2003-1005 TOWN OF.QUEENSBIURY 742 Bay Road;Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)-761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20031005- Application Number: A20031005 Tax Map Na 5234QQ-302-0,Q5-0001-052-012-0000 Permission is hereby granted to:; AFTAR-R.14ATTI For property located at: AVIATION Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place . at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and:approved and in compliance with die NYS Uniform Building Codes aiid-the Queen§bury.Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction ue Owner Address: AFTAB BHATTI f 6 JACQUELINE Dr Demolition Total Value'• - -QUEENSBURY,NY 12804-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name'/Address. Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-1005 DEMOLITION OF SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING AS PER APPLICATION $2000 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS-PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,December 22,2004 (If a longer period is"required,an application for an`extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the-expiration date.) Dated at the To ueens tl y,December 22, 2603 SIGNED BY • t for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building ,Code forcement Permit Ncl� Application for Demolition Permit", Fee Paid Building&Codes Office-Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 (518)761-8256 Notes: Instructions/Requirements for a Rqrmit: Fill in all applicable spaces and submit two(2)plot plans,drawn to scale,showing lot boundaries with dimensions and adjacent roads streets. Show all existing structures on the property and indicate which are to be demolished. Indicate on the plot plan the location of all utilities. ;1P o' Able'§T I ME V IN- 4F7W5 -54AII 6*47"JI-1 �Q IV Jam 2. Location of demolition5R] _U RC), 3. Tax Map No. S 4. Where will demolition material be disposed of? 5. Asbestos Information E,I VF-Ell% U A copy ofAshestos Removal Report must be filed with our office before demolition begihVo ,2 2 )nni a. Is there any asbestos within the building to be demolished? ❑Yes l FF N-S 113 V Ry 10 AtJD CODE If YES, our office needs the following information: b Name of firm removing asbestos: C. License number of firm: d. Indicate location where asbestos material will be disposed 6. Structure Information a. Indicate which structure(s)will be demolished: k(LACNAb F-JResidence; E]garage; E]storage building; E]business;'Other b Size of structure: 111444 ft.W— C. Number of stories—f 0 d. Foundation type: Dfull cellar; Flcrawl space; ab e. Foundation: ill be removed; F�will n?tbe removed f. Structure(s): twill be replaced; 11 not be replaced 7. Utilities Information Indicate utilities for this structure: F-1gas Delectric []propane Flonsite well-water pump Rpublic water F-1public sewer Have you notified the Town Water Dept. for public water and public sewer disonnect? E]Yes []No Have all utilities been disconnected? ❑Yes ONo Signature of Applicant: Date: