2002-160 �- TOWN OF OUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 CERUT1 Permit Number: P20020160 Date Issued: Monday,April 22,2002. This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P200,20160 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400.309-009-0002-001-000-0000 Location: LUZERNE Rd Owner: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P Applicant: TARA HART This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town-Board Mobile Home In Park TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020160 Application Number: A20020160 Tax Map No:, 523400-309-009-0002-001-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TARA HART For property located at: LUZERNE Rd in the Town of Qu6dAsbury,,to constructor place at the above location*in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in,compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Value Type of Construction Owner Address: HOMESTEAD VILLAGE L P Mobile Home In Park 30,000.00 4294 ROUTE 5 Total Value 30,000.00 CALEDONIA,NY,,14423 Contractor or Builder's Name f Address Electrical Inspection Agency COMBS TRUCKING VAN DUSEN ROAD QUEENSBURY.NY 12804 Plans &Specifications 2002-160 TARA HART 75 Alpine Avenue,11onlestead Village MH Park 14' X 66' 1999 MOBILE HOME AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $60.60 ' PERMIT FEE PAID- THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,March 21,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date) Dated at the T Q 2�b y�March 21,2002 'SIGNED BY . /772-57 1 for the Town of Queensbury. Avpw- Director of Building&Co e Enforcement Application for Permit— Mobile Home Town of Queensbwy, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 128 A building permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on parcel.MNp-iysiBe�t2s-will be made until a valid building permit has been issued. Applicant Information WHY -AKQffi_MU69D CODE Name:—f:Ae)q I CI File Permit No'.camal U Address: .-19,5tinar ke6h rM, Fee Paid (Z)u-Qk n- shar f fi Review pd By- � Phone No. Property Owner Information ZI Information Z I.Proobsed Date of Placement: Name:Na T �ny L /#&Vf(Yj ;is Property Location: f)LT%V1 E_ Address: _V N ; 7 , Road,Street Avenue 1 .,. Name of Mobile Home Park: (if ap b plka le) Phone N Tax Map Number: c/ Mobile Home Information Zoning Information Approximate Value of Home:$ M_C) u. Zoning Classification: New Home: Yes N Size of Property: ft.by ft. 0 Replacement Home: Yes VX Existing buildings: Size of Mobile Home: ft. by ft. Setbacks: front yard fL rear yard ft. Singlewide: Doublewide: Side yards ft.and ft. Number of Rooms:'(excluide baths) Number of Bedrooms Accessory,Building(s): circle Number of Bathrooms: Detached garage: 1 car; 2 car, car circle: Gas Fireplace Woodstove Wood Fireplace Attached garage: I car; 2 car, car Storage building: Yes No Foundation Support: Other: TYPE SIZE&DEPTH Water Supply: well municipal Piers x Runners x Is Septic Permit Required? Yes No Slab x Further information requested on the reverse side of this sheet *m�eofnstaller Mobile Home Dealer: Address: Phone No. Complete information below found on a"plate"or"sticker"which is affixed to the mobile home. 1. Insignia serial number. WL4 -- 2. Name of manufacturer. ' 3. Plan Approval Number: 7- )ZL)-3 —C'(—,B 4. Model or Component Designation: V DAE1C_ ufi y3pp (New Horne OAT 19 5. Date of Manufacture: ( — —91 AFFIDAVIT Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren I swear that"to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUILDING CODE,the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or not,and that such work is authorized by the owner. Si owner,owner's agent,architect,contractor Special Conditions of Permit BY-' Form: 11/19/1999sh Code Enforcement Officer -rc~n- cif Ckuqa nst3ury Building 8c Cocle# I=nfarcetmant 74.2 -E3exy Fkaexci C)uoe►nst>ury, NY 12804 (518) _761-8256 DATE INSPECTION nl--Qxjlas-r LOCATION: - IQ VMODULAR Ht)ME OO' fiznuldatiszma suppcwt, P, r per zrlmalaf. - ------ vimvloo-< 2- aim<--Ixcori-img p4--ir rnarxxaF- -------- - -- --- 3- Nv.