DEMO-0327-2021 Office Use Only Permit#: DEMOLITION APPLICATION Permit Fee:$ Town of Queens bury \ � � Invoice:#: 'J�l 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 P: 518-761-8256 www.queensburV.net Demolition Location: 2 0�� 1� ' � Tax Map ID / **AN ASBESTOS REPORT IS REQUIRED TH ALL DEMOLITION APPLICAT NS**, � 02� CONTACT INFORMATION: MAY o 9 Z • Applicant: TOE OF QUECOD CRY Names : BUILDING& ( ) P TT I�G X 1 i✓A iv D Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Zq Swn e--F -Trc-. I aLitervSLc,!),�,, /yl/ 12 RO V Cell Phone: ( 5'lq ) Land Line: ) Email: P be I ah .�vg _GZaI G m ►^ • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): DA nij4,n jvn.5 �y J-� -4 rgA-ML Mailing Address, C/S/Z: PC 13!h!� 4J2G5 d L-tee,�.u►-r4, A/y I S&OL/ Cell Phone:_( ) Land Line: _( S/S ) Email: ❑ Check if all work will be performed by homeowner only • Contractor: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Contact Name(s): (3-1—&Ne, Contractor Trade: _ �2vr �Iny,�+�S fz-x cpti Mailing Address, C/S/Z: / C -71+ C;r,54ac /Y/ /,z?Z/. _ Cell Phone: _( 5f`2 ) fe - 5 Land Line: _( ) Email: -t'�ornrr5./ /�Sri�r<< C •� "List all additional contractors on the back of this form Contact Person for Building & Code Compliance: Cell Phone: _( 18 ) 2&b - Land Line: _( 1�1 ) 742-2G; ?,0 Email: P�-e a* 2c5 ao tF CPm Demolition Application Revised February 2019 } DEMOLITION INFORMATION: 1. Where will demolition material be disposed? f- 2. Type of structure to be demolished: a. Residence b. Garage c. Business d. Storage BuildingG 3. What type of utilities are connected to the structure: a. Gas b. Fuel Oil c. Propane d. Electric_X_ e. Public Water f. Well-Water Pump g. Public Sewer h. Other L None 4. Have ALL utilities been disconnected? Yes_ No ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. ( Two inspections may be required: an inspection to determine that utilities are disconnected, if necessary, and a final inspection, after the structure is removed and the site is cleaned up and graded. 2. Twenty-four(24) hour notification is required for inspections. 3. Workers' Comp insurance information is required to be submitted with this application. Declaration: I acknowledge that no structure(s)will be removed from the parcel until the demolition application has been reviewed and approved by the Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement and Zoning Departments and a permit has been issued. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: �i4TR 1 G Ic 6r1,AN)-2 SIGNATURE: f/�Gt �,d' DATE: S /lJ 2f Demolition Application Revised February 2019 F N ' g '�.^ •�'�• 4 �`�r .fhb: - * � � 4 k }�''.�` �; NY I a jai i:e a it � a a + �a ,a i� • _ a a criv Fy ��.I,� �t r � MAY I 1 Oil � rf � � r�r +��-,Mcc�+�i�{��'+t,�y�ta•✓ Yr�`� 1�` • • � � � Pam;. T r�-'a § -,� �� e 'f5''�d`,tim x'"",��, � '�,�-.rya� f� a y* �� • , � ,� °.� ht'• 1 F' vim:.} 1/• .L sn '�t�. �•* •CCU .il .'�h'N "A }e E C E I U E TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING&CODES Asbestos Survey • Game 1:1 Ridge '• Queensbury, :14 Inspectiondate: 1 1 1 S � . 1 Inspections KnoLLs Dr Queensbury, il4 • 1 Summary of Inspection At the request of Dunhams Bay Fish and Game Club an asbestos survey was performed at 2080 Ridge Rd Queensbury, NY. Scope of the Inspection/Survey is to determine if the shed contains any asbestