t r�r s -, � s• r�"•tt iq� � yK _rta- ��;iK�ac, r `� • • •• • • i -- • • — •— • • • z ;7 r °'•, 3L t iy s t� of s ✓ �-� c�d�" `� :{7{?:� -r. • — — • —• • ••• • — —• �-���/Barrier So/cations--' • _ _ • • -• • • • • - • RANT History PERFORMANCE For well over 30 years,Tremco Barrier Solutions has helped builders across North America offer drier, more BASEti f comfortable homes by manufacturing the industry's best foundation waterproofing system. iv ni Membrane Properties Resistance to Hydrostatic Head Results:8'of water Method: ASTM D-5385 TUFF-N-DRI offers the most reliable Type Polymer-enhanced asphalt liquid-applied membrane system in the industry to control Color Black basement moisture: Solids 64%±3%[percent by weight] D (ATUFF-N-DRI H8 membrane is Density 8.2±.15lbs/gal Application Airless spray spray-applied to a consistent thickness of 40 cured mils. Application Temperature Minimum 207 Application Thickness 60 mils(wet)' © WARM-N-DRI"Foundation Board or TUFF-N-DRI Barrier Board Typical Cure Time 16-24 hrs[under normal conditions] protects the membrane,assists Crack Bridging Ability Results: Passes Method: ICC-ES AC29, drainage,and insulates Sec 3.1 basement walls to reduce Water Vapor Permeance Results: <1 perm for 40-mil Method: ASTM E-96 interior condensation. dry coating(grains/sf/hr) Wet Method Elongation Results: >1800% Method: ASTM D-412 © Shown with optional Drain tar" Strip Drain,a cost-effective Adhesion to Concrete Results: Exceeds Method: ASTM C-836 alternative to drain the and Resistance to Degradation in Soil Results: Good Method: ASTM E-154 gravel. Mold Growth and Bacterial Attack Results: No degradation Method: ASTM D-3273, ASTM D-32747 bs Measured in-place with ASTM D-4414 notch film gouge.Wet 60 mils on notch film gauge. P 9 9 9 9 a ur jrm,,ii rn r Membrane cures[driest to 40 mils. �'-- ,..�ry�t��A�F1 :. -a •Er .�' r.., s`�'rf;-'�;�"4r !r-. , Board Properties2 He 0 , WARM-N-DRI TUFF-N-DRI ti ;yr Type Foundation Board Barrier Board ti � �fD Board Size 4'x4' 4'x8' 4'x4' 4'x8' Board Thickness -yr, 1 y 6" 2-Y6° 3Y2° 3/a° 1'/6" 2%s" 2N" Drainage Ability f.om >70 >110 >210 >290 >50 >80 >130 >160 Thermal Resistance R-3 R-5 R-10 R-15 R-3` R-5` R-T R-104 s' �• � 3t Meets requirements for ASTM C 612. ' Hydraulic gradient of 1.0.Drainage rates with 10 o board compression.Al 65%compression,foundation board has the y drainage capabilities of coarse sand. As manufactured resistance values(R-vatuel. 72-11 ZE ' -•��Z/BarrierSo/cations Your Local Barrier Solutions 'For complete warranty details,visit TUFF-N-DRI.com Contractor ©2018,Tremco Barrier Solutions,Inc.TUFF-N-DRI'and DrainStar' Rev.1 I/18 are registered trademarks of Tremco Barrier Solutions.Inc. TBS-0735 WARM-N-DRI''is a registered trademark of Owens Corning. , r �.'n`j f ,FS'� _c -�_•���z•?:, �'yLFs,? X } �."?MIA �j?��T zq���y sryyt� �''�•irSt •F� "s: -."¢'�� s�',{'.r �c'-.: a H 4 DSjAf .N 1 1 t� •r � '� ;"� �fl r 0 I £� t I I�xl I ~� � I•��"•. EZ) ib &• lr•!n rn t� ��- to � � •..� _ t d • < - c, y .�7� 4 .+�. �t+n�'r { �`�"" t �,� T � 'a3' r.�,•r .�' ` ..,_.. � � • � Y � © - ® ® s ] iUrt F .t�j �� Fd� t� b, � -�Y��add! .nf. a � V. � �. a " 'Y Y a l R is a - w s• 1 07i� r NoK- DIVISION: 07 00 00—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION: 07 14 00—FLUID-APPLIED WATERPROOFING REPORT HOLDER: TREIVICO BARRIER SOLUTIONS, INC. EVALUATION SUBJECT: WATCHDOG WATERPROOFING AND TUFF-N-DRI° WATERPROOFING ICC ICC ICC PMG LISTED 0�. "2014 Recipient of Prestigious Western States Seismic Policy Council ®® (WSSPC)Award in Excellence" Iri ERIATIONAL A Subsidiary of CooEcourICIL' ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be construed as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed,nor are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a recommendation for its use. There is no warranty by ICC Evaluation Service, LLC, express or implied, as to any finding or other matter in this \\ report, or as to any product covered by the report. is011EC 17065 P.d.cn C.6fi..Body 01000 Copyright 0 2018 ICC Evaluation Service, LLC. All rights reserved. ES f IMES Legacy Report 22-13 Reissued November 2018 This report is subject to renewal November 2019. www.icc-es.orq 1 (800)423-6587 