2003-1003 Tractor Supply TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20031003 Application Nuinber: A20031063 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-025-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TRACTOR qIJPPT.Y CO. For property located at: 751 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance witli.the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. TWe of Construction Value Owner Address: NIGRO COMPANIES Temporary Sign 20 CORPORTE WOODS Blvd Total Value ALBANY, NY 12211 Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2003-1003 TRACTOR SUPPLY CO. TEMPORARY SIGN(COMONG SOON TRACTOR SUPPLY CO.) $110.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,December 29,2004 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Mondav,December 29, 2003 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of BuiltrMe'Enforcement TEMPORARY SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PERMIT NUMBER: J 00 3 t �� Dept. of Community Development 742 Bay Road Fee Paid: -a—v- Queensbury,New York 12804 Deposit Paid: Deposit on file: (send refund/deposit to: Important Notice: Temporary Sign Permits are issued for a period of 12 calendar days not to exceed 60 calendar days per year per applicant. DATE: placement of sign: QA - 0 3 — I Z - 3 1—0,3 R --iVED DATE: removal of sign: 61 — 4—3 6 3 DEC 19 200" Applicant Name (individual or business name): S arey�a- qq 51 n Pto'sT U= -N�35'j Y ow" C) BUILLANU Mailing Address: 5"?5 Cis, rqidAV?,jrye, Telephone No. (Yi h') jg q I spa c /VY 12-9,64? Exact Location/Placement of Sign: 15"Alor4h 5f e; ,AIAQ hlonumlehf -51qA Tax Map Number: Type of Sign: Wall Sign (not to exceed 32 square feet) Sign Copy: Freestanding Sign (not to exceed 16 square feet) Sign Copy: Com,14 Soon T"c-farrwon Size of Sign: '31 x 51 = - 15 sq. ft. Additional information required for this temporary sign permit application.- 1. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. 2. Plot plan of location of sign. An 1,-6,d I/ signature of applicant signature property owner if different from applicant name Failure to remove sign at expiration may result in forfeiture of deposit as per the Code of the Town of Queensbury, Section 140,Subsection 140-4(Local Law No. 11, 1993). uec*ee-Zau3 ;7:36 FRO*-NIGRO CUMpANIES _y _." I PAGE 03 619-A36-842t T-821 P401/001 F-191 Todd Curie -I CX�3_-�o�3 From: David Dean-cO&vtdi7eanQuudv net> To: etouriey*nIgrocoe.vom>" Sent: Tuesday,Oolcamber 1 B,2003 4:12 AM Minh: Graphle4 jp9 Srubjac°t: tsc quaenbury,ny letter dewed dean 317-784.6120 'tax,317-784.6142 e-mail dnviddg4!l(pU*adv,nLt 1837 Shelby St. iodiMWIia,IN 462O3 Tod*'s To Whom 0 INay Cahoon: TWO h*waulhpr)as"U+dtid Sign Awning.one.ar nti avo�spply and Ototwn tns sign POMI, and to tr»taJl -------_,won(s) Please#Mar sign lacatloq"acl address: i MO+et MMMR dg- RCYAtItt t1Yt 6YNIa1�Opry� .•�, I1A ,dy uar�ntntiai� (t�+/6 GS' 4 12/1dt03 rr 60 SOt � _ THE,MFFYOVIEED,wis, to 41 OUT, RE- 'w w w th, t 1,11 D/f l5sqftn ww . n^a aw''�' 257 South Shelby tree nllianpalis,IN 2: 3 t� ,�, �� �� ���� � � �� � � T ������4� V ¢(''�}� , V} V