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Series LCI Intumescent Sealant
Collett 138 Sicker Road Latham,NY 12110 MECHANICAL INC. Ph:(518)862-2214 138 Sicker Road,Latham,NY 12110 Submittal Job: 20-049 Spec Section No: Fowler Square Submittal No: 38 Revision No: 0 ! Sent Date: 3/30/2021 Spec Section Title: _ Submittal Title: Firestopping Contractor: Contractor's Stamp Collett Mechanical Inc E *` E0VE MAY Q 3 2011 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY i BUILDING&CODES BBL ` Architect's Stamp Eric Weatherwax I& I i i Engineer's Stamp i i 1 I i I I �p new e�Y,ai,111141 SERIES LCI INTUMESCENT SEALANT APPLICATIONS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SpocSeal@ LCI Sealant has a broad application SpQcSoalqD LCI Sealant In avarsalito and ecanomical fnlumescenl soalani llsal has oxce►(en(caulking base designed to seal a v ldo variety of common properlias as wo as hlgh build praposllas an vaillcal or ovoihoad sudacas,This singlo grado maybe penetrations and consimcllon jolnls,Penetrant types caulked(standard cerbldge or bulk loaded),knifed or Iroweled.In addition,SpacSoal©LCI Sealant I include Insulated and non-Insulated Metallic pipes does not contain PCB'sorasbestos. 1 and llibas,ron•molalllc plpos and tubes,and cam- man electrical service and power dislllbulloll,101u• SpacSoal@ LCI Sealant Is storage stable(whon stated according to Ilia manufacturer's racoinnionda- phatio.data,and.TV cabling.This product Is also lions),and tWll net separate or shrink When dslod.SpacSoal@ Series LCI Sealant will odharo to all used In conjunction with othor•Specsool@ Products common construction and penetrant materials and conlahls no se1v0nls Thal might adversely effect such ob'SpecSeal@ Ffreslop Collars and Wrap plastic pipes or cable jackals, Strips 10 prdtecl larger plaslloplpos,Sao Table A for i a summary application list, FEAT hES•_°.sr .. ' : _:'_. ) •Economical:High performance without ilia high ptleal 1 •Highly)nlumesce0l:Expands up to a limos. I , 1 •Excellent Smolte Seal •Water Resistant:Will not re•emulsiry when(try, 1 •Water-Based for easy Inslailalimi,cleanup,and disposal, :, (fit •Acousllcally Tested:Reduces nolso transmission •Site Low VOG'S,No Solvents,Non•I lalogenaled •Palntnble PERFORMANCE i SpecSeriMLCI Soalanlls lliebasls for systems that meet Ilia exacting cilladaol ASTM E014(UL1479) and ASTM E1990(UL2079)as wall as to Ilia lime•lemporaluro requirements of ASTM Ei 19(UL203), i LCI provides up to a 4•hourlire rating for typical service penetrations tbrough concrete or wood Iloors, concrete or masonry Walls,as well no gypsum board wells.SpacSoal"LCI Sealant meals Class A llnlsh requirements for Flame Spread and Smoke Development when tested(n accordance with ASTM i E04(UL723).Meals or exceeds Ilia requirements of ASTM C034,Type C,Grade 0,SpecSeal@ LCI Sealant Is also acousllcally tested,demonstrating excellent sound attenuation properties. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES �T FDCIII System Comparlblo Indreatos flint this product has !loon "PhONBl1108'; >SBJlee LC(r ) �y,.., taelad,and Is maldiored on oil ongobn0 basis,to asauro its clu ndcal ( I _ •--- _ - - - 14 S cmnpnllbl)lly vdlb FlowGuard Go1dD felazolilastePD and Corzonm } Color Red sysTVACCCLILIPATIaLC pill,and Mines. FBC,FloviGuard Gold,Bnazemnster and Conan are Ilcmnsod trademarks of The Lubrizol Corporallon. Odor Mikllatex Density 9.0lbigai(I.00kgt.) SPIAS It'U((nimnnniSWIM f SJSrJ nl,vdaarc,Inywnnnc+aiaSar•+wrr• �M 'all . PH 0.0 ' Jdnl SyA+m+81M+v2hPmnolbn Frud•p Solids Conlani©yMight BOY, aye+a+.SnuLC•r•rc,na+HIM atu•hry. APP00UE0 i Solids Content By Volume 69.9% t 1 SPECIFICATIONS In$0lviceTemporaluro sIO.RF(OS°C) I Flame Spread V Tile Ilrostopplagsoalantshallbeawaler•rosislont,Inlumoscentfatexsealanl,Thesealanlwhenexposed - 10bigisboat of flame shall exhibit aIran expansion of up to to times Its original volume.Tile Ifreslopping Smoke Developed B' sealant shall contain no wafer soluble nor hygroscopic ingredients and sholl be acausllcally tested, STC Rating a2taam+a+rnrxrwumaH) ' Tile coolant shelf he UL Classified endfor FM approved and tested to Ilia requirements of ASTM E014 (ASTM E 0o 011ASTld Colo) (UL1470),CANNLC 8115 and shall moot Class A finish requirements when tested In accordance wllh VOC Content pgL ASTM E04(UL723). l (EPA MoaM2VASTMo3d%.aj Sholf Life 2yi3 SPECIFIED DIVISIONS Expansion Begins 350'F-(I77'C) DIV. 7 07040 Tluougll•Ponolra(lon Ffioslopp5i fj Volume Expansion 10)(FrabETparalan DIV, 13 13000 Special Conshucllon Fire Suppression&Supervisory Systems Storage Temp, 40'F(4`C)-9SF(3SC) BPI. 15 15250 Mechanical fasufaftal-fire P(aiecuan i 'Tskdh/SlrlEal(bLt23J,1SCS:ubcemeaa+HndfidarWv�lr(+udmtu) DIV, 10 10050 Do*Electrical MatodalsaMethods I � "� Teclliileal Selvico l g00.092-11u0 511 Frailud Data Shoel•Series Wfnlmuastmd Sealant•75TOD•5062.1717 1 .: l STL 1YWwstlliresto)i,com i INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL:Areas to ba proleclad must he clean and froo of all,looso dIrl,►ust or scale.Inslallallon temperatures must be bollworm 3WF(2°C)and too°F (301C).Allow product to dry a mhlhnuin of 24 hours before exposure to moisture. SYSTEM SELECTION:Selection olon appropriate Ilreslop system design is clllical to lire lire protection process.Space limitations preclude highiy detailed Informatlon porlalning to Individual application systems,Please consult Ilte Product&Application Guide aswell as the ULO Fire Resistance Directory for uddillonal information. FORMING:Some Installallons mayy require forming as oltheran Inlogmlpart of Into system or as an option to facilitate Distillation.In systems where forming is required,mineral wool balls wllii a minimum nominal density of 4 PCF(64 kglm')are generally required.Cut foiming material oversize to allow for light ipacking.Position forming material to allow for ilia proper depth of fill malelial, i FILL MATERIAL:SpacSaaf@ LCI Sealant may be f rstulled by caulking using it standard caulking gun or from hulk containers using a bulk loading caulk gun;or by manuallyy troweling using a moson'a trovrel or ully knife.If the sealant lends to pull back from n surface,clean ilia surface with a damp rag or sponge and reappiy.Walk sealant Into all areas oxwelst it care to eliminate volds or seams.The surface of Ilia sealant can be smoothed using a putty knife dipped In water.Adding valor to ilia soalant Ilsell Is not recommended.Soalanl(whop dry)may be palntod using most non-solvent based paints, . Ingypsum wallboard penetrations,apply aminfinum + j Fig,4:BARE AINSULATE•D METALLIC PIPES-Woad FloorAssembiles covo band of 1/4"(G mm)at Ilia Interface of ilia penetrant with both exterior wall surfaces, Insulated ?.laterite imamntepipa SMOKE SEALING:Insomo applications Including pit" s ulnnt LCI Ilreslop collars,SpocSoalO LCI Soolaul Is / Sealant recontmandad as a smoke seal.It Is suggested In \ These applications that the sealant he applied to both sides of walls.In floor applications,a sealing bead Is suggested lop and bottom. LIMITATIONS:SpoeSealO LCI Sealant Is water- based and cures Ibrough ilia evaporation of water. i Low temperatures as well as high humidity may retard drying.Nonporous or Impermeable backing material&,plates,orcoalings may retard ilia drying process.Do not paint or seal In any way that pre- Wood Floor 01 LCI vents conlactwilh air until sealant has dried through Assainbly S0°I°itt Soalanl Wood Floor Assotnbiy completely.This product has been designed to he UL safe Will plastics and has bami used exlonsNely and o:1&2 tetnNo;F•C1112a - ULSyslomNo,F-C14and r successiullywilliavatiel oldilferentVpesolplaslie Fnalin0;1&2Hr•TOaltna:t/4,i/2andillr FHallna:l&2t1r•Tnauna:3/4andlHr� y Steel,Iron orCopper:4"•Chasewalloptional. Stool.Iron or Copper.4' pipos,tubes,and plasilccablo Insulations.Variations i Annulus:Viol"-Saalanh 510"boltom,3/4"lop Plpa covatln0:1"fiber Olass,Mineral Ober In these materials however,make it Impossible to orAOIPVC•Cltasa wall optional. Annulus:0"lot"•Sealant:6/0"ballom,314"lop, Duaranteecompallb101y.STlslronglyrecommends that the user consull with ilia manufacturer at Ilia pipe,tubing,or cable In question regarding any . known sensi0vilios or polenllal restrictions bolero applying this product. Fig.6:BARE&INSUTATED METALLIC PIPES-Gypsum Walls I i ! Metallic LCI Sealant Pipe (BolhSldes) Inmtal'eJ Let Seal11 3 j Mamma d LCI Saalnul (aolll Sides) } I , QAmlsoNly Gyppsum AC Lino ppswnWnllordWallboard Assembly Assembly ULS storn No.W-L-S02ri i UL System No,W-L4222 UL Sy ling:1 Nos.W-Lllm H ffl yr 22 F Rating 1,2 Hr-T nalina:114I r Ftieelar,2 o 0:11",ca:l/4,3/4:4- Flltoolo lronppe:G",Ca:iHrd1/4Hr ACLino6ohnurre pporlubas, Sleelarironptppo:0';Coppparplpa4- 5laarorlranplpo:0';Cappporplpo:4" p Annulus:0"to2"•Ssalonl:6/0" Prpoeavatlar:May.7'Oheraaloss, Ono villit3/4"AOIPVCan's1hormoslatWro 314"AO/PVC or rillouralIlber Annulus:Ole t"•Sealant 5/0" Annulus:CIO i-1/2"•Seal3nl:610" . i �=• Tecltltical Servlco 1 Og0 092110g S11 Product Bain Shot•Series 1.0Inluutostoul Sealant•I5FOD•5062.1717 3 i STI,wsvwstlllreslop.cam i' i I j MAINTENANCE j Nohtalntonancalsnotntallyraqulred,hovievorapporlodlclnspocllonolmledbattlorsisrecolnntendedlontakesuralhalmrynewopsltings,roodllicallons I � at previously Installed firestops,or areas oxhiblling physical damage,have been property sealed or repaired,Subsequent Goofing or repairs should he accomplished using SpecSoal®products p'or lllo original approved design, +: RETROFIT,When adding or removing penetrants,care should be taken to mfnimizo damage to ilia seal.Reseal using SpecSoal@)pproducts par ilia ! approved design,NOTE:New penetrants of a different nature limn Ihd ariglnaidosign mayraquire a tolallynewilrestop design orexlensivo modifications to ilia existing design,Reseal all openings as per Ilia requirements of Ilia modified design, TECHNICAL SERVICE i Specilied Technologies Inc,provides tall free technical suppotl to assist hi product selection and appropriate installation design.UL Systems,Material Mi Safely Data Shoals and other lacbnical Infommllon Is available through ilia Technical Library at vwLslilimslatimm. PRECAUTIONARY INFORMATION Consult Maleilal Safely Dale Shoot for additional Information on Ilia safe handling and disposal of Ilk material. AVAILABILITY SpecSoal@)Series LCI Sol laol Is available from militarized STI distributors,Consult lactory orwobsito for ilia names and locations of ilia nearest sales representatives or diatrlbutora, I ORDERING INFORMATION CAT,NO, DESCRIPTION i 1_030n Sealant 10.1 oz Tube 10.2 Cu In(300 nil) 1_0305 Sealant 5 Gal Pall 1,155 Cu In(19.0 L) ! LG1320 Sealant 20 oz Sausage 30 Cu it).(592 all) i LC1329 Sealant 20 oz Quart Tube 52 Cu in.(050 nil) nddNan,►speeSs,rrroatrefs„ . SniesSSSSeaWnn Plresto11shtaHnr ' Tharndus6y'smoslvereNia sealant pprovldos ilia llrostopping solutions for avildorangoal Ughhretgirt,varsatilaandacanomlcailTha best dtafca lot fargaa(compfaxtristafrattans. ooniusiiblo and noncombusi@toapplroallons.Walor-bacadlnlumoscontsealantexpandsup ggpFbestopPutty fnNme canlV►m Sid Available boviIn bar form andlapads,pullyprovidos easy raholllfar lineugbponalralionsand P ships economical protection for electilca►boxes. Tloca grades of fnlumoscanH,mp aides piovldo un unmatchadcomhrnation ar(taxi9nyy, econamyy,andexpansion(uplo3oxi,Syslem&forplasOeplposIncludtngFRPolypiapylanoup SILSlitcoue' fae•fradesfxal Soalanisond loam lo,ibrough poneaa0ans and canshuclron f oinns.Unexcelled Doing chain- SSC&LCC Ftreslop Collars ladslics and liodbllly. Easy tarns!all,ecanomicat0Paciran for AGS and PVC pipes((botli solid and loam Cate)aa Ernstomello Joint seals svallasCPUC,PVDF,andFRPP.LCCCallais eta available uplo4•and 680collarsaioovati- , Economical pioducls for seating comhuctionfolnts.Choose caulk orsprayappiladproducts able up to 6•fiado sko, lasted to Ul.2070. IMPORTANT NOTICE:NI statements,technical Intermit Hon,and recommendations contained hpreln are based upon lesting believed to be reliable,but ilia accuracy and completeness thereof Is Ilotguamnleed, LIMITED WARRANTY:STI%vanatils that its products Will be free of defects for ono year from Ilse dale of purchase.In ilia event a product do as not conform to flits warranty,III sate and exclusive remedy Is,atSTi's option,replacement of(Ito product or refund of lite purchase price,The warranty provided herein shall be void and of no effect In Ilse event that Ilse product is not Installed In accordance With STI's published Instructions,listed systems and applicable building and safely codes,THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALLOTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES(Including Ilse implied wa�ranifes of merchantability or fitness for a particular use)AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL STI BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,INDIRECT,SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES,JNCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANY LOSS OF REVENUE,PROFIT OR USE.Prior to use,the user shall determine the suitobllily of the product for Its Intended use,and Ore user assumes all tisice and liablfly for subsequentuse.No person other Ilion an officer of STI is authorized to bind STI to any i other warranty for any product for which this warranty is issued,I. . I i MADE IN THE USA—COPYRIGHT©2017 SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC. Specified ' Technologies STIe inc. SpeclflailTeclnnotogfos Inc."Somerville,NJ00074 USA-Piiano:000.992.1100-Ric:000.526.0623 i 4 Sit Product Dula Shecl•Series LG Inlumoaonl Senlanl■2011-5062.1111 Technical Sentice i ( lvvnvsllllrostop,cam STI, i I j I ' I i I I �t�� C, �i111�IiIIIIU SERIES SIL SILICONE FIRESTOP SEALANT ABJTOP�PAOO 7H u I APPLICATIONS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SpecSeal©Series GIL Mona MoslopSealanlis Used 10seal SIMS0016 Series SIL Slllcono Flrosloll Sealant Is a ono•parl,noulial•curing silicon sealant oxbl6lling superior ! ' boOrOvouglm•psnevofmfvaslop Systems erxlbnlsyslems,. performance In oppilloallonsviliom soallag opumIngs Inwalls and floors are needed locantrol Illosproad of[fro,smoke, I I Representative systems have been tested InvaMag primasiy toxic gasses,andvialer during Ilia conditions. { I non•conibuslible penetrants,electrical,data,or telephone SpecSoal©Series SIL Slllcono Flrostop Sealant roacts with atmospheric moisture to form a lilglm•slronglb,durable cabks,conshucVangapsoxpaliftlenls,cudalnvrallWIiN seal that vrlll sdhoro to most build(ng substrates VAII10111 Ilia use of pllmers,SPOCS0310 products do not contain iapplka9ons,andlopoRvail)onls. asbestos;or PODS. { BASIC USES:• , SpocSonIQSeriesSILSIIIconoFlrostopSoatanlisrfasignodforuseInllroslopsystems[orthroughP0110batlonsand t i R• Joints.This product excels In applications whoro greaterwaior resistance Is requirad,Syslomshava boon tested for f i Class 1 W Ratings parU11470. I + SpecSoolia Seslas SILSIIicono Flrestop Sealant Is available In non-sag(SIL300)and selr•levelt ig(SIL300SL)Diodes i and may also be used to seal vertical and horizontal Jololo bahveon metals,masonry,cencrolo and allser common construction materials,Specsoal0 Series SIL Silicon Ffroslop Sealant Is specially designed for use In static or dynamlejolnls.The iovrmodulus characteristic minimizessirsln an ilia substrate surface and Ilia alaslomado quality alisvis excellent recovery from extension ondeonipression cycling, I PERFORMANCE Spoesaalo Series SILSlllcono Flrestop Sealants are ilia basis for systems that moot Ilia exacting crllaila of ASTM ' E014,(UL 1470),ASTId E1966(UL207g),ASTM E1399,asviell as Ilia lima-lomporature requirements of ASTM Ei19 `1��- ' ,/ •y (UL263),r.lrestop systems for both JoInt systems and through penetration Ifrostops have been tested vAlli ratings up lo4hours.Sao UL Systems for more specific hdaimalion. i Millllonally,Spacseal®Series SIL Silicone Flrestop Sealant meats ASTM C920,'Standard Speclllcaiimr for FEATURES Eladomodo JofnlSoolanis:For SIL300,Ilia product Is listed asType$,Grade NS,Class 50,Use A.G,M,0.For •Low Modulus ollevis dyriamto movement In SIL300SL,the product Is listed as Type S,Grade f;Class 25.Use A.G.M,0. Joints. Finally,SIL300(non-sag)has been evaluated by NSF Laboratories tar Inclusion in Lubtizal's FGGIBWOZ CPVC System Compatible program, Auto Bonding allows fresh sealant to adh eta to cured stralahl. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES •Excetlent Water Resislance forwalor•lighl. j seating;Including Class iW Ratings(UL1479), TyploalPro erties-Assam lied •ozone and UV Resistant for excellent Pro otl SIL300 Uou-Sag BIL300SL Solt-Lovolitt I ConsislonGy -Trawolablo Pourable weallieting ability and long setvlce[ire, Portent Solids 100% 05% •Excellent Chemical Resistance protects In' V0C ASTM D2369 20 ok <47 IIIL I ( i Toolin Tlmo 25.30 minutes 25.30 minutes Polluted or corrosive atmospheres. Tack Frao ASTM C670 77°F,50%1111-1 3.4 hours- 50.60 minutes •Excellent Adhes[on to moslbuilding Sa ISlnm ,ASTM D2202 0.1"max N.A. substrates, Storage Temperature eCOP 27C <OOF 270 •Excellent SmohoSent Installation Temperature -35°Fto140'F-3716to6010 -35`FIo14W-97°C(a601.0 I I Shelf Life 10 mos 10 mos I •Noulral Curo Storage Warranty Part i 12 mos 12 mos SPECIFICATIONS MightParOallen 11.OIbs7 al 111.6 Ibs!al 1 Viscosity1200,06D cis 125,000 cps Tire slkone fireslop sealantshall bo aone-pall,neuhal• Curo mcaling ilia requirements of ASTM C920. The _ Table A:Typical Pro lmllos-Cured firestopsonlantslidboULClassi0edondlestedloASTM PropertySIL300 ilon•Sa SIL300SL Solll.ouolln -E014(U-L1479),ASTM E1900(UL2079),and CANA1LC• Color Concrete Itmasiane SI15.CIassIWRnVngsper UL1479sliallbeavaUable hardness,Duramotar(TypoAIndenter), 24 26 i foravailel of differealfiresl systems. ASTM D224O y � y Ulllitialo Tensile Strength,ASTM D412 341 psi 2,35 MPa 110 psi 0.76 MPa Ultimate Elongation,ASTM D412 I 715% 600% SPECIFIED DIVISIONS Tonsllo at 10D%Elon alfon ASTM D412 73.2 psi 0.50 MPa 60 psi 0.41 MPa Pool Stronolh(21 day cure 0771F/50 RFI), 56.6 Pit0794 12 pll DIV 7 010400 FOaslopp'ng Mrd Movemonl,veCopabllity DN. 7 079200 JdnlSealanls ASTM C710 t 60% t 60% DIV. 22 220000 PU®birig ASTME1399 s35% t15% DN. 23 230000 WAGInSarvlcoTam eratura -35'F NTC to35WF 1771E -3TF-371C to300'F 149'6 Weathering&U.V.Resistance Excellent Excollenl DN 20 260000 Electilaal Flame Spread Index ASTM E04 or UL723 5 Smoke Developed Index ASTM E04 orUL723 45 STC Rating 61 Rolatos to specific construction ASTM E 90.04/ASTM 6919 'From data of shlpmeni ll slated In adGINI unopened centafner al GOT(271C). Teelstsleii6esvlcel•000.992-1180 S11Produ(I Bain Sheol•Spe(Scol©SorlosSILSilkonoffrosio)tSealant•2011151122140 1 STL vNA'I.slllleastop,com i • i i ! INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS { 1 i SpecSon(0 Smlos GIL SII(cone Ffraslop Sealant is approved for a•variety of through•ponolmllon Ilreslop systems and FIJ,1:IiEAD OF•WALL Iota(applications, Some typical Installations have boon p100f Illustrated hero to assist.in Illo'solacllon of Ilia proper b° inslailallan niolinod,Spoco llmtlallons ptaoludo highly dolollod I brfortballon.pertaining 10 Individual applloollon systems, n a f Pleaso consult liteSTINoduct and Application Guide,osvioll Who Wife oslslaneeDlreolaryloraddllionnlinlormallon, n�' �' j Pfoporaffon:All surfaces to receive SpecSealb Carlos GIL Silicone Flroslop Sealanl musibocloon,sound,dry,frost-free, and free of bond•broaking canlaminanls and loose makulal, saalanf Clean as necessary by wiro brush,-mechanical abrading, (Both silos) o Pacpina Matodal grinding,blast Claiming,or wiping with a suitable solvent to (Bath sides) ; romove any canlaminanls.Mask all areas where adhesion Is Wall sr a j undockablo.Do not apply to wot of frost covered surfaces. , I t Forming:Seine Inslallallons may require forming as either an Integral part-of Ilia system or as an option to(apilhato UL SYSTEM HWD•0312 i i Installation,In systems where terming Is required,mino'tol Asscm4yRatngga-2am13Hr wool ball Insulation(minimum 4lb,icu,It,or(14kgfm3donsily) Ho inalJohl HI-fit. Is rccommended for use In Ihrough•ponoliallons and jolnls, CLMIU/CreaknlCxx��aabbSfax-12r%QnyxesslonaEatenrm ! Whero farming materials are required,out oversized to allow LRafngAlAn cal-LessTlim iCF al t foi Kalil packing.Some Individual joint systems may specify LitafngAI400'F•LasTlian ICFAiAlnFr a minimum compression lector to allow designed omounl of movemenl. Position lorming material as required lot ilia proper depth of fill malarial, Fill Malachi:SpecSeal@ Series 8IL300 Silicone Ffraslop Sealant may be Installed by caulking using a standard caulking gun or from bulk containers using a bulk loading caulk gun,or by manuallyfrawolfngusingamason'skowelorputtyknife,GIL300SLmaybeIns(alledbppourfag1110sealantrntolhaopeningandnlloi agIttofindlevel.it Ilia sealant lands la pull back from a suilace,clean lino surfaces using the methods described above and reapply.Install sealant la required depth,For 8I1.300,erode sealant Into all areas with a looltng knife exercising Caro to oifminalovolds or seams,In gypsum wall board ponoludlons,crown sealant a minimum at 11V(7mm)from penetrant towallhoard surface at apoint approx.Ila'(13 mm)or more from opening,For applications Involving cable bundtos,spread cables suiliclenlly to ensure that sealant completely seats all cables and ! totally[ills all voldstolll 'requlreddepth.Exorcise Coro when uslogSIL300SLilial packing molodall has been Installed Itillilly Into oponfrig to prevent leakage of fill material, Priming:SpocSeale Serlas GIL Silicone Firoslop Sealants have pilmolless adhesion to many construction materials including untreated or uncoated concrete,Jobslto Idol appllcallons are recommended It contact surfaces are In any way questionable.Application of a sullablo primer may remedy adhesion difficulties for quesgonablo concrete surfaces,Contact Ilia factory for primer recommendations, Wilting:Ilia use of masking tape Is recommended where appropriate to insure ofast job and to protect adjoining surfaces.Do not allow masking tape to touch clean surfaces to which Iho silicone sealant Is to adhere.Masking tape should be removed fmmad(afelyafler[fie finish fooifogof Ilia SpacSea(®Series GIL Silicone Firestop Sealant. ! Smoke Safing:SpocSoal(D Seflos GIL Silicone Firuslop Goalanis make(in excellent Gmokaueal,Apply to gaps and seems to prevent Ilia passage of smoke.Game SpocGeof Flrosloppollar designs utilize SpocSoal®Series SIL Silicone Ffreslap Saatonis as Ilia Gmoko seal,Please Consult ilia 811 Product and Application Guide,Cowell as Ilia UL Fire Roslslanco Directory for additional Information, { Mg. MISCELLANEOUS METALLIC PIPE PENETRATIONS ! Sealant (Bath aides) A1olCllloPlpo Sealant Motalllo PlpPH o e 'off" A Mlnofol Wool Mlnoml Waal • 6eolanl .Gypsum Seawall rAalalltoPlpe Moral (Bo1rr81dos) Wallboard ep , ULSYSTEM WL 1D33 ULSYSTEM C•AJ 11g0 FRarng:2la-TRalag:ohr FRal 31ir-111 ng:0ly SWP1*p0:G,0apperpP°aTift:4' SteelaVonPjw.21',Cc rPpo:G SealanlDefA0l4' dh'nannoNfIFt'Gatin AmiltisPdnlCm4xtb21F1'�SealantD iW:I/2' Fa*hIanxta1Ikm4pdMnaal%Vod Fun9aBMaledd:Nan4pdk(MolWod j Tighty Paled Ion l'Depie TkJii(yParkedfoo4'Dep7l. I, f2 S11 Predud Dula Sliaol•SporSeol r0 Sallos SILSililano Flroslop Saalanl•Z01151122140 TocirnlcBl Serulce 1.000•902.1100 tvww,u1111roslop,cmn STI, i� 1 � I i TablaA:SEALANT REQUIREMENTS IN CUBIC INCHES PER If)INCH OF INSTALLED DEPTH' ( ! I � Dlalnelerof0 enrn0•In,mn) PIPE SIZE 1,5(30) 2,0(51) 3.0(76) 4,0(102) 6.0(127) 0.0(162) 7.0(170) 0.0(203) 10(254) 12(305) 14(356) 26(GGo) TWO alto PIpo0,0, ` Ill.mm in.