1 (562) 699-0543 A Subsidiary of the International Code Council° Legacy report on the BOLA®National Building Code/1999 DIVISION:07—THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION masonry surfaces shall be cured and dry prior to Section:07140—Fluid-Applied Waterproofing application of the liquid waterproofing membrane. o Voids in concrete, tie holes and honeycombed areas in REPORT HOLDER: the foundation wall or footings shall be filled with non- shrinking grout or an asphalt based mastic.Where non- TREMCO BARRIER SOLUTIONS,INC. shrinking grout is used for filling voids, adequate time shall be allowed for the grout to cure before proceeding EVALUATION SUBJECT: with the membrane application. WATCHDOG WATERPROOFING AND • The liquid membrane shall be spray applied. The TUFF-N-DRI®WATERPROOFING ambient air temperature at the time of application shall be 20 degrees F (-6 degrees C) or greater. Application 1.0 EVALUATION SCOPE temperature of the liquid material shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation Compliance with the following code: instructions. BOLA®National Building Code/1999 Backfilling shall not begin sooner than 24 hours after membrane application. ■ Section 1813.4.2.2 Wall waterproofing materials m This report is limited to an evaluation of Watchdog 2.0 DESCRIPTION Waterproofing and Tuff-N-Dri membranes applied at a minimum wet thickness of 0.060-inch (1.52 mm) Watchdog Waterproofing and Tuff-N-Dri®Waterproofing are (60 mils), which cures to a minimum dry film thickness fluid-applied, one-coat, polymer modified asphalt of 0.040-inch(1.02 mm)(40 mils). waterproofing membranes. The waterproofings are • Application of the Watchdog Waterproofing and Tuff-N- intended for spray application to below-grade foundation Dri membranes on uncured("green")concrete is outside walls and footings of concrete and unparged or parged the scope of this report. concrete masonry unit construction. 3.0 CONDITIONS OF USE • This report is subject to periodic re-examination. For information on the current status of this report, contact This report is limited to the applications and products as ICC-ES. stated in this report.The ICC-ES Subcommittee on National 4.0 ITEMS REQUIRING VERIFICATION Codes intends that the report be used by the code official to determine that the report subject complies with the code The following items are related to the use of the report requirements specifically addressed, provided that this subject, but not within the scope of this evaluation. product is installed in accordance with the following However, these items are related to the determination of conditions: code compliance: • Watchdog Waterproofing and Tuff-N-Dri membranes • Walls and footings shall be designed and constructed in shall be limited to applications on the exterior vertical accordance with Sections 1810.0 and 1813.4.2 of the surfaces of below-grade foundation walls of unparged or BOW National Building Code/1999. parged concrete masonry, concrete construction and to o Placement of backfill, site grading and erosion control vertical surfaces of supporting footings. shall be in accordance with the requirements of ■ Surfaces of the foundation walls and footings to be Sections 1813.6, 1813.7 and 1813.8 of the BOW waterproofed shall be clean, dry and free of mortar, National Building Codel 1999. sand, soil, water, frost or other loose materials. The ■ Detailing of joints and penetrations in the foundation surfaces shall be smooth and free of projections wall is in accordance with Section 1813.4.3 of the including form ties. Concrete, unparged or parged BOLA®National Building Codell999. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are not to be coastrtted as representing aesthetics or any other attributes not specifically addressed,not-are they to be construed as an endorsement of the subject of the report or a reconmhendation for its use.There is no warranty by ICC Evahuation Service,LLC,express or implied,as to airy finding or other matter in this report,a•as to any product covered bi'the report. nizMrcu __ Copyright©2018 ICC Evaluation Service,LLC.All rights reserved. Page 1 of 2 '22-13 Most Widely Accepted and Trusted Page 2 of 2 5.0 INFORMATION SUBMITTED ■ The language "See ICC-ES Legacy Report No. 22-13" ' ■ Tremco Barrier.Solutions, Inc.Tuff-N Dri®Waterproofing or a copy of this report. Membrane Detailed Application Insutructions, revised ■ Type of foundation wall construction (cast concrete, April 2000. unparged masonry or parged masonry). ■ DL Laboratories, Report No. DL-8980-R, dated July 13, ■ Product manufacturer's name and product name. 1992,containing results of physical testing of the Tuff-N- ■ Method of _application and number of coats to be Dri Membrane. applied. ■ DL Laboratories Report No. D2-8980,dated January 14; 1993,containing results of physical testing of the Tuff-N- ■ Minimum cured thickness of waterproofing membrane. Dri Membrane. 7.0 PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION ■ D/L Laboratories Report No. DL-11692B, dated All containers of Tremco Barrier Solutions, Inc.'s Watchdog December 17, 1997, containing results of physical Waterproofing and Tuff-N-Dri® Waterproofing Membranes testing of the Watchdog Waterproofing Exterior or the packaging, manufactured in accordance with this Waterproofing Membrane. report,shall bear the following identification: ■ D/L Laboratories, Report DL-11491A-R, dated August ■ "See ICC-ES Legacy Report No.22-13." 22, 1997, containing results of physical testing of the Watchdog Waterproofing Exterior Waterproofing The report holder's contact information is the following: Membrane. TREMCO BARRIER SOLUTIONS,INC. ■ D/L Laboratories, Report DL-13456, dated May 16, 6402 EAST MAIN STREET 2002, containing results of hydrostatic pressure SUITE 201 resistance testing of the membrane over nonstructural REYNOLDSBURG,OHIO 43068 cracks. (800)876-5624 www.GuaranteedDryBasements.com ■ The manufacturer's published installation instructions, titled Watchdog Waterproofing Detailed Application Instructions,rev.dated June 2002. 6.0 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT To aid in the determination of compliance with this report, the following represents the minimum level of information to accompany the application for permit: i ' r pq r . em r'+ v -000776-2016 297.13-1-39 RC 1 e'r „ FY z• r .d r +4 9 dr 'R w•s, #.: 1 ;C: onstruction ayes C 3Fst'= ~ Hollow Beacon r'..t ° ,s.'� *.,. r' ✓ K c ;"��.$a.. 5w'_ a*. `: #r .s ry3SFD 2088 • I) S.f. �'♦ "n � $se s rA r� .a'F' rig': , 3^� a #y `�5 -��� �. ''�, '. .�. /,c - t _• �' ��' .. d , t ,srk IY �t. fr ra 4 2, P"t` ro wa.,� ^���4 a-,S ��G ..y�'� .`s�7e�.i��, k. 'q`�s�{iT• ,lw '�` €�'s `t'rtT F^ s} r'N�k^'„•`3�J'r`�•c���,�sd, 9.*` s+Y�' e+ 4. 2'^ � 'n �.5 ya'�r 4 g� .+F "f=r`.. aR..a ..:+w?-.s.-.nx.,�..c=ay s«ti. � r• x _- y�"-. .._ .... �,. 52F` f"�-{..^3e "o' � �5 °#'..� � ten Y :. d h" � „a '.,�.'.-R x.�,4...y ram' ,'*" s- �£, '� �,..*1zt �'v.f ,^a,•if „'�•f .f'' '6� 4�` 3r �� � #�s s. s ,. �^'S ut',; ��a '��� �`� ,, ,�. r�""''cs. t ;'' a}�'r"ky, 'pr F _ { � � ��,r� r& `v- r .zi �`}•Y�'`d'^a.. � ors € -%� } � .• ,�.,r ,t, _, t.y •... Ems. .::�. r REScheck Software Version 4.6.3 � FILE COPY 'Compliance Certificate Project New Colonial Model 297.13-1-39 RC-0480-2018 .Energy Code: 2015 mcc Hayes Construction Location: Glens Falls, New York 11 Beacon Hollow Dr Construction Type: Single-family SFD 2088 s.f., Garage 560 s.f. Project Type: New construction Orientation: Pidg. faces 45 deg. from North Conditioned Floor Area:. 3,167 ft2 Glazing Area 14% REVIEWED FOR Climate Zone: .6 (7635 HDD) Permit Date: ENERGY CODE.COMPLIANCE. Permit Number: Construction Site.: Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor: Beacon.Hill Hayes Group Construction Ethan Peter Hall Queensbury, NY 12804 297 Saratoga Road Rucinski Hall Architecture South Glens Falls, NY-12803 134 Dix Ave 518-792-9142 Glens Falls, NY 12801 518-741-0268 ephall@nycap.rr.com ,Compliance: Passes using UA trade-off compliance: 2:3%Better Than Code Maximum UA: 354 Your UA: 346 The%Better or Worse Than code Index reflects how close to compliance the house is based on code trade-off rules. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home: Envelope Assemblies Gross Area cavity Cont. Perimeter Ceiling 1: Raised or Energy Truss 1,151 38.0 0.0 0.025 29 Ceiling 2: Raised or Energy Truss 72 38.0 0.0 0.025 2 Wall 1:Wood Frame, 16"O.C. 691 21.0 3.6 0.046 23 Orientation: Front Window 1:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E 143 0.290. 