2003-595 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 C ERTI F I CATE OF �aCCUPANCY Pei ihit Number: P20030595 Date Issued: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 This is to.certi, .that work requested to be done as shown b Permit Number. .s q ..... y P20030595 . . . _. has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-296-009-0001-010-000-0000 Location: 11 SUTTON TERRACE Owner: STEVEN&DONNA SUTTON Applicant: SUTTON'S MARKET PLACE This structure may be occupied as a: By'Otder of Town Board Commercial Addition TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT ' Permit Number: P20030595 Application Number: A20030595 Tax Map No: 523400-296-009-0001-010-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: S1 JTTOVS MARKFT PLAC-F, For property located at: 11 SUTTON TERRACE in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: STEVEN&DONNA SUTTON Commercial Addition $40,000,00 1066 STATE ROUTE 9 Total Value $40,000.00 QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name f Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-595 1000 sq ft OFFICE ADDITION AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $140.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, September 08, 2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at of ensbury; Monday, September 08, 2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Bu ding-&ode Enforcement Building Permit Application Town of Queensbury Department of Community Development,742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 (518)761-8256 : A permit must be obtained before beginning construction. Permit No.: �— U � REUEA/E-t­% . No inspection will be made until applicant has received a Fee Paid: valid building permit. Form must be completed. Rec.Fee Paid: J1JL - Reviewed By: ' ®IfVr�g Oi'tf 1 9EF� V Applicant: Owner: > .� C fiiA?rj COL) Address: Address: / Phone#: Phone#: Tax Map Number: 1 �—�- Subdivision Name: (if applicable) Lot Number: /House Number: t Street Name OR Property Location: � � o.view Building: Residential/Commercial Estimated Market V - e t1�sen�sa Rtio n: ? — er Addition: Residential/Commercial If an Addition;what use o addition be?��j o Alteration: Residential/Commercial ? `��>� a No change to Exterior size: Residential/Commercial o Other work: (describe ) Check Below Occupancy Info I"floor sq.ft. 2" floor sq.ft. Other floor sq.ft. Total Sq.Ft. Single Family Dwelling Two Family Dwelling Townhouse Multifamily Dwelling #of units Office Mercantile Manufacturing I car detached garage 2 car detached garage 3 car detached garage 1 car.attached garage 2 car attached garage 3 car attached garage Storage Bldg.,Comm a Storage Bldg.,Res. Other What is the proposed height of the structure: V feet inches Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used If so,for what? No. of Fireplaces to be installed: No. of Woodstoves to be installed: List below the person(s)responsible for supervision of work in regards to Building Codes: Name, Address Phone No. Builder _ �f Plumber Mason Electrician Declaration: Please sign below after you have carefully read the statement: --- To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is under tood that I/we shall submit,prior to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance being issue reques d by the Zoning Administrator.or Director of Building and Codes;an As Built Survey by a lice d survey ;d wn to s eke;s o�ctual location of all new construction. Signature: el A (circle one(own ,owner's agent,architect,contractor) i COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. lain Office 176 Doe Run Rind - Manhelin, PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE -a ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Permit Not r.1fi#f111I.rl.ltfrfft...ff..tltt.l.t.t e i8 16 0 0 Cut-in Card No.!!#flffffefr##ftrrftrf+lr4!!� N!� NO 0 711� 41?01r OwnerWOM4. .f .t fNt7R!!!r t !!/i!Siegel !!!/H!M!1!M!1#!!r!!I!H!lIIINNH.N/tNlN1!!lt.lNlNIH!!!!/.!!.!N!!N!M!N!!!I#!!fllRNilfRfllft!#!!#tflt.! Location,11Mtelf goofiest itself 0#1 W#I t#t##t!!#!f#fl Moffett lllafl#l.#1r#friff11114114181#Nflltttt#Itflfflll off I title ll At f! 11f1Y-ImmI9199111181601 f l Instal anon onsl tln o rilffltffif.f # Nfrfi}N#itr.. fRt.�fltffl..ft.ftNfilllllf!!