(mm) 0.6(13) 0.040 21 0.3 4.0 0.6(9.6) L6 26.2 10(49.2) 4,6 70,7) 6.0 113.0 0,5 155.1 12.4 203.2 10.6 319.5 28.1(460.6 30.3 627.6) 132,6 217J) 1.0(25) 1,315 33 0.1 1.61 04 G,G 1.4(22,0 2.0 45.0 4.0 76,4 07 109.0 0.3(162.4) 122 200,0 10.3(310.3 27.0 457.2 00.1(624.3) 132.d(2170) 1.6(30) Im 40 LI 10.0) TA 39.3 42(60.0) 6.4 104,0 0.1)NSA 11,0 195.0 10,0 309,0) 27,G 452,3 37,0(610.4) 1320 2163 2.0(51) 2375 60 OJ IIA 2.0 32.0 3.0 62,3 0.0 0D.3) 0.5(139,2) 11,G 100,4 10.6 309,71 272 445.7 37,4 560,fi 131,E 2157 ! 2,6(01) 2,07G 731 0.1 I.0) i.6 2.1.0) 3.3 54,1) 5.4 00,4 0.0 131.1) 10.0 170.E .10.0 205.0) 20.7•137,6) 36,0(601.7) 131.I(2140) I 3.0(76) 3.660(70) 07 11,5) 2501,0) 4,7(77,0) 72 110.0) 10.2 167,11 172(201,0) 25.0(424,41 301 591,4) 130,3(2135) ; I _ I 3,5 09 4.000 102) IA(20.5) 3,0(63.0) 0.6 106.5 OA 154.0 IG.6 270.4 25.1 411,3) 35.3 570,E 120.0(212,11 4.0 102 4.600 I14 0.0(13.1) 3.0(•192) 5,6(01,0 05 130.3) 15,0(965.61 2,12 300.0) 34A(503.71 1207(2100) i 6,0152 0,625160 Drawslii00ipm 1A(10.0) 4.005,6) 1111(IDI.9) 199(322.0) 20.0(400.0) 12422035 ) 0.0 203) 0,6251210 o'Uti) "')t/6/2 4.0(00.3) 13.0 222,0) 23A(390.0) 110.0(1034 10.0 254) 10.760 273 60'(li9) 1011/U1?5, G.0 01.0 16.0 259.0 110.0 1001 I'(1sA) L41lplbll 12,0 305) 12,760 324) I'U1.016) A6M(1100- 0.6(IOD.I) toD.o 1a52 24.0 Oil 2.1,001)(610 1D,6 3212 r Table B.PRODUCT ESTIMATION INFORMATION(Consituollon Jolnls) I ! JOIIIT PEn111`135TALLEODEP111 PER 1WHISTALLEDaEPtli PERT"01STALLEOOEP111 PAelll CU IRTT Fr10AL OAUID)FT LUIRFf HIM OAUlWFI CUUIFr F710AL CAUID)FT t h.0'.) (cm'An) (nut) (UID)m) bmV.) (MIL) (Ulm m) (em'lm) WLI (UIWm) 0.5()3) 1.5 70 1510 12.4 0.65 0.1 3.0(160) 774(6.2) 1.3(ICA) 6.0017) 30.5(3,1) 2.0(32,2) 0,75(l9) 2.3(1211 102,0(0.2) 0.95(IIA) 4.6(2301 61.3 12) 1.0 231) 0.0(47G) 26.7(2.1) 3.0(40.4) 1.0(25) 3,0(150) 77.0(6.2) •1.3(16A) 6.0(317) 30 3,1) 2.6(3221 12.0 634 19.3 1 I.G) 5,2 65.5 1.5 30 4.5 23a 51.0 4.1 20(24.0) 0.0(476) 25.7(2,1) 3.0(40A) 10,0 951 12,0 1,0 7.0 00.7 j - I .2,0 51) 0.0(3171 30,0(3,1) 2,0 322 12,0 014 19.3(I.61 52(64,6) 24,0 1269) 0.6(0.0) 10.4(120.0 2.6(84) 1 0.0(4231 1 31,0 2,6) 3.3(40,9) 16.0 03 15.4(1.21 1 6.5 000 30,0 1506 7,7(0G 13.0(IG12 3,0(76 0.0(476) 25.0(2.01 3.0(40.4) 10.0(951) 12,0 VA 7.0 96,7 30,0(1903) 6.4(0.5) 15,G 183.4 3.5(69) 11,0 501 22.0(1,0) 4,0 57.0 21,0 1110 11,0 0.0) .0.1 1110 42,0 2220 15.5015) 10,2 225.7 4.0(102) 12.0( 1 10,0(1.5 b2 61,b) 24,0(1269 9.0 0.0) 10,4 120.0 40.0 2537 4.0(0,39 20.0(257,0) 6,0 127 15.0(793 16.0 L2 0,5 00.G 30.0 1500 7.70.6 13.0(18L2 60,0(3172 3.9(002 20.0022A) 6,0(152) 1&010511 12.0(1,0) 7.0(06,7) ao,0(1003) '04(0.6) 15.6(193A) 72.0(300G) 3,2(0,261 31.2(306.01 TABLE IS FOR ESTIMATING PURPOSES ONLY MAINTENANCE Inspection:Installations should be Inspoclod periodically forsubsequont damage.Any damage should he repaired using SpecSoolo products per Ilia original approved doslgn.Cut invaydamagod material and reapply Coolant as required.NOTE:Newpollollards of a dillerenlnalurolhonIiooriginaldesignmayrequireatotallynowIlraslop i I design orextansWo morfilloallons to[he existing dositin,Rostiall all openings asporlho requirements of the ma.dilled design. i I I TECHNICAL SERVICE SpeciliedTechoologles lno,provides loll(too loc11nicalsupport loassislin pfeduclselecllon and appropilalo installe6on doslgn,ULSySIams,MaletlalSalotyOala Slleals and ether lochnleal infolmallon Is avallablo at IhoTochrilaal Ubrary alwemAslll(roslop.cam. I PRECAUTIONARY INFORMATION: Avold conlactulTin oyes.Uncured product may Whole oyes on contact,Use Only III Wall vonlilaled areas.To clean areas of skin contact,Wits off uncured materialv11111 a dry cloth or paper lovol prior lovrnshing.Walarlass hand clooners are particularly el(oclivovihllo sealant Is uncured,Consult Malarial Safely DalaSheel for additional Informal(en on Ole solo handling and disposal Of 11110 material. • i AVAILABILITY i ! ( SpecSaalG)SadosGILSillcanoFftoslopsoalonisaroavatlablo from aulharizedSTIJ(shlbulotst'roildWldo,VlslltylnusllOroslop.conloreallUSToIIFreo:1100.0flim00 of OUI51d0 US:41 800 526 0000 for Inlolmalian concerning vihoro to purchaso Illoso and olhorSTI products. I i Technical Selvlao 1.BOD-0024 00 STI Praha Bala Shoot•SpotSeolO SotlosSIL SII(torsa Firoslop Seolaiil•7SFGBS112 2140 3 �' � �, ST�.vnlnvsunrestep,aom t- I i j FIO,3;TWPICAL JOINT INSTALLATION METHODS i Open lloll roam nanomlYloal j aarkarnaa lAlacrctlYDot (reward Faa Sidi) j y al W 00 i y y 3001nnl n G d y y V / d e d y e a d 15 e e • I y d 81LDOD � y • aaelml ,t d 61L000 y 61L700 e e (OOIhSldoal 6caianl Santini y hYnorolWed (a0ut 61d02) S ll1lnlell�lcal Wall S ll1unetrlo I Wail As nnnelrlcal Wall Installailon` �rlool Joint Y Installal�on Y Itlslallal�oil ➢ n1Sta�lat1011 'Rated ono side only, j ORDERING INFORMATION CAT.NO, DESCRIPTION 61300 10.1 ozTulro DW ml)ta2w.In. SIL305 0Gal Pal(17.01ws)1,037w.1n. 61-320 20o7.83usagaTulw(S92mg30w.In S!LML Sell-Vverngd.GGol.Pall(17.06�-fs)1,037 at.h, SIL320SL SalflaveDNJ20 oz.Saasagallike(592 ail 36cu.ln • I i I IMPORTANTNUTICE:Alstatenteril;tedvi(cal fitfmnallart,and rocorrmendaSaLscaOalnedlistenmebased upon lesGnghcFavedtobera;able,lulu aawracyandconVvitenoss0lemd(s � notpuaranteed. LIMITED WARRANTY.STI wannnls[lint lls Products vAllbe Iran of defects for Ono year fromIlia data a[pinch ase.In the avant a product does notwilolm tollds via nanly,Ilia sale and oYelusivo remedy Is,at Sit'sopllon,replacement of Ute product orratundof Ilia purchasopdco.Thovlarranyprovldeditmetn shall hevoldand at no affect In Illoovonlihal Ilia product ls not lnslalladIn accordance eAdlSTI'spabllslwdinstamilon%Ilsledsystems and appleabiob0fag and safoycodas,THIS WARRANTY ISINLIEU OF ALLOTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES(Indudlag 0taimpladwarranllesof ramchanlnhlfiyorGlness fora padlcular use)AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL STI BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,INDIRECT,SPECIAL,INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES,INCLUDING,WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANY LOSS OF REVENUE, ! PROFIT OR USE.Prior to use,Ilto user shall dolomino Ilia 6611ab00yal Ilia product[or Its Intended use,and the user assumns alldsks andllabiliy for subsequent use.No person other Ilion au of9ceratSTI Is milio ized to Lind STI to any olllerwauonly for any product(or Witch WtswaimnyIs Issued. IiAADE INTHEUSA—COPYRIGIITO2016SPECIFIEDIECHNOLOGIES INC. i I ! aaEn.9T,xaen I sBtapin rr1rl f raVaSyrtuem LHtW IhIlulVlgwlxlMlaUlul te14•tmturl ' �a F L� Elliot I IVI F� mnceN.yEtit,hnrntlnnmYdcorpnntgah5r{rttavdadl3 i Lt, gg 1 E 101 At r(1AlpltallF E 0 E� ahnIDdnDlslWcrAtpu+lNhp,dM+lUtEadc�ltelwWdural SYaI SEE @A01 01 bAl ISat C e. APPROVED avwcraeorrcanate ru xtartuet!tlnSsulydnat ahlrOW, I STI is a memberof tiro followhlg organlzations: nrnter .d{ `.'LpUC4, • opt ['LL�A" ; � � i , ��ia�Inll�annil �t�„✓ +y i I I =6 Specified Technologies Inc, STI. Somervlllo NJ 09076 USA-Phone:800.902.1100+rax:000.520,0023 . 