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. . . .. ; Office Use Only : W-11 ADDITION/ALTERATION PERMIT Permit#: : -©1� - Z0.27,. APPLICATION : . Permit Fee:$.. Toiim ofQueens6ury 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 O:`k Invoice P:518-761-8256 ., www.gueensbury.net. Flood Zone? : Y N Reviewed By:. Project Location:.: : 2.11 .Assembly Point. Rd. 226'.1:9-2.'18 Su bdivision.Namec .. Shore ColonyAssociation -. PROJECT INFORMATION:. " TYPE: >. ;X ` Residential', :: Commercial, Proposed Use: :: X Single-Family Two-Family ; - Multi-Family(#of units , . ) _Townhouse. Business Office. _Retail; ' : Industrial/Warehouse _Garage (#of cars :- J. X. Other(describe addition (including house-lifting) & alterations to existing.home open decks = 260sf front deck /:356.sf redr:deck.= 616-SF:total ADDITION SQUARE.FOOTAGE: ALTERATION SQUARE FOOTAGE:, .. . - - 1st floor: 154.sq. ft::: 1st floor: 450 s' ft. . . . 2"d floor: . 2nd.floor:. .: . Garage and storage 3rd floor: space'iri lower level: . . 3rd floor:. Rasement:(llabitable space):. 1220.so...:ft. Basement,(habitable.spa.ce):. Total so ft:.:1,374 sq,ft. Total sq ftc.450:sq:ft.: . addition.&-new basement/garage int. alterations:&:minor.ext. dlterations Scope of work to be.done. ,- :Note:S.ee.'attached photos._ Full replacement-of failing foundation to create basement un=heated:storage space, 'additional, overhead door to convert portion of-new basement..to g' ge.space.,This cre'ates;.one additional .space for car and additional space for.yard.equipment. Will remove.masonry-chimney to.:create.area.'for garage space. New:addition for Laundry:&`bathroom in rearof existing home.'.. New deck and landscape stairs in front of.home:&:newi'deck in rear of.home. Addition/Alteration Application; Revised January 2021', ADDITIONAL PROJECT.INFORMATION: A. Estimated Cost.of.Construction: $ .-75,000 2. -:Source of Heat (circle one):: Gas _Oil: X .Propane: Solar Other Fire places/i rise rts.need:a separate. Fuel-Burning_Appi!ances:& Chimney Application 3. Are there any structures not show'n:onthe plot plan? YES. .X.NO-..Explain: 4: Are there,any easements on the-property? X . YES - NO Queensbury Water Easement in rear of,lot - SITE INFORMATION: • Is:this a:corner lot? YES : X NO.: • Mill grade..be:changed as..a`result of.:the construction? .. -YES X. : NO :What is the water source? X PUBLIC PRIVATE WELL • What-typ.e of Wastewater system is on the parcel? SEWER. X. PRIVATE SEPTIC DEcLA FzATI0N: 1:. I acknowfedge.that no constructionahall kiecorrimenced prior.to the.issuance of.aValid;permit aindwill;be completed within,a`12 month. period.Any changes to the approved plans prior#o/during construction-.will require the submittal of amended plans, additional reviews and're-approval:. 2:. If,:for any reason,the building permit'application is withdrawn,30%of the fee is.retained by thb Town.of. Queensbury.,After 1 year,from the:initial application dat6j M of the fee is retained.