#!1f ft fllllr fIfIR.INitfllR..tift.r.r. .nff.a+tt..flfflirifi� W1 Affille"f t H.tt .Nif.t t. IIl.H.11tfitf gl1li! t t! of#ft! !1 RR i ! t 61 4 t � 1 .f!# Nf l�lliiiff.4 ffl.fftt..i.flu..00 f.. t.....t/#ft.#tt#ltflf.tt.f.tt.11tf.f.tf.gf lff.Nit.ftttHfNFrt.tiiffltt.ti.fflttfttf.fftffift#ilfll##llllifllli#iirltt..il f t Installed No. ttftftatt.fttff#tttt.f.ffflflll/l!li11111/4liltl The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously issued i cancelled: - This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection, Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of maki inspections at any time, and if itl rules are violated, the Company shall have the right to r oke th' cer ficatet Datef.f..fff.ptt.ff.ttffpltNfflRNi#iflil#fIflft!#i INSPECTOR loft! . #i.tttfif .„ffffftf.fiftlltlfittflf.............tftHllfl#f#i!I!!#tfiilfliltitl Member N.F.P.A.t I.A.E.I. Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request re ived: _ Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ Depart: ZU45 anzT 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 inspector's Initials. / NAME: �"7 \ e.�l'� � PE #: — � LOCATION: DATE: COMMENTS: Y . N NA Chimney/"B"Vent 1 Direct Vent Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6" e Exterior Finish Grade Complete 6"in 10' or Equivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in.Platform/Decks Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Step Risers 7"/Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 s .ft. All Doors 36 in.w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware,if required Exits At Grade Or Platform.36(w)x 44"(1)/Canopy or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator(18")Above Grade Floor Bathroom Watertight/ er oors Oka Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp.110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stocl room/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), 1 '/z doors > 10%> 1000 s . ft. Y4 Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewalls/Fire Separation,2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete/Fire Dampers/Fire Doors 'Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 s . ft.Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h),Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan, if required Elevator Operation and Si a e/Shaft Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Si na e Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters,34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ram /Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond Active Listening System and Signa e Assembly Space �-- Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Plain certification,if req. - As built Septic System Layout Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway - Water Fountain or Cooler 1 Building Access All Sides by 20' /Driveable Surface 20'wide Okay To Issue Temp. or Permanent C/O Okay To Issue C/C Last printed 6/3/2003 9:27 AML:\PamW\Building&Codes\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal's Office 742 Bay Road 4� Queensbury, NY 12804 Fax(518) 745-4437 Phone(518)761-8205 Fire Marshal's Inspection Report Request SCHEDULE Received: —Permit# - 0-'' 6cn-, INSPECTION ON: -TY- -5 AM pm ANYTIME Name: Location: C APPROVED IDS IAYES NO COM NTS EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS-NORMAL BATTERY LN C li- EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE]SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES i ----j STORAGE COMPRESSED GAS CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS T CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL REQUIRED SIONA13E EMERGENCY PLAN MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN CHIMNEY MASONRY ROUGH IN FINAL CHIMNEY FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN FINAL WOOD STOVE' ROUGH IN R FINAL S AL ROUGH OU H I UF FINAL 0 G IN FINAL VENTED GAS : -: :U APPLIANCE ROUGH F AL FIREPLACE MASONRY ROUGH IN OK THIS DATE R 0 OT OK FINAL FIREPLACE FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN I PECTED BY FINAL comDEV/CHRISJ9 VORDILETTERS200i/FIREMARSHALINSPECTIONREPORTI'022'01 WHITE-BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY YELLOW-OCCUPANT COPY Town of QueensbUryury Fire Marshal's Office 742 Say Road Queensbury, NY 128,04 [Phone (518)761-8205 Fax(518),145-407 Fire Marshal's Inspection Report 03 Request