4 SIIPraJutl Onto Slleol•S(I¢tScolO Series SlLSllitonDFlrestapSealant•ZSFDD51122140 TecitnlonlSerulael-ODD•DD2-1100 YNA114111lrestop,com STI. i I • I i i I . . Op pr , 1 i ct�(,t�c�c����f�IIVl�i��llll CI ®5 �Lf�fVC� f=1 ' STt C� r AS'KET, Flf7E5lOr•+ PgGOUG78 a APPLICATIONS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Speoseaim Cbsal Flange Flroslop Gaskets are doslgnod to SpocSeal®Ciosal Flange Ffroslop Gaskets are one-piece,molded rubber,fnlumasconl pads that install bonoolh allouOtodmfn pipe connected toatoL'el Range tobepropety a 3 or 4'(70 or 102 mm)closol Range to effectively fliosiop the opening.The dio cut rubber gasket Is poiltualod to FvosloppadvAthoul the need far&estop caulk for typical floor dollnoalo removable Inserts sizod to accommodate various oulor dlamolers of lollol Ilangos. assembaostviih plasticormoltilMs. Tmdigonai firoslepping moUtods requlro the Iiroslop malarial to be applied around tiro pipe prior to selling the lollol Range,which can be problomallc g the graslop material Is not recessed a sulliefonl disl ante from Ilia lop to accommodata Ilia Ihroal of Ilia flange.The alternative Is to apply the Ilroslopping from Iha underside of the Iloor,necessitating the :. use of ladders or lilts.SpocSeal©Closet Flange Flroslop Gaskets solve Ilia problem by providing a labor-friendly malhodofproperlyliresloppinggtaoponing. j PERFORMANCE i> SpocSeal®Clasal Flange Flroslop Gaskets have boon successfully tested in accordance wigs ASTM E014(ANSI1 i t _ UL1479)and CANIULC-S1151n one and two hour Ilro•taled[fear assemblies.Consult factory for Individual system .{ designs and application requirements. 'CL09C?i[F4OE SPECIFICATIONS I 1 e : The Iiroslop system for the Ieiloi flange shall be a molded,one-place Iniumoscanl gasket wilh removable Inserts to accommodalovadousoulerdtamelarsoftollolllangosclassilladbyUndanvllors Laboratories Inc.(LIQasa fill,void, US Patent He.7,694,474 Dr orcavily material when loslad to ASTM E014(ANSIIUL1470)or CANIULC-S115 for up to a 2 hr rating. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1.Remove perforated sections as required to conform to outer diameter and shape of lollol flange. Property closet Flange gasket 2.Slip gasket onto bottom of tells[Range and Install tollat Ilango around metal or plastic draln plpo according to the Color Rod manufacturer's Instructions,Compressible foam rabborgaskof allows lorinslallalionolfolletllangobolls. I Thickness 1y4'(g mm) MAINTENANCE welght 0.13 the(0.05 kg) None typically required,AnydamapoobsorvedsltouldboropalredustnpSpecSanl®FlraslapProducts. j Expansion Begins 320°F(iGOsC) Volume Expansion 000% TECHNICAL SERVICE Stereos Temperature Less than 120sF(4900) SpociflodTiechnologles Inc.provides toll has technical support to assIstin product selection and appiopilatainslallalion design.UL Systems,Material Safety Data Sheets,and other technical InIormallon Is available Who Technical Library In•ServicoTemperature <=130-F(54°C) at vnv<v.sllllieslop.com. Shelf Life No Limit PRECAUTIONARY INFORMATION SPECIFIED DIVISIONS No unusual hazards arc known orexpoclod.Observe normal safely procedures during installation. DIV. 7 07 94 00 Fboslopping AVAILABILITY DIV. 22 22 00 00 Plumbing SpocSeal®Closol Flange Flroslop Gaskets are available from authorized STI distributors wortdwldo. Visit tvvlvr.siillmslop.com or calf 000,992.1100 forinformalioo concerning where to purchase those and other STI products. FILL,YOIDORCAWMIATENAL ORDERING INFORMATION FOR USEI11111 R00011PERETRA110I1 IFIIIESTNISYSIDAMEELILFIRE CAT.NO, DESCRIPTION CASEGTY CRECTORY FN 3'or4 VOor102mm)Imdaslzedosel0angogaskel 10 IMPORTANI'NOTICE:N sntemenu actor INomndan eM recmvnenlaoarmoonla5sn11 crdn mabasod upmbsG>7ba[ovnllobo rafaHa,bulgaooanxyandoeapL tenass g aredls notgusroNead. LIiAREDwAfg M,.SpedfladTadmobglasIno.(S71)manuladwasicsgoodsInamannertobeIraealdolods.Shouilanydelaeloocurinlisgoods(MINnoneyear),Spac&dTactmoloalasIna,upon promptn tilcallAvAlalItsopgon,orchangoorropalrlhogoodsorrotundNopurchasopknforanyprodudprovenlobodefeciNoerhenInslaled(naccordancevAlhS71'spubssltedracommondagansandin opplcaVom oonstdoiedlrlSTf os adtablo for gis Predict. I, LItARATIMISACIDEXCLUSIONS:THIS1YARRANTYISIN LIEU OF ALLOVER REPRESENTATIONS ANDEXPRESSEDORIMPUEDWARIZ NTIESQndudrnglhotmp7adwasrangasolmetchanlow5ly i orWoss for use)AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES 1110.0E LIABLE FORANY INCI DENTALORCONSEQUENTIAL PROPERTY DAMAGES OR LOSSES. MADE IN USA—COPYRIGHTO 2017 SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC, j STI is n member of the folovArg arganlzagmrs: Specified Technologles' STI.Inc. rr �4'�Iap`ID' �°'U� '•.,� 1 � nse■mesToa AunromTr I Sp aclRadTochnologlosInc.-Somerville,NJ00070USA USToll Free:(a Go)092.11100 Outside US:+1 900 620 0000 twwstigrostop.com Technical Service 1.000.992.1100 STI Product Dala Sit aat-SpacSealm Closet Flange Firostop Gasket•FOD•51420237 1 I' ww STI. w,sllllreslop.com i 1 I i • • OD �D r ` � ec -eal h11111►i SERIES LCC FIRESTOP COLLARS , APPLICATIONS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION S ocSoala Series LCC Collars are used to rolocl 7`" P P lira 9Poo `T®4Sot es LCC Calla' is a-faotuiyminnDfa`ciur6il:dsytce,doslgrladt(o p�oloel,plosjfc es avarloly oI plaslto pipes Including PVC,PVC Foam pP to T Orl(rds[n s1 we�a�Ih1�1(ia0lsUlillzing a heavy gauge galvanized metal collar l0 house a molded Care(ccPVC),CPVC,ADS,and ADS Foam Core -inlu-mEsce;tnsorfl�ieSpoc o©SerlosLCCFlroslop Collar Is specifically sized toIII 1.1J2;2;3;and (ccADS)in both vented(DWV)and closed(electrical 4-(30mm,61mm,7Gmm and 102 mm)trade sized pipes.When exposed to temperatures In excess of conduit and water supply)Installations, 320'F(IGO'C),Ilia SpecSeal@ Series LCC Collar's molded Insert begins to expand(Inlumesco)rapidly to SpecSoal@ Series LCC Collars are suitable for form a donso,highly Insulalivo char.Its free expansion ranges from 32•64 times original(pro•oxpandod) use in nil common constructions Including concrete volume.Expansion continues up to 1,000'F(5301C), floors;concrete over steal deck,concrete walls, FGATURES! concrete black walls,gypsum board wells,as well as wood floor assemblies.- Rapid Expansion: Closes off burning pipes quickly. o a Small Profile: Use It In all Ilia light spoisl I r I Flexible&Durablo: No leaseflakes(eyehazards). I i o o WalerResislanl: No enter soluble or hygroscopic Ingredients. , • Economical: Lower Installed cost, 111011 Valumo Char: Expands up to GO Ilmosl PHYSICAL PROPERTIES See Table A.This material is extremely stable.Long term aging studies indicate no significant loss of physical properties nor significant change In expansion properties after elevated temperature and/or humidity testing.Consult factory for additional Information. PERFORMANCE SpecSeal@ Series LCC Collars are the basis for systems that meal the exacting crltorla of ASTM E014(UL1479).Systems have been lasted faroll common farms of masonry construction and Ilia most common plastic pipes with ratings up to two hours.Consult factory for Information not available in UL Fire Resistance Directory as of this printing. 