- If-the 3.: . w..rk .is :not completed by.the 1:year'expiration date-the..pe�mit-may be renewed, subject,to_fees and department approval: 4.. I certifythat the application,plans and supporting materials are a.true and a complete.statement.and/or description . of the work.proposed;that all work will;be performed in accordance.with-the,NYS Building Cordes, local building laws.: : and ordinances,and'.in.conformance.with local zoning..regulatioris: 5.:• I acknowledge that :prior. to..occupying_the.facilities proposed l.. or my agents, will obtain, a. certificate of. . :occupancy: 6,: I also understand that I/vve are required.to provide an as=built survey by a"licensed land surveyor of all newly_: : constructed,facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy: :I have read-and agree.to the above: PRINT NAME: Francis A Steinbach'Jr: SIGNATURE: : : 41 DATE: 3%18/2022 Addition/Alteration Application Revised January 2021 CONTACTINFORMATION::PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY O.R TYPE-,:P-LEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL. -o :'Applicant:,-... N,ame(s):: Francis A: Steinbach Jr Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 211 Assembly-Point Rd,- Lake George, NY 12845 Cell Phone: 518::307=6497 :Land Line:. (:: NA Email:: .. fran Pctions_corn Primary.Owner(s): Names : . .,Sarno as above Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell P.hone:.t ) Land Line: Email: 0 Check if aal:work.will.bie performed.by:property owner only • Contractor(s) (List all additional contractors on the back of this-form)_ Contact Name(s): Stan.Barber,:Larmon House Movers.. Contractor Trader - .House lift ers Mailing Address, C/S/Z.. -168 Hayes Rd, Schuylerville, NY:12871. : . . Cell Phone: ) 518-796-2591 Land Line: . ( ) 518-695-3820 Email: :stan @ larmonhousemovers.com **Workers'Comp:documentation must be submitted with.this application**` •: 'Arch itect(s)/En9ineer(s): Business Name: aja architecture & planning - - Contact Names) Andrew Allison & Sarah Tuttle :Mailing Address,.C/S/Z: . 9 Broad.Street. Glens FaIIs.:NY 12801 . :Cell Phone: .-�): : `Land_Line:. 5.18 792=1:651 Emaiil::: aallison@ajaarchifecture.-com /scuttle@ajaarchitecture.com Contact Person foe Corripliance:irr regards to this project: Cell'Phone; ) Land' Line:. Emaiil:. Addition/Alteration Application . Revised January 2021' •: Contractor.(s): Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application .. Contractor Name(s):- ; Rob Spr-finger; RC Springer Construction *on.file .with:Town of. Qby . Contractor Trade: Mason _ Mailing Address, C/S/Z : : 165 Scofield Rd, Lake Luzerne, NY 12846.: : ; Cell Phone: . 5.1.8=791-4262. _Land.Line:.: : 51:8-696-2256:: Email: springerconcrete@.yahoo:com •. Con tractor(s):'Workers' Comp documentation must'be-submitted with this Applicatlon : Contractor:Name(s): . . Chris Crandall, Crandall..-Excavating .Inc.: *on file With.Town of Qby. Contractor:Trail e; . Excavator: : ' Mailing Address, C/S/Z:, 63 Woodchuck Hill Rd;.Lake George,: NY 12845 '..Cell Phone: 518470-4694 : . :Land-Line: : Email: chnscrandalldi s@ mail com 9 .- @g •. . Contractor.