2003-818 TO" of QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804.5902 (518)761.8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761.8256 uf"IRTIFIC,AIT, E O F OCCUPANCY Perini Number. P20030818 Date Issued: Thursday,January 10,2008 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20030818 has been completed: ,.. _.. . __.. .w Location: 183 PITCHER Rd Tax Map Number. 523400.308.014-0001-052-000-0000 Owner: ARC COMMUNITIES 14,LLC Applicant; FOREST MOBILE HOME PARK-74 BRIWOOD CIRCLE This structure maybe occupied as a: Mobile Home In Park By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURX Issuance of this Certificate of Occupancy DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enforcement Planninig Board'.or Zoning Board of Appeals. "TONW.OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (51$)761-8256 w BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030818 Application Number: A20030818 Tax Map No: 523400-308-014-0001-052-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: FOREST MOBS E HOME.PARK-74 BRTWOOD C1 For property located at: 183 -PITCHER, Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to constrict or place " at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto Bled and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tyke of Construction Value Owner Address: ARC4BFND,L.L.C. PROPERTY TAX DEPARTMENT Mobile Home In Park $23 000 Total Value $23,000.00 PO BOX 13244 EL PASO; TX 79913-3244 ' Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-818 74.BRIWOOD CIRCLE 2003 MOBILE HOME(924 SQ FT)AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFCATIONS $30.44 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,October 06;2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensb Af M " d ,October 06, 2003 SIGNED BY )% for the Town of Queensbury. 5' Director of Building&W'Aorcenient Application for Permit-- Mobile Home Town of Queensbwy, 742.Bay Roars, Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 A building permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on parcel. No inspections will be made until a valid building permit has been issued. Applicant Information Office'Use Name: -A PC 1V 01\1p 1-)-C ��6�a.FOT0 .� File Permit Na. Address: lS9, 4 t 6iex Z Fee Paid S6,q� l R � aV W- ef ns b � �1 ` . Reviewed$y: _ Phone No. 51�)91�5 rl q n lD 4UU3 :�7..c,!o C, lj,`iY Property Owner Information Parcel Information �o,tie T Proposed Date of Placement: 1616 Iq 3 Name: ARQff UtID t-•L,C . 41} 10_ -P1}'RY- NW_ Property Location: �14 G I IO Wd 0,,1010 Address: (p0 C) &P-AN11— �"t'; 6taiTE q60 Ro4SUvA,Aveiiue "I>E+�1�Ei2 CCj So:?_oS Sra 2.8 , Name of Mobile Home Park: �p?_iE,6I" A M IBC. (if applicable) - Phone No. Soo ,�q,46 1 Tax Map Number: '30`6. Mobile Home Information Zoning Information Approximate Value of Home: S } Zoning CIassification: New Home: Yes No , Size of Property: ���.ft.by 135-$: Replacement Home: Yes No W1,0Tt-4 '6� ` Existing buildings: 5ee- Ll-j-_L-arh►��1,14S Size of Mobile Home: ft. by _Lp�ft. - Setbacks: front yard Ap ft' rear yard' 11 ft. Singlewide: _ Doublewide: Side yards 3 rl . ft.and 30 ft. Number of Rooms: (exclUde baths) Number of Bedrooms: ) Accessory Building(s): circle Number of Bathrooms:,r Detached,garage: I car, 2 car, car circle: Gas Fireplace I Woodstove 1 Wood Fireplace Attached garage: I car-, 2 car, car Storage building: Yes No Foundation Support: Other: S=&DE= Water Supply. well or unicipal e x Runners s Is Septic Permit Required? Yes or No Slab s Further information requested on the reverse side of this sheet W Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer. H-01 I dU HO e5 Address: o - q64 eal154or) (3a 1 k j labaQ Phone No. (J�-a4— a6U Complete information below found on a"plate"or"sticker"which is affixed to the mobile home. 1. Insignia serial.number. ( cl 2. Name of manufacturer. SeasoT)s 3. Plan Approval Number: 34q 4. Model or Component Designation: Lk m UE-k 0C (New Home 0MJ) 5. Date of Manufacture: AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and.complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE,the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature: ' owner,owne4agdht,architect,con ctor Special Conditions of Pennit By. Form: 11/1911999sh Code Enforcement Officer M I rr3 rL3 PL PL Pr rr. .1.1 1 MCPLrL3PLPLfflPCJ-rJJ UPROPUPRIVEJ SBY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE — 5 5NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS I 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY N 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 CERTIFIES THAT 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by S - - 5 C5 SHAWN ARRUDA AMERICAN RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY 183 PITCHER RD. 183 PITCHER RD. 5 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 QUEENSBURY,TN, NY 12804 5 Located at B-074 BRIWOOD CIRCLE QUEENSRURY, TN. NY 12804 5 Application Number: 3043074 Certificate Number: 3043074 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: A239 5 Described as a Residential occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 5 5 First Floor,Outside, 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement, and Administration, or other 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 16th Day of August,2007. 5 Name OTY Rate Rating Circuit Type 5 Miscellaneous no new equptment 5 Service 5 I Phase 3W Service Rating 100 Amperes 5 Service Disconnect: 1 100 cb 5 Meters: I 5 An as built inspection,of the delineated electrical installation,ation,determined that an obvious hazard is not present and the installation is believed to 5 5 be in conformance with the applicable reference standard for the estimated period of construction of the premises wiring system. 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 seal 5I of 1 5 This certificate may not be altered in anyway and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. rL3pLpLpLpLlMpLpEpCjM"L3j'L3pLpr r5l:ffi 51 rff I PLI @PL�'���"l���'E�lIrL3prjL3pLpLpLpr 01 _pd F��l�AL ■NSPEGTiON FaEPOf�T - "�"'owr-ii of t�ts�extsbz.sry . C-3ui�rd�r�cw ,tom God�er' �rx#c►�'c��i+�sirt _ 742 :8;ayy "<D4� - (5-1 8) T61-8:956 DATE I NSPEGTIO Ert REQLJ EST RECEIVE / _ - NAME= • - _ �� �C`, — ��� C�—� � �� - - MOSILE HtlME - - - M+a13LTZ:A.R. - Ht7r�E - -- - ��+C)C�►I'I3'++T�rs �7Mi.7i�iI7►A"I�+CJ►�vT _ SA<�7�t:]E��.,L.. ��t:�#M3 - . - • - -- _ NrlA. ,; "SETS - - NCR rya ger in'llzuf_ - ------------------------- - �►_ 9.u-tfvr 3ng per io aanuf_ --------------- 3_ water iue shut off ------------------- 4- sewer lice support ca� 4 feet ------- 5_ a-.o�'V--g crc3ssover (dblewids3 off grd_ _ 6_ dryer vez3ted outside" --�--------------------- ?_ skirting ventilated --------------------- . 8_ -hot water relief. valve piping outside _�� lt�_ furnacelhcit -water operating _______ - 23_ plu Ybirag fixtxwt-- ______________________ 14_ foundation u�sulatio�ca cif apl�"�- _- - _- l5_ smcdce de�tectovs- _______________________ 16i- feral electrical ------------------------ 1'7- variance required _____________________ 18_ data plate ci"-v ----------------------- � Nivdel # t Serial # 6 t'+--703 —1.-- Bate of Manufacturer _ _ - _ - [?K-fi,..Y 'F"Ca► ISSUE•CIt� -- 'Y�S - - -:s3.`+7G� _ b1 i �fNAE... �l�ISPECT�ON RE��iT d NA -I-own- of C)"emarisl>U y nt"itcii"Ig SL C+:)-a49 .E-En#ori--ewrt t VA42 DA`IE INSPEL`I-IOfi REQUEST RECEIAF MOS�Z,E HOME _�,�„� M�►?Z#LtL:A:R. H+QME _ - E=(�NCS�I"'Z3'+T+GS - LTN[�ATIC3N �A.t_']H:I�IL�.. "RAM 1_ fo� tia►ra sa.ipportr pier spacirag . � _ per rr�anatif_ ________________ _ �..�-boring per mauu _r --------------- 3_ waterer shut off ______------------- 4- sewer I support A�W 4 feet ------- S_ hP�*%*�g crossover (dblewide) off grd_ S_ dryer vented outsides`_-�=------------------- -7_ sir:rtimg ------------------- 8_ hot water relief valve piping outside 9_ deck. lo_ fi�r�ace�lzcst -water operating _ ________ 11_ garage f`ir,� prcx�f-ir�g -- ----------------- / 12_ +doer closers -- --------------------- ,J 13_ plix.rrxbing fture ________________-_____ 14_ RixxxxchAticnx ims i anon 15_ smc+lce detectors_ _______________-_______ 1F_ rsal electrica ------------------------ 1T_ vairiauce required --------------- 18_ d to plate tilc�Y ------------------------ -19_ mobile HL3U seal -okay ______________ �rSodel # Date of 3lrianufacturer � '� �7� - C)OfCAL '£`C► ISSUE CIC�► - =Y s - - NC7 +C_'_ca►-�'~-,rr.a+1t'Sr�.