-ttc--r Lixxt-- slX-ut off --- --------- ---- - 4- sewer lijaf-- support � feet ------- -- ---- ------------ - - ------- ----- - -- - IEKC:pt water rt-Aitay In c)-utsiclf-- PC)ro]af--s, steps, railing .. .. .... 10- -.-.-att--ir cwpv--r.-Ai3aS - ------ I I- g.-tva&yc- fire proofing ------------ -- - -- ILZ- cic>c>r C,-16sfars --- -------- -- ---------- --- 13- plumbing fixture. ......... . .. .. .... ... 14- fo--nmad-atic>rx irtsulaticm (if --:tpPl-)w- .... 15. sXlmc)kf-- clf--ta,(--t-<3rs ------------------- -- - IC>- filmall electrical ---------- -- -------- --- 17- -vr.%riaricc-- required ----------- ---- - - --- is- data plate Cykay .................. .. .. l9- ITICAL-,vilia MIJID sf--"l okay --- - - - - ------ st--rigll Date of Manufacturer TO I[SS-LJIF- 4--/<DO YES ND FtNA� liN�P�CTION �iEP� T - - Town' cif CQuoensbury Building ,6k C,"c3a ► Enforc4amont -742 May tkc3ac! f C)uo�ensUury►, NY 12804 (51 S) _761-8256 DATE INSPECTION REQUEST LOCATION. DATE: LZJ PERMIT 1MMI�SYE.E HOME A����.TLA�i >�I�S�+iL F+C.)�7I'IN+GS FCJ[JND 'I"'IC3N SAc:�It]�LL F`R.AMING - N!A YE.S NCB► 1_ foundation support, pier spacing perrnax. .IA : -------+----- ------ -•-- 2_ anchcyr�uag per rnxariuf 3_ water lime slash off ----- ------- -- 4_ sewer line support Ca� 4 t --- -- 5_ heating crosscaver (dble `de) o grd: 6_ dryer vented outsides- --~=-- ------- - ---_-_ - 7- skirting veratilated' _---• __ _ -- - - ---- 8- hot water relief valve pip' g tside 4 9_ deck, porches, steps, rail- ..... ... lU_ furnacelhot water ope g ------- Ii_ garage fare proofing -- --- --- --- ----- 12_ door closers -- - ------------- ---- --- . - 13_ pltxxnbing fixturc - - --------------- - _- 14. foundation irasulatiora (if appl.)-- _- 15_ smac5lce detectcws -------------- ------ - - IC>- firml electr caul --------------------• All - 17_ variance required ----- ------ ------- - 18_ data plate okay ---------- - -- - ---- - - 19_ seal cA ay --------- - --- Model # - Serial # Nf araufacturer I?ate of Manufacturer � tJ AY Tt7 ISSUE ClC7 YES. wc� C'orxaments: - - COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, IN Main Office 176 Doe Run Road - Manheim, PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE 1. ELECTRICAL APPROVAL ' Cu"'t-in Card No,..... ## Permit No, ffffeftf � r f � if{NiifiNNf tififf#ifffiffififfflfffifffifffii fffffffflffflffiil/iHf/fffffffHfiiNiifiNifff{fifffffN/Hf/fu#fi IfffffHiff/ft[f1�i {fiN pigfffiflififfi T Location4411444 foodfffiftfifiiiii+iililpflff/fliiiiiiifiiiiiN#iNtii#NiffifNi/NNRffiififfifiiii/i/iiiiNNifiiiif{iflffYffiiii{iiitiilf y J f f i � j f� �� Installation Consisting of off f...11ffafi f fffffiffffff/ffflffffffnHffffffftffNil„HfffiifflffffffiiifNlf►11iNitififffiff ffflfffl iiliiiigf if{ lf#ffflliHflifliftfffuHflffffffii#IffifffffffitfliffiifflffuiffilltffiHflfiiffiffiiffilffiilMfflfifffiffffgffllliltNNif{iffffi!!lffHlffltiffffffffffffiifiiNfffiffffffu 1 1III/fi/NiiffiiN/Nff!lffffliflfff ffffHfff ffffff tfffffiifflflqlffff{ili tiffiif/itilfie#ifflffflti}IllffiiilHl♦Yifffiffii111f lfiglfffilifrtitifflffifHlf•liifiil!lffff/fi�lii //�� [j'� Lic, NotInstalled Bylfif, f.H ,Yfiifpflff//flfif The conditions following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any pertif sate previously issued iq. eancelled� - This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon tht introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of making