41 Orientation: Unspecified Door 1:Solid 38 0.300 11 Orientation: Unspecified Wall 2:Wood Frame, 16."o.c. 557 21.0 3.6 0.046 26 Orientation: Right side apt Wall 3:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 941 21.0 3.6 0.046 31 Orientation: Back N MJ`'� ilt Window 2.:Vinyl/Fiberglass Frame:Double Pane with Low-E N M Le) 195 0.290 57 Orientation: Unspecified ��A Door 2: Glass = O Ei 33 0.340 11 Orientation: Unspecified Z 5 Door 3:Glass Rn i1 CD 33 0.840 11 Orientation: Unspecified 0 Wall 4:Wood Frame,_16"o.c. 57 21.0 3.6 0.046 25 Orientation: Left sine Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename: YAHayes Construction.Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 1 of10 5 t Assembly Gross Area Cavity Cont. _ _ , Perimr Door 4:Solid 18 0.300 5 Orientation: Unspecified Wall 5:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 52 .21.0. 0.0 0.057 3 Orientation: Front Wall 6:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 52 21.0 0.0 0.057 3 Orientation: Back Wall 7:Wood Frarne, 16"o.c. 88 21.0 0.0 0.057 5 Orientation: Left side Floor 1:All-Wood joist/Truss:Over Unconditioned Space 72 80.6 0..0 0.033 2 Floor 2:Slab-On-Grade:Unheated 36 14.o 0.658 24 Insulation depth:4.0' Basement Wall 1:Solid Concrete or Masonry 285 19.0 0.0 0.04.8 14 Orientation: Front Wall height:7.9' Depth,below grade:6:5' Insulation depth:7.5' Basement Wall 2:Solid Concrete or Masonry 221 19.0 0.0 0.053 12 Orientation: Right side Wall height:7.9' Depth below grade:5.3' Insulation depth: 7.5' Basement Wall 3:Solid Concrete or Masonry 221 19.0 0.0 0.051 11 Orientation: Left side Wall height: 7.9' . Depth.below grade:6.0' Insulation depth; 7.5' Compliance Statement: The proposed building design described here is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with the permit application..The proposed building has been designed to meet the 2015 IECC requirements in REScheck Version 4.6.3 and to comply with the mandatory requirement ed in the Sc Inspection Checklist. 1 Ethan Peter Hall-Architect. Name-Title Signa i Oil k ? �' v Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename: Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 2 of10 s REScheck Software Version 4..6.3 Inspection Checklist Energy Code: 2015 IECC Requirements:.1.00.0% were addressed directly in the REScheck software Text in the".Comments/Assumptions"column is provided:by the user in the REScheck Requirements screen.For each requirement,the user certifies that a•code requirement will be met and how that is documented, or:that an exception is being claimed. Where compliance is itemized in a separate table, a.reference to that table.is provided. . Section Plans Verified Field Verified # Pre=Inspection/Plan Review Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 103.1, ',Construction drawings,and : J❑Complies Requirement will be met. 103.2 (documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not [PRljl energy code compliance for the_ Location on-plans/spec:A- (A, building envelope.Thermal ❑Not Observable 1 envelope represented on.: ❑Not Applicable construction documents 103.1, ;Construction drawings and ❑Complies Requirement'will be met. 103.2; I documentation demonstrate ❑Does Not . 403.7 ;energy code compliance for Location on plans/spec:A- [PR311 ;lighting and,mechanical systems. ❑Not Observable !i . U. Systems serving multiple ❑Not Applicable. ; dwelling units must demonstrate compliance with the IECC Comm' ial.Provisions., } . . g g q p g: Heating: pies iRequirement will be met. 302.1, 'Heatin and cooling a ui ment is; Fleatin '❑Com li ; 403.7 (sized perACCA Manual S based Btu/hr .. . 1 Btu/hr. . CDoes Not [PR2) ion loads calculated per ACCA Coolin Coolin ;Location on plans/spec:A= g: g. -;❑Not Observable , ej Manual J or other methods etu/hr Btu/hr 1 )approved by the code official. ;❑Not Applicable Additional.Comments/Assumptions: 1 High:lmpact,(Tier 1) 2 Medium,lmpact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact.(Tier 3) Project Title: New.Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename:Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial.Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 3 of Section f Plans Verified Field Verified # Foundation Inspection- Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID Value Value 402.1.2 ;Slab edge insulation R-value. R= . ; R- LlComplies ;See the Envelope Assemblies [FO1]1 ;table for values. El ❑ Unheated. ;❑Does Not �j ❑ Heated ❑ Heated ;❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.2 (Slab edge insulation ; fE ft ;❑Complies ;See the Envelope Assemblies [F03]1 :depth/length. ❑Does Not I table for values. I ;❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402.1.1 ;Conditioned basement wall R- R- ❑Complies ;See_the Envelope Assemblies [1704]1 insulation R-value.Where interior R, R_ }❑Does Not ;table for values.. insulation is used,Verification J I ; ;❑Not Observable may need to occur during Insulation Inspection. Not 1 ;❑Not Applicable ;required in Warm-humid locations; in Climate Zone 3. ; 363.2 Conditioned basement wall ❑Complies ;Requiirement will be met. [F05]1 :insulation installed per. I❑Does Not !p manufacturers instructions. Location on plans/spec:A- V' ; - - 1❑Not observable ;1 . ;E]Not Applicable , 402.2.9: ;Conditioned basement wall ft ft ,❑Complies ;See the Envelope Assemblies [F06]1 insulation depth of burial or Does Not table for values. distance from top of v wall. ;; ; ,❑Not Observable , . ❑Not Applicable 303.2.1 ;A protective covering is installed ❑Complies Exception: Requirement is [FO11]2 j to protect exposed exterior I❑Does Not . 1 not applicable. U insulation and extends a {minimum of 6 in. below grade: ❑Not Observable ❑Not.Applicable . 403.9 I Snow-and ice-melting system I ❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement is [FO12]2 .controls installed. ! IDDoes Not not applicable. J ` ❑Not Observable ,ONot.Applicable j Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 1 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low impact(Tier 3) Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename:Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 4 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verified #. Framing/Rough-In Inspection Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions . & Req.ID 402.1.1, Door U-factor. U= . U- ;OComplies- ;See the Envelope Assemblies 402.3.4 T11joes Not ;table for values. [FRl]1 ;❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 402:1:1, ;Glazing U-factor(area-weighted U- ; U- tlComplies ;See the Envelope assemblies 402.3.1, :average). ❑Does,Not table for values. 4.02.3. ; 402,3,6; UNot Observable ' 402.5 ;❑Not Applicable [FR211 303.1:3 !U-factors of fenestration products!i I❑Complies Requirement will be met. [FRO ;are determined in accordance i PDoes Not ;with the NFRC test procedure or j❑Not Observable :Location on plans/spec:A- J ;taken from the default table. 1 iONot Applicable 402.41.1 :Air barrier and thermal barrier i I❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FR2311 i installed per manufacturer's . j❑Does Not' instructions. 7 ;Location on plans/spec:A- J I❑Not Observable ,1 j❑Not Applicable 402.4.3 Fen estration.that is not site built i Comp es . ;Requirement will be met. [FR20]1 ;is listed and labeled as meeting ❑Does Not J ;AAMA/WDMA/CSA161/I.S.2/A440I or has infiltration rates per NFRC I❑Not Observable I 400 that do not exceed code iONot Applicable { ;limits: I { 402.4.5 ;IC-rated recessed lighting fixtures 1❑Complies ;Exception:.Requirement is [FR16]2 I sealed at housing/'interior finish FIDoes Not I not applicable. ;and labeled to indicate:52.0 cfm { 1 leakage at 75 Pa. {❑Not Observable ][]Not Applicable 403.2.1 ;Supply and return ducts in attics . «❑Complies ;Exception: Ducts located [FR12]i insulated>= R-8 where duct is 1❑Does Not :completely inside the >=3 inches in diameter and >= iii ;building envelope. 9) } , R-6 where<3 inches;Supply and }❑Not Observable i {❑Not A hcab return ducts in other portions of 1 pp' le ; ;the building insulated >= R-6 for diameter>=3 inches and R-4.2 j :for<3 inches in diameter. I 403.3.3.5 Building cavities are not used as I ElComplies : ;Requirement will be met. [FR15]3 ducts-or plenums. {ODoes Not �, { ;Location on plans/spec:A- ❑Not Observable ,1 J❑Not,Applicable 403.4 j HVAC piping conveying fluids 1 R R ElComplies ;Exception: Requirement is [FR17]2 1 above 105°F or chilled fluids : ❑Does Not not applicable. j below 55°F are insulated to zR- ; ;❑Not Observable E : I❑Not Applicable . 