2003-742 Q TOWN OF JEENSB' ,RYV 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE-OF CPLI ANCE"r Permit Nuinber: , P20030742 [ Date Issued: Thursday;A,priZ 21,2005' :.,. Thisis to reify,that work requested.to be done-as shown b Perin�t,Number ' y P20030 has been completed: Tax Map Number. 523400-301-008-00017007-000=0000 Locafion. 68 EELEN Dr Owner: JOIN&LESLIE F'ARRELL JR Applicant:, JOHN'&LESLIE FARRELL JR This structure.may be occupied'as a: By Order of Town Board, IngroUnd P001 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Drector.of Building'&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030*742 Application Number: A20030742 Tax Map No: 523400-301-008-0001-007-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: .TORN&T,F..ST,TF,FARRF.TJ.JR For property located at: 68 HELEN Dr in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information.heretd filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Qrdinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: JOHN&LESLIE FARRELL JR 68 HELEN Dr Inground Pool QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Totai Value Contractor or Builder's Name j Address Electrical Inspection Agency SPRACsIJE POOLS 294 BROADWAY FORT EDWARD_ NY Plans&Specifications 2003-742 INGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS . $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the awn Que bu nda , September 15, 2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensb ury. ury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Application for swimming Poal Permit PernutNo03" � Building&Codes Office=Town of Queensbury,742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12844. Q (518)761-8256 Fee Paid . Instructions and requirements are attached. Notes: 1. Applicant/Owner /Contractor or Installer Information: MINA V '7CE �j� u Y a S jor, Y-► � L a e-��gin` ir' v �. ro L04- I t� �ago4 � s� � � gag - g .. -- 2- . PersoiResponsible for Code Requirements: t e y Y t� p � -e—JL23 Lti;(^1 Ma No. 3. Pool Location Address: �..a " 'Tax Map 4. Swimming Pool Information: (check whichever applies and 0 in the blanks) _. _. .. - - ` A E A- ground pool � n ound Pool -EN ft: ./ diameter. _ C. rm; stmi/vinyl; Elfiberglass;_Qgunite, Qp concrete;❑ oared other --- 5. Fencing Requirements: or above-ground i ingrounttsvnmmng Mining 'BUILDING OINO Air�� COD .3f� , A. If an above-ground,indicate height from ground-grade to top of pool height inches Note: If your above-ground pool is less than 48 inches above-grade,a fence must be installed within the area of the pool. If your above-ground pool is exactly 48 inches above-�,de or more,a lilt-up ladder with lock must be installed. B. If an inground pool,a fence must be installed within the area of the pool regardless if your yard is fenced 6. Final Inspection Information: You are responsible for scheduling the following: A) Electrical Inspection; B) Final Certificate of Compliance Inspection An electrical inspection is required before the Certificate of Compliance is issued. See attached sheet listing electrical inspectors. The inspectors are contracted through the Town of Queensbury and you are responsible for payment to them directly. Their fee is not part of this application A final inspection by the Queensbury Building&Codes Office is required before use of the pool is authorized. The Code(Officers will look for an approved electrical inspection(sticker on the panel box)and proper fencing around the pool or lift-up ladder. Signature of Applicant: Date: io Signature of Owner: Date: I ° 3 - Code Interpretations-Department of State Take 5 of 16 D..ATE a:F.ISSUE1(Sip6d:4/Fii}9� Cod&Section I.an=.eniir. siden paF�k -avinga ouic t 'svuitiu &iioa�i enee :€Qes seetio 720: reoire an additianai fenced- tar Ah :. '== I' f >dvveiiii 'toe 'a . a _ e n n iie it d n . ( ... _.. . . �:. F. - tY_t s ,.. Eyes a 146*&V6F:s 't' Q fles e .. r. - tin:7" . ` . .. .. pooire+ 4a� " oO td,,ii€� d l � civscr€c tio.:eneti ta.. cald `itedae 'a�iJ€ � : ihii :.F.; •. ': . 