(s)::Workers'.Comp.documentation,must:be.submitted with this application Contractor NamL(s) . Bonacio =.James Ackerman .: : Contractor-Trade .G hstruction Remodeling .. Mailing'Address, C/S/Z: - 1.8.Division Street; Suite 40.1.Saratoga Springs; NY 12866 Cell Phone: n/a... Land. Line: 518-584-9007.x. 234 Email: james@bon`acio.com . •. Contractor(s): Workers'Comp documentation must-be-submitted with.this application Contractor-Name(s) Contractor-Trade: - Mailing Address;_(/S/Z: - . Phone:- Landline:. •:' ::Contractor(s) Workers' Comp.documentation must be-submitted 'with this application: Contractor.Name(s): Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: Addition/Alteration Application .- Revised January 2621 Office Use Only ��� Permit#: �C ' 0106 " � �Z --r S Permit Fee:$ \\ ° Invoice#: 51k. Town of Queensbury FIRE MARSHALS' OFFICE 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 518-761-8206 www.queensbury.net FIRE MARSHAL SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Project Location: 211 Assembly Point Rd. Tax Map ID#• 226.19-2-18 Business Name, if applicable: Brief description of scope of project: Bury 500 galloon propane tank in rear of property. ----__® SEP 2 6 2022 TOWN OF QUEEN B.Y dllLl-lllv CiLb **PLEASE MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE A SKETCH SHOWING THE LOCATION OF THE PROPOSED WORK OR PROJECT ON THE PARCEL* FM Special Use Application Revised August 2022 , CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Erin Steinbach Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 211 Assembly Point Rd, T/Queensbury Cell Phone: ( )518-222-6031 Land Line: ( Email:erinsrealtor@gmail.com • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): Same as above Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( Email: • Property Owner(s): Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: ( ) Land Line: ( ) Email: ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contractor Name(s): Chris Crandell - Crandell Excavating Contractor Trade: Excavator Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 63 Woodchuck Hill rd. Cell Phone: ( )518-470-4694 Land Line: ( ) Email:chriscrandalldigs@gmail.com **Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application** workers comp docs on file with town DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that no work shall commence prior to approval of a complete building permit submission. 2. If, for any reason, the building permit application is withdrawn, 30% of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury. After 1 year from the initial application date, 100% of the fee is retained. I have read and agree to the above: APPLICANT NAME: Erin Steinbach APPLICANT SIGNATURE: Wip,D&' DATE: 9/26/2022 PROPERTY OWNER NAME: PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE: DATE: FM Special Use Application Revised August 2022 . . . . • _ . • - • . . . • • . .------ ---------------,---;....,.. AJAI•41..••••i • t • 1 )\ 1.••••NO* ! 1 • / d 1 1, %, z . IWO CLIMItt/i I.