Letter of Auth�7 Y 0
x'isto�€ ti(.erpg, hereby ailestas follows:
�- We are Ilre owl er Of -record of the real propeily located al 0 Browxr's Path, Town of
Qleensbury, County of Warren, Stafte of'New York, Tax Map No.: 29G_1 - 9.
We hereby grant: acczss to the rea[ property for any tests, or inspect mis as deemed
necessary pursuant to this authorization,
3- ��e �e�'eby e�npowex� Thomas �. l�ubz•�ck`yz his agents, engi�reers, attornoys� a�rdlor
pro wessionals to act as my agent and representatzve in conduat],19 prt;sentatioris to the
necessary board(s) and goverrmontal agencies and m delib-rzatiom with the; board(s) and
other goverirmental agencies pezta=19 to any land use, or planning and zoni ng
application and approval.
4- .�.s my age��t, they are �rnpowered to act on pry behalfin �.�1�.
Tn doing so, ,iy the owner, ur�clerstand ti�at 1 am bound b�T a.rry condiiio���s) unposed on my
project and agreed to by my agent or by any condition(s) or�•estrzction(s) unposed by n]y
agent as part of the appl1catzon and approval process. _
� ated:
atk�;d: `2. �-
f� t
Eva M. Detmer