May 25, 2022
Members Present- McCabe, Khul, Urrico, Underwood, Hamlin, Henkel, McDevitt
Members absent- none
AV 40-2021 GARY MCCOOLA, 45 Garrison Road 7:01
Ward 2. Applicant proposes a 196 sq. ft. screen porch addition, 455 sq. ft. single story bedroom and bathroom addition,
290 +/- sq. ft. covered porch, and a new patio area of 368 sq. ft. The site work includes areas for the new additions, patio,
and updating the pathway. The existing home is 2,016 sq. ft. footprint and proposed is 2,602 sq. ft.; the porch/deck area
improvement is 620 sq. ft. Relief is requested for setbacks. Applicant requests one year extension Approval was June 16,
Status: Application approval granted a one year extension. Approval Extended 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature.
New Business:
AV 15-2022 SAMUEL WAHNON, Big Boom Road 7:02-7:18
Ward 4. Applicant proposes a 16 x 36 (576 sq. ft.) two-story home with a basement and step areas to access the home.
The footprint would be 608 sq. ft. Relief is requested for setbacks.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature.
AV 16-2022 JOHN & PAULETTE KERSHKO, 238 Chestnut Ridge Rd 7:19-7:27
Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 345 sq. ft. footprint addition for a 3 car garage & expanded second floor area. The addition
is to be on the north side of the home with a portion of the existing home/garage area to be demolished for the addition.
The project includes removal of some existing driveway area and porch areas to be added to the rear of the home. The
existing buildings on the site to remain. The existing home has a footprint of 2,673 sq ft with the main brick building
(Dated-1852) having a second story of 980 sq ft , the rear portion of the home has a half story 431 sq ft per RPS. Relief
is requested for setbacks.
Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature.
AV 18-2022 JEFFREY & JOANNE MANN (5 LOT), Bay Rd & Pickle Hill Rd 7:28-7:55
Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 5-lot subdivision of a 35.23 acre parcel. The lot sizes include: Lot 1 (6.92 ac); Lot 2 (5.95
ac); Lot 3 (7.77 ac); Lot 4 (3.63 ac); and Lot 5 (11.57 ac). The project is located in the APA and the site includes APA and
NWI wetland areas. The site has existing out buildings along the south side of Bay Road. The project areas indicate they
are within 50 ft. of 15% slopes, a major stormwater project. Project is subject to subdivision of 5 lots, hard surfacing
within 50 ft. of wetland/shoreline work, work within 100 ft. of designated wetland. Relief requested for road frontage,
stormwater device location, and lot width.
Status: Application tabled to second meeting in July, July 27th with information due by June 15th. Tabled 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit revised information by June 15th.
AV 19-2022 JEFFREY & JOANNE MANN (3 LOT), BayRd & Pickle Hill Rd 7:56-8:13
Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 3-lot subdivision of a 17.1 acre parcel. The lot sizes include: Lot 6 (3.8 acres); Lot7 (4.1
acre); and Lot 8 (9.2 acres) near to the Mann 5-lot proposed subdivision on a separate parcel. The project is located in the
APA and is near to APA and NWI wetland areas. The site information indicates there are areas with 15% slopes, project is
a major stormwater project. Project is subject to subdivision for 3 lots, hard surfacing within 50 ft. of wetlands/shoreline,
work within 100 ft. of wetland. Relief requested for road frontage and stormwater device location.
Status: Application tabled to second meeting in July, July 27th with information due by June 15th. Tabled 7-0.
Follow Up: Applicant to submit revised information by June 15th.
Adjourn: 8:20