SCHEDULE Received: Permit#�23:2-s INSPECTION ON: Name: ANYTIME Location: AP RO N/A YES I NO COMMENTS EXITS AfSLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS-NORMAL FA 1�5- BATTERY EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION *J0 " L0J C+i 6 INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE COMPRESSED GAS 6 - ` �` • -TL-F--ARANCE TO SPRINKLE CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS CLEARANCE TO ELECTRICAL REQUIRED SIG NAGE EMERGENCY PLAN MAXIMUM OCCUPANCY SIGN CHIMNEY MASONRY ROUGH IN FINAL CHIMNEY FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN FINAL WOOD STOVE* ROUGHIN FINAL VENTED GAS APPLIANCE ROUGH IN FINAL FIREPLACE MASONRY ROUGH IN OK THIS D ..OK FOR CO NOT OK ..OK FOR(;U FINAL FIREPLACE FACTORY BUILT ROUGH IN �A- INSPECTED-B I Y FINAL COMDEVICHRIS411t�O'r-DILETTERS2001MREMARSH,AUNSPECTIONREPORTII022001 CCUPANT COPY WHITE-BUILDING DEPARTMENT COPY YELLOW-0 Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection req st, ec Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a p Depart: am/prn 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial W C `7 �L -7 _ NAME: PERMIT#: 7-C LOCATION: C C DATE: /A -Lo COAUqENTS: Y N NA/ Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Locatign, Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6"/JR10'of Complvtg-a Exterior Finish Grade Complete 6"in 10' or E uivalentV Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in.Platform/Decks v/., Q,0 Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks VV/ Stair Handrail 34 in.-3 8'in./Step Risers 711/Treads 1111 Vestibules For Exit doors>3 000 sq. ft. V All Doors 36 in.w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware,if required .T+ Exits At Grade Or Platform 36(w)x 44" Q/Canopy or Equiv. A V Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator(18")Above Grade k T- Floor Bathroom Watertight/Other Floors Okay Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp.110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure I hr. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft.or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area 7 Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), I V2doors >10%> 1000 sq. ft.1/4Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewalls/Fire Separation,2 Hour,3 Hour Complete 1 Fire Dampers/Fire Doors A Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 sq. A.Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h),Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan,if required Elevator Operation and Signage/Shaft Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Signage Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ramp/Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Plain certification,if req. As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File V Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway Water Fountain or Cooler Building Access All Sides by 20' /Driveable Surface 201 wide Okay To Issue Temp. or Permanent C/O Okay To Issue C/C Last printed 6/3/2003 9:27 AML:\PamW\Bui1ding&Codes\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc Rough Plumbing /Insulation Inspection Report 1 Office No. (519)761-8256 Date Inspection req st received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a p D 742 Bay Road,Queerisbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initial • r 03, S9-S NAME: PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron,Copper Drain/Vent/Comm.. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 ft.above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping Cap er Commercial er, CPVC,Pex One&Two Family ulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct Work Sealed Properly COINMENTS: -L:\Sueliemingway\Building.Codes.inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc January 28,2003 Rough Plumbing Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (5 18)761-8256 Date Inspection reque recei 7/0 Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: p 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Ini Is- 3 NAME: 4 PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: �- o TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 7elyzec"— Y N N/A . PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates Head or Air Supply Test