403.4.1 ;Protection of insulation on HVAC ( 1❑complies ;Exception: Requirement is [FR241? ;piping. I❑Does Not not applicable. v {pNot Observable j ID_Not Applicable 403.5.3 ;Hot water pipes are insulated to R- R= LIComplies ;Requirement will be met. [FR18]2 I aR-3. : ❑Does Not I ;Location.on plans/spec:A- U { ; ,❑Not Observable ,1 . I❑Not Applicable 403.6 jAutomatic or gravity dampers are ❑Corplies ;Requirement will be met. [FR19]2 ;installed on all outdoor air i❑Does Not intakes and exhausts. ;Location on plans/spec:A- Not Observable ,1 j ❑Not Applicable 1 I High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename:Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 5 of10 Additional°Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename:Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 6 of10 Section_ Plans Verified Field Verified` #. Insulation Inspection Complies?: . Comments/Assumptions . & Req:ID Value Value. 303.1 ,All installed insulation is labeled 10Complies ;Requirement will be met. [IN13]2 l or the installed R-values I l❑Does Not J provided. l t ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable j 402.1.11 Floor insulation R-value: R- ; .R- ;cComplies ;See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.E El Wood ❑ Wood ;D.Does Not ;table for values [IN1]1 ❑ Steel ❑ Steel 1 J ❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303:21 ;Floor.insulation installed per ❑ ;Req Complies uire ment will be met: manufacturer's instructions'and � i❑Does Not' [IN2]1 in substantial contact with the 1 Location on plans/spec:A- �,: ;underside of the subfloor,of floor ❑Not Observable ;1 framing cavity insulation is in ;❑Not Applicable contact with the top side of I j sheathing,orcontinuous insulation is installed on the underside.of floor framing and extends from the bottom to the .top of all perimeter floor framing members. : 402.1.1; ;Wall insulation R-value.If this is a: .R- q ❑Complies ;Seethe Envelope Assemblies 402Z5, ;mass wall with.at least 1/2.of the 0 Wood ;❑ Wood �❑Does Not ;table for values: 402J.6 {wall insulation on the wall ❑ Mass ❑ Mass '❑Not Observable [IN3]1 ;exterior,the exterior insulation ; ; CO) requirement applies(F,R10), j❑ Steel ❑ Steel ![]Not Applicable ; ; ; 303.2 ;Wall insulation is installed per. ElComplies. Requirement will be met. [IN4]1 j manufacturer's instructions. '❑Does Not Location on plans/spec:A- J❑Not Observable_ ;1 ]❑,Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 13 ILow Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data.filename:YAHayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 7 of 0 Section Plans Verified Field Verified #. Final-Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions . & Req.ID 4012.1.1, ;Ceiling insulation R-value: R- ; R- ;❑Complies ;See the Envelope Assemblies 402.2.1; ❑ Wood ;❑ Wood j❑Does Not ;table for values. 402.2.2, j❑ Steel ❑ Steel ;❑Not Observable [Fill' 6 ;❑Not Applicable , 303.1.1.1,;Ceiling insulation installed per ,❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. 303.2 :manufacturer's instructions. i 1❑Does Not [1712]1 :,Blown insulation marked every ;Location on plans/spec:A- I300 ft2. I ;❑Not Observable ,1 I i❑Not Applicable 402.2.3 ;Vented attics with air permeable I❑Cornplies ;Requirement will be met. [FI22]2 i insulation include baffle adjacent 1❑Does Not Ito soffit and eave-vents that i Location on plans/spec:A- extends over insulation. ;❑Not Observable j 1 j❑Not Applicable ; 402.2.4 ;Attic access hatch and door R- R- ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. . [FI3]1 ;insulation?-R-'value of the . `❑Does Not ,adjacent assembly. Location on plans%spec:A- ❑Not Observable j 1 pNot Applicable 402.4.1.2 Blower door test @ 50 Pa. <=5 ACH 50= ACH 50 =. ;❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FI17]1 jach in Climate Zones 1-2,and j j❑Does Not <=3 ach in Climate Zones 3-8. ;Location on plans/spec:A= ❑Not Observable ,1 ❑Not Applicable 403.2.3 Duct tightness test result of<=4 cfm/100 cfm/100 ;❑Complies :Exception:All ducts and air [F14]1 I cfm/100 ft2 across the system or ft2 ft2 E❑Does Not handlers are located within <=3 cfm/100 ft2 without air conditioned space. handler @ 25 Pa.For rough-in j :❑Not Observable j tests,verification may need to . ;❑Not Applicable ; !occur during Framing Inspection.. 