5 i `fib; of i n i� e - Waite:j�kltrary COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. Main Offiee 176 Doe Run Road - Manhelm, PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL Pemit No. 8596.6 Cut-in and No,{#r{rNiE4t4N4N144r4#4 444 ry41 Owner, tfT##O!oo#tiuNlH#Mttt#rrq{riirirN{tffr#{f{r#rrifrrr/r{##ttf14t41t4t4/N#tiiil4NlN#i11#tot#11#ii4441444l1444ttN#414/N#1#1#11141 #4 tt41 ri Locationr###i4#Ittrtrt#urr/r#r•.rririrrrrrrwn/r#ttrrrrtfr/rrrrr#utlrrNt4Ntt#Itrtttrrrturqtr#tr/rrir44r{tlNl#4/f1uN144t #rtltr/4t/frH411t t4llltillt444 t#/4N 1AJ6 Installation Consisting of r rrr#trrarrtrrrururrr# frrrrriF, tHr#tr•r#rr{rrfu#qr{rr{frri#rr #/rr/ rrrru/tr/rrrruftrr nrru/tr{tnrru///rnurtrrtt� /1/t1itlNll/#4tttitr#ftrrrrr#{trotrtrurrrrrrr#uu{rrufrfarrturri#ufrfr11N4441!#1 r#inrtrfrrtrrrrfufrurrrufr{//frgrr/rrrfrf#/qr/r//our/{frfrNr//tr{Ir/ru#n/rr/uf 4H{tt N 1r111Ntor4NtmI#tf#tom u/rroo#so urs!#f#/r#{#rrl4r4rfifA###4tofIt###Otto#$##Of rrr#rrr#rrrr##ffr4###4#rrf#ri#rrr4H 4#/6444t4#t#41#f444044#406#44044444##t#####1411#$#4t4 Installedrrru{tf{r#urr#ilrtu#4t1/M!t#f4r�lcr Not frtrr#tlir{{{{aii{rrr##gfttirrtfr{{ttr{r{4r4f4t# The conditions following governed the issuance of this certif sate, and any certificate previously issued is cancelled This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of dater Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be romptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall,have the privilege f makin insp ctions at any tithe, and if its rules are violated, the Company shall have the right re a this ertif i ter Datem ti#tt/04 7%,o, Iarfrrr{r.rrfrrrrtir INSPECTOR r#rrrH#/41f#4/#4rrr{rrfrrrrftr{/r/tr/r4#r4#14#Itt##t1#lfit{tr{{rftrr{/rr{rrrtrf/r#4riY#{r//rMl Member NIRA4,ttA LL lla sp e c ti coxi Qxieezisbvixy "iAilciirig &-- <--,ocle enforcement (Dff-:Lcc-- I*sTc>- (518) 761 -8256 742 ]BzLy 1;-`oaa, QLiot--iasb-ur-y, T'J'k' 12804 Date received: - NAME AA 2<2 ]PIF-IZIIv= 9!t: 1T�TS1PIF-C-rj-:7IDk C> ,A-rri-vo: (-pax : a Inspector's Initial 1110T - 1PC),C3I eriolc+s-vlre liti-k3iliad PC>C)l or YOL17CI 4 feet o:bc>Nrc-- &-ra. 6c 2 iricl-i =a>cirriLi= c--l(--a-rarice to Ig-rade ft-c>rri underside of fence 4 inch- maximum cleararice in f'4--Iac4-- PiCIC4--ts Wall c>r Doors have self closing device or zxlax-rris (30 seo<>ria -Alax-r" tirxie') Ladder secured iii place and latched ]C>ec-k gate - 56"' to latch nco n-ic3re, than V!z" spacing in j-'ate C>p4--r1iriggs C3T-.--xtc-- 4DPeTI c>TAt-wa-ra, self Padlock px-<:>-Vidf--CI on gates and ladder 1XICIC>Cxr pool all dC>C3I-,s self, QIoSirijx or alarmed per AC3-105-2 Item 9 -rix-rior on pc>cA ptirrilzo (xic)- plIIg in timer Final electrical 'Vehicle access gate closed &-- lC>CRcd (DIC to isslAc CIC <DfYice- ll-Jo- (518) 761-8256 742 Bay P-'caad, Qtic--oxisl:nAry, NY 12804 Bate rcccivcd_ L-C-2 !lla art: Trispectoor's InALF0 ]Pc>c>l enclosure arouxid pool or and 4 feet above grade 2 iricla rrizuxcirriiArri clearance to grade fl7c)rri -Liride-rslde-- of fence 4 inch =oL:7--irrnxrnL -1Z in fence -pickets -Wall or Doors have self closing cle-vic4-- c3a7 alarx-rxs (3 0 Se-CC311ad lklarll-1 tiTTle') I-adder secured iri place- and latelloa 1-3e-eR gat, ---- 56" to latch nc.) iL-xi,c>re than spacing in gate <>perlijags C:3.-xte opens <3tit,.Nrard, self JP'adl4or--R provided on gates car I.-ac-ider li-icloc�r lDc>cil all doors se-IF f--lc)sirlg car alarix-led Per -^,Cllos-2 Item 9 -rirrier on pool p"ri-ip ono plug im timer allc3Nvq--d) l7irietl electrical -Vel-liele access gate C;1<3secl 8.-- lcocicecl C)k to issute (--/C� <_,Cp TVITVI IE T'q-,u S 1 1 i ,�•- WO s 7, Nr V d 1C Y4/ n 4,„„.,�{/ /�k'i t ,+• 44i 1 4 v CL w � y+ra�� ysrtk�q� � 5, t4 "aia wv 4a�FRa4Y04 T�bv�C,,��yyUyc4 iit tr A .d hhs�c 4�?Y�� s• �({,rr^�u�p�`�k.��""QqC(s r�,�v�, a ru�,Yy�]" "i a�^Y�P �a e,w` ( <K'k•8�.`h�y II fYn� L�i'��7. )+ ? r<$l ! asaiY4"*+a ✓ rn.. 'dY-'`'r Ott t �A r rdv .t �f ��� ✓'k�to ��u$U� � ." y "pt r � {�, �rN�a Ar4p{��u�� f't' �+y� ��,�4, tG' ' �"�t� 'U' sV�"�G lW���a �Cj,"r•, su�u�r, SrkRc"" s t n� ! ty'%'��(M��i'rW"V rq' YGSr ` ' A � � ,�''�y+�*r'y�}"`'y�q��i"��,'b rk���r�xµ�q w'�„�t�t�.p ���H�y,�+`�t�a�".•,A,�N�� y 4' dq t �I 1 1 ,1