2003-672 TOWN' aF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 } u. . .. :CE:RIIEE,_..0F .0CCUPANCY __P' Number:, ,'__ k Tuesday, October 05,2004 t. -IRto4 -thatV Mu�d.tob.e-doneas,sho �y.-Rd tNumber 'TI S - ,certi� '*k P20030672 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400.308-014-000-1-052-000-0000 Location: 183 PITCHER Rd Owner:." ARC CONIAMTIES 14,LLC Applicant: RALPHBROADIE This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Tom Bond Mobile Home In PA TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Nector of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF. QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY.12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030672 Application Number: A20030672 Tax Map No: 523400-308-014-0001-0527000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: RALPH BROADIF, For property located at: 183 PITCHER Rd in the Town of Queensbury,'to construct or place. at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans,and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. 'Type.of Construction Value Owner Address: ARC4BBFNI), L.L.C. PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT Mobile Homy In Park' $10,000.00 PO BOX 13244 Total Value xio,000.00 EL PASO TX 79913-3244 Contractor or Builder's Name j Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-672 RALPH BRODIE 8 GREGWOOD CIRCLE 924 SQ FT MOBILE HOME AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS :$30.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,August 18,2004- (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension_must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T n uee ury - August 18,2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Application for Permit— Mobile Horne Town of Queenshwy, 742 Bay Road, Oueensbwy, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 A building permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on parcel. No inspections will be made . until a valid building permit has been issued. •. Applicant It formation Name: [ (r7r I t✓ File Permit No. � �J Address: R7 A _ Fee Paid Reviewed By: Phone No. e AUG 1- 2003 Property Owner Information Parcel Information iJ1�d OF Ct9i� BU�3Y Name: ARC 1".SZ t3FnC1> 1-.L .0 . � ,�t3 a&T �, ProposeddDataWPlacemem::� �� NG AN��C�©E Cs d N"i' "i": 5t.t t"i rJU. Property Location: xdb I'l_;e, Address: tyDCJ g Street Avenue '-V)EtJ UE: L C-0 802-03 S S Z8 Name of Mobile Home Park: NfogeST—VW-K 11A 4C- fzf applicable) Phone No. 806 246 541 Tax Map Number: I-I ` Mobile Home Information Zo n i ng Info rmation Approxzmate_�T.alue-of_Home: Zoning CIassification: New Home: Yes ( (I LI-to� Site of Property: ft.by l*ft. Replacement Home: No tulrst. !%�� I + r + l Existing building's: 5e-' R(--�OC..Gtecl Size of Mobile Home: ` " ft. by � ft. - Setbacks: front yard ft:; rear yard ft. Singlewide: _ Doublewide: Side yards ��ft.and 36 ft. [Na nber of Rooms: (exclude baths) umber of Bedrooms: Accessory Building(s): circle CNumber of Bathrooms: _ Detached garage: 1 car, 2 car, car circle: Gas Fireplace/Woodstove/Wood Fireplace Attached garage: I car, 2 car, car Storage building: Yes No Foundation Support: Other: IYBE SIZE&DEPTH Water Supply well or unicipal Piers x Runners x Is Septic Permit Required? Yes or No Slab x Further information requested on the reverse side of this sheet 001"- A , =Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer. t Address`i�® �=Phone R,6_7 Complete information below found on a"plate"or"sticker"which is affixed to the mobile home. 1. Insignia.serial numbe v' 2. 