403.3.2 !,Ducts are pressure tested to cfm/100 cfm/100 I❑Complies ;Exception:All ducts and air [F127]1 I determine air leakage with j ft2 j ft2 ElDoes Not !handlers re located within either: Rough-in test:Total ; :[]Not Observable ;condition.ed space. leakage measured with a pressure differential of 0.1 inch ; j❑Not Applicable jw.g.across the system-including ;the manufacturer's air handler ; :enclosure if installed at time of jtest.Postconstruction.test:Total j leakage measured with a i pressure differential of 0.1 inch w.g.across the entire system ; including the manufacturer's air ; handler enclosure. 403.3.2.1 ;Air handler leakage designated I (❑Complies ;Requirement_Will be met. [F[24]1 j by manufacturer at<=2%of 1❑Does Not design air flow. j❑Not Observable Location on plans/spec:A- 1ONot Applicable j 1 403.1.1 'Programmable thermostats "❑Complies :Requirement will be met. [Flg]z E installed for control of primary 1❑Does Not heating and cooling systems and :Location on plans/spec:A- ❑Not Observable initially set by manufacturer to 1 ,1 code specifications. 1 JONot Applicable 403.1.2 j Heat pump thermostat installed (❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement is [FI10]1 ion heat pumps. i❑Does Not j not applicable. 1❑Not Observable 1❑Not Applicable 403.5.1 ;Circulating service hot water 10Complies ;Exception, Requirement is [FI11]2 systems have automatic or I t❑Does Not not applicable. j accessible manual controls. jpNot Observable j 1 ❑Not Applicable 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename: Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 8 of10 Section Plans Verified Field Verif d. Complies? Comments/Assumptions ie # ,Final Inspection Provisions Value Value & Req.ID 403.6.1 ;All mechanical ventilation system ❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FI25]2 fans not part of tested and listed I i❑Does Not HVAC equipment meet efficacy i Location on plans/spec:A- and air flow limits. ;❑Not Observable ;1 '❑Not Applicable ; 403.2 ;Hot water boilers supplying heat ❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement is [FI26]2 !through one-or two=pipe heating ❑Does Not not applicable. systems have outdoor setback I control to lower boiler water $'$ ❑Not Observable It based on outdoor i ;❑Not Applicable temperature. 403.5.1.1 ;Heated water circulation systems j❑Complies ;Exception: Requirement is [FI28]2 have a circulation pump..The j❑Does Not :not applicable. ;system return pipe is a dedicated I return pipe or a cold water-supply' ❑Not Observable I pipe.Gravity and thermos- DNot Applicable syphon circulation systems are not present.Controls for ; i circulating hot water system 1 pumps start the pump with signal ;for hot water demand within the occupancy..Controls ; automatically turn off the pump ; when,water is in circulation loop j 1 is at set-point temperature and ) no demand for hot water exists. 403.5.1.2 ;Electric heat trace systems lDComplies ;Exception: Requirement is [FI29]2 comply with IEEE 515.1 or UL ;❑Does Not not applicable. 515.Controls automatically, I I adjust the energy input to the ❑Not Observable ; heat tracing to maintain the `❑Not Applicable ;desired water temperature in the piping. 1 403.5.2 ;Water distribution systems that ? 1❑Complies :Exception: Requirement is [F130]2 have recirculation pumps that E❑Does Not :not applicable. PUMP water from a heated water ; :supply pipe back to the heated 1❑Not Observable ;water source through a cold ;❑Not Applicable ;water supply pipe have a demand recirculation water :system. Pumps have controls that manage operation of the pump and limit the temperature 1 of the water entering the cold I ;water piping to 1042F. j 403.5.4 Drain water heat recovery units �,❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FI31] !tested in accordance with CSA I ;❑Does Not !B55.1..Potable water-side ;Location on plans/spec:A- i pressure loss of drain water heat ' []Not Observable 1 recovery units<3 psi for ❑Not Applicable ; individual units connected to one I or two showers. Potable water- I side pressure loss of drain water ' heat recovery units< 2 psi for individual units connected to I !three or more showers. I 404.1 ;75%of lamps in permanent j❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FI6]1 Mixtures or 75%of permanent I ;❑Does Not ;fixtures have high efficacy lamps. Location on plans/spec:A- ;Does not apply to low-voltage I '❑Not Observable 1 ❑ I lighting. ; Not Applicable 404.1.1 ;,Fuel gas lighting systems have ❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FI23]3 i no continuous pilot light. I ;❑Does Not '❑Not Observable ;Location on plans/spec:A- I ;1 ;❑Not Applicable 11 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 1 Low Impact(Tier 3) Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename: Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonia.l Model.rck Page 9 of10 seaia,� Plans Verified Field Verified- # Final Inspection Provisions Value Value Complies? Comments/Assumptions & Req.ID 401.3 ;Compliance certificate posted. i {❑Complies ;Requirement will be meet. [FI7]2 i ❑Does Not {❑Not Observable ❑Not Applicable 303.3 Manufacturer manuals for j❑Complies ;Requirement will be met. [FI18]3 mechanical and water heating {❑Does Not systems have been provided. i ; ,❑Not Observable , j❑Not Applicable Additional Comments/Assumptions: 1 High Impact(Tier 1) 2 Medium Impact(Tier 2) 3 Low Impact(Tier3) Project Title: New Colonial Model Report date: 07/13/18 Data filename:Y:\Hayes Construction Group LLC\2018 Colonial Model\Colonial Model.rck Page 10 of10 MAP REFERENCE HAYES — RIDGE ROAD SUBDIVISION HAYES CONSTRUCTION GROUP, LLC SUBDIVISION PLAN BY: VAN DUSEN & STEVES DATED: JANUARY, 2004 LAST REVISED: NOVEMBER 15, 2007 CIRS NOTES: 1•) THIS MAP WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE BENEFIT OF AN ABSTRACT OF TITLE OR AN UP TO DATE TITLE REPORT AND IS THEREFORE SUBJECT TO ANY STATEMENT OF FACTS SHOWN THEREON. 2.) PARCEL IS SUBJECT TO ANY EASEMENTS OF RECORD. 3.) THIS MAP IS COPYRIGHT © 2020 VAN DUSEN & STEVES LAND SURVEYORS. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS DOCUMENT IS VIOLATION OF SECTION 7209, SUBDIVISION 2, OF NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. 4.) DIMENSIONS BETWEEN PROPERTY LINES AND STRUCTURES ARE TO THE NEAREST HALF FOOT AND ARE FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE OF INTERPRETING THEIR CONFORMANCE WITH ZONING AND NOT INTENDED TO AID IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OR RETRACEMENT OF PROPERTY LINES. 5.) UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, IF ANY, ARE NOT SHOWN HEREON. 6.) THE SURVEYED PARCEL IS SUBJECT TO WHATEVER RIGHTS, TITLE OR INTEREST THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY AND THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK MAY HAVE TO MAINTAIN THE ROADS, AND TO WHATEVER RIGHTS, TITLE OR INTEREST THE TRAVELING PUBLIC MAY HAVE TO THE BED OF THE ROADS. Du -\' 't� AMAT4H OR AMIM TO.A 9XRY NAP 9E'ARM A lJCW= LAND 91N1YEYM REAL 15 A cp x VAUI ON OF 9MIM 77DC. Xj&- Yl : OF TIE my Y= rrAx iDUC 7= LAW SVEY OILY VNIH A OR ,HE OF IML OF SU 9U M YAgED N7N AM ONONAL OF 1ME LAND SUIYEYOHS 9E�L 9HML 9E OOg90END ,0 9E VAID WX COPES' COMICAMM WM M HF1 M BWq T THAT 7H6 "WY W PW&90 EI ACCC NIM NTH 7HE Land Surveyors WTWW°E°`"=O`"'° MD 6Y 7HE NEry Yd9( 9TA7E ASEDOA710N OF PROFE990NAL LARD 9LANEYm 9M Ca" M IM W L "OILY TO TIE PF119O1 FOR *= 7W vim 6 PIEPANA me aH - 90iw to W 7111.E OWMY. D0"m T& 169 Haviland Road Queensbury, New York 12804 A 1 "° `°'°"D "�'�""O TON " MUK' AND 7D 71E A9910IEF3 of 71E IFHOINO NSD1N710N.' '516) 792-8474 New York Lic. No. 50135 Lot 3 r — E N I1-4 '3- 6 385.21' Lot 2 Area 51307.7 Sq. Feet 1.2 Acres n RF o � � peck o N O � Stone wa\\ � � Crushed Stone D e j IR CIRS �J Map of a Survey made for I Hayes Construction Group, Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York LLC n . s Lot 1 2020 NO. I DA TE Legend: IRF = IRON ROD FOUND CIRS = CAPPED IRON ROD SET fb 11a-te+ )NU V LM1 Scale 1'=40' S — 1 SHEET 1 OF 1 ✓ HAYES C-3507 DESCRIPTION DWG. No. 87395-2 297.13-1-39