Dfain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 ft. above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping .Copper Commercial er, CPVC,Pex One &Two Famil U 9P-2 , Y — �sul tF�' Residential Check/(Comm6rcial Check :� Proper Vent,Attic Vent V Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace V3�1 1 totirok L—t--Ex> 'Duct Work Sealed Properly COMMENTS: -L.,\SucHemingwa)lBuilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc January 28,2003 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection reque eceived: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: arrllpm Dept? a 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initia�l� NAME: s1�� 1� f 7 PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: 1 b ._Z-q~U TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R-4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. p Plumbing Vent 1 Vents in Place '" -�� Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 ft.above highest Connection for 15 minutes Water Supply Piping Copper Commercial Copper,CPVC,Pex One&Two Family Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct Work Sealed Properly COMMENTS: :L:1SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.doc January 28,200i Framing/Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection re ec v Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: Pmlpm 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 112804 Inspector's Init4s, NAME: PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 14-1 V" 'A 4 Y N 'NIA COM MENTS Framing Jack SwTs—J'Headers race Bridging k--Teist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed property 12"O.C. Headroom*6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes I Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate I V2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2,3 hour Fire all 2, 3,4 hour /Irestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side V2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in.(W) 5.7.sf above below grade 5.0 sf grade L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes,lnspection.FORMS\FramingFirestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing 1 Firestopping In pection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection r qu ecA- ive%�,� Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: a pm D 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 1.2804 Inspector's Initia r. NAME: PERMIT#: LOCATION: 1�-R—n INSPECT ON: 0--S TYPE OF TRUCTURE: Y N N/A COMMENTS rain ing\ Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6.ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 V2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side raft stopping 1,000 sq. ft.floor trusses OrAnchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1,2,3 hour Fire wall.2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min, Garage Fire Separation House side V2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms .24 in.(H) 20 in. (W) 5.7'sf above below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHerningway\13trilding.Codes.Inspection.FORNISVraming Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 -C) Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Ins cctia a requ ei d: _ Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: ,f a epart: an 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspectors � rtral NAME: _ r "MA P IT#: D 3--69-5 LOCATION: INSPECT ON: c:i -- `R�—D3 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments N/A otings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing .Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 1.2 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. I.,:\SucHemingway\I3uiIding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Foundation Inspection ReporLdoc January 28,2003 Commercial FinO Inspection Report Office No.: (518)761-8256 Date Inspection re es ree 'Id: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: i a P Depart: a 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804. Inspector's Initi NAME: YPERMIT# LOCATION: DATE: COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimney/"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Plumbing Vent Through Roof 6"/Roof Complete Exterior Finish Grade Complete 6"in 10' or Equivalent Interior/Exterior Guardrails 42 in.Platform/Decks Interior/Exterior Ballisters 4 in. Spacing Platform/Decks Stair Handrail 34 in.—38 in./Step Risers 7"/Treads 1111 Vestibules For Exit doors>3000 sq.ft. All Doors 36 in.w/Lever Handles/Panic Hardware,if re uired Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 (Nv)x 44"(1)/Canopy or Equiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Exposed&Regulator(18")Above Grade Floor Bathroom Watertight/Other Floors Okay Relief Valve,Heat Trap/Water Temp.110 Degrees Maximum Boiler/Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy/Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft.or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room(2 hr.), I V2doors >10%> 1000 sq.ft. 1/4Hour Corridor Doors&Closers Firewalls Fire Separation,2 Hour,3 Hour Complete/Fire Dampers Fire Doors Ceiling Fire Stopping, 3,000 sq. ft.Wood Frame Attic Access 30"x 20"x 30"(h),Crawl Space Access 18"x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan,if reguired Elevator Operation and Signage/Shaft Sealed Handicapped Bathroom Grab Bars/Sinks/Toilets Handicapped Bath/Parking Lot Signage Public Toilet Room Handicapped Accessible Handicapped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ramp/Handrails Continuous/12 in.Beyond Active Listening System and Signage Assembly Space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey,New Structure/Flood Plain certification,if req. As-built Septic System Layout Required or On File Building Number or Tenant Address on Building or Driveway Water Fountain or Cooler Building Access All Sides bX22,��Dyeable Surface 201 wide manent CIO er Okay To Issue Temp. orK Okay To Issue C/C Last printed 6/3/2003 9:27 AML:\PamW\Building&Codes\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc i 1 T ! Permit Number Z003 Envelope Compliance Certificate Checked New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code COMcheck--EZ Software Version 2.4 Release 2c Data filename:C:Wy Documentslsuttons.cck Section 1: Project Information Project Name: Suttons Office Addition Route 9n Queensbury,NY Designer/Contractor: Northfield Design arc ' ects&planners Document Author: S ,4-? L&-4t 2-5& Telephone: .S S Date: ;?- 2,6 O F Section 2: General Information Building Location(for weather data): Warren,New York Climate Zone: - 15 Heating Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 7635 Cooling Degree Days(base 65 degrees F): 366 t Project Description(check one): New Construction /Addition W Alteration Unconditioned Shell(File Affidavit) Section 3: Requirements Checklist Bldg. } Dept. ( r Use } } Air Leakage,Component Certifi}eation;and Vapor Retarder Requirements [ ] } 1. All joints and penetrations are caulked,gasketed,weather-stripped,or otherwise sealed. [ ] } 2. Windows,doors;'and skylights certifie as meeting leakage requirements. [ ] } 3. Component R-values&U-factors lab?led as certified. r r , te; [ ] } 4. Fireplaces ibstalled vgrth tightfitting non-combustible fireplace doors] [ ] } 5. Dampers integral lio the building envN'iope are equipped with motorized dampers. [ ] } 6. Cargo doors andjloading dock.doors,&o weather sealed. [ ] } 7. Recessed lighting fixture's�aaze:sealed'or gasketed. [ ] } 8. Vapor retarder installed. 11 566 or."O&I eez* -rAuLo, C('1"4A r'iCr -z dIL/Ji fS- 1+/." 4�11 90elg: r Clit4fe-Specific f4 irements Gross Cavity Cont. Proposed Budget Component Name/Description Area R Value R Value U-Factor U-Factor Roof 1:All-Wood JoistlRafter/This 1000 38.0 0.0 0.028 0.051 E" erior Wall 1:Wood Frame,Aity Spacing 1260 210 0.0 0.062 0.074 oor total:Solid . 40 0.100 0.120 Windows total L`' God Frame,"ie Pane with Low-E Clear,SHGC,d.. 9,PF 0.50 170 --- --- 0.350 0.520 Floor 4:Heated SlAb-On-Grade,Vertical 4 ft. 140 --- 10.0 --- --- Comments: (a)Budget U-factors are used for software baseline calculations ONLY,and are not code requirements. Envelope Compliance: UNKNOWN (Insufficient Data) Section 4: Compliance Statement The proposed envelope design represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed envelope system has been designed to meet the New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements in COMcheck-EZ Version 2.4 Release 2c and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. When a Registered Design Professional has stamped and signed this page,they are attesting that to the best of his/her knowledge,belief and professional judgment,such plans or spe ificntions are in compliance with this Code. �'-AA/'I A6e /6-� 14 as . 