CC-0892-2021 ' Office Use Only
APPLICATION Permit Fee: $ 2`n. 2_1t)
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 C
Invoice#: 3
Flood Zone? Y ON /Reviewed B
Project Location:
Tax Map ID #: ��1• � � - D � �avAi
30t . � - � - �� DEC 3�10 V�ol'�� -eel212021 00eemJovr-6 ,#Jy
TYPE: Residential Commercial, Proposed se:
Single-Family _Two-Family _ Multi-Family (#of units ) _Townhouse
Business Office Retail _ Industrial/Warehouse _Garage (#of cars_)
_Other (describe )
1st floor: 1st floor:
2nd floor: 2nd floor:
3rd floor: 3rd floor:
Basement (habitable space): Basement (habitable space):
Total sq ft: Total sq ft: �SS
Scope of work to be done:
�N� rfio2. �► �'
r- loo(LS w� (S F;h,s�,c s , � lec�✓.'c� Reple Olen
Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021
1. Estimated Cost of Construction: $ ( 1 13 g� Z
2. Source of Heat (circle one): 0 _Oil _Propane _Solar_Other
Fireplaces/inserts need a separate Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimney Application
3. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? _YES _)�NO Explain:
4. Are there any easements on the property? _YES VIN0
• Is this a corner lot? YES _NO
• Will the grade be changed as a result of the construction? YES NO
• What is the water source? X PUBLIC _PRIVATE WELL
• What type of wastewater system is on the parcel? XSEWER _PRIVATE SEPTIC
I. I acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be
completed within a 12 month period. Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require
the submittal of amended plans, additional reviews and re-approval.
2. If, for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn, 30%of the fee is retained by the Town of
Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100% of the fee is retained.
3. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees
and department approval.
4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description
of the work proposed, that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws
and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations.
5. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed 1, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of
6. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly
constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
I have read and agree to the above:
PRINT NAME: I`o\Oe f U 00i
Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021
• Applicant:
Name(s): Ip�rjP�•' rlooPU
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3 ( ob6U on!r ar. Ca2eeiaAor NV I;Z(-dy
Cell Phone: ( 518 ) a3a - kaQL3 Land Line: �)
Email: �, e��J (l8 l�u�, ay. CoM
• Primary Owner(s):
Name(s): b I ! ��-t��; Se S
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 3 55 rei% f o k; -el-A �r� A) i 6
Cell Phone: �) Land Line:
Email: hp,H6e Aj So1[a.l 0 q pr� an
❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only
• Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form)
Contact Name(s): S 4U(C<<�M. (0-n4r6LL},'�� 13�uM40
Contractor Trade: (.o a ne rw L 1Jr%<4-ryC �'oh
Mailing Address, C/S/Z: ke I -isy
Cell Phone: ( ~ �K ) Land Lin � )
Email: ON
**Workers' Comp ocumentation must be submitted with this application**
• Arch itect(s)/Engi nee r(s):
Business Name:
Contact Name(s):
Mailing Address, C/S/Z:
Cell Phone: Land Line: � )
Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: kc,
Cell Phone: Land Line)
Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021
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Chapter 6. Plumbing Elements and Facilities ICC All 17.1-2009
602.6 Water Flow. The spout shall provide a flow of 603.4 Coat Books and Shelves. Coat hooks shall be
water 4 inches (100 mm) minimum in height. The angle located within one of the reach ranges specified in Sec-
of the water stream from spouts within 3 inches (75 tion 308. Shelves shall be 40 inches (1015 mm) mini-
mm) of the front of the drinking fountain shall be 30 mum and 48 inches (1220 mm) maximum above the
degrees maximum, and from spouts between 3 inches floor.
(75 mm) and 5 inches (125 mm) from the front of the 603.5 Diaper Changing Tables. Diaper changing
drinking fountain shall be 15 degrees maximum, mea- tables shall comply with Sections 309 and 902
sured horizontally relative to the front face of the drink-
ing fountain. .603.6!0,
perable Parts._Operable -parts: 'on: towel.-dis-
,;penserss and,hand-dryers serving accessible-lavatories"
6fl3 Toilet and Bathing F�ooms %shall comply with Table-603,.6.