3. Plan Approval Number: 4. Model or Component Designation: (New Home ONLY) 5. nite of Manufacture l�� AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren . A I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of aH proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUELDING CODE,the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or not, and that such work is Authorized by the owner. Signature: 1�" owner,own 's dgent,archit contractor Special Conditions o.,f Permit Form: 11/19/1999sh Code Enforcement Officer F=I"iC%LL �flS�iPEG�'!ON REPCMi-MT i1A4=B■II-E / MR=31I=ULA5=t Toown ©f Quoa nabury Building 8L C:ocl4a Enfoarc Bm4ant _742 Bay Road - CDju4aensOury, IVY 1,2804 .A� R-1— IVE: L7EPAFLT_ INSF I>ATF I1�JSPE3GTION REQCJL�ST R�CEI'S✓�'I�: rq^-MEv : L ATE: V F-ER.M I'T MV�I�..E Z�t,1l�E M®►1'�LJY...�f►R ��l14eiR5€r FOOTINGS FOLTI�TI�A'I'ION BA+�KFIi -j - FRA�VIIrTG 1_ foundation support, pier spacing pe=- rrfarauf- -------------- - ---- -- --- 2. anchoring per rnanur -- -------- ---- - 3_ water line shut off ----- - - ------------ 4_ sewer line support (Z?> 4 feet - ------ s_ heating crossover (dblewide� c�fF grd_ _ 6. dryer vented outside ---- ----------- -- -- --- 7_ skirting ventilated - ------- ---------- - hot water relief valve piping outside 9. deck, porches, steps, railing -__ . -- -_ 1�_ furnacelhot water operating --__ ___- 11_ garage fire proofirig --------- - -------- 12_ dc3or closers --- - -------- - ------------ - - 13- ph3mbing fixture -- -- ---- - - - -- - - ------- 14- foundation insulation (if appl_3------ Is- smoke detectors --------- - ------------- 1 Ci- final electrical ...... .. .......... .. .. ... 17_ variance, required -------- -- --- -------- 18. data plate c►ka.y ----- ---------- -------- 19_ rriobil+� H17 L7► seal okay --- ---- -- ----- Mc�+clel # � Serial # N4 ariufacturer late of �anufactixrer C�►KAY TU ISSUE CItJ YES NC► Comments: �V4, ' F■E!V/Ait_ ■ll�iii�ii�ECT■��■ ■�t�P�■�!T Town of Que�ensbury Buiiding 8L Cc3 *e Enforc4oment 742 Bay Ftc>ad Cluoenstbury- NY 12804 (Sl 8) 761-8256 ARRIVE: DEPART: ���:► Sp- - DATE INSPECTION REQUEST NAM E: Af���LE gIt'�E - - A4�[t»iTZ.AR HOME FC�IT2�GS FOUNDATIOi�I B.�i�L FRAMING NiA YEs zvo 1_ foundation support, pier spacing per tnanuf- ------------ -------.- - --- 2_ anchoring per manuf- -------- --- ---- 3_ water line shut,cllff -- ---------- ------- - 4_ sewer lirie support c� 4 feet ----___ S_ heating crossover (dblewide} off grd- 6_ dryer vested outside --- -------- ----------- 7_ - slcrti_ng ventilated ----------------- --- 8_ hot tivater relief valve piping outside 9_ deck, pot-ches, steps, railirig ___-_-_- t lU_ furnacelliot water operating -------- I I. garage fire proofang ------------------ I2- floor closers ----------------------- --- - 13_ plumbing fixture ----------------- ----- 14- four3dation insulation OF appl_)_-_-- 1S_ smoke detectors --___--__ 16_ final electrical --------------------- --- 17_ variarice required ----------------- ---- I8_ data plate okay ----------------------- 19: mobile HZJID seal okay _- ------------ Model # - Serial # Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer UK,AiY Tc3 ISSUE CIO YES NO- Comments: � � - � P1iN�L. 1si��P1i=CT1fON RESORT _ Tc)wn of Qu4Bonsbury BuiEaling 8t Code Enforc8ment 742 i3ay Road Cauo nstbury, NY 12804 - (518) 761-8256 yz�.�:� zrar���c�or� �c2ut?..^rr �c� v�z�►t C.��� ..... .C== 14�iCi+7�5[�� 1�[i7t►l�� +� +1aI7RLTL.�.>li 3�®►�I� I=+�ITNGS Ff3IJNI�A'rION SACKF.