2003-794 Orthopedic & Spine Physical Therapy TOWN OF QUEENSBURY. , ' 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902' (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030794 Application Number: A20030794 Tax Map No: 523400-289-015=0001-002-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: C)RTHOPEDIC &-SPMR PHYSICAL THERAPY PC . For property located at: 3 HUNTER BROOK Ln in the Town of Queensbury,to construct of place' at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto fled and approved and.in compliance with the NYS Uni£orm.Building Codes-and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: NORTH TRACT PROPERTIES, L. 13 TWICWOOD Ln Sign • Total Vattie , QUEENSBURY,NY '12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's-Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency K:D. WHEELER.CUSTOM SIGNS l 6 RICHARDSON STREET 01JEENSBURY. NY Plans&Specifications 2'003-794 20.75 SQ FT WALL SIGN AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS (sign to be placed on the back Wall facing the parking lot) $41.50 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a Ionger period'is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the'rown of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the'I'o Queens Wednesday, September 24,.2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of BuildingOade nforcernent Fee .Paid: I TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ca 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Approved By: (518) 761-8256 Permit SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION RECENED THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: SEP 2 2 2003 TOWN OF OUEENSBURY 1. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. -SUILDINCI AND C-On- 2. Plot plan of location of sign. 3. Written consent of the owner of the building or land. OWNER OF PROPERTY * C-,t3iS6 Dt '-j-SLAHC-P- Vi 1-k T P,k CK- 'PRO P ae-n es 10 C. ADDRESS 4u 13TEf-f 5exo KL L AO G 8-,/ TEL. 7q3--0'99 I NAME OF APPLICANT LQ14E(FLer- ADDRESS 110 'RiC9AP-,�So.-3 Ay TEL. jq3 -,,2(n,,qo BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT: TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies: Existing _— Permanent X Projecting Sign ___ Temporary Non-conforTning Existing Free-Standing __ Wall X— New x—. Location: Tax Mai) Number Address Proposed Setbacks from Property Line (front) 19AO ' (side) KC) If sign is to be illuminated, please check appropriate box: Internal External (X) , Incadescent Neon Other Size of Sign: Width 41 '17. Length ft. Total Square Footage: Sign Copy: Spwe -P4A,/sjr-A1-- -TI-VEY A Pl Color and Material To Be Used: 861 q--E .4, '13 a P-C7t(AJ f>y Signature: Circle One: pplic owner, contractor or agent. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE APPLICANT ME A SIGN ON MY PROPERTY OR BUILDING. Signature of Property Owner: ORIGINAL-Office Copy COPY-Applicant rj%wrt I I AW am I CAI.% ® �' Ill � sw PROPOSED S' x 10' DOUBLE-.SDED Sirl R- 20.00' L- 43.98' 2 LAA MEMO U� EW,129 411 MIN III qP111 Ippqqq�ipi 170h0 pedlc & spm e Ph sical Therapy, R Dense A Buher, PT,,, Cert, MDT o Client;Orthopedic Spine 7 Physical Therapy,P.C. 02003 Drawing#4 Date:9/8/D3. This design Is copyrlghted and IS S the exclusive property of The wheeler Art Gro up,Inc. , It is not to be copied or reproduced in any way OVA$T'1101'. .Ml $00111,-Nw until approved and accepted A DIVISION OF THE WHEELER ART GROUP,INOr through purchase by the client. 16 Richardson 5t. Qucer OVY,W 12804 Approved by: Phone/Fax;518-M-2620 email;kdwheektr(dadeiphia.net