- "���,,.��9 c'i��...�?'�w�'�w�--='�,, - i�..7-�� "�*�r--�-- . i� `'�`'�=--��. P��A>L tN��ECT�t7!\i REPS -- T Tc►w n cW Clue nsbury _ Ouil+dlr_ o 8L C;c"og E=nft>rcamiaant r 74';:' _E3ay F=tc>atd Qu nsburS(, NY 128044 (51 8) ?61-8258 DATE INSPECTION- REQUEST RECEDED: - Mi]►BIIeE Ii�C+�►ME �gppLlt=,,�,R. Ht1�►ME - FC:�7TINGS FC]I�i`TIr'!A'I'IO2d 8Aa~."�K.FIi->;- FRA'MIN<3' 1_ fc7undation supgaart, pier spacing per nianuf- - ------------------- _ - --- _ aucboririg per manuf_ - ----------- ---- 3- water line shut off --------- -------- 4. sewer lisle support 4 feet - - ----- S_ heating crossc3ver {dblewide) c>ff grd_ a5_ dryer vested gutside -- ------------- --- _ - 7_ slci_rting veutilata�d- - ------------------- 8_ h©t water relief valve piping outside 9_ deck, pc3rcha:.s, steps, railing ----- -- -- 10_ furnacethot water operating _._ .____ 11_ garage fire proofing ------------- ----- 12_ dc'or cic+sc,rs - - - -------- -- ------------ -- 13. piurrxbing fixture ---------- -- ----.--- -. 14. fou3ad.ation insulation (if appl-). ..... is- saAaolce detectors. ....................... . 16_ final t--lc.ctrioa.l ----------------------- 17_ variance required ---------------- ----- 18_ data plate okay - --------- - ------------ i 19_ mcabile HUI3 seal oaY -------------- t MC>del At - Serial # Mariufac fuser Date of Manufacturer � QKAY Tc) ISSXJ1E C!Q - .YES NCJ C'o�xn+�nts: '� +�.1 '�"' � �ta�.�..C�--- - t .'�,.a► tom'c`_"_"�,,_"_"'__'� �"' '�'-�-"`?�" +�1� ate►c.�'-c" " -- +�'7 4�-oo> fsx. . } TOWN OF tUF ENS R1,RY;?�JILDING IERARTMEf�T � Based'a•i our,liMited exarnii)atloh corn lianc e vaith ouf mmenfs shall pp not be cons trued as indicating the • ' ' plans ana specifications:are in full Vff compliance-with the Building Codes c of New Yoi State. 1 Q't ih`t fi TAW` ` NOTICE RY ANCHORING OF,MOBILE HOME7. �- BUII_®I 1 C - FRAME IS REQUIRED PER i REVIEWED Y ; _ - ; MANUFACTURERS-SI'ECIFICATIOtgS ©ATE p � , i �/ xt (A: t 7 ( /// I trF i i : vilq 0 S 74 70mL PL 0OPPLAN LAYOUT Hitch End r . a d h i 1.Il,+�e J 'DINING ttiiLlTY AREA- — BEDROOM BATH � LIVING r .. , ROOM BEDROOM MASTERKITCHEN - BEDROOM BATH ;Fv RN a #1 '- f and " r lw i uE �. Specifications are subject to change without notice iS 7 4 7DmL TD 2DD3 FDL1 NDATION LA YDUT (PIE'R SET) Hikh End 211" i In r 1 rli tl� tl1 raw 1 ► 1 I 42`711_ 1 39'-5". r1 rLl r � IT.i LTA tYr �r� 4T� 6T1 4r� f ' r►-oil 21.nn"` '! Q G UM 99 T Frame Uses a 12"Main 1-Beam Note:The Foundation specifications shown above are suggested by pour Seasons Housing.Please refer to the Four Aft Seasons Housing installation manual for.specibc details.Alternative foundation construction is the responsibltit,of the selling dealer and/or local constructor and must be approved by a qualified engineer. JpC61t/i.Qttutl5 aft;auulvbl!U 1,11all t."tu/uut 11Uu1.0 w 1 E 4 70wL 1 FOUNDATION LAYOUT (BIER SET) Hitch End 21,•3" t a 1 t 18T 00 i I I I i i I I N 1 i I f C ^ I t , CO �- r y r ti r 7 r i �����,� r � r � _ r � • LJ t i t 00 104 _•; _14�.4�_. , ' 21 2'-0�� '1 n '1 d n� M 1� 0 t i i 82 %"game Uses a 12"Main t-Beam a Note:The foundation specifications shown above are suggested by Four Seasons Housing.Please refer to the Four Seasons Housing installation manual for speck details,Alternative foundation construction is the responsibility of the J selling deafer andlor local constructor and must be approved by a qualified engineer, U14. Specgications are subject to change without notice 00 n nnu ",f t'U p rr w i.�EGig s SCPTJL f . SGIP77 5 S7'fm FORM N- 7d-7�- 78 UPIwOOD CEPctC4 /D-/ -lq;-16-l8 000u"LkJO, PiP71 .,Mb.. -.. . i,., A t