603.1 General. Accessible toilet and bathing rooms' )`604-'� 506r Closets and Toilet Compartments
shall comply with Section 603.
F 604.1 General.Accessible water closets and toilet com-
603.2 Clearances. partments shall comply with Section 604. Compart-
603.2.1 Turning Space. A turning space.complying ments containing more than one plumbing fixture shall
with Section 304 shall be provided withiq,the room. comply with Section 603. Wheelchair accessible com-
The required turning space shall not.Se provided partments shall comply with Section 604.9. Ambulatory
» within a toilet compartment. accessible compartments shall comply with Section
603.2.2 Door Swing. Doors shall not/swing into the 604.10.
clear floor space or clearance for any'fixture. EXCEPTION: Water closets and toilet compartments
EXCEPTIONS: primarily for children's use shall be permitted to com-
ply with Section 604.11 as applicable.
� 1. Doors to a toilet or bathing room for a single 604.2 Location. The water closet shall be located with
occupant, accessed only through a private a wall or partition to the rear and to one side. The cen-
terline of the water closet shall be 16 inches (405 mm)
shall be permitted to,swing into the clear minimum and 18 inches (455 mm) maximum from the
floor space, provided!the swing of the door side wall or partition. Water closets located in ambula-
tory accessible compartments specified in Section
603.2.2. 604.10 shall have the centerline of the water closet 17
2. Where the room is for';individual use and a inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm)
clear floor space complying-'with.� Section maximum from the side wall or partition.
305.3 is provided within the room;beyond
the arc of the door swing, the door;shall not
be required to comply with Section 603. .2.
03.3 illlirrors. Where mirrors are located aboue lauato-
ries, a mi r r shall be located Duet the accessible lava-
o a d shall be mou ted with t e bottom edge of the
reflecting surface 40 inches (1015 mm) maximum
aboue the floor. ere mirrors are locate a ove coun=
ters that do not contain lavatories, the mirror shall be
mounted with the bottom edge of the reflecting surface
40 inches (1015 mm) maximum above the floor.
EXCEPTION: Other than within Accessible dwelling
or sleeping units, mirrors are not required over the 16-1a 17-19
lavatories or counters if a mirror is located within the 405-455 430-485
same toilet or bathing room and mounted with the: (a)Accessible Water (b)Ambulatory
bottom edge of the reflecting surface 35 inches'($90' Closets Accessible Water Closets
mm) maximum above the floor. >+ Flo.604.2
TABLE 603.6 -
Maximum 0.5 inch 2 inches 5 inches 6 inches 9 inches 11 inches
Reach Depth (13 mm) (51 mm) (125 mm) (150 mm) (230 mm) (280 mm)
Maximum 48 inches 46 inches 42 inches 40 inches 36 inches 34 inches
Reach Height (1220 mm) (1170 mm) (1065 mm) (1015 mm) (915 mm) (865 mm)
]CC A117.1-2009 Chapter 6. Plumbing Elements and Facilities
604.3 Clearance. has been installed in walls and located so as to
permit the installation of grab bars complying
Other fixtures not allowed with Section 604.5.
within this area 2. In detention or correction facilities, grab bars
are not required to be installed in housing or
-—T F — — — — — — i holding cells or rooms that are specially
i I designed without protrusions forr'purposes of
suicide prevention.
