Zoning Board Debrief 06 22 2022ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS DEBRIEFING NOTES June 22, 2022 Members Present- McCabe, Khul, Urrico, Underwood, Hamlin, Henkel, McDevitt Members absent- none Tabled: AV 22-2022 3ANTIGUA ROAD LLC, 3 & 5 Antigua Road 7:01-7:34 Ward 1. (Revised) Applicant proposes to construct a new 1,225 sq. ft. home with an 845 sq. ft. covered porch footprint with a floor area of 3,979 sq. ft. The new home is to be greater than 28 ft. in height. The driveway area included permeable pavers of 1,170 sq. ft. and 7,483 sq. ft. hard-surfacing. The parcel that is located in the Town of Queensbury adjoins a parcel that is in the Town of Lake George that has frontage on the lake. The project includes a new walkway and a portion of the new outdoor kitchen that is located in both the Town of Lake George and Town of Queensbury. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA. Relief requested for setbacks, height, permeability, and stormwater device setback Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to attend Planning Board meeting 6/23/2022 then submit plans for engineering then submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature, pending Planning Board. New Business: AV 24-2022 ALICE & JACK LYNCH, 14 Highview Road 7:35-7:47 Ward 1. Applicant proposes to construct new open deck addition of 563 sq. ft., install a pool of 123 sq. ft., and construct a covered porch of 166 sq. ft. Project includes installation of stormwater control measures, site landscaping and shoreline plantings. There is an existing shed of 169 sq. ft. that requires review for after-the- fact work. The existing house is 2,775 sq. ft. footprint with an existing floor area of 4,773 sq. ft. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA and hard surfacing within 50 ft. of shoreline. Relief requested for setbacks and pool location. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 6-1. McCabe Follow Up: Applicant to attend Planning Board meeting 6/23/2022 then submit plans for engineering then submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature, pending Planning Board. AV 25-2022 MORGAN GAZETOS, 2930 State Route 9L 7:48-7:51 Ward 1. Applicant requests approval for construction of deck addition not constructed as approved. In addition, the applicant has completed additional work without approval including deck area near shoreline, shoreline pathway decking, and a reconstructed shed/changing accessory structure near the shore. Existing home footprint 1,285 sq. ft. remains the same. The deck areas total 2,270 sq. ft. where the applicant is to remove the pathway decking, reducing the decking to 1,930 sq. ft. (original 2014 deck areas were 1,408 sq. ft). Site plan review for as-built conditions. Relief requested for setbacks of upper and lower decks, shed, and wooden walkway. Status: Application tabled to August 17th pending Planning Board. Tabled 6-1 Urrico. Follow Up: Applicant to submit revised information by July 15th. AV 27-2022 JOE SHEEHAN, 80 Rockhurst Road 7:52-8:14 Ward 1. Applicant proposes a 618 sq. ft. garage addition to an existing home and a 500 sq. ft. deck to replace an existing deck. A portion of the new deck will be covered; the deck is over a patio area with access from the basement. A new entry area to be constructed is also covered. Project includes stormwater management, shoreline plantings, retaining wall and steps to be reconstructed. The home will have a new footprint of 2,500 sq. ft. and floor area of 3,728 sq. ft. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA, hard surfacing within 50 ft. of the shoreline, and expansion of nonconforming structure. Relief requested for setbacks and floor area. Status: Application approved as submitted. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to attend Planning Board meeting 6/23/2022 then submit plans for engineering then submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature, pending Planning Board. AV 29-2022 MEGHAN & STEPHEN ORBAN, 21-25 Duncan Cove Road 8:15-8:56 Ward 1. Applicant proposes demolition of an existing home and out buildings to construct a new home of 2,548 sq. ft. footprint with a porch area of 463 sq. ft.; new floor area is 4,584 sq. ft. The permeable patio area facing the lake will also include a hot tub (defined as a pool per code). Project includes site work for stormwater management, shoreline and site plantings plan, development for permeable patio and driveway area; a new on- site septic system and water supply drawn from the lake; a new access drive from Duncan Cove Rd. to Cleverdale through parcel 226.16-1-9. Site plan for new floor area in a CEA and hard surface within 50 ft. of shoreline. Relief requested for setbacks and pool location. Status: Application approved with the removal of the request for the pool. Approved 7-0. Follow Up: Applicant to attend Planning Board meeting 6/23/2022 then submit plans for engineering then submit final plans for Zoning Administrator signature, pending Planning Board. Other Business: The Board voted to have training from 6pm to 7pm July 20th for Stormwater. Adjourn: 9:00