••A>110 .',ND]it ' sE. - li,. Proposed outdoor L 0 shaped kitchen on back of —• ..._, i ga rom deck. With sink, fridge, s 1 . .- , 11 Buried 500 ( f) Kfttfl POPO • Existing 10 x 12 P m _ pizza oven, gas grill Gallon propane tank shed - . in front yard-10' J. _ 1.,41 , , , . from set backs ._„_. I - • r 4—— ———,..., 1--- 1 !----: IT" . ---- \-. \-...77..,1- ,,\-:,.4 i -,' ' 6 - .1\\ I ''',•,c, —\\ I i _ 11,;11: :::.7-.111-.-----1.1:"Ct-:::' t:1-----' -----11 II 14! .. - L\ , , - -- —7 , . --: : t f . / '‘\•''' t• ' 1 .:'\\,‘ ,• .•.+. -2 i'',. )t--.'' .- --7 i i I t = •• E i 1 .,,,,,,,,,--, .,\ :,,.., .„-.,N,Iti,l,i,, . :I ---/ ,i• 1 ::,.:1 ,,,,,, ,..ki ,... --t.I.,44., . 1 il Proposed 4'x6' „.......n `-l's • outdoor shower ..'\ I i 2 Lai:: s', , •:\ ',, . _ , ( '2 0. ,:•,‘,„ , 1 :•,\ / co w i . . ce - - . connected to septic _La \\\\\ \?'.li # i . -/ -——--- Proposed -—----- _._, • -...,.;!....,!., Generator-5'from 7 —----L --- =0,-".'''.7-: r -- \----. 1 1: —PI ttt,t,KW I,cl, I 0 CO = 2 i t v ) t ' I\--Ztl«i,,.... 1: '. I , window • -• _ 1 =c..,,..ony2 1. i _ _ _ . 1- --_-- - - . - -. — . . • . . . • • • - . . . • 1.• . •. . Residential Plan Review: 1- and 2- Family Dwellings Y/N/NA (1 of 2) Two (2)full sets of plans Over 1,500 sq. ft. requires engineering stamp Design loads on plans: 115 Wind Floor Loads 40 psf (North of Rte. 149 60) 50 Ground Snow Load Sleeping Areas &Attics 30 psf Calculations Decks 40 psf Wind design for lake front properties Window schedule with glass size & main doors/Air leakage< .5 cfm for doors, < .3 cfm for windows/Tempered glass in bathrooms �S Door schedule/Main entrance 36" door Emergency Escape or Bedrooms & Habitable Space Above-grade: 5.7 sq. ft. Grade: 5.0 sq. ft. 24" (h) x 20" (w) minimum 44" maximum height above door Window control devices 24" or less 2"d story or 72" above grade Egress window from basement 5.0 sq. ft. I Floor system sizing per table 502.3.1 -J f Residential check ERI or Prescriptive method Driveway length: 300' or more-12' width required/500' or more,turnaround required Foundation drainage on plans, if required 6" drop in 10' exterior grade Framing cross section for each roof line, vertical fire stopping every 10' where required/joist spans pg. 127 -��5 Ice & snow shield—24" from exterior wall LIV -" Platforms at exterior doors 1/1A Stairway headroom 6'8"; all stairs 36" width ,v Stair run and rise Winder run and rise Spiral stairs meet requirements �. Smoke detectors—battery backup & proper location, interconnected Bathroom fixtures—proper clearance Hall width-36" width Handrails more than four risers on open sides Railing & guards >30"/basement stairs included/closed risers more than 4" in height Safety glazing notes for required areas Garage fire separation: %" gable end/5/8" under living space &%" on walls/20 min. door and closer Garage floor sloped Attic access: gasket seal & R-value equal to roof insulation Roof over 30"—22" x 30"/Crawl spaces 18" x 24" access Continued on back 4 4 Residential Plan Review Revised October 2021 .ALLUP Variance Referral Information APA LOG # LV 1 202-1-0122 - ---- - -- -- _ - - - - - Tax# !226.19-2-18 TOWN VARIANCE# VA 7-2021 Tax# APPLICANT Steinbach-- TOWN Queensbury NOTES Raise NC SFD to construct basement& 'ATF—After The Fact BLA—Boundary Line Adjustment reconfigure deck-New FA in CEA, expand NC OTHER APA TRANSACTIQNS ___ NC—Non-conforming f OSWTS•On-site Wastewater Treatment ;SFD,setbacks& permeability ;LV2019-64 j System j PB—Prnclpal Building I SFD—Sing le Family Dwelling !� SL—shoreline --- L—_ PLand Use Area A I I('❑ LI ❑ RU ❑ RM UNK arren County_ _ i4� _ s3 ❑ NEEDS AN APA PERMIT ❑ APA STATUTE PROVISION ❑ SHORELINE ❑ DENSITY RI OTHER TOWN REQUIREMENTS ❑ SEPTIC ❑ USE I Date Received** Date Response Status/Action — _ Date Response Due* 2022-03-01 F _ pending Thursday, March 31,2022' Date of Pre-Ap Date Addito_n_a_I Info *Please note the Agency's 30-day review period begins upon receipt of the complete variance record. I 2021-11-29 (Additional information may be reauired by staff in order to complete review) ; -- -y **Note referrals received by the Agency after 3pm will be date stamped for the next business day. I 4 i I 1 1 Energy Recovery Ventilator(ERV) BR130 RenewAire Page 1 of 2. FrAM Rene'wAiree Un MER E S — -REPS ONLY Unit Configurator #;P Energy Recovery Ventilation j SEARCH Home / Our ERVs / Single/Multi-Family / BR Series / BR130 /k dO ir,-) D II BR 130 Application Type: Indoor Ventilation Type: Static plate, heat and humidity transfer Typical Airflow Range: 50-140 CFM OA Filter(s): Total Qty:1,MERV 8:spun polyester media, 10 1/2"x 10 1/2"x 1" RA Filter(s): Total Qty:.1,MERV 8:spun polyester media, i - 10 1/2"x 10 1/2"x 1" - — Weight: 48 lbs.. _ FIND A REPRESENTATIVE y � RenewAire BR Series ERV BR130 FEATURES&OPTIONS ACCESSORIES SUBMITTAL(S)&DRAWINGS SPECS LITERATURE. MANUALS Orientation Duct Mount k . Electrical Service 120V/1 Phase/60 Hz Line Cord Power Connection https://www.renewaire.com/erv/brl30/ 4/21/2022 Generated- by RESitheck-Web Software,*. Compliance Cer:°tif�C.t APR 0.7 20 �_ TOWN Ol=QUEEMSBURY BUILDINGA CODES Project Steinbach: Residence SRED_aRc -- J. y Energy Code:.. 20.18 IECC. . Location:. Lake,George,_New"York �.Q"" C, fXD N (A N Construction Type: .". Single-family" Ln I-- I Project Type: -. New Construction"' N -.�Y, IZ D 7 Conditioned Floor Area: 1,425.ft2 ' '9�!Lp $,�"t ��,. rt � Cr Glazing Area : 18% L.®� ." F 1 En [D n PJ Climate Zone:. 6::(7377 HDD) .: .. .�. : 1��Fi ts1l" �. Permit Date: rn Go .. .- D r Permit.Number:: Q- W Construction.Site:` : Owner/Agent: Designer/Contractor::: V M. 211 Assembly Point Road -. " : Erin'&Frank-Steinbach.: .-Andrew-Allison ="w J ;a -n Lake.George, NY 12845 same as project address ;. 9:Broad.Street IEr) a 01 p 518=307-64e 7. 2nd:Fl6or - n frank@topinspections.com Glens FaIIs, New York 12801 ir - � � 1n' 15187921651.' D C ��y)EVYED FOR aallison@ajaarchitectilre.com r* � � 00 -E NERGY-CODE, _ = o i► trade-offCompliance: Passes using UA N h Compliance: 0.0%.6' ter Than Code." Maximum.UA: 412 ."Your UA:"412 N — The%'Better or Worse:Than Code Index reflects how close to compliance the house Is.based on code trade-off riles. It DOES NOT provide an estimate of energy use or cost relative to a minimum-code home. Slab-on-grade.tradebffs are no longer."considered in"the"UA or perfbrmance:compliance path"in REScfieck;Each.slab-on-grade " assembly in the specified climate-zone must meet the minimum energy code insulation R-value and"depth"requirements. Envelope Assemblies Prop.Gross Area Assembly or Cavity Cont. Prop. Perimeter Roof:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss. 331 49.0 0.0 0.026: . 0.026 , 9 9 . Existing Roof:,Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 1,695 49.0 0.0 0:026 - : 0.026 :. 44, 44 01.Wall-"back:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 297 .. 24:0 0.0.. 0.054: 0.045" . 14 12 Window 1-DH':Vinyl Frame 12.. 0.300 0.300. . . 4 4. Window-2 PH:Vinyl Frame 12 0.300: 0.300.' 4 4 .Window 3-DH:Vinyl Frame " " 9. 0.306. .. 0:300 : 3 " 3 02 Addition Wail.-window::Wood Frame; 16"o:c. 84. �24.0"" : : 6.6 . 0:038" " .0.045 3" . . 3" "Window:-Wood Frame :8 0:280:. 0.300 2 2 04 Addition Wall:.Wood"Frame;16":o.r. : .. 93 -24.0. 6.6 0.038,. 0.045 '.. - 4: 4.. 03 Addition Wall-door:Wood"Frame;16"o.c. . . -135-- 24.0 6.6 0.038.' . 0.045 .4 5 Door: Glass Door(over.50%glazing)" 21-- 0:300 0.300 .. 6 6 .05 Wall-short return back:Wood Frame;16'-'o.c.: 28 --. 24:0 -0.0 0.054 0.045. ,- " : 2 1 06 Wall-.back window:Wood_Frame, 16"o:c. 101" 24.0. . 0.0 . 0.054 _ 0:045 5 : 4 Pcoject,Title:.Steinbach-Residence Report date -04/06/22. Data filename: Page"l.of 3. . Prop.Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Assembly or Perimeter Window DH:Ninyl Frame. 12 0.300 0.300 4 4 07 W611-garage.side:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. 28.3 24:0 0.0 0.054. 0.645 13 11 . ,Window.DH;Vinyl Frame.. 12: . 0.300 0.300 -.,4 4 Window=DH:Vinyl.Frame: 8 0:300 0.300 2 2 Window-DH Copy:Vinyl Frame 8 0:300: 0.300 : 2 2 Window=DH Copy.Copy:.Vinyl frame. 8= 000 0.300 2 Window:-DH Copy Copy,Copy:Vinyl Frame 8 0.300. 0:300 2 2 08 Wall-front deck 1:Wood Frame, 16":o.c. 96 24.0 . 0.0 0.054 6.045 1 1 D.00r.l:Glass.Door(over50%glaiin;g) 79 0.300. 0.300 24 24 09 Wall=front return:Wood Frame, 16"o.c. - 29 24.6 -0.0 .0.054 0.045 . 1 - 1 Window 1=.dli:Vinyl Frame , 11 0.300.. 0.300 3 3 . 10 Wall--front entry::Wood Frame,_16".o;c:. ..137. - 24.0 .. -0.0. 0.054 .. . . 0.045 .3 . - 2 .- D.00r 2:Solid-Door(under 50%-glazing) -20 0:300 0.300 6 6 Door.3: Glass Door.(over. 50%°glazing) 68 " 0:300. 0.300 -:20 20 11 Wall-.'return bathroom:Wood Frame;16"'o,c: .48';: .24.0: . . 0.0 ' 0.654 0.045 3-' 2,. 12 Wall'-,bathroom:Wood Frame,-A"o.c.. 52. 24.0 . .0.6 '0.054. 6.045 : 2 2 Window 1:Wood,Frame - 8. 0:300 0.300 :. 2 2, 13 Wall-:bedroom:.Wood Frame, 16".o:c. 170' . 24.0 .0.0., . : 0.054", 0.045 - 8 7 Ganged DH:Vinyl Frame., 24 , : _ 0.300 0.300 7 : 7. 14 W611-bedroom side:Wood Frame; 16"o.c. 226 24.0 . 0:0 '0.054. -0.045 11 9 Window 2:Vinyl Frame 0.300-_ 0:300 ' .. - 4 . 4 Window 3:Wood.fraine . . 12 0.280: 0.300 .- . . 3 . 4. . Addition Floor:All-Wood Joist/Truss : 154 49.0 0.0. : 0.021:. 0.033 3 5 Basement Floor:Slab=On=Grade.(Unheated) 16 Insulation.depth:•4.0' ; . 1. 15.0 0.300 0.360 0 0 01 Basement wall:Solid Concrete or Masonry :- Wall Height:.9.0' . 306 ." 24.0' . 0.0 0:042 0.050 13. 15 . Depth below grade;8.0,. . Insulation:depth:.9.0' 02 Basement wall-return:Solid Concrete:or Masonry.. 'Wall height:-9.0' . 40 Depth below grade: 8.0' 24.0 0.0 0:042 0.050. 2 2 Insulation-depth:'9.0' 03 Basement wall-back:.Solid.Concrete.or Masonry Wall height:9,0'. Depth below grader 8.0'. 107" - 24.0 0:0 0.042` 0.050 4 5 ; Insulation depth:9.0' 04•13asement Wall=.garage side:Solid.Concrete or Masonry. Wall height:9.0'. 231 24.0 0.0 : 0.042 0:050 10 12 Depth.tielow grade:8:0'. Insulation.depth:9.0' . . .- 05 Basement wall-garage front: Solid Concrete or, Masonry.. Wall height: 9.01 - 247 24.0 0.6 0:042 0.050 4 5 Depth'below grade:8.0': Insulation depth:9.0'.. .. Door man:Solid Door.(under 50%glazing) .21 . . 0.300 0.300 6 6 Project Title: Steinbach,Residence Report date: 04/06/22 Data filename: Page 2 of 3 Prop.Gross Area Cavity Cont. Prop. Assembly or Door Garage:.Solid Door(under.50%glazing)" 63 0.30.0 0.300 19 " 19 Door-Garage Copy:Solid Door"(under 501/o glazing) - 63 0.300:. 0.300 19 19 06:13asement wall—return;Solid Concrete or Masonry Wall height:9.0'Depth belowgrade:8.0'. 28 24.0.. . 0.0. 0,042: 0.050 1" 1 : Insulation.depth:.9.0'.. " 07"Basement wall-return:Solid Concrete or Masonry " Wall.height:9.0' .. 188 24.0 0.0 0:042 0.050 2 2 Depth below grade;8.0' - insulation depth:9.0';: Door man:Solid Door(under 50%°glazing) 21- 0:300 0.300 :. 6. 6 Door.-Garage:Solid Door:(under 50%°glazing) 63 0.300 0.300 19 19 Door'-.Garage Copy:Solid Door(under 50%°glazing) 63" 0.300 . 0.300 19 '19 09 Basement wall-side:Solid Concrete or Masonry, :. Wall height:'-9.0-.. Depth.below grade: 8..0'. 242 : 24.0 0.0" . .. 0.042' 0 050 4 5 Insulation depth:9.0' - Door-Garage:'Solid Door(under 50%glazing)_ 63 '.0.300- 0:300' 19 19 Door-Garage Copy:S61id Door(under 50%glazing):: . 63, 0.300 : : 0.300 19 - 19- Door man:Solid Door'(under 50%glazing) 21 .0.300.. 0.300 6- 6 . Addition Crawl Wall-door wall:Solid:Concrete or Masonry : Wall height:4:5' 58 2410 . 0.0. . 0.052.: 0.055" 2 . 2.. Depth below grade:4:0' Insulation depth:4A';' Addition Crawl Wall-right:-Solid Concrete or - Masonry- Wall height:_4:5' 61 24.0 '0.0 0.052- 0:055 2 2 Depth below grade:4.0' Insulation-6epth:.4.0' Addition Crawl Wall-:left:Solid-Concrete or Masonry ... " Wall height:4.5' Depth.below:grade:4:0'- . 61 24.0" ..0.0 0.052 0.055 2 2 Insulation-depth:4.0' " Compliance Statement::The"proposed:building,-design described here is consistent-with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted With the:perm it application.The-proposed building has been designed.to nieet"the 2018,IECC requirements in . :REScheck Version:: REScheck=Web and to.comply With the rnandatory requirements listed in the REScheck Inspection Checklist: - Andrew"Allison 4-6-2022 Name-Title Signature .Date Project Notes: additional'contact.