4�''S1�rF�`OO Firestop Device for use in lhrauatr•ponehadan Krostop Table A: 0 XL US systems.SooULdlractoyofproductscartinadforCanada FM PHYSICA L PROPERTIES and UL 0to resistance directory, APPROVED 8L98 Available Sizes 15(30mm) SPECIFICATIONS 2-(51rnm) The Iireslop,system shall be a factory assembled fireslap collar utilizing a molded,Ilexiblo Inlumesconl (76mm) j Insert.The Inlumoscenl insert shall provide a minimum of 3OX free expansion and shall conlaln no viater 4'(102mm) soluble expanslon ingredients.The specified material shall be approved for a wide tango of opplicalions Shell Conshucllon GalvanizedSleei Including PVC,PVC Foam Coro,CPVC,ADS,and ADS Foam Core pipes when used by Itself or In Expansion Begins 320'F(160'C) combination with other products from the same manufacturer.The collarshall he ULClassilied and tested to Ilia requirements of ASTM E914(UL1479). Volume Expansion 32 to 64X (free expansion) SPECIFIED DIVISIONS InSarvlceromp 5129'F(49'C) DIV.7 07040 Through•Ponelrallon—Firestopping ShellLlfo NoLlmil DIV. 13 13900 Special Construction Fire Suppression&Supervisory Systems j DIV. 15 15250 MochanioatlnsulnUon—FlreProteellen DIV.10 16050 Basic Electrical Materials&Methods INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL:The Installation of Oils product may require Ilia application of a smoko seal utilizing SpecSealD Series LCI Sealant as wall as suitable mechanical fasteners for attachment to the floor or wall surface.Sealant and floor or wall attachment hardware must be purchased separately.SpecSeal@ Series LCC I Collars are very compact In design and therefore require relatively small cored oponings.Soo Table B for collar dimensions and recommended opening sizos, SYSTEM SELECTION:Proper methods and materials are criticalto firaslopping.Anumberol methods have boon developed losult avddevadolyorlkeslopping 1 applications.Consult Ilia UL'Flra Resistance Directory,STI's Product&Application Guide,or Rio Technical Library at wrnw.stllfrostop.com far the latest In r tested application designs,Additional product literature or Information may also he obtained by calling your local disldbuto,sales rap.or STI loll free at(O00) 092-1100. T, Tacinnlool Sorvlco 1.000.9g2-1100 Sit Nailed Dole Short•Sodas L(C flrolop(altars•F00.506412/2001 1 STI. vnnxsnnrastap.amn I I; i 'INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CONTINUED FIG.1 �� FIG.2 y� SMOI(ESEALING:Some applications may require the appllcallonolsoalant Into the annulus around Iris pipoasasmoko seal.Consult the ULClaSsilled v i design foirinshillation requirements Including depth and location olcaulkIng. / Where required,apply sealant to a clean surface,free of dr1,oil,rust,or A scale.Caulk annulus completely shut.Sealant maybe smoothed outer the collar may be set directly Into file wol sealant, PACKING MATERIALS:In some applications where[he collar diameter Is Insufficient to completely cover file opening around[he pipe,coma tested FIG.3. 1/ FIG.4 designs may iequiro mineml wool packing material to be installed into ilia annulus prior to Ills Installation of file collar. o i FASTENERS:Always use the correct typo of fasteners shown In Iho appropriate UL Classified design.All fasteners should be clear(land or plastic fasteners are unsuitable and should not beused),I114°aril/2"(31 mmor30mm)tender washers are used In conjunction wili all wall orfloor v fasteners,All fasteners should be Installed as par file recommendations of the manufacturer. CONCRETE:Expanding wedge type anchors(1/4'x1314,Omni x44mm)orsim0ar are fecommendod, Self•lapptng sloe]concrete fasteners are also approved for some Inslallallons.Powdor activated TABLEB:COLLAR DIMENSIONS 1lr fasteners may be used of the discretion of His Installer and subject to Ilia recommendations of Hlo RECOMMENDED CORE SIZES Intoner .manulacturor. I 461, GYPSUM WALLBOARD:Toggle bolts or mollylypo expandinganchors are suitable for collar o 0attachment. OGYPSUM BOARD•WOOD FLOOR FLOOR/CEILING ASSEMBLIES:Toggle bolls are suggested far0 gypsum wallboard ceiling allachmenl.Collars mounted Internally and fastenedlowoodmayuse standard110 x 1/2'(13 min)round(lead wood scrows for attachment. n C INSTALLATION FOR SURFACE MOUNTING: The rdovhgdmensi ns nrapraiided lerinsa7a6unµrposes j 1.Install SpecSeal©Fireslop Sealant(I required). 01.Al&ensigns have been rounded up to On nest IIIOIhin. 2,Willi anchor labs racing the mounting surface,Ilex collar open and wrap around pipe(See Fig.1) ,n rca tto to 3,Collar uses a double hook tab and 8101 Closure.Overlap collar so that file slots align over hook labs WIM-1 2•111«1 sy -1 c•pu-) (See Fig.2) t'O,eN •i'(Itrn) e'(W-) s7m.n) 4.Press sfols down and back(towards mounting surface)over hooks and lock Into the closed posillon . ,IM-) tryl") s,•pn—) .rnam, (See Fig.3) c o•rw..') tXPI-) 437'1 1 a•pu-) O.Slide collar to mounting surface and mark fastener locations.Ralale collar or slide away from a 'rsum) )r0,.) sr(1m,) u•n)e.•I mounting suriaco to allow holes to be drilled.Reposition collar and install fasteners and fender washers.Tighten fasteners completely to finish collar installation.(Sao Fig 4.) TAOLE C:ORDERIiIG IiIFOR14ATIOiI l MAINTENANCE CaLNo, DoscripHon INSPECTION:Installations should be Inspected periodically forsubsequent damage.Anydamage LCGI50 Forl.5•(sornm)TredaSiralInsucR'po should be repelled using SpecSeale products par file original approved design. LCC20D For2.0' (51mm)TradOSizoP1asToI`0o LCCW For3A•(76mm)TradoSi7OPl8sFcHpo TECHNICAL SERVICE LCC400 For4.o'(102mm)TradaSUePlasrrPipo Specified Technologies Inc.provides loll free technical support to assist In product selection AM1mdSpm3oJPsoduds- and appropriate Installation design.UL System designs suitable for submittal or specification Stiles LCI Sealant:Ave 0omWewxmWInhsnalml pfo(kxtj purpose are available on request.A complete Ilbrel of technical Information is provide et Ill owirno for Wiecrowng aside donay d application;icliketn<,mJl P P q P Y P oanrmsdalarOroupcdmstden,nlwnsuuc&n Company's wobsilo wvAv.Slillreslop.Com, City of Nmv York MCA 213.01•M PRECAUTIONARY INFORMATION No unusual hazards are known or expected.Observe normal safety procedures during installation. AVAILABILITY SpocSeal@ Flreslop Collars are available from authorized STI distributors nationwide.Consult factory for the names and locations of file nearest safes representatives of dlslribuldra&:, DAPORTAM MICE:Aldalzrsark IttlnCehamifa1 rfdraoomrcrdiSaamVisxdMreh omhasedtQonFK6ghc amdbl»ttfabti;bAlMnxum ya dattrgi acmes fr alBndpiwiccd wnRnMav SpecYadTsrJmbcjal�e.mvul�iueslsaao�tsarwrrxbbohroold:reds.Shadlargd)'ataocuhtsq)od)M4h'ncnoyes),Sp�rikdTedw,Sop'esrrc,sg9npsmgm7cifagsti0alr�cpFen,esd0,goa rcpil Qn pco�ure W Onpidnsoptos. LLVI1AW43 MI D EXCLUSION S '11110 RRMRYISNUEUOFAL1011 RREPRESEUTAN43EXPRESSEDORD,HUED(\CLUOIN%IGIKIMPUEDWMMNRESOFMIERCWWWND1UiYORRX-SSFORUSE)ANDUNOERi10 CRCLWANICES SHALL SPECIFIEDTECK%OCIESWD.BERESPQVSIaLE Fort MIYI&'GOWTALORCQ%ECWM PROPERTY DMNGEORLOSSES Palen TOUSE,THEIWSERSKL DETFRIdIVEIIESURADIUIYO"IEPRODIICTFORRSPaENOEOUSFAtIOTHEUSERASSUMESALLMRIDU&tPFORSUME0lIE WF- NosW nxda,o9mr"kiftndoor0tdby ntMIhmwilowwoffedudxshmO7cem:ddarMl/drcersdselnandmardyhmr. j MADE IN THE USA—COPYRIGHT©2000 SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES,INC. i I s�Wi.dLaAn°1vj,n he. 90DEV•n,YlnyflomeMOo,HJ00070•ToUFro•:BM992.1100 F:000.520.0523 . 