'a Principal Envelope Designer-Name S ature Date BRED A1�C,y E. r *. i No.015005.1 OQ� 0. NE -t DRAFT COPY (3/21/03) CHECKLIST NYS BUILDING'CODE (BC) Building: NYS FIRE CODE (FC) NYS PLUMBING CODE (PC) Location: �- NYS MECHANICAL CODE (MC) NYS FUEL GAS CODE (FGC) Date: NYS ENERGY CODE (ECC) Reviewer: Publication Date: May 2002 COMMERCIAL& MULTIPLE DWELLING OCCUPANCIES No. Topic - Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 1 Jurisdiction BC-101.2 1 2 Flood Plain BC-1603.1.E 285 3- Separated or Non-Separated BC-302.3 18 . Occupancies* 4 Occupancy BC-302 17 5 Type of Construction BC-Table 601 81 6 No. of Sleeping Units/Level BC-202 14 & No. of Units—Total 31 No. of Occupants BC-Table 1003.2.2.2 201 7 Covered Malls BC-402 33 Hi-Rise (75' Rule) BC-403 36 Atriums BC-404 37 8 Basement Definition BC-502.1 71 (See page 8 of this check list) Legend: NR= Not Required NS= Not Shown NA= Not Applicable Note: * Non-separated occupancies impose the most restrictive requirements JAM Pagel of 10 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 9. Heiahts& Building Areas Maximum Tabular Area BC-Table 503 72 Maximum Tabular Height BC-Table 503 72 G Maximum Stories BC-Table 503 72 Mezzanines BC-505 73 10. Sprinkler System (water) BC-903 168 Basement Sprinkler-, BC-903.2.10.1 170 Water Source Sprinkler BC-903.3.5 172 Water Source Site FC-508.1- 31. 11. Frontage &Sprinkler Credits, Area Modifications (ca/c.) BC-506 74 Height Modifications BC-504 73 12. Height&Area SummaDL Ht/Area HVArea Tabular Area BC-Table 503 72 Frontage Credit BC-506 74 Sprinkler Credit _ BC-506.3 75 Total Allowable Area Max Aggregate Area BC-503.3 73 (Allowable Area/Fir. x,No. of Stories up to 3 maximum) 13. Fire Apparatus Road FC-503.1 29 (150' rule) 14. Exterior Walls Distance Separation* BC-Table.602 . 82 Exterior Wall Openings BC-Table,704.8 87 Parapets BC-704.11 88 Exterior Wall Coverings BC-Table 1405.2 257 Exterior Wall Finishes BC-Table 1406.2 261 Combustible * Distance separations are doubled if fire fighting water is not available (FC-508.1.3). NOTES; JAM Page 2 of 10 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 15. Fire Rated Construction Incidental Use Areas BC-Table 302.1.1 17 Accessory Occupancy BC-302.2 18 Mixed Occupancy BC-Table 302.3.3 19 Control Areas BC-414.2 52 Fire Walls BC 705 89 Fire Barrier BC-706 91 Shaft Enclosure BC-707 92 Fire Partition (Tenant Sep.) BC-708 95 Smoke Barriers BC-709 96 Opening Protectives BC Table 714.2 1.01 Fire.Blocking BC-716 107 . Draft Stopping BC-716.3 108 16. Space Min._Rm. Dimensions BC-1207.1 251 Min:Ceiling Height BC-1207.2 251 0 17. Ventilation(Nat. or Mech.) BC-1202.1 249 18. Light (Nat. or Mech.) BC-1204.1 250 19. Exits ,� f Occupancy.Load 'BC Table 1003.2.2.2 201 One Exit Permitted BC T6ble1005.2.2 224 Stair Enclosure BC-1005.3.2 224 Emergency Egress BC-1009.1 235 Distance of Travel BC-Table 1004.2.4 220 Aisle Width BC- 221 Corridor Width BC-1004.3.2.2 221 Capacity of Exits (calc.) BC-Table 1003.2.3 202 Corridor Wall Fire Rating BC-Table1004.3.2.1 222 Corridor Dead End BC-1004.3.2.3 222 Door Width BC-1003.3.1.1 208 ' Door Swing . 136-1003.3.1.2 208 Panic Hardware BC-1003.3.1.9 213 .20. Stairs Riser, BC-1003.3.3.3 213 / Tread BC-1003.3.3.3 213 Width BC-1003.3.3.1 213 Headroom BC-1003.3.3.2 213 Vertical Rise 8C-1003.3.3.6 215 Handrails BC-1003.3.3.11 215 JAM Pago,3 of 10 No Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed �--� 21. Structural Snow Loading---Ground BC Fig 1608.2 296 Snow Loading---Roof(calc.). -ASCE 7-98 Drifting Snow BC-1608.7 295 Ponding BC-1608.3.5 295 Floor Loading BC Table 1607.1 291 Balcony Loading BC-Table 1607.1 291 Wind Loading (cale.) BC-1609 297 Roof Walls Windows Seismic Loading (calc.) BC-1614 315 Foundation Depth BC-1805.2- 398 22. Interior Finishes BC-Table 803.4 161 23. Swimming Pools BC-3109 629 24. Sun Rooms BC Appendix] . 693 25. Electrical Exit Lights or Signs BC-1003.2.10 203 Emergency Lights BC-1003.2.11.2 204 Emergency Power BC-2702 611 General-Lighting-Exits-Stairs BC-1003.2.11 204 26. HC ACCESS Exempt Buildings BC-1104.4 238 Parking BC-Table 1106.1 239 Route 1361104.1 238 Entrance . BC-1105.1 239 #of Sleeping Rooms BC-Table-1107.6.1.1 241 #of Dwelling Units BC-1107.6.2 241 Toilet Facilities BC-1109.2. 244 Service Counters .BC-1109.12.3 246 Areas of Refuge BC-1003.2.13.5 207 Signage Supplemental HC Req'mts Appendix.E 681 27. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS IBC-1704 379 Notes: „ ! �0/[ Vivo 4 a;3 JAM - Page 4 of 10 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed 28. Fire Protection Equipment Central Station Monitoring FC-901.9 52 Sprinkler Systems FC-903 55 Other Extingushing Syst. FC-904 59 Kitchen Hood Extinguisher FC-609.8 41 Standpipe Systems FC-905 62 Fire Extingushers FC-906 64 Fire Alarm Systems & SD FC-907.2 66 Fire Alarm Boxes FC-907.4.1 72 Smoke Detection FC-907.2.10 68 Hi-Rise Fire Safety FC-907.2.12 69 Visible Alarms FC-Table 907.10.1.2 73 Smoke Control FC-909 75 Smoke Vents FC-910 82 Fire Pumps FC-913 - 85 29. Plumbing Code Fixture Count PC-Table 403.1 21 Water Supply Service Pipe Size PC-603 33 Fixture Pipe Size PC-603.1 33 Pipe Material PC-Table 605.4 36 Labor Law Art. 10-A UFPBC-904.6 12,340 Pipe Insulation See Energy Code Backflow Prevention PC-Table 608.1 41 Sprinkler System PC-608.16.4 - 44 Lawn Irrigation PC-608.16.5 44 Pipe Freezing PC-305.6 14 Sanitary Drainage Drain Pipe Size PC-Table 709.1 54 Drain Pipe Material PC-702 47 Labor Law Art. 10-A UFPBC-904.6 12,340 Vent Size PC-Table 910.4 63 Pipe Hangers PC-Table 308.5 17 Air Admittance Valves PC-917 67 Notes: JAM ' Page 5 of 10 No. Topic Code Page Required Actual Section No. or Allowed Mechanical Code Ventilation Rates MC-Table 403.3 24 Propane Below Grade MC-502.8.1 0.1 31 Dryer Exhaust MC-504 33 Kitchen Exhaust MC,506 34 Kitchen Hoods MC-507 37 Kitchen Make-Up Air MC-508 39 Chimney Termination MC-Table 511.2 41 Air Plenums MC-602 47 Fire&Smoke Dampers MC-607.5.1 52 Combustion Air MC-701, 55 Confined Spaces—Def. MC-202 5 31. Fuel Gas Code Appliance Location FGC-303 18 Combustion Air FGC-304 19 Clearance to Combust. FGC-Table 308.2 25 Pipe Material FGC-403 46 Shut Off Valves FGC-409 53 Chimney.Termination FGC-Fig. 503.5.4 68. Gas Vent Termination 'FGC-Fig. 503.6.6 65 Exit Terminal Location FGC-503.8 68 Clothes.Dryer Exhaust FGC-613 _ _96 Unvented Room Heaters FGC-620 99 32. Energy Code Prescriptive Method ECCC-Table.602.1(1) 50 High Truss Credit ECCC-602.1.2 51 Pipe Insulation—Heating ECCC-Table 503.3.3.1 44 Duct Insulation—Heating ECCC-Table 503.3.3.3 45 Pipe Insulation—Hot Water ECCC-Table 504.2 47- HWH Heat Trap ECCC-504.7 47 COMcheck , Computer Software Compliance Report Required Notes: JAM Page 6 of 10 LIST OF CALCULATIONS THAT MAY BE REQUIRED FOR A COMPLETE CODE REVIEW. 1. Area Increase Based Upon Frontage And Sprinkler Increase. Frontage'Increase: If= 100(F1P-0.25)V11.= Answer in % 30 Note: If= 75%when 4 sides accessible &water available Allowable Area: A.=AWN.+ (&b,p X if) + Ate,,, x I =Answer in Square Feet (BC—Pg. 74) 100 100 2. Exit Capacity Calculations (Table 1003.2.3)(130-Pg. 202) (Occupancy Load for Exit)x (Egress Width per Occupant)= (Required Width) 3. Snow Loading Calculations. (ASCE 7-98)(Eq. 7-1)(pg-69) & (Eq. 7-2)(pg-70). (ASCE =American Society of Civil Engineers) Pf=0.7CeC1lPg= Flat Roof Snow Load Where: Pf= Flat Roof Snow Load (Calculated Above, Answer in #per SF) C.= Exposure Factor (BC-Table 16Q8.3.1)(Pg. 297) Cf= Thermal Factor (BC Table 1608.3.2)(Pg. 297) 1 = Importance Factor (BC-Table 1604.5)(Pg. 287) P9 = Ground Snow Load (BC Fig. 1608.2)(Pg. 296) P$= C$Pf= Sloped-Roof Snow Load Where: PS = Sloped-Roof Snow Load CS = Roof Slope Factor (ASCE 7-98)(Pg. 70) 4. Wind loading calculations. (Refer to Chapter 6 of ASCE 7-98) 5. Seismic Calculations. (See page 10 of this list) 6. COMCheck calculations (For verification of compliance with the.Energy Code) JAM Page 7 of 10 8. GRADE PLANE: A reference plane representing the average of finished ground level adjoining the building at exterior walls. Where the finished ground level,slopes away from the exterior walls,the reference plane shall be established by the lowest points within the area between the building and the lot line or;where the lot line is more than 6 feet from the building, between the building and a point 6-feet from the building. 9. MEZZANINE: An intermediate level or.levels between the floor and ceiling of any story with , an aggregate floor area of not more than 1/3rd of the area of the room or space in which the level or levels are located. (Mezzanine area does not contribute to the building area or the height in stories but does contribute to the fire area, aggregate area). 10. SMOKE BARRIER: A continuous membrane, either vertical or horizontal, such as a wall, floor, or ceiling assembly, that is designed and constructed"to restrict the-movement of smoke. (Required to have a 1 hr. fire rating). 11. STORY ABOVE GRADE PLANE Any story having its finished floor surface entirely above grade plane, except that a basement shall be considered as a story above grade plane where the finished surface of the floor above the basement is: 1. More than 6 feet above grade plane or 2. More than 6 feet above the finished ground level for more than 50% of the total building perimeter or 3. More than 12 feet above the finished ground level at any point. JAM Page 9 of 10 . i SEISMIC REVIEW SUMMARY PROJECT: LOCATION: ZIP CODE: ITEM Value BCNYS BCNYS Code Section Page No. Site Class Table 1615.1.1 317 (default to site class D) Section 1615.1.1 316 Ss (short period) Figure 1615(1) 318 S, (1 second period) Figure M5(2) . 319 F81 (site coefficient—short) Table 1615.1.2(1) 320 Fu (site coefficient 1 sec.) Table 1615.1.2(2) 320 S,s.(short period adjusted) Equation 16-16 317. - Sm, (1 sec. period.adjusted) Equation 16-17, 317 SDS (short period) Equation 16-18 320 So, (1 sec. period) Equation 16-19. 320. Seismic Use Group Table 1604.5 287 Seismic Design Category Table 1616:3(1) 324 (short period) Seismic Design Category Table 1616.3(2) 324 (1 sec.period). SEISMIC DESIGN CATEGORY This category determines the (most severe of above two) design analysis and whether MEP systems must be braced. Analysis Procedure Used Section 1616.6 326 Building Components Subject To Section 1621 345 Seismic Design Requirements: Architectural Section 1621.1.1 & 345 Mechanical Section 1621.1.6 347 Plumbing ditto 347. Electrical ditto 347 JAM Page 10 of 10 SRF-IA HC-IA IRF EXISTING CURBCUT SRF-IA S 25 DEG. 20' E 889.40' HC-IA NEW PORK STATE9 LANDS OF S EXISTING CURBCUT 114 EXISTING CURBCUT d FD Jut 2 9 2003 A`OU� 104 Q F . 106 108 "" 110 O 108 106 04 92 ISRF-IA ...�._ rHC71A SITE PLO FT�7I 1 SCALE: 1 "- 30'-0" 0 7' iv601 90' SCALE: 1 "=30'-Q" SURVEY DATA TAKEN FROM MAP PREPARED FOR SUTTONS MARKETPLACE DATED JAN.11,1999 : REVISED 10/20/99 AS PREPARED BY VANDUSEN & STEVES LAND SURVEYORS, GLENS FALLS , NY Zonina Da -La TAX"NWBER U-1-15 ZONE : HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL H(:-1 A MINIMUM LOT SIZE 1 ACRE, 150 FEET WIDE X 200 FEET DEEP MINIMUM FRONT YARD SETBACK REQUIRED: 75 FEET REAR YARD SETBACK REQUIRED : 25 FEET SIDE YARD SETBACK FEUD : 50 FEET SUM OF SCE YARDS WITH 20 FOOT MINIMUM Site Densib-y 258,820 S.F TOTAL SITE= 5.94 ACRES EXISTING SITE COVERAGE 104,683 S.F. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS C)VERAGE 600 S.F. EXISTING WALKS --------------------------- 105,283 S.F. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS COVERAGE EXISTING DENSITY 105.283 S.F. IMPERVIOUS AREA= 40,6 153.537 S.F. PERVIOUS AREA= 59.32! PROPOSED SITE COVERAGE 105,283 S.F. EXISTING IMPERVIOUS CGERAGE 1,000 S.F. PROPOSED OFFICE AREA 106.283 S.F. TOTAL PROPOSED INPERVIQUS S.F. Parkina Reauirements EXISTING MARKETPLACE AND FURNITURE STORE 18,689 S.F. ® 5 CARS/1000 S.F. = 94 SPACES EXISTING SALES/ OFFICE 4,600 S.F. 0 5 CARS/1000 S.F. = 23 SPACES EXISTING STORAGE STRUCTURE 131 TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 147 PARKING SPACES SHOWN EXISTING INCLUDES 5 HANDICAP SPACES ADDITIONAL NEW PARKING IS NOT PROPOSED PARKING LAYOUT SHOWS SPACES IN EXISTING PAVED AREAS Storm Drainace TEST PIT DATA 0-0.5 FEET TOP SOIL 0.5-2.5 FEET FINE YELLOW SAND / TRACE SILT 2.5-4.0 FEET MEDIUM BROWN SAND 4.0-6.5 FEET MEDIUM TO COARSE SAND W/ SMALL STONES 6.5-10.OFEET COARSE SAND / GRAVEL NO GROUND WATER ENCOUNTERED PERCOLATION RATE: 0-5 MINUTES /INCH NO NEW STORM DRAINAGE IS PROPOSED. EXISTING DRYWELL IN AREA OF NEW ADDITION TO BE RELOCATED. WATER OFF ROOF OF NEW ADDITION TO BE CAPTURED WITH GUTTER AND LED TO RELOCATED DRYWELL. • i L 00 co C cD I L t _nn a lr.L .o 0 -v 0 a 4J U v o L 4J -c 0 U � o D • i SITE PLAN SITE DETAILS ELECTRIC SERVICE TO NEW ADDITION! TO BE FROM EXISTING FURNITURE STORE SERVICE NEW TOILET FACILITIES ARE PROPOSED. DATE 60603 si�.