L — — — — — — — — — — Seat height
60 min 17-19
1525 ZZO-485
604.3.1 Clearance Width. Clearance around a water Note:For children's dimensions see Fig.604.11.4
closet shall be 60 inches (1525 mm) minimum in
width, measured perpendicular from the sidewall. FIG.604.4
604.3.2 Clearance Depth. Clearance around the
water closet shall be 56 inches (1420 mm) mini-
mum in depth, measured perpendicular from the
rear.wall. 604.5.1 pixel Si WMall Grab Bars. Fi d side-wall
604.3.3 Clearance Overlap. The required clear- grab bars shall e' 2-Inches (1065 mm) minimum in
ance around the water closet shall be permitted to length, located 12 inches (305 mm) maximum from
overlap the water closet, associated grab bars, the rear wall and extending 54 inches (1370 mm)
paper dispensers, sanitary napkin receptacles, minimum from the rear wall. In addition, a vertical
coat hooks, shelves, accessible routes, clear floor grab bar 18 inches (455 mm) minimum in length shall
space at other fixtures and the turning space. No be mounted with the bottom of the bar located 39
other fixtures or obstructions shall be within the riches (990 mm) minimum and 41 inches (1040 mm)
required water closet clearance.
604.4 Height. The height of water closet seats shall be 39-41
17 inches (430 mm) minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) 990-1040
maximum above the floor; measured to the top of the
seat. Seats shall not be sprung to return to a lifted posk 54 min E�
tion. 12 max 1370 W
EXCEPTION:A water closet in a toilet room for a sin- 305
42 gle occupant, accessed only through a private office 1065
and not for common use or public use, shall not be
required to comply with Section 604.4.
604.5 Grab Bars. Grab bars for water closets shall o
Section 609.4
comply with Section 609 and shall be provided in accor-
dance with Sections 604.5.1 and 604.5.2. Grab bars m rn 1
shall be provided on the rear wall and on the side wall c;, o M
closest to the water closet. co
1. Grab bars are not required to be installed in a
toilet room for a single occupant, accessed Note: For children's dimensions see Fig.609.4.2
only through a private office and not for com-
mon use or public use provided reinforcement IG.604. '
Chapter 6. Plumbing Elements and Facilities ICC A117.1-2009
maximum above the floor, and with the center line of 604.7 Dispensers. Toilet paper dispensers shall com-
the bar located 39 inches (990 mm) minimum and 41 ply with Section 309.4. Where the dispenser is located
inches (1040 mm) maximum from the rear wall. above the grab bar, the outlet of the dispenser shall be
EXCEPTION: The vertical grab bar at water clos- located within an area 24 inches (610 mm) minimum
ets primarily for children's use shall comply with and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum from.the rear wall.
6 Where the dispenser is located below the grab bar, the
s•► outlet of the dispenser shall be located within an area
604.5.2 Rear Wall Grab Bars.The rear wall grab bar 24 inches (610 mm) minimum and 42 inches (1065 mm)
all be 6 inches (9 mm minimum in length, and aximum from the rear wall. The outlet of the dispenser
' extend from the centerline of the water closet 12 hall be located 18 inches (455 mm) minimum and 48
inches (305 mm) minimum on the side closest to the inches (1220 mm) maximum above the floor. Dispens-
wall, and 24 inches (610 mm) minimum on the trans- ers shall comply with Section 609.3. Dispensers shall
fer side. not be of a type that control delivery, or do not allow
EXCEPTIONS: continuous paper flow.
1. The rear grab bar shall be permitted to be 604.8 Coat Books and Shelves. Coat hooks provided
24 inches (610 mm) minimum in length, cen- within toilet compartments shall be 48 inches (1220
tered on the water closet, where wall space mm) maximum above the floor. Shelves shall be 40
does not permit a grab bar 36 inches (915 inches (1015 mm) minimum and 48 inches (1220 mm)
mm) minimum in length due to the location maximum above the floor.
of a recessed fixture adjacent to the water 604.9 Wheelchair Accessible Compartments.
2. Where an administrative authority requires
604.9.1 General. Wheelchair accessible compart-
flush controls for flush valves to be located ments shall comply with Section 604.9.
in a position that conflicts with the location of 604.9.2 Size. Toilet compartments shall comply with
the rear grab bar, that grab bar shall be per- Section 604.9.2.1 or 604.9.2.2 as applicable.
mitted to be split or shifted to the open side 604.9.2.1 Minimum area.The minimum area of a
of the toilet area. wheelchair accessible compartment shall be 60
36 min inches (1525 mm) minimum in width measured
perpendicular to the side wall, and 56 inches
915 12 min (1420 mm) minimum in depth for wall hung water
24 min 305 closets, and 59 inches (1500 mm) minimum in
depth for floor mounted water closets measured
610 perpendicular to the rear wall.