[.L.L FRA3VIII�TG - - Nip Yes r7o 1. foundation support, pier spacing per rnanuf_ ------------------ ------ Z. anchoring per TrIanuf_ -------- ------- � 3_ water line shut off ----------- - ------- - �r 4_ sewer liras support <R� 4 feet _-._--- S. heating crossover (dblewids)o off - 6_ dryer vented outside ---------------------- ?_ skirting ventilated -------------------- 8. hot water relief valve piping outside lo_ furafsce/hot water operating ._____._ t/� I1_ garage Fire proofing ------------- ----- 12_ door cicisers --------------- ------------ 13- plumbing Fixture ---------------------- 14- insulation (if appl-)------ ✓1S_ smoke detectors ------------------------ 16- final electr ical ........................ 17. variance required .............. ....... 1 S. data plate okay ....................... I 19. mobils seal okay ............... Manufacturer +oK- Y TC ► ZSSL3-jF- CICJ 'YABS Comments: 4--- - f�f r +►ti -rdwn- of {Quay nsbury' _ - Mullcling .& Ccrd+a nIcArcc+®m*ant : 742 E c- y' Rau od Queensbury, NY- -12804 _ I�A'I'E-INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED: - _ _ - 14!®BILE- H�A+t;E �-�,[O�LTLAR H©ME _ FOC7rTIi�TGS -FOLINDATIa1�T, BA�`KF�7 G '].. ft7'[7lldatlt7n su�rpax-t; peer Spal+Cing - , gerrnaxiuf. ............_.. ......... _ i�11Cl3farlrlg per m�•�nuf_ ............... « �7S/titer Y1Y1K': 5 1Li ,6ff ................... . 4_ sevver line sup <3wt _tom 4 "feet _._.__. 5_ heating cr©ssover (dblevvide� off grd_ � _ -_ � - - - - 6: - dryer vented 4::Putsic3e 7_ s3cirt*rzg ventilated ------ ----------- = - 8« hot water relief valve -pipigg outside 9_ deck, pot-ches steps, railing --------. _ t 10- f water - 1Z. clC K:YV +closers ......................,.... 1.3. pinuribing fixture .......I- . _«_ ««T 14,. f+csundaticwx insulation +cif°;appl. ..._.. - - 1 S_ smc�►ke det :c tArs - ..................... 16_ Vaal electrical ----------- - ----------------------- IS data plate okay- ------------------------ 19_ mobile f-ILJID seal-cakay 1%4nxxufa+cturer Z)ate csf Manufacturer - - - ©KAY T© ISSUE= loe ol - � - Town of Clueenst3ury 18uilding & C >04a Enfc3rc4ament � T 742 Elayr Road C)uensb►ury, 'IVY 12804 (518) 761-8256 (1% ��S]r2RIVE: DEP'.+ t'3C INS - f v 4 DATE I�TSI�ECTIC3N REQUEST RECEIVED: :Z-4 LC3CATI©IV:: - FC?C7�I`INGS FOL7Nli'3R,'I'I4►N BAr-rrs:rr r FRAMING i Nl.� YES NC7► 1. fc3uxadation sul3�port, pier spacing perarixif: ........... ............. 2. anchoring per rn,anuf ----- ----------- 3. water line shut c►ff ------ ------------ - - 4_ 5_ heating crossover (dblewide� off grd_ 6_ dryer vented outside ____ __________________ 7. slcir-tirlg _ventilated ----------- - ------- S_ hot water relief valve piping outside 9- deck, pot-ches, steps, railing -__--.-. 10_ furnacelhot water ciperating ........ 11_ garage fire prc3ofang ------------------ 12_ door closers ------ ---- ------------------ 13. glumbing fixture ...................... 14. R>unc atiori insa.alaEatioma (if eLppl-)...... 15. smoke detectors ....................... 16. ftiaaal electrical ............ ............. 17 variamce re;cluired --------------------- 1 s. data plate okay ........... ............ 19. mobiles HUD seal okay . . . ........... ! �/ Manufacturer �G�'l� t��-i . Date of" Ma aufacturer Zc- ©I�AY TC� ISSUE C!© YES _ NC7" - o, (4c 17 3 4 4 1 3 2 7 �1 rnv w� 0)N Ui r N a a r r {� a < ss LA %c �S N .41 cW Olt LJO 5 ti 5 �t a Affordable Residential Communities FOREST PARK MHC 183 PITCHER ROAD QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 96 6 ti6 E6 P'TCHDR ROAD