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1 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY F1L 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 . CEAD1111FI("JAITE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20020389 ' Date Issued: Wednesday, July 24,2002 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20020389` has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-308-014-0001-052.000-0000 Location: VANDUSEN Rd Owner: ARC4BFND,L.L.C. Applicant: DONNA SPRAGUE This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board Mobile Houle In Park TOWN of QUEENSBURY Director of Budding&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes- (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020389 Application Number: A20020389 Tax Map No: , 523400-308=0,14-0001-052-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: DONNA SPRAGIJF For property located at: VANDUSEN Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Value Type of Construction Owner Address: ARC4BFND, L.L.C. Mobile Home In Park 32,000.00 SUITE 600 GRANT St Total Value 32,000.00 700 DENVER, CO 80203-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications' 2002-389 LOT 91 ORIWOOD CIRCLE-Forest Mobile Home Park Tenant/Applicant: DONNA SPRAGUE 1120 SQ FT MOBILE HOME AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $41.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,May 28,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensinury before the expiration date.) Dated at ow of May 28,2002 t'(,Ow Z�Z_l I I SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement Application for Permit— Mobile Home { Town of Oueensbury, 742 Bay Roam Queensbury, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 A building permit must be obtained before-placement of mobile home on parcel. No inspections will be made until a valid building permit has been issued. Applicant Information Office Use Name; D1014116411 c..�?,�1 _ -- File Permit No.c��o�„�3 �r�� Address: -�p�'� rn.0 .. Fee Paid Reviewed By: C�-'" ; Phone o � MqY 1 4 20 ..�_ oz Parcel lnformat N OF QUEENSBUF�y roperty Owner Information B�C�fn�r A��COD Name: 141 e eoly�i ,1Gr« Proposed Date of Placement: Property Location: lal e" b � Address: l� � CAL .� Road,Street,Avenue Name of Mobile Home Park:�z9ZC'S ` (if applicable) Phone No. �7'. /�� Tax Map Number: / ! Mobile Home Information (a0 Zoning Information Approximate Value of Home: $ /j��) l Zoning Classification. ``� ryl New Home: .Yes No • Size of Property: _��ft,byle"o ft. Replacement Home: Yes No Existing buildings: Size of Mobile Home: ft. by 'Q ft. Setbacks: front yardP.4yard / ft. 1 Singlewide: Doublewide: Side yard an _ Number of Rooms: (exclude baths lek1cw") Number of Bedrooms: Dt„/i!ZiYJd 1206k. Accessory'Building(s): circle Number of Bathroorns: .� Detached garage: 1 car; 2 car, car Gas Fireplace/Woodstove/Wood Fireplace Attached garage: 1 • 2 car, car Storage building: Ye No Foundation Support: Other: "TYPE SIZ '&DEPTH Water Supply: well or municipal Piers 0,r r 6&z Runners _111. Slab �OJ< ?,�) Jgs' PiQD Is Septic Permit Required? Yes or No Further information requested on the reverse side of this sheet 1 -l �� = � owLr -<y 12-P31 Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer: G � Address: ON LAUD 443 SARATOGA RD. Phone No. SO.GLENS FALLS,NY 12803 Complete information below found on a"plate"or"sticker"which is affixed pto e mo feNlf( KAY 14 2002 1 Insignia serial number. ���,,,, -�--�ro OF QUEENSBIIF y 2. Name of manufacturer: 0,0V 4z"Yk , i A 3. Plan Approval Number: read 0 "r ���s � b /Ju.0 - 4,z"(' PeWuzi414 4. Model or Component Designation: n� C�7" (Weiv Home ONL.Y) 5. Date of Manufacture: AFFIDAVIT T Town of Queensbury State of New York County of Warren I swear that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements' contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the BUELDING CODE,the ZONING ORDINANCE, and all other laws pertaining,to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or not, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Signature: owner, ee' agent,architect,contractor Special Conditions of Permit By: Form: 1 tir9ts999sb Code Enforcement Officer. 1 _ _ _ - _ i�tl�AiL ■N�PECTI4�7iRV REPORT_ -_ :. _ . Towri of C�u4B nsbury E3uiiding aL +Code irnforc+erri®nt ' =% 742 _E3ay Ficrad Qua ansbur , N 12804 -(518) .?6-1-82,56 ARI2.'IVL: y�ISEP ART: � -` N P: DATE INSPECTION R:EQ'[.�EST RECBIVED: _- L.oCATIaN: M®BELIM H@ME M�I1UE.�►R H®ML Fc3[_TN�►A'T'It3N BACKFILL FR.AMZNG' NIA YF S 1'V C1 1. founda.tilolx sup3a►ort, pier sp ing ...... ........ 2. anchoring per inanuf. - ...... ..._... 3_ water line shut off --------- -- ----- - 4_ sevtrer Mine support 4 feet S_ -heating crossover {dblewide� _ gr _ _ 6_ dryer vented outside- --ti---------- - 7- skirting ventilated --- ------------- - 8- h©t water relief valve pii png guts 9_ deck, Steps, railing -- ------ ILO- furrna.ce/hot water operating ....... . 11_ garage fire proofing _____ ___ ________ __ 12. d3c3r cicisers . .. . .. . . ................... 13- plumbing fixture ....... . ......... . .... 144_ foundation insu.laticm (if appl-)----- - r` i5. sxx c►lce. detectors ----------------- ------ 1.6- final eelectrical ------ ------------------ 17. .......... . .......... S. data plate: 61Ca.3' ----- ------------------ 19_ micabile HUD seai okay -------------- Model # Serial # Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer - � # or ©KAY 'I'O ISSUE C/© YES NCB � - C'oxxxments• � - LF■�V�iL Ifl�4���E�Tl�t�� i�l���lr�� Town ®f +Queansbury E wilding S. Coci*3 Enf©rce:rnoen7t 742 13ay Ftcoaci Clue nsbur , NY 12804 804 - (518) 76 1-8256 A tGt R V E: .; 3 I ►E F"A112"I`: 2, BATE INSF'EC'TION REQUEST RECEIVED: ��1�EIQE 1�I�11bSE �f�mLTl!�.�lR H®li+iE FOC?�Z'ITIGS FGlUI�3DA'FIdN BA+CKPIi "�_ FRAMI�7G N/A 'YES Nth► 1. foundation support, pier spa+cirsg perrxxaYxuf. ....... .................. 2. anchc>ring per rn.-Ai af- _-.- -._ _---_ 3. water line shut cuff' ---------- --- --- 4_ sewer lirie support CKD 4 feet _-__ _ 5_ heating crossover {dblswide off grd_ 6_ dryer vented outside --------- -- ------- ?_ skirting ventilated ----- ------- � ---- 8_ hot water relief valve pipings utsid.e 9_ deck, po#-ches, stcps, 1(3_ fiarr�acelhot water operating - ----_ 1 1_ garage fire proofing _ --.---- ---- ---- 12- door closers -- -- ----- ----- --------- -- 13- plumbing fiWtLire ----------------- -- 14- foundation insulation Of nppl.),.. -- �y 15. smoke detectors --------•---------- - 16. firaal electrical .................. ... 17. variassce required ------ ---- --------- 1$. data plate okay ------------------ --- 19►. mobile 141JID seal okay -- __- -.-.._. Lc0 2 Manufacturer Date of Manufacturer �� C3KAY '�'O ISSUE CIt3 YES NC7 Com*rierits: FINAL. lN�IPECTlON R PORT_ 1 __. - - - Town- c)f- CQueensbury E3uildino 8L Coc3ia -Enfc: i--4Bm8nt 742 _Say Road - _ " Queenslaury, IVY 12804 (518) .7G 1-825fi DATE INSPECTION_-REQUEST RE IVED: _ - LOCATION:4n - DATE: # FOOrlZIiTGS F©CTATI3ATi0iwi BACKFILL FRA1VIZi�IG` 1_ fou_ ndation support, pier spacang - pernf ------------------------ _ anchoring per rxioriuf_ - ----------- ---- 3_ water line shut off -------------------- 4_ sewer line suppo 4 feet _______ 5_ heating crosscvedb vsrzde) .cuff grd_ 6_ dryer vene td c3uts de" - -- ----------------- 7_ skirting ventilated -__ ---- -___- 8_ hot water relief val - piping outside 9_ deck, porches, steps, ailir3L--__-__ 1C�_ filrn�celhot water op8r g _______ 11_ garage fue proofing ------ --------- 12_ door cicisers --- ------------- -- --- --- 13_ plumbing fixture- ---------- ---- - ----- 14_ foundation insulation cif appl 15_ smoke detectors --------------------- - ifi_ final electrical ------ ------------------ 17_ variance required ----------- ---------- ls_ data plate okay -------------- --------- 19_ mobile HUD seal okay _ . IVlodel # Serial # Manufacturer .Jute of Manufacturer _ OKAY TO ISSUE "C/C3 YES 00, = NQ MAY-22-2002 02 :35 PM WELCOME HOMES 518 761 2621 P.01 Y r1 `+ - , r C JRY ' PEPART@rIENT Bnaed on our limited examination, FILECOP, � compliance with our comments shall Y-f �..__ _.. _.__.. .. . ....._. . ..... . not•beconstrued-as,��g4hee—._.._.._.. _ plans and specifications are in full il _ .......�......... _ _... _.... _ it re TOWN OF QU L y.— REVIEWED B .._......_...�._._ ....._._ .__•_�__--.,^R ._... _.._..._... ..- .---•-...._�. _._.... .DATE. .. .... _ --. Looms HOMES On T WE __.. -�' A .�. _.... _. ........._. . NY i2803 ANCHORING OF MOBILE HOME $0,GLEN$FAI-LS, N,�._�._..... .- FRAME 'REQUIRED PER--- MANUFACTU ,ERS SPECIFICATIONS � AJ'�' '.�`t�x/��- ��G�' �G•c�c�y ,�" � // f ,�',�' 17,r I MAY-17-2002 02:24 F(9 WELL: t� 59 ar 01 � ?vy r • �+ �>?&' STONEC '" Red>lman Homes, Lmc, AFFORDABLE S CTIONAIS MODEL.A191 carWnteai TW +W 28 x 43 3"BEDROOMM2 BATH APPROX.j1D13 SO.FT, /� LIDLLL.LL —An.. $EDROOM9 LL7'-8"_LLL LLL 11'•3" . 9EpR00M' 'LLLL L.LLL�L_LL' LLt,.I-LL{�IT }T�NL LLLLL '-g"-L LLLL-L•L LLL BAIR L_ LL.L_LLIr LL.LL LLLL r. K 6DRAOM -Mppgg Ltd Y ■ MODEL A195 i ae x 44 S-9EDROOMr2-BATH APPROX.IM..SQ,FT- 41 LL LLL'L LLLL 0 q . t LL LLrJTCPFNL 3 CJ 6�O�OoM LMA L.L L LL14'-3"-L- PAN ; V-10" LLLI-L���L DPT STAIRWAY ' 1 LL o� LLLILLLLLL LL LLLLLLLLL LL_ L 1' 1 `L'DIN ..LLLL '_ LLLLU L Lt 'L�a-5"_L.L LL1 t. ijA 13 17!•70 95PROOM 03 V-9" u... _.._. _.... _—....,�. GAM.D'�L Ta�QQsJtsSNJUT . MODEL Al GO z8 x 48 3 SEDROOMI(+,BATH i APPROX.11aa Sd.FT, .�i y; r• LLLLL '� -L Y -�- BFDlROGM' DINWj LLLLLLL6'LLL VnLITY W.O. IE'JTC.MEN L L� LLL LL L.•LL•LLLL . ' siK LL LLLL opts TAIRWAY �. LLL w- ----==-- L` =ROOM n � � :LI�w , ' 5W ROOM 12'•2" �C¢"ba =01-2002 FRI 10:50 AM OPS FAX PM Kul sus���lsin r, ui own CD 4I a: 5, m 47 rn 1.4 Cj- Egg 00 1 y� go �y.� 00 y ' t (=riI /Ru t kn rn ..-r di CST► C7 00 01 17ti . 19 cc r t: 2 - 23 , W M 1-4 r .� Imo~+4 t �� l t 29 t t-4 00 00. 33, 0 , , 37 39 41 45 srIt = t. 47 -�� w 1 • P'o%l;t pirk 1HC " 134 P'iwbar RORd gw=sbt�ry,Ny X 2 s04 wdl6 .l0 ZO-LO-AR I Ino-ccI-atya 3nVlllA 3HVT NINl-wot