i ctions at any time, and if it;, P , rules are violated, the Company shah have the right to revo a this "e if ate. } L'000'e fitefaflfi #iffiifff fifiNi#Ifff#f11;iM#MffffiftfiNf INSPECTOR {fill ftiifiiifi#if i1 iNififfifffifi#fflN{...fait. tfiiffiiti Ifliif,uffiiiifttlifi UamhoA PI P A 1 A F 1 OWN [ano r NOTICE NOTICE 4NCNORIN6 OF MOBILE HOME ANCHORING OF MOBILE HOME T0001'OUEENNURY OWNG DE ENT FRAME IS REQUIRED PER Nosedoa our ambdexami io MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS FRAME IS REQUIRED PER compllnceA our amshall MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS nd ba construed as indb4 the cansandsp dricatioas are in81 COTpliance with the�tle; ` S y S e' TOWN OF QUA O F I BUILDING T, T N � �� BURY I REVIEWED BY DATE RE WE By DATE WAKRY w / OPT. POANt Y I DADEDBAI TROT . .. ---- BEDROOM i LIVING RQOK- Nam r ___.BENDoR, OOM 0ASTER KITCH ENIDINING 14.4R BEDROOM 3 » A ' 3203CTB/6614 BEDROOM • CATHEDRAL THRU-0UT 1902 SIFT.) YwY..,.+..Ywr�.+w�rw...Yh«hww..h.���w++Yr..hYwwwYw+w«�.w�r+Ya..,�.w•.Ya.a a�wY....w. �� wYthA IYYY�w..M.YI YY FY.Y M M�Yr•wy\wl�w«.Y I�.►M a YYYaYalWw�Y�n. wa tillwM rn�Y....r...w I.Y..YM.Yw.V+.YM �Yr nYw...w�wYww.wr.Y. Yw..pww.Ir.YNn.w.w Ih�Iw YY..w PIER POINI LAYOUT (PIERS @ I-BEAN WITHOUT PERIMETER rUJhl ATION) ' IoNs a 1.04 FIR SUP 003�SM PSG£I RF C�Sia�1,�1)I�N N A�RS(faING CROP f a,90 h ill, too rig 9� �1M QTt Y� 1�1111M�p�y1�p Mwr, all :... __.. . . 1V- BP. 8! - ';jMmNfm Ulf Zoo NOT; 001491 HflNC MUM DIVIM FQR LRCM Vf MUS KHRED I EXXOIR iea 90q?SSLIM CAC 0014 SOD C�RIIBRS RNO t�T7�VN..GM1R�_�� . VA .._ . ... ._. .. •�",. .:�y� rho �'�0' �619-3CKwCflYlt . � 3� Cr cur .Y..Y�. .....,......i Aireir's Name ana Muuicto A, t Plant No. Made!Designation Serial No. Date of Mfg. ow This manufactured home is designed to com111twith the Federal Manufactured Nome Construction and Safety Standard in force at the time of manufacture.Design Approual by Underwriters laboratories,Inc. =actory Installed Equipment Includes. MODEL RATING OF FACTORY INSTALLED CIRCUIT EQUIPMENT EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER DESIGNATION (APPLIANCE NOT FACTORY INSTALLED) SERIAL NUMBER 'if -- 1 t 2 alr,Conditiening 2 - 3 AMM Range 3 �aoking _ j 4 3uiltin Oven 4 5 countertop Cooking Unit 6 6 _ -- lefrigerator 6 _ loom 7 aW—MM4 Rater Heater 7 — 6 �lothesWasher 8 -- -- � g , 71o01es Dryer � i 10 ' � — 3'ishwasher 10 � i1 i nod Waste 11 _ 1 --— --�---- 12 Smoke Detector 12 AM 13 I �_.,.�,1_._.�—. — � 13 irepiace 14 _------ 14 ----u�-- Instructions for all work to be performed in the field are located in the kitchen drawer. The maps in this box define the design(Dads for each geographical %,h me to��d°�gn Zone hlhigher wind �e 11 ��ch°�I prowslons,equred for area.This mantifaotured home has been designed for the roof and ocomVcaastal areas and should not be located within 160T of the coasting in Wind Zones II and III,unless wind load zones as tihecked: the home and its anchoringg and foundation system have been designed for the increased requnements spearedforEvosureDin SUASCE7-A North 40 PSF South 24 PSF and a tenor doorroophenin°gst.F�orhomes esigned to be locateed with storm d Zones ll anted III,which have of been ®Middle 30 PSF 0 Other PSF provided with shutters or equivalent covering de+rices,It is strongly recommended that the home be made ready to be equipped wish these dewces in accordance with to method recommended In manuhactwers ROOF LOAD pdntedinstnudons, WIND LOAD NORTH, MIDDLE MIDDLE MIDDLE N :ZONE I- SOUTH 2 ZONE 11 0 ZONE I NORTH .o o ZpN ZONE 111 .� ZONE 11I HI Frtl� ZONE Ii 0 "'+II el lmt. --e"" 'g'j'!A", "�yf' Af 4T' '\�j III "q 3 6i� wy" PI ve' 1. l :�" :i�i i. V7 1�3 41, t Alit, 1 ie "I"'. MA; :Ito* po Ma Tf Af- AT nv 17