=Sarah Tuttle-stuttle@aj'aarchitecture com-518-792-1651 " :LED-A J. " Project-Title:.Steinbach Residence Report date_: .04/06/22 Data filename: Page'3 of 3 R � "evie G • cats E . • 24Ao .. 15• P.. Abode, v�au. 9��� Dr Geiliing- . C�n�ohaitio�-. RIO. Of ' SYstem•. Neatin9 step.: CooVri9:`'y Newer• Water' Name' C° ts ��EO AR�,y�� architecture planning J u ly I Th, 2024 Attn: John O'Brien, Director of Buildings and Codes Enforcement Queensbury Building Department 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Re:Architectural Certification Letter 211 Assembly Point Town of Queensbury Dear Mr. O'Brien, We have reviewed the construction of the Steinbach residence at 211 Assembly Point in Queensbury, NY for conformance with the construction documents on file with your office. We find that the work is substantially complete and conforms to the requirements of the drawings issued. Sincerely, I � �� Andrew J. Allison, AIA AJAAirr:;lhitec,,tuire 8, IF'lloininn inng 9 IBiroad Stireet, (..�Ieinn.s IFolllls, INS( 12801 518...792...l65l oiooirr:;Ihitec-,tu ire.r:;oinr7 ,AP OF SURVEY FOR ERIN STEINBACH SITUATE IN TOWN OF UEENSBURY COUNTY OF WARREN STATE OF NEW YORK DDRESS: 11 ASSEMBLY POINT ROAD, LAKE GEORGE, NY TE SURVEY BY: .L. DICKINSON ASSOCIATES SURVEYORS ENGINEERS \KE GEORGE NY 12845 IRVEY COMPLETED ON: 8-28-2019 Kisting 10 x 12 I I I I I I APPROVED SEPTIC FIELD I. I VJ I � el w I I Z rn aLo M I N Proposed 4 x6 o0 z� ILN outdoo W 0 Z Q J CAPPED ROD SET (:: r 1 5'- EASEMENT IN FAVOR OF LOT 1 AS PER "THE SHORE COLONY" SURVEY r connected l N AI A k AAI shower to septic shed W J = I--- J LJL Oro U— - HOUSE Z V r rn Proposed buried 500 gal propane tank 10'from prop line and 15 ft from deck /kitchen AW `i 9138+ Sf (E) CONCRETE SITE STAIRS Proposed Generator - Ffrom V LO U 0 C U. o Ln Z" Z J -4 89--0". NEIGHBOR #2 TO SHORELINE O G O C 0- 0-) Proposed outdoor L shaped kitchen back of deck. With sink, fridge, _ pizza oven, gas grill -HPPED ROD SE, r NX \ UwZ \, \ ~O~ N 57< w = 00 X\\ - IRON PIPE FOUND I I I 1.6 ' +/- NORTH OF PL I - CAPPED ROD SET I I I I I I I � I C) C PROPOSED SITE 'v STEPS AND PLANTERS l j-r— (E) GUARD RAIL I (E) SHORELINE -- MAGNETIC SOUNDING UNDER -- PAVEMENT - -- CAPPED ROD SET (E) CONCRETE RETAINING WALL (N) CONCRETE Unit RETAINING WALL IN � SAME LOCATION AC 6X-01/8" (BELOW) NEIGHBOR #1 TO SHORELINE architecture • planning • ARCHITECT: AJA Architecture and Planning I 3 Broad Street Glens Falls NY, 12801 518.792.1651 w J m U J a. o_ Q w 0 Z Verify all dimensions before J the commencement of work. Q Report to the consultant any -j discrepancy found. Z J W Q z W w _Cc z °- O a U Z O 2 N O u. Z ' N >. Z T- Q u. O Z 0 U �ERE, J D Z r 1 Z r7fi r�..vl w co 0 ui of D 0 J U 0 ui co D 0 w N 0 0 w - U Z ZD v Z ICU Z Z d w -� Q Z — Z Z 4-a cn w Z Q � W� d' u' UO 1 (E) UTILITY POLE 0 06 Q coJ Q C Z n O C7 w w F- V ) O I I C: � rN C CJ7 r; O M 226.19-2-18 RC-0108-2022 Steinbach, Erin & Frank 211 Assembly Point Rd Add 1374 s.f., Alt 450 s.f., Decks 616 s.f. i Date: 4/6/2022 Scale: 1 /8" = 1'-0" Drawn: ST Checked: AJA Project No: 19107 i Al 00 Rcvicinn Nn 1 a a m m 0 N