2 Technical Sereico 1.000.992.1100 =� Sir Product Data Slicol•Solios ICC Flloslop Collars•FOD•506412/2007 www.slilirestap.com STI. I I ' I i ' I i t i i OR 0096or SERIES LU INTUMESCENT SEALANT APPLICATIONS PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SpocSoal@ LCI Sealant has a broad application SpeaSeal@ LCI Sealant Is a versatile and economical inlumoscont sealant that has excellent caulking base designed to seal a vide variety of common properties as well as high build properties on vertical or overhead surfaces.This single grade may be i penetrations and construction joints. Penetrant caulked(standard cartridge or bulk loaded),knliod or troweled.In addition,SpocSoal©LCI Sealant does types include insulated and non-insulated metal- not contain PCB'sorasbestos. PC pipes and tubes,non-malallic pipes and tubes, j and common elecltlC01 soivice and power disiribu- SpecSoai@ LCI Sealant Is storage stable(when slered according to Ilia manufacturer's recommenda- tion,telephone,data,and TV cabling.This product Ikons),and will not soparole or shrink vdron dlled.SpocSoal@ Series LCI Sealant will adhere to all com- Is also used in conjunction wild other SpecSeal@ men construction and penetrant materials and contains no solvents that might adversely elfoct plastic Products such as SpocSoal@ Ffroslop Collars and pipes or cable Jackals. Wrap Strips to protect larger plastic pipes.Sao Table A for ri summary appllcnllon list. FEATURES •Economical:High performance wDhoul the high pricol •Highly Intumoscenl:Expands up(D 0limes. I •Excellent Smoke Seal •Water Resistant,.Will not ro•emulsily whon dry. i •Walor-Based for easy Installation,cleanup,and disposal. Acoustically Tested;Reduces noise transmission L ' t •Safe—Low VOC's,No Solvents,Non-Halogenated •Palntrlble I PERFORMANCE i SpecSeal@ LCI Sealant Is the basis for systems that moot ilia exacting criteria of ASTM E014(UL1479) and ASTM E1966(UL2079)as well as to tho lime-temperature requirements of ASTM E119(UL263).LCI provides up to a 4-hour fire rating for typical service penetrations through concrete or wood Ooors,concrete or masonry walls,as wall as gypsum board walls.SpecSeal@ LCI Sealant meets Class A finish require- i ments for Flame Spread and Smoke Development when tested In accordance Will ASTM Ego(UL723). Meets or exceeds Ills requirements of ASTM C034,Type C,Grade 0.SpecSealO LCI Sealant is also acauslically tested,demonstrating excellent sound attenuation properties. i PHYSICAL PROPERTIES FBCnr 3yolom Compatible Indicates trial this product line boon i Piap6rllos . 6016 IL �� �� lasted,and Is monitored on an ongoing baste,to assura Ila chandcal campallblllly wl(h FlowGunrd Go1d�9, BlazoMaslarO and Corcan0e Color Red SYSTEM COMM* pipe and airings. FEIC,FlowGuard Gold,BlazoMaolor and Carson arc licensed Iradomarks of Tho Lubrizol Corporation. i odor Mild Lelox i Density 9.0 lb/gal(I.00tDU G�p9Sitle USE III ID JOINT SYSTEMS CAVITIS1 AND TINtS FOR FM pH 0.0 C PENETRATIO11FIRESTOPSYSTEaS.SEEUL etas, SolldsCorlonlByWelghl 60% FIRE RESISTANCE DIRECTORY.SL73 APPROVED Sollds Content By Volume 60.9%, In Service Temperature s195•F(95•C) SPECIFICATIONS Flamo Spread D' Tire lireslopping sealant shalkbeawater-restslant,Inlumoscent latex sealant.The sealanlwhenexposed I to high lieal or flame shall exhibit a free expansion of up to 10 limes Its original volume.Tire fireslopping Smoke Developed 5' sealant shall contain no water soluble nor hygroscopic Ingredients and shall be acoustically tested. STC Rating 52 The sealant shelf he UL Classified and/or FM approved and lasted to the requirements of ASTM E014 (ASrA1 EaNASi11 C01e) (1.11-1479),CANNLC 8115 and shall moot Class A Ilnish requirements when tested In accordance with VOC Conlon[ Wet ASTM E04(UL723). (EPA r eDW241AST11 03000) Volumed 2yrs SPECIFIED DIVISIONS Volume Expansion 10%Free Expansion � DIV. 7 07040 Through•PenolrationFlrestoppinp SloragoTOmp. 40'F(4'CJ-05F(35'C) DIV. 13 13900 Special Conshuclion Fire Suppression HupervisorySystems Tn'MnnsnlEaNgp)aNrwta�oaurmUmeuer w DIV. 15 15250 Mechanical lnsuiallon—FliaProtection DIV. 10 10050 Basic Electrical Materials 9 Molliods i+ �y I Technical Service 1.000.992-1100 Sll Produll Datn Shool•Series L(I Inlumoi(onl Sealant•ISFOD-SO62.1274 i STI. swnri.sliffreslop.com I i ! I 1 i Fig 1:METALLIC PIPES-Concroteimasonly Floors&Walls Fig 2:INSULATED METALLIC PIPES-CancrotelMosomy Fla ors&Walls i Ili a I I I . • � 1 ! i I UL System No.C-AJ4303 UL System No.WJ-109O UL System No.C•AJ•6130 FRafng3Hr•TRafng:OHr FRaeq:2Hr•TRaag:if4,W4&IW FRay�2WTRafiV214orlik SleelorlronPpo:<I2",C0WfPpo:<4" SlealorDanPpo:4',CoFPttP'fw4' 61Aor-lon Poo:6'.QppetP,�pw4' AmVus:O"102" Mnulu:016V PgoCavaArp:Max2'R>ardassorminerolrmolp'palnsuiation SealanlDe0:114" SealudDq&SD" MnuLs:1M'1o14i9•Sealan1:12• onftWeed:Nam4pdmhrdvvol(2V4'D,pf)) Fonn'ne:Nom.4pc(rFfwal%wd(3'dcp7i) ; � I 1 SEALANT REQUIREMENTS IN CUBIC INCHES PER 1f4INCH OFINSTALLED DEPTH' 1 Diameter ofe enlnD-In.(mm) PIPE SIZE 1.5(30) 2,0(51) 3.0(16) 4.0(102) 50(127) 0.0(152) 7.0(170) 0.0(203) 10(254) 121305) 14(35G) 26(660) Trad9SIM PIPoO.D. In.(mm) 1n,(mm) 0.5(13) 0.040(21) 0.3(4.9) 0.6(00) 1.0(20.2) 3.0 49.2 4.0 70.71 0.9(113.0) 0.5(155.7) 12.4(20,12) 10.5(310.6) 20,1(4GO.5) 30.3(627.6) 132.6(2173) 1.0(25) 1.315(33) 0.1(1.6 0.4 6.6 1.4 22. 20 45.9 4.0(75A) 6.7(109.0) 0.3(152.4) 122 200.0) 19.3(316A) 27.9 457.2) 30.1(624.3) 132.4(2170) 1.5(30) 1,900(40) 1.1 10.0 2.4 39.3 4.2(60.0) 6.4(104, 0.9(145.0) 11.9 195.0 10.9(309.0) 27.0(4S2.3) 37.0(619A) 132.0(2103) f ! I ( 2.0(51) 2.375(60) 0.7 11.5 2.0 32.0 3,0(62,3) 6.0 90.31 0,5(139.2) 11.6 100.4 10.5(309.7) 27.2(445.7) 37A(560.6) 131.8(2157) 2.5(04) 2.075(73) 0,1 1,6) 1.6124.0) 3,3(54.1) 6.4(ODA) 0.0 131.1 10.1)(170.0) 10.0(295.0) 26.7 437.E 30.0 604.1 131.1 2140 3.0(76) 1500 79) 0.7(11.6) 2.6(41.0) 4.7 ,01 7.2(110.0) 1D.2(167.1) 17.2(2(11.0) 25.9(424A) 36.1(591.6) 130.3(2135) 0.5(69) 4.000(102) 1,0(29,6) 3.9 63,9) 6.5 105.51 9A 154,0 16,5 270.4 25.1(411.3 35,3157e,5) 120S(2124) 4.0(1D2) 4.500114) 0,013.1) 3.049,2 5.1191.0) 0.6139.3 15.6(265.0) 242(396,0 34.4(03.7) 120.7(2109) 0.0(152 6.625 IGD CRnulSeilul0zµ51 1.1(10.0) 4.0 65.5 11.1 101.9 19.7(322.0) 20.9(490.0) 1242(2035) 0.0(203 0.625(210) 0 jl4 i i2s 4.9(003) 13.6(222.9) 23.0(390.D) 110.0(1934) ' 10.0 254 - 10.760 273 1'l+s•0 101014 6.6(91.0 15.0(260.0) 110.0(1003 MAIM) 12760(324) 10111L4J lhL({t7b/S _ _ 0.6(106.1) 100.0(1652) i ' 24.0(6f0)• 24.000 610) 19.0 321.2 i i t Fig.3:ELECTRICAL,DATA OR COMMUNICATIONS-Gypsum Walls TABLE A:APPLICATIONS TESTED AND CLASSIFIED FOR FIRE RESISTANCE ; fi Metallic Pipes tncludng steel,Iran,orcopper j pipe and tubing, i ! Nonmetallic Pipes,Conduits&Tubing Including PVC,CPVC,ABS,and PEX. • Eleclricnl&Electronic Cabling including service entrance,powerdish(bugon,computer, lolephone,and television, Metal Duclerod(Inclulling HVAC,both and dryervenis, • Insulated Pipes Including heating,cooling, UL System No.W-L-3169 UL System No.WL-2241 and condensation applications. j FRa0na:1,2Hr•TRaena:114and3l4 Milan:l,2Hr•TRagna:0,1/4,1,1-3l4 Complete Wood Floor l(resloppingpachoge II Up l94.1/reablobundlD &RIDldPVBorENtATCPVC,ADS Mnutus:D'Io 1!l•Seatanl Gle' Annulus:O.1'•Selat6f0• for electrical,plumbing,HVAC,telephone,and television, 2 STI Produ(I Bala Shool•SD11os L(I In(umoscont Soolenl•ZSFOD•5062.1274 Technical Sorvlco 1-000.092-1100 -� wNt.sllllrestop.coln STI. • 1 ; MAINTENANCE No maintenance Is normally required,however a porlodlc Inspoclion of ralad barrlars Is recommended to make sure[fiat any now oponIngs,modifications of previously installed fireslops,or areas exhlblling physical damage,have boon property sealed or repaired.Subsequent soaling or repairs should he i accomplished using SpecSonl(D products par Ilia original approved design. RETROFIT:When adding or removing penetrants,care should be taken to minimize damage to Ilia seal.Reseal using SpocSoale products par the approved design.NOTE:New penolranls of a different nalure Ilian the original design may requfro a totally now fireslop design or ox[onslvo modifications I to Ilia existing design.Reseal all openings as par the requirements of Ilia modified design. TECHNICAL SERVICE Specified Technologies Inc.provides loll free technical support to assist In product seleclion and appropriate Installation design,UL Systems,Material Safely Data Shoals and other technical Information Is available through Ilia Technical Library of iwimstf0rostnlism• , j PRECAUTIONARY IN(ORMATION Consult Matorial Safely Data Shoel for addillonal Information on Ilia sale handling and disposal of this material. AVAILABILITY Specseal0 Series LCI Sealant Is available from authorized STI distributors, Consult factory or websile for the names and locations of Ilia nearest sales represenlalivos or dislri6ulors, ORDERING INFORMATION _ f I CAT,NO. DESCRIPTION — j LC1300 Sealant 101 oz Tube 10.2 Cu In(300 ml) IO LC1305 Sealant 5 Gal Pail 1,155 Cu In(19.0 L) r I � i'ril'{5 S'llm L01320 Sealant 20 oz Sausage 30 Cu In.