2002-475 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20020475 Date Issued: Monday, September 26,2005 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20020475 has been completed, _ • .,. ......-.r... ..e .:._._._«....._.. •aw..ary;:..-=........,,....,^w—.%i'...•-*—'..ww:-...!.....w.:..:...'s.._q.r;A«G:^-ftr.,.._,!4i+r.M:^: V-.�..x,..._. Tax Map Number: 523400-295-014-0001-076-000-0000 Location: 12 HUMMINGBIRD Ln Owner: WILLIAM&JANICE DORMAN Applicant: WILLIAM&JANICE DORMAN This structure may be occupied as a: Inground Pool By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURX Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance,or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&Code Enf rcemen Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 i Community Development-Building&Codes (518)761-8256 1 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020475 Application Number: A20020475 Tax Map No: 523400-295-014-0001-076-0" 00-0000 Permission is Hereby granted to: VM J JAM&JANTCF.DORMAN For property located at: 12 HUMM1NGMD Ln r in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Builhirig Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. i Type of Construction Value Owner Address: W LLUM&JANICE DORMANT Inground Pool 12 HUMMINGBIRD Ln Total value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address 4 Electrical Inspection Agency CYPRESS POOL LTD r 99 MAKER ROAD OIJEENSBIJRY_ NY , Plans&Specifications 2002-475 3 INGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 04 $35,00 ' PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT.EXPIRES: Saturday,June 11,2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the T,awn o ue Juri,e 11, 2002 SIGNED BY ` for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020475 Application Number: A20020475 Tax Map No: 523400-295-014-0001-076-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: WILLIAM&JANICE DORMAN For property located at 12 HUMMINGBIRD Ln in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: WILLIAM&JANICE DORMANT Inground Pool 12 HUMMINGBIRD Ln Total Value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency CYPRESS POOL LTD 99 OIJAKER ROAD OUEENSBURY.NY Plans&Specifications 2002-475 INGROUNDTOOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS $35.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Wednesday,June 11,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury, Tuesday,June 11,2002 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Boil dd^C e Enforcement ti Building&Codes Office Swimming Pool `!. Town of Queeusbury g 742 Bay Road Permit Application ' Queeusbury,NY 12804 � ? : (518) 761-8256 _C 1. Applicant: Owner: _ 5 .2002- Address: Address: _ NSSU G���_✓�F�s,�//T���"2�� ,. Aso ��pE rt?pE v Phone No. Phone No. 2. Person responsible for code requirements: 3. Contractor 1 Installer Address Phone No. 2,o�-���� 1 j 1i 4. Pool Location Address: i I 5. Tax Map Number: -1.9 S- L4 0 f 6. Type of Pool: above-ground pool / zn-ground pool 7. Size of Pool: lengthy ft. diameter ft. width QD ft. depth ft. 8. Approximate Water Capacity�gallons 9. Materials used in construction(circle below) �SieeYvinyl Fiberglass Gunite Poured Concerte Other 10. Submit a diagram; drawn to show property lines, existing structures,proposed or existing septic system, location of proposed swimming pool. Show all setback distances from property lines to both the pool and the structures,as well as separations between them. An electrical inspection is necessary before the Certificate of Compliance is issued. See attached sheet for electrical inspectors. The Building and Codes Office needs to be notified upon completion,of construction; including installation of fencing. A final inspection will be made before use of the pool is authorized. , Applicant Signature Date: Owner Signature: l w , Date: (if fferent from applican name) Code Change Adoption: Amendment to Revise Requirements Y for New Swimming Pool.Enclosures r Amendment of sections 720.1 and 744.1 of Title 9 NXCRR August 10, 1999 1. Subdivision Q)of section 720.1 of Tide 9 ofthe Official Compilation of Codes,Rules and Regulations,of the State ofNew York is amended-to read as follows: (fl such enclosure shall have railings and post within the enclosures which shall be capable of resisting a minimum lateral load of 150 pounds applied midway between posts and at top.ofposts,respectively. Enclosure;fence material or fabric shall be capable of withstanding a concentrated laterat-load of 50 pounds applied anywhere between supports on an area 12 inches square,without pure or permanent deformation.Cates provided in the enclosure shall be self-closing and self-latching with the latch handle located within the.encosure and at least 40 inches above grade„and shall be securely locked with a key, combination or other child-proof lock sufficient to protect access to the swimaming pool through such gate when the pool is not in use-or supervised.- _ Subdivision(fl of section 744.1 of Title 9 of the Official Compilation of Codes,Rules and Regulations of the State of New York is amended to read as follows: (l)such enclosure shall have railings and post within the enclosures which shall be capable of resisting a mm mum lateral load o£150 pounds applied midway between posts and at top ofpoA respectively. Enclosures,fence material or fabric shall be capable of withstanding a concentrated lateral load of 50 pounds applied anywhere between supports on an area'12 inches square,without failure or permanent deformation. Cates provided,in the enclosure shall be self-closing and self latching with the latch handle located within the enclosure and at least 40 inches-above grade,and shall be securely locked with a key, combination or other cbild--proof lock sufficient to protect awess to the swimming pool through such gate when the swimming pool is not in use or supervised;and Code Change Adoption: Amendment to Revise Requirements for - Height _Limitations in One-and Two-Fam4y Dwellings Furthermore, the pool shall be screened from the.view of the pool c right-of-way and the neighboring property by means of landscaping-. (See-"Landscaping") FEES: _. . $25 Fee for Above Ground Swimming Pool -$35 Fee for In-Ground Swimming Pool NOTE: ALL POOL PERMIT APPLICATIONS MUST STATE.,-MATERIAL_T0.8E-;USED. M irL3rL3 PfflL3 ri JEWE-l jf,'Jl RprpLpL Mril RPLPLPLrLff l:1� 2pr Pr PL PL PL FL3 rL3 PL PL PL PL PL PL H E BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE Z-0 5 5 5NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 5 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 5 5 5 5 Upon the application of CERTIFIES THAT upon premises owned by 5 5 C5 5 DAN HURLEY ELECTRIC BILL DORMAN 5 GARRISON LANE RR3 BOX 3488 12 HUMMINGBIRD LANE 55 LAKE GEORGE, NY 128 284 5, QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 5 .SLocated at 12,HUMMINGBIRD LANE QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 - 5 Application Number: 1065512 Certificate Number: 1065512 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC:A239 Described as a Residential occupancy,wherein the premises electrical system consisting of 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 5 5 5 5 5 was inspected in accordance with the National Electrical Code and the detail of the installation,as set forth below,was 5 found to be in compliance therewith on the 22n Day of July,2002. 5 5 Name STY Rate Rating Circuit Tune Appliances and Accessories 5 Furnace 1 0 Gas 5 Pool/Spa Bonding 1 0 Pool/Spa Circulator Pump/Motor 1 0 1 H.P. Wiring and Devices GFCl Circuit Breaker 1 0 GFC1 5 Receptacle 1 0 GFCI Switch 2 0 General Purpose 5 Fixture 1 0 Pool/Spa C5 5(Swimming Pool):This certificate covers compliance at the date of inspection only. Because of unusual environments it is advisable to have 5 frequent test and/or repairs made by a qualified person. 5 Defects previously reported,as items of non-compliance,have been corrected. A visual inspection made of the exposed electrical equipment in tj 5 the premises indicated found no obvious unsatisfactory condition. 5 5 5 Sseal 5 1 of I 5 c5 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 PrUJURIUMj : i iliiI 1: 0 1 l Mil9 PLFLpPPLr3LL PPff fiflE 1 1 P PL PLrL3 PLFL3rL3 rL3FL3 PL]l M I �Pcacl �rzsp�,ctic►n Queensbury Building 1; Code Enforcement Office No_ (518) 761-8256 742 Bay Road, Queerisbua-y, IVY 12804 =7 atc. roc--oi ed- Inspector's Iriit' Is: i ` Abo�rc Gr rid: .aK- Isi--Crr+�un.+d: � v Pool enclosure around pool or a-rd 4 feet abcsvc grads 2 inch rriaxirnum cleararace ___ to grads from uricierside of ferice 4 inch maxirlxurn cicararxcc �,/ irY fence ickets *�/ Wall. or ]Doors have self closing device or alarms (30 secoaid Alarn-a time Ladder secured in place a.xn(A latchv--d IDc ck gate --::: 5 6" tc7 latch nc)o more thari %2" spacing in ate o er�ings Cate opens outward, self closire Fa dlocic provided on gatt.s or ladder Indoor pool all doors self closirig or aiarxned pc�r 'A'C_i l os_2 It+-nz 9 'Timer on pool piirnp (no lu iri timer allowed) Final electrical �Tchicle access gate closed locked +Ole to issue C!C -7 4ye-41 " wool Inspection i Qixoozislbiiry 1BuildingCCodeIF-riFc>rc--c--rxiozit CJfflcc-- No. (518) 761-8256 742 113ay Qtxc-,-xisl:3xxry, T-T'S?- 12804 AV i:� a r>le-pal-t: I-rispe,--t<>r's Triftial 'VI TNT ............. ]P<3<>l e--ricic>svirc ar<>iAxid proof or and V-7- 4 Bt�(--t zLbo-.-c-- &-racic-- 0,- 2 itaell =Ei->r-irriixrx-i clearance to grade fence 4 iri4a-la Trizi-scill-l-Lirri clearance un Fenof-- picRots Wall or ]Doors laa-v, self c--Ic3sirig; device <3-r alax-rns (30 sc--c--orid Alarrra tixxit--)i 1-,aclde--x- sf--cui7ccl in Place and latc--Iie--cl ID4--c--R P,,ato-- --:::: 56" to latch no rxic3rf--- th.-tn V2-" spacing in &*xto <)'Pq-XliTaggs c3ab-- <>Perls c*tltvvtt-rcl, self Padlock provided on gates oY ladder - Ii-�door spool a1I doors self' closing or alarmed per AG 105.2 Item 9 -rirn4--r do pc>k3l pLin-ip (ric> plvi&- iia timer allov%r4--cl) Pc3o1 Inspection � Queensbury Building ,S:n Cock: nforcc�mc nt Office No_ (5 18) 7 61-8256 742 Bay Road, Qucensbury, rIY 12804 L7ate rc.ceivc.d: LOCATION: rNSP CTED ON: -- -( a /pr3 Arri�re: a part: m a - air�l Inspector's Initials, ?- Above G a d: In-G�-ound- Pool criciosurc around pool or yarcl 4 fcct a.bovc grads 2 iricla rnacimuxm cicarancc to grade from underside of fence 4 inch ixia>cirn-ium cicararice , p iri f'orice icicots all or Doors have self closing device or alarms (30 sccorsd A l at-m tirnc) Ladder sccure.d in place: and latched - Dook gab-- < 56" to latch ncr xnorc than '/a" spas; ,� atc o enirigs Gate opens cmAvt �i, self , cicasiri 1~"adlocic larcav�[ on gates or 1.-idcle4Z Ind of all ors self s� car aI d per I05.2 It imer of pump (rib plug ii-a tilt allowcd) Firxal cicctrical V ehicic a.cccss gate closed 8z locked Olc tcD, issue C/C "''C'ice _ (Dffioe 1 (518) 761 742 IE3ay Road, Qtic--e-ns13xiyy, NY 12804 Date received: T-c)�A--rjic)1-,T: =-g C) arri/prri iArrivo: arn/P q a n1P\Inspectcw's Initials: 1Pc3c>l exic-1c>s-urt-- ax-c>viria pc),c:)l or yovrcl lv�z 4 ,fet--t above &-racit-a 2 iricli Tiau->,-ivavirri clearance to grade fi-c>rri -uriclersiclea- of fence 4 iricla Tria5cixi-itiril clearance in f-orloe icicets Wall C)r- IE)C)C>Z-s have Self, cic>siri&r device or alarms (30 second 2klar-i . tixxie) I-adder secures l i-ri place aril latchc'-,d E)e-ek gate --- 56" to ]atc-h no rnc>rc-- than V72-4' spacing in �g Sat4E- Gatec>tit-v%ra-rc1, Self, r--JA-:> 1n� provi tied on &-.-xtc--s fd pool all cfC>oY-s Self, alarmed per 105.2 lEterri 9 1 Of I- on PC><>l PLIrlap (Iac> yLIA in tin'qqr- allowed 5r,I12- -00 dftirial electrical Vctiic--I- access gate c-1c>secl lC>cReC1 C>k to C S r Pcoc3l 1111speotical Qvxoeiis"bvxx7y ]B-Lxilclixag &� Code IF-riBarct--rrit--rit (Dffioo No. (518) 761-8256 742 113"yRcooLcl, QticoxisbiAry, 11-J")LI 12804 r>zLtc-- rt--4--ei-vecl: - Inspector's Initials- .00, tia Above Ground. In-Grour�d.: ]Poc)l enclosure arc3tAricl pool or yard 4 Beet abc)-.-e grade 2 iricl-i ryia-.)r-irnI1rri clearance to g-racl, Erc>rri Liri6e-rsid, c3f 4 iriel-i rriaxirriLii-ri e-leurariee in fencej3ieRets Wall or ]Dc3c)rs have self closing device or ularri-is (30 second Alarm time) IE-acicler see-Lirecl in place aril latched Deck gate; 56" to Latc--Ii no t-nc3r(-- than spacin in ate eril ==Y,m c>p Gate C>Peri CoLit-ovarcl, self* sin IP tci 1 C3 c r6-%r1-LcIc.-cI on gates der C'00 Iric1c3c>r pc3ol., all c1c>c-r-s self c--Ic>sir:L.g; or Ella ecl Per AC3105-2 -rirrier on pc)c3l pump (rico plLi in timer allowed) Final electrical Vehicle ue-eo--ss 'gate elc>Seci &-- 14DCICOCI C>Ic to issue CVC. C— i - 6a1. � rt . to 16P-a