2003-958 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20030958 Application Number: A20030958 Tax Map No: 523400-302-008-0001-003-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: C.R. BARD TNC TTSCT DTV For property located at: 289 BAY Rd N BLDG I in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and.in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: C.R. BARD INC USCI DIV Ceftificatd of Occupancy(COND ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE Total Value 289 BAY Rd QUEENSBURY, NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-958 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FOR TEMPORARY CLASSROOM AS PER APPLICATION $0.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,November 24,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) A Dated at the To of eens nay,November 24, 2003 'SIGNED BY V— for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code nforcement BP File# New Business Dept. of Community Development 404ewwtirlc�mtflm 4301r Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 For occupancy only, with no work requiring building permit:_ no fee required for this permit. Name of Business: I "9 Address: Z OO,? 6A fb'o"2- Person in Charge or Manager- U.), C 0711- Business Phone Number: Type of Business: (i.e., mercantile,restaurant,hobby shop,plumbing store): 5fa Owner of Property: C- -ZAQ Y- Address: 4 Phone Number: Please provide a layout of your store showing all walls, exits, stockrooms, rest rooms, counters and fixture layout on a separate sheet of paper. Signature: may ' Date: I C//�4,C)3 ofperson submitt this form: Property Tax Map No. Notes/Comments: r T � T IL ,0 NQ ;ZONELINE STAADGRD ., 0 Z, I C7 1z w n I n r 1 0 03 ALUMINUM,EXTERIOR. EPOM ROOF 4SX48 HS VINYL WINDOWS N TILE FLOOR T-GR10 CEILING I VINYL GYPSUM COMMERICAL. STEEL EXT OR STD INTERIOR DOORS 71 TONELINE HVAC r O V � � r -'' tONELINE ti 11 i I a a 1 _ CDRPIXAAIC OFFICES THE TISE OF THIS PROJECT j III 8211 TUNN EEHTEA ORfRE DRAWING FOR Ally DRAWING G + aA(4m) 1- 112aa MEANS OTHER THAN 24 X 40 (24 X 36 BOX) FLOOR PLAN {aoal a�a•aeaa l D (41c1931-coon THAT INTENDED IS www.will$cot.com STRICTLY PROHIBITED ALBANY BRANCH S e 0 T S M A N '' VOTHOUT THE PRIOR Al2ANY BRANCH t B INDUSTRY cAlot WRITTEN CONSENT t .Mobile Olficea�Sloraga AroduclS wATERFORD,Ili 12188 Of AN AUTHORIZED DWG OY:IDS J SERIAL#:DO-61297-98 SR: And More, FAR.spa-zja aTx1 REPRESENTATIVE OF NILLIAMS SCOTSMAN 2003 (8Co 782-1;60 WILLIAMS SCOTSNAII,FILE#;NCR/UNY/ALB SCALE; 3/16'z DIVG #: A-1 DATE: 4/14/03 IREY.J; 2 h t 17LVT IVI\1\ 1.J IrIIL LLJV Vl1I I\/1.4 LrlTV. ONLY COPIES FROM THE ORIGINAL OF THIS SURVEY MARKED WITH AN ORIGINAL OF THE LAND SURVEYOR'S EMBOSSED SEAL SHALL BE CONSIDERED TO BE VALID TRUE COPIES. MAP REFERENCES MAP OF A SURVEY MADE FOR USCI, A DIVISION OF C.R. BARD, INC. DATED JULY 19, 1988, LAST REVISED JANUARY 12, 1989 PREPARED BY VAN DUSEN & STEVES LAND SURVEYORS. MAP OF LANDS OF C.R. BARD, INC. DATED MARCH 29, 1983 PREPARED BY COULTER & MC CORMACK LAND SURVEYORS. TAX MAP REFERENCES TOWN OF QUEENSBURY: 302.07-1-3 302.07-1-4 302.07-1-5 302.07-1-43 DEED REFERENCES 1. UNITED STATES CATHETER AND INSTRUMENT CORPORATION TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 12 JUNE 1972 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 22 JUNE 1972 IN LIBER 553 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 1. 2. UNITED STATES CATHETER AND INSTRUMENT CORPORATION TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 12 JUNE 1972 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 22 JUNE 1972 IN LIBER 553 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 3. 3. HULDA M. LAWRENCE TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 9 OCTOBER 1979 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 18 OCTOBER 1979 IN LIBER 626 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 775. 4. J. DAVID MULLEN TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 15 JUNE 1982 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 15 JUNE 1982 IN LIBER 646 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 1055 5. JOHN M. CARPENTER AND ERMA V. CARPENTER TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 30 SEPTEMBER 1982 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 29 OCTOBER 1982 IN LIBER 649 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 761. 6. RICHARD TREMBLAY AND HELEN L. TREMBLAY TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 12 APRIL 1984 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 13 APRIL 1984 IN LIBER 660 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 790. 7. LOUIS CORLEW TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 17 SEPTEMBER 1986 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 29 OCTOBER 1986 IN LIBER 686 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 519. 8. FRANCIS R. SHEPARD AND PHYLLIS SHEPARD TO C. R. BARD, INC. DATED 13 JULY 1987 AND RECORDED IN THE WARREN COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 14 JULY 1987 IN LIBER 694 OF DEEDS AT PAGE 998. iron pipe found 'I gate — -- iron pin found �a light pole Is lands now or formerly of Donald Smith fer ce 137.85I UP w/ guy E N 80'-46 -21 0 sign iron pin found shrubs N 05'-02'-59" W 50.00' grassQ 0 N O iron post found valve U: mulch I f,� fence 71,-16" CB o o p 49 hardwood I� paved parking lot �'° o shoulder 61 1 manwell & softwood Q K edge d'� _ BUILDING 7 trees O MH Homer Avenue C� light pole 7� crushed stone parking �J equipment St6,• ��,°� \ °� N .E cn grass w/v conc LINE °81_PROPOMH rn(10QS iron pin found ce 0 steel steps conc. conc. paved parking Q n MHO CB \�9�, cho1n l�r•k fence storage trailers mulch a F gate tree :row lands now or formerly of conc. ° CB Ho dirt curb gas valve Carol J. Whitney conc. ramp curb BUILDING � BUILDING 6 ° hydrant w/ 7" birch c ° / light pole 9 Q 6' GYM% pavement bollards a ve box 7" birch 9 CB °w/v sign shrubs 71) 0 " c(9 °w/v c�tb UP dshrubs curb O MH cr manhole0 ,s�, 6 conc. steel steps con step Toss N edge pavement 6"0 transformer UP bollards c� quipmen bollard � MHO 9 iron pin found <,,�> OMH shrubs " p � paved parking signs �� 10 PIV w steel steps 10 blue spruce plantings 7.984.t acres woo�Ost bollards P conc. walk woods • pole w/ guy paved walk $ CB BUILDING 10 signs o- 10" maple O flag pole curb paved road s q shru gazebo 13" pine -o P s�°�s paved h^�6s Plantings plantings stone 10' i 0 UP v1 sign MH �� GQQ�� grass P CB rn light pole 0 sign g G' 10' tree 0 r, 9" pine CB 18 CMP 6`• conc. ramp conc. w/ hydrant Watervalve CB 10"� \��A equipment 12" CMP \ la Roo paved parking lot \ bollards 6'' �p BUILDING to m \ 9,�AF,p chain link fence 06" maple sign 6" nsform around equipment conc. ramp N pavement @a6. 10" �01 conc steps conc steps 10-20" Asa PIV w/v bollards /�e�o poJea w/v 6.741 f acres maples light pole poi y 8.0 A iron pin found �� 10" tree o�c° Ai BUILDING 3 clean outs O conc. walk conc. sla , paved road o'� • conc 00 o 8 Q o plantings �9s step bollards stack a woods x equipment conc J oFo� conc. walk A� 12„ ° ° onc. O v! L. — BUILDING 1 o, 8" tree OA \ \ MH 12." maple F \ co �Q J- ,,� equipment MH co tppi ent wall UP oaA conc. step \ O , b gr d w%T oar s around corner fence post / BUILDING 12 ono tiF conc MH /� MH L-u transformer 9" maple / / � a sign �� step �/ chain link fence P light pole \ BUILDING 4 h watervolve � CB oa . bollards° around Argon tank 0 lands now or formerly of Michael L. Mills Angela Abodeely—Mills woods chain link fence ---- Z O rn I O iron pin found �` O I lands now or formerly of Warren W. Dedrick Heather E. Jenkins—Dedrick F /0 '7 010 s °41 F\ 0 r� y o/. lands now or formerly of Eileen Collins Z / \manhole 10" maple O ,eato bollards paved ° ° O o� woods \ O /`\/ g conc. transformer slab Qo C building CB CB coolin stockade fence g, metal plates ° I o/ \ unit conc. step & walk shelter ° uildin AC unit S 05•-53'-45" E I ei O O° bollards LI conc 0 126.13' electric conduit CB MH sign conc. w conc conc. CB 16 fines 11 maple cooling ste s manhole signs lights bollards O 0 O MH / stone 9 conc. P O paved �12 pine unit paved road 9� �'"� MH O ° i < < AC slab pavement P oSs CB �-+�12" pine 12" pineO hydrant A w/v conc. steps P P MH P 12" pine bollards o° w/ bollards ❑ CB � / \ > .�. wood posts bollardsPIV gate P pavement sign OC6 light ° in CB crushed stone /steel ste s • 14 P 12 'pine pavement MHO / paved light signs MH O r• equipment steps deck light P fs e UP e� conc steps oading platfor steel steps iron pin found P woods PERK LINE roil chain link fence O woods CB CB gate light � W 284.71 O _ _ BUILDING 5A BUILDING 5 41, 48 _ S 81•— Ir r — new building L equipment equipment slab lands now or formerly of O CB O 1 deck deck J. David Mullen CB manhole LEGEND L _ — — — iron pipe found timber curb conc ramp property line MH O MANHOLE N page wire fence along bi 13 CB CATCH BASIN LA O° 761.70 PIV POST INDICATOR VALVE S g2•-15'— 1„ W LINE iron pin found °w/v WATER VALVE PROPERTY � P UTILITY POLE iron pin found 0 TREE ~ iron pin found lands now or formerly of Warren & Heather Dedrick DAVID F. BARRASS L.S. # 49363 SURVEYED B DAVID F. BARRA S LAND VEYOR 5 MAPLE STREET CORINTH, NEW YO K •A- SIGN MAP OF LANDS OF C.R. BARD, INC. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY NEW YORK " = 50' FIELD SURVEY COMPLETION: 7/22/03 MAP COMPLETI 8 14 03 PROJECT NO. 03-020