(592 ml) i �,iQPI• LCI329 Sealant 29 oz Quart Tube 52 Cu in.(050 mI) AMFNulSp�PtWt ds, ScilesSSSSealanl Flreslop ldorlar i 7holndusiiy's most voisalaoseafanl Pmvidesthellrastoppingsolutionsforavddotangoat Ughtvlolohhvorsall'a and economlcallTho best chalco for largo orcomploxlnslallallons. co"busable and noncombuslibloapplreallons.Waler•basedlnlumescentsealantaxpandsup sSPFIreslopPulty nhmiescenlwrapsbrps Available both In bar form and rn pads,putty provides only iolrofil rot 1hrough•ponoballons and Throogiadosollnlumosconlvirapstiippsprovidoonunmatcliedcembfnagonol0oxlblitqq, ocanomlcalprolecllonraralocUlcalboxw, oconomyy,and oxpanslon(up to30X).Syslams for PlaslloplposlncludingPRPal(propyfenoup SILSlllconos to 0'ludo sixol Soolonla and ream for lhrough•ponaiiallons and conshuctlon lolnls.Unexcelled ailing chamc- SSC6LCCnreslopCollars Iorlsllcs and flexibility. ! Eosylolnslall,econoodcalpptoloctlonforAOS and PVC plposl both solld and loam cola)as ElaslomerfeJolnlSeals Noll as CPVC,PVDF,and FRPP.LCC Collars aro available up 10 V end=Collars aro avag• able up to 0'liodo also, Ecanomlcal praducls for soalag cons0ucllan taints,Choose caulk or spicy oppllod products I lostod to UL2079• I IMPORTANT NOTICE:All statements,technical information,and recommendations contained herein are based upon testing believed to be reliable,but file accuracy and completeness thereof is not guaranteed, LIMITED WARRANTY:STI warrants that its products will be free of defects for one year from Ilia date of purchase.In the event a product does not conform to this warranty,Ilia sole and exclusive remedy is,at STI's option,replacement of the product or refund of the purchase price.The warranty provided herein shall be void and of no effect in the event that the product is not installed in accordance with STI's published instructions,listed systems and applicable building and safety codas,THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND EXPRESSED OR I IMPLIED WARRANTIES(Including file implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use)AND UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL STI BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT,INDIRECT,SPECIAL,INCIDENTAL OR,CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES,INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION,ANY LOSS OF REVENUE,PROFIT OR USE,'Pdor to use,Ilia user shall determine the suitability of the product for its j Inlended use,and the user assumes all risks and liability for subsequent use.No person other than an officer of STI Is authorized to bind STI to any ' other warranty for any product for which this warranty Is Issued. l MADE IN THE USA—COPYRIGHT©2014 SPECIFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC. I � I Specified Technologies STIm Inc, Spoclliod Technologies Inc. 210 Evans Way,Somerville,NJ 00070 USA•Phone:000.992.1100-Fax:000.620.0623 4 Sit Produa Dole Sliaol•Sorios tQ Infumossonl Sockial•ZSFOD•5062.1274 Technical Service'1.000.99n1100 wvNi.91111rosto ,com STI. I I INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS GENERAL:Argos to be protaclod must he clean and free of all,loaso dirt,rust or scale.Installalion lemporalures must bo botwoon 35°F(2•C)and 100•17 ! (301C).'Allovr product to dry a minimum of 24 Yours bolero exposure to moisture. SYSTEM SELECTION:Selection of an appropriate lireslop system design is critical to the lire protection process.Space Ilmllalions preclude Illgiliydolalled Information pertaining to Individual application systems.Please consult tiro Product&Application Guide as well as the ULO Fire Resistance Directory for j addillonal information. FORMING:Some Installations may require forming as oilheran Integral pail of[lie system oral an option to facilitate Installation.In systems where forming j ! I Is required,mineral wool balls with a minimum nominal density of 4 PCF(04 kglm')are generally required.Cut forming material oversize to allow for tight j packing.Posilion forming material to allow for the proper depth of fill malarial. FILL MATERIAL;SpecSoolO LCI Sealant may be Installed by caulking using a standard caulking gun or from bulk containers using a bulk loading caulk gun,or by manually Irovleling using a mason's trowel or putty knife.It ilia sealant lands to pull back from a surface,clean the surface with a damp rag or sponge and reapply.Work sealant Into all areas exorcising care to eliminate volds or seams.The surface of the sealant can be smoolhed using a putty knife dipped In water,Adding water to the sealant Itself Is not recommended,Sealant(whon dry)may be painted using most non•solvont based paints. Fig. :DARE&INSULATEDMETALL10PIPES 74 o _ I In gypsumwallboard penetrations,apply a minimum 1(K cove bead of 1/4"(6 mm)at the Interlace of the i penetrant lvlili both exletlorwallsuifaces. SMOKE SEALING:In soma applications including ! 1lrestop collars,SpecSoa 0 LCI Sealant is I recommended as a smoke seal.It Is suggested In ! these applications that the sealant be applied to bolls sides of wails.In floor applications,a scaling bead is suggested lap and bottom. LIMITATIONS:SpecSoaI@ LCI Sealant Is waler- based and cures through the evaporation of valor. Lovr lemporaturas as well as high humidity may retard drying.Nonporous orimpermeabie backing materials,piales,or coatings may retard Iho drying j process.Do not paint or seal in any way that pre- ventscontacl with air until sealanthas dried through completely.This product has boon designed to be UL System No.F-C4074 UL System No.F•C-5043 satevIIh plastics and ties been used extensively and FRaling:1&2Hr•TRallno:1/4,1/2andlHr Fnating:1&2Hr•TRaling:3hlandlHr successfully with a variety of different types ofplastic Steel,Iron or Copper:4"•Chase wall optional. Steel,Iran or Copper.4" pipes,tubes,and plastic cable Insulations.Variations Annulus:0'lo 1"•Soalant:5/0'bollom fit"lop Pipe covoring:l'Floor 0lass,Mineral Her In these materials however,make it Impossible to or AD/PVC•Chase wall o,ll,n,l, guaranleo coo allbiltl ST l Annulus:0"lo1'•Soalam:510'uouam,3/4"tap. that lhouser consultwilh the manufacturer ofillie pipe,tubing,or cable In question regarding any known sensitivities or potential restrictions before applying this product. I FIg.S:DARE&INSULATED METALLIC PIPES-Gypsum Walls i j I I , I, i � I . i I UL System No.WL•0025 UL Sy1/stem No,W-L-1222 UL System Nos,W-L-5121rW 14 sir 2 FAiling:t,2 fir•T Raling;l/4 Hr FRaiing:i,2Hr•TRaling:t/4,3/4,tlir F(Ialing:t 2Hr•TRatinp:111r&1/4FIr ACUnoSoI:Twoco perlubos Sleol or Iron plpo;a',Copporpipo:4 Steel or(ion pipe:6,Copper pipe,4' p Annulus:V to 2"•Soalanl:5/a" PI a covering:Max.2'Rbor glass, one edlh 3/4"AD/PVC and Ihormosial vitro i T/4"AD/PVC ar 2"inhera111bor Annulus:6-to I'-Sealant 5/e' Annulus:Vie i-i/2"•Sealant:SIT' j � I ! —— Technical Service STI Produd Dole Shoo)•Sorlos L(I Intumosranl Sealant•ISFOD-5062.1274 3 STI.%wrw,stlllrestop,com I