604.9.2.2 Compartment for children's use. The
minimum area of a wheelchair accessible com-
partment primarily for children's use shall be 60
inches (1525 mm) minimum in width measured
Ln o I perpendicular to the side wall, and 59 inches
Flom a, cm (1500 mm) minimum in depth for wall hung and
o floor mounted water closets measured perpendic-
M ular to the rear wall.
°O cn 604.9.3 Doors. Toilet compartment doors, including
door hardware, shall comply with Section 404,
except if the approach is to the latch side of the com-
partment door clearance between the door side of
the stall and any obstruction shall be 42 inches (1065
Note: For children's dimensions see Fig. 609.4.2 mm) minimum. The door shall be self-closing. A door
so4.s, pull complying with Section 404.2.6 shall be placed
aeaR w--a!_t GR as g n ion w�TaR ct<as r on both sides of the door near the latch. Toilet com-
partment doors shall not swing into the required mini-
604.E Flush1s shall be hand mum area of the compartment•
o•erated or au ma ic. Hand operated flush cantrals W 604.9.3.1 Door Opening Location. The farthest
shall ampf with Sec i T 3 Q. Mush controls shall be edge of toilet compartment door opening shall be
o ated on fibs open side of the water closet, located in the front wall or partition or in the side
EXCEPTION: In ambulatory accessible compart- wall or partition as required by Table 604.9.3.1.
ments complying with Section 604.10, flush controls 604.9.4 Approach. Wheelchair accessible compart-
shall be permitted to be located on either side of the ments shall be arranged for left-hand or right-hand
water closet. approach to the water closet.
ICC A117.1-2009 Chapter 6. Plumbing Elements and Facilities
604.11.5 Grab Bars. Grab bars for water closets pri- depth measured from the outer face of the urinal rim to
marily for children's use shall comply with Section the wall.
604.11.6 Flush Controls. Flush controls primarily for
children's use shall be hand operated or automatic.
Hand operated flush controls shall comply with Sec-
tions 309.2 and 309.4 and shall be installed 36
inches (915 mm) maximum above the floor. Flush
controls shall be located on the open side of the
17 max
water closet.
EXCEPTION: In ambulatory accessible compart-
ments complying with Section 604.10, flush con-
trols shall be permitted to be located on either side
of the water closet.
604.11.7 Dispensers. Toilet paper dispensers pri- (a) (b)
marily for children's use shall comply with Section Wall Hung Type Stall Type
309.4. The outlet of dispensers shall be located FIG.605.2
within an area 24 inches (610 mm) minimum and 42 HEIGHT OF URINALS
inches (1065 mm) maximum from the rear wall. The
outlet of the dispenser shall be 14 inches (355 mm) 605.3 Clear Floor Space. A clear floor space comply-
minimum and 19 inches (485 mm) maximum above ing with Section 305, positioned for forward approach,
the floor. There shall be a clearance of 1 /2 inches shall be provided.
(38 mm) minimum below the grab bar. Dispensers
shall not be of a type that control delivery or do not 605.4 Flush Controls. Flush controls shall be hand
allow continuous paper flow. operated or automatic. -Hand operated flush controls
shall comply with Section 309.
- 42 max �606 auatories and Sinks
1070 WO . eneral. Accessible lavatories and sinks shall
rn eor-np ith ec lon 606.
60 . ear Floor Space. �telr floor space comply-
`s M in with Section 05.3, positign -d for forward approach,
24 min �� shall be provided. Knee and toe clearance complying
610 u� with Section 306 shall be provided. The dip of the over-
flow shall not be considered in determining knee and
toe clearances.
1. A parallel approach complying with Section 305
LO m and centered on the sink, shall be permitted to
a kitchen sink in a space where a cook top or
conventional range is not provided.
Note: For adult dimensions see Fig.604.7 2. The requirement for knee and toe clearance
shall not apply to a lavatory in a toilet or bath-
FIG.604.11.7 ing facility for a single occupant,accessed only
CHILDREN'S DISPENSER OUTLET LOCATION through a private office and not for common
use or public use.
604.11.8 Toilet Compartments. Toilet compart- 3. A knee clearance of 24 inches (610 mm) mini-
ments primarily for children's use shall comply with mum above the floor shall be permitted at lava-
Sections 604 and 604.10, as applicable. tories and sinks used primarily by children
0 n'at f ages 6 through 12 where the rim or counter
surface is 31 inches (785 mm) maximum
05A General. Accessible urinals shall comply with above the floor.
Section 605. 4. A parallel approach complying with Section
605.2 Height and Depth. Urinals shall be of the stall 305 and centered on the sink, shall be permit-
type or shall be of the wall hung type with the rim at 17 ted at lavatories and sinks used primarily by
inches (430 mm) maximum above the floor. Wall hung children ages 5 and younger.
urinals shall be 13'/2 inches (345 mm) minimum in
Chapter 6. Plumbing Elements and Facilities ICC A117.1-2009
5. The requirement for knee and toe clearance depth of 11 inches (280 mm) maximum or, if automatic,
shall not apply to more than one bowl of a mul- shall be activated within a reach depth of 11 inches
tibowl sink. (280 mm) maximum. Water and soap flow shall be pro-
ided with a reach depth of 11 inches (280 mm) maxi-
6. A parallel approach complying with Section v305 and centered on the sink, shall be permit- mum.
ted at wet bars. MI
.6 Exposed Popes and Surfaces. 'ater supply and
• : 606.3 Hei ht. The r•nt o iwateres nd inks hall be dra+npipe a lava ories and 'nks hall be insulated
34 inc es (865 mm) maximum above the floor, mea- or otherwise configured to protect against contact.
sured to the higher of the rim or counter surface. There shall be no sharp or abrasive surfaces under lav-
' EXCEPTION: A lavatory in a toilet or bathing facility atories and sinks.
for a single occupant, accessed only through a pri- 607 B' hit 1a
vate office and not for common use or public use,
shall not be required to comply with Section 606.3. 607.1 General. Accessible bathtubs shall comply with
Section 607.
607.2 Clearance. A clearance in front of bathtubs
extending the length of the bathtub and 30 inches (760
mm) minimum in depth shall be provided. Where a per-
manent seat is provided at the head end of the bathtub,
the clearance shall extend 12 inches (305 mm) mini-
mum beyond the wall at the head end of the bathtub.
607.3 Seat. A permanent seat at the head end of the
bathtub or a removable in-tub seat shall be provided.
I E co Seats shall comply with Section 610.
o `r
L co 607.4 Grab Ears. Grab bars shall comply with Section
609 and shall be provided in accordance with Section
607.4.1 or 607.4.2.
EXCEPTION: Grab bars shall not be required to be
installed in a bathing facility for a single occupant
FIG.606.3 accessed only through a private office and not for
HEIGHT of LAUATORIEs ANQ sINI<s common use or public use, provided reinforcement
has been installed in walls and located so as to per-
6Q6.4 Faucets. F ucets shall comply with Section 309. mit the installation of grab bars complying with Sec-
INUM7111opleraTeu metering faucets shall remain open for tion 607.4.
10 seconds minimum. ~
607.4.1 Bathtubs with Permanent Seats. For bath-
60 a�rateries ith Enhanced Reac Flange. tubs with permanent seats, grab bars complying with
W r nhan ed reac range is required at lavatories, Section 607.4.1 shall be provided.
faucets and soap dispenser controls shall have a reach
back wall back wall
a a o c
aci aci 0
— ----------=---
I I oI I I of
I I m I I `o
—————————— ————————————— —J
length of tub length of tub
(a)Without Permanent Seat (b)With Permanent Seat 12 min
54 '