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TOWN-OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERT IFICATE.-CIF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20020398" Date zssued: Friday,April 01,,2005 T This is to:cerdfy tliatworkrequested to~be-done as:shown,b Permit,Number P20020398 has been completed. Tax Map Number; 523400-239-008-0001-008-000-0000 Location'. 32 BRAYTON Rd. Owner: , TIMOTHY COUGHTRY Applicant: TIMOTHY COUGHTRY This structure may be occupied as a, _ By.Ordet:of Town Boatd. . M .. Septic Alteration Residential TOWN of QUE>;NSBIY g,N, Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building& Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020398 Application Number: A20020398 Tax Map No: 523400-239-008-0001-008-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TIMOTHY COT JC-rT-1TRY For property located at: 32 BRAYTON Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: TIMOTHY COUGHTRY Septic Alteration Residential 4382 WESTERN Ti)ke Total Value ALTAMONT,NY 12009 Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency JAMFS MAT1JLFWTCZ 461-5996 NY 12804-0000 Plans &SpecificationsI 2002-398 SEPTIC ALTERATION AS PER APPLICATION $25.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,May 17,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated a n of eensbu Friday,May 17,2002 ow n w SIGNED B for the Town of Queensbury. ector of Co E i ding Code Enforcement Director of - ding de Enforcement FROM JAMES_ E FAX NO. May. 03 2002 10:36AM P1 1 ✓.1 V J ve- m i 1u•!u 10 iL.WN U^ 3' . A plicAtidtt for Permit' Uptic Ditrp0981-syetsm Towne of QueerM ttry 742 Ay Read Qmmutwm Nr 11804 (5141 f614256 )wT. .. irer�alo�t of�skall�ion: 2�l r� awe use 670ewe wiky, Mw Film Fee Paid 77fylOn 'Ql� 1Y - Address: __ �3�2 W�5'TFi?itl7U�iuP1� . 140A1 VF,, MEW 1TW 2009 _. INSTALLWS NANM : PH0NI N0. ="�v 3 n5tDRNM WORMATION: .(aii i ieyeaa of dweas,tadi0te ii ba-coma)aed t4Ylil1VY*of bv&toths with epplleable galfatts psy bedmr,m to egvel total datdy i?ow) Xur of ftse: ....- No.of BedsOoms x QZ2090 Tee►�bait�,,`.uMesa 10so or eider x ISO,galibcltns 1991—oc;eeed x - Ito 80A)d= - r AY 16 2002 awbagd Grwdes kkaed yam_;,_, ! no„x. Spneti VVltitlpael Merl yet_ I no X� TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SUILD114G'AND CODE 4. PARCEL DMORMATlt)N: (oiicla ipoliaable 3�rnssskica�indibeta snmaaurmtsertts� BOB Fkt w"d at what dagih at w dt ngttttt�7pa1 dill 00 (o feat �tt well t slaps- etc;y #weld;water supply stage other frrrns 1"Y sett krA depth; otJter_��C��l� . Petcalaticxs'last: tTc be onmp6eted by Itagltsed prsa�asstonal rxgtr,tPx nr cratsftecti Rptac: #trntte per InCti 5. PROPOSED SYSTSK, 92r ' ,t,�i�g' Mj 0,' Ail lmwdw sowsp aww urns mug;be daelpedw a lu91d prafeselmaal ce ee*t or pact{�insmlted ai>a Pl lag Bosscl a wed sobglvislora). Add 2St! V11012teftliP O!dw wrde t mk ad knob field fir evah Gem t3mider.Sps ts:Vktrl ad Tub Saptic T=k: gatkn(mein.size 1,000 gal, i Tile Field: wow mtnch- .�'! ToW System Leath: j` 3MpYge Pk(s): nttmbtr of afsach: R.3Y.r.r. Size of Seoaew he used: #_•mow !depth or thivkmss_•��tbet . 3 Bed Sysme:u Sim; s Altsawdve Syst m. length 4nwgr slat 6. HOLDING TANK SYMM: (itzaq*od), Nstt4b#f efts:� .,�! Size a.£earls SIUMU, ITOTTAL CAVU*.�Vla = Note. Aeries.System wW amointod elsddaid work mutt be it gsded by a Town ammvW tiecttical fnspee (M agency, PROM JAMES E FAX ND: May 03 2092`1@:37flM P2'< .......� •t.... �.�s�l��Y. a�.aa��� �e�aM��.ray.!/� ��.__._.,. � For yatx prateativt4 plaase ante spa pw=alt m'skdOc I3&29 ditho dodo aftho Taws af.QueenatrdM xmy parnsit or,-appw al amated-u6bh is based up=i ar it shmted ia1 nelia:►n* *ac$my cubd l mirre mewrAan ar ailm to Mau a meArial bx or cimnmmo o bom by or na bsW aF an appliont,e€ U be void. I hav*readt s muIa3 m tivk#a resp*%to ddl Rpplisaetiar►*44 art$to abids by thm,c scd ail ravic of ft Town of wry Sewa a.Di"mw QtYli wes, . . ln2 sigh Ours o nni bnubio pert on Date p i j 1 N, Septic Inspection Report Office No.(518)761-8256 Date Inspection re est c e. Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: rt: 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initia NAME: L-�-��T A- IT NO.: LOCATION: Z SPECT RECHECK: • Comments and/or diagra Soil Type:I Sand/Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorptiori Field: Total length ft, Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches Size of Stone See page Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field Pit Opening Sealed: Y/NI Partial Location Separations Foundation to tank Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. L Conforms as pier Plot Plan _\t�Y_N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side ;Middle/Fr nt Middle Rear System Use S tus: Approved pproved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the*Building&Codes Office Disapproved L:\SueHemingway\Building-Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request r ceived: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ ep- art: am/pm 742 Bay Rd.,Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: 0�/ NAME: 14U c—"l-owPERMIT NO.: LOCATION: ,J rj INSPECT ON: 16j RECHECK: Comments and/or diasram Soil Type: Sand J Loam I Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field 1 Pit Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. e aration of Pits Conforms as per Plot Plan Y , N C Q. q;5` fzU GL j_ �1 t� Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear System-Use Status: Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 r ') ' 6 � i I' , � �. �4-4* � tit � U 4-) W W � M � � iv a � •� i!} >W �' V) +J 0) C r W . L U m I ` ) ro � 0 c c ro tU a U Vy !L 1/y a z " V U 4J 0 sr. C', W W I a ! S� �r� >- P Z V) 41 V1 W �„ 91 'r 0 tU u Q V) I 4J 0 Z W cL ro +) +J F- c r, \ z a 4J '0 w cr m IV � ,, © (0 It c) E � 0 � a N r--Z 4- � W Ww v� Q 1 0 G � 0; z4- a aC, it4r C S� N W .c U LL tU N>' I I C. (aQ1 r�H U C 4) �� l X r Q 0' 0 4- CLIA 4 r� C w it V) Q) 0 ro U) P m W t1a�. 0 to c Ism 4- U H to I- �� tr, (A !~ C c ro c 0) 0 W ' m Q cn 4 N o x "N a a 0 a ce -L V3 J C rM M 0 4- r 0 ' 0 0 qT -r- r +r- IL V) R� r» % 4-)S a� ' Ur-W > CL N ro tU J 0 Wt M4JUC. 0C04Ml� 4JCQCC104-Is- cti W E U +j W U14-COCaNWNOL *OCIAOQ t I» �r- t T� 0 • b 0 0 0 0.r„ M00)IrW 'r- 4J w (J 'w (10a00} 00UL'r0 >1 �• � I � � � �n - �-nvi� ~n ��o -Imv�cn �ncnvr �-•x� v r 0 (D 0 7 0'0 (D (D a 0 0) a0An:3 '0CC �(Due � 0. °�0NMNvO (AT -� � M rt 0 2 Vl 0. 0 -I >-ha :3 :3 )1:3r+ rwMZO "Oro00OM 0 r (D w 0 Jf (D rh (+ rr t0 03 0 rh +1 N m 0 0 �9 ++ �+ M 0 0 0 N k 0 N "q v1 -h V) 0 m m (D a 0) :3 a �,to (A -I, -- (D M rt r+ 0 fi •� � M ' a 11W !M0 cM (A a �0 "10 Na 20 alllose ~s 0 r� ► t� rr G�0 0 a v' v to , b M q P-jo T ZO rolw-.00 a y V) , (A 'G rf 0j M X � 0 (A I �t X ..� r r a '� ��' 0ro 0. a � � 0) 0) � ro v7 a � PGo ++ �! r� b rD 0 0 (D a. � N � � � m O N z rF , -C-J. 1 0 rh 10 ( 0 1 „�I� mR1 *� .i� .�� I' 0. '� 0 N N a "T1 V9 (D (D 0 r4 Q C1 C (Dct ( mv< � 0 m .7 rF 0 N (Dr�D (D fD 0 rM rFs Finished Grade \ Spa cing of Absorbtlon Trench - 8 O.C. Earth Backfill Building Paper Earth Backfill 7 r 7Untreated 2" min. washed stone 4" min. I.D. erforation Joint Distributor Pipe 8" min. 3/4" to 1-1/2" crushed washed stone " d Ground Water, Bedrock .\�/,\ or Impervious Layer CROSS SECTIONA ,__VIEW LONGITUDINAL VIEW TYPICAL ABSORPTION TRENCH NO SCALE 4"1 pip MARKER AT GRADE FINISHED GRADE REMOVABLE COVER BAFFLE 12" PRECAST CONCRETE TOP 4" INLET PIPE 4" OUTLET P.V.C. PIPE ASTM D2729 (SOLID PIPE TO TRENCH) ASTM D2729 [1 EFFLUENT ,Ire (TO FILTER BED) g" S" 2" PROVIDE "SPEED LEVELERS" %\ 12" min. PEA GRAVEL. PRECAST CONC, DISTRIBUTION BOX SEAL AROUND PIPES "Fort Miller Co." or equal WITH NON -SHRINK NK GROUT DISTRIBUTION BOX NO SCALE Grade SOLI9 4" P.V.C. PIPE BE(;NNING t It, min. OF rRENOH PERFORATED PIPE _ RAKE SIDES BUCRE FILLING TRENCH WITH STC>^E. FILUM WITH a WASHED STONE y (1 ft min. depth) 1 ft. ft. PERFORATED PIPE �v END CAP 1 ft. EDGE OF TRENCH PLAN VIEW TYPICAL TRENCH INSTALLATION NO SCALE I OUTLET "'�4"e solid PVC pipe ASTM D2729 Seamlen Precast Conc. Fort Miler or equal GENERAL NOTE: SEPTIC TANK SHALL BE WATERPROOFED WITH A BITUMINOUS COATING. 'TYP. 1 25a al. SEAMLESS SEPTIC TANK NO SCALE Soil Data (4/26/2002) Test Pit: 0 -12" Topsoil 12 - 84" Gravel Loam Groundwater @ 78" Perc Test #1: Depth of Hole - 24" Test Zone -18" -19" Perc Rate - 5 min, L Perc Test #1: Depth of Hole - 24" Test Zone - 18" - 19" Perc Rate - 53/4 min. System Design Two Seasonal Camps @ Two BR Each = Four BR Septic System - Shallow Trench - 440 GPD Design Perc Rate Application Rate Trench Lateral (Min/in) (GPD/SF) 1.0 Length .. r 220' Configuration 4@55' Y A I-100.06 try g �ae.z. 4� 96 9b I -7ro 91 } I -I- / Deep Test 92.75 , tbnch bottom elg. 92.75 I 12 0 ga . / + + t f pre j I 9E :9 cON7 ' - 1 Inv = d8. ^ 8 (Plu bing po 1 Y2 story wood (;dli rector to ma Aaste frame camp tins to Invert per ode) 1 / ° tt It 1 FF Ele. = 100.0 0. Lake George © Ele. = 91.0 . ) 96 _+ 99 9 I16 99 400.2 -- + r0 M 100 1 % story wood frame camp FF Ele. = 103.5 IM/7.62 Out= 97.83 ! I . In = 98.08f 1 t� W A93 7 (!S 330 17 2 11 03 t1/2 / min - Lands N/F Weber Note,.c.�: SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS: CAMP TO SEPTIC TANK: 4 inch diameter, solid PVC pipe, Schedule 40, tight joints, minimum slope 1/4 inch per foot ASTM 2665. Plumbing Contractor to extend waste line to match Inv. of line to septic tank as shown on plan. SEPTIC TANK: Town of Queensbury approved (Ft. Miller or equal); set ona3" bed of pea gravel with cover set within 12" of grade. SEPTIC TANK TO DIST. BOX: 4 inch diameter, solid PVC pipe with tight joints, minimum slope 1/8 inch per foot ASTM D2729. DISTRIBUTION BOX: Town of Queensbury approved (Ft. Miller or equao; set on a 12" bed of pea gravel with cover set within 12" of final grade. LATERALS: 4 inch diameter, perforated plastic pipe, maximum slope 1/16 Inch/foot, ends capped, ASTM D2729. STONE ENVELOPE: Mixture of Number Ones and Number Twos (3/4" to 1 1/2" stone). TRENCH COVER MATERIAL: Either: untreated building paper, geotextile or equal. SPECIAL NOT E: If required by the Town of Queensbury Department of Building and Code Enforcement, a Licensed Professional Engineer shall inspect and certify that that this system is constructed in compliance with these plans and specifications. Brayton Road -}-t01.81 ti?i:7A Q capp ends 1Oi A7.27 (all I es) 12 Precast cony Distribution Box 102 , AL .14 cf Test #2 ith 87 .92 103 32 1 / � 10225 f ..� y %� Cam'. IV< -W r414: ' IAv - -4& I X12 Site Layout Plan Scale 1" = 20' RECEIVED 1 SOWN 01F vRVGOMW GENERAL SITE NOTES: 1, Parcel Area = t18,267 s.f./O.42 acres. 2. Parcel contains two seasonal camps, with two (2) bedrooms each. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. There shall be no deviation from these plans during construction without prior approval of a licensed design professional and the Town of Queensbury Department of Building and Code Enforcement (TQDBCE) 2. The materials and specifications noted on the plans must be utilized unless alternates are accepted and approved in writing by a licensed design professional and TQDBCE representative. 3. Follow all manufacturer's instructions for component installation unless otherwise directed by a licensed design professional and TQDBCE representative. 4. Prior to excavation, consult the Underground Facilities Protective Organization. SEPTIC SYSTEM NOTES: 1. Sanitary facilities may be constructed only after a TQDBE "Disposal System Building Permit" has been issued. These facilities shall not be placed in operation until a TQDBCE "Disposal System Use Certificate" has been issued. Contact the appropriate TQDBCE representative regarding the procedures involved. 2. If required, a licensed design professional shall supervise system installation and certify that construction followed the approved plan; furnish an "As -Built" plan; and apply to the TQDBCE for a "Disposal System Use Certificate". 3. When required, inspections of sanitary facility construction shall be conducted jointly by a licensed professional and TQDBCE representative: A) Prior to site development; B) After site preparation prior to fill placement (systems in fill only); C) During percolation resting of the stabilized fill (systems in fill only); D) After adjustment of the pump or siphon chamber (dosed systems only); E) Prior to backfilling pipes, tanks, pits, well seals, etc.; F) After final grading and seeding. 4. No roof, floor, footing, cooling water, backwash drains, etc. shall be connected to the sewage treatment system and all discharges shall be directed away from the treatment area. 5. No vehicular parking or traffic shall be allowed on any portion of the sewage treatment system except as shown. 6. The owner shall furnish the purchaser of a lot depicted on this plan with a copy of the approved plan, or if constructed, an accurate as -built plan depicting installed facilities. CONSTRUCTION SAFETY: 1. No person shall be permitted in any trench or similar excavation where he may be exposed to side or bank failure or cave-in unless proper safeguards for his protection have been provided. 2. When a person works in or frequents any trench or excavation five feet or more in depth which has side slopes steeper then one foot vertical on one foot horizontal, such sides shall be protected with sheeting and shoring. 3. Such sheeting and shoring systems shall be in contact with the sides or banks of such trench. 4. Any excavation in sand, silt, clay, loam or non -homogeneous soil which has sides more then three feet but less then five feet in depth shall be provided with side bank protection. 5. Excavated material and other superimposed loads shall be placed at least 24 inches back from the edges of any open excavation and shall be tiled so that no part can slide, roll or fall into the excavation. 6. Such 24 inches may be reduced if the contractor installs a barrier or similar retaining device to prevent excavated or piled material from falling into the excavation. 7. Where no work is being performed in an open unattended excavation which has substantially vertical sides or banks three or more feet in depth, such excavation shall be effectively guarded on all open surfaces. 8. Such protection shall consist of a fence, barrier or safety railing. . 9. An alternative guarding may consist of the extension of sheet piling to a height of at least 42 inches above the ground, grade or equivalent level. 10. In lieu of such guarding, protection may be afforded by substantial covering installed over the excavation. 11. Such covering shall consist of: A) planking at least 2 inches, B) full size, properly supported, exterior graded plywood at least 314 inch thick, or, C) material of equivalent strength. 12. Where it is possible that movement of vehicles or other heavy equipment will take place over'this coverage, the covering shall be of sufficient strength to withstand such loading. 5q0NIVA 6, Owner: Timothy Coughtry 4382 Western Turnpike Altamont, New York 12009 Site Location: 32 Brayton Road Queensbury, NY Design Professionals: Brewer Engineering Associates - East Greenbush, New York Kleinke Associates - Delmar, New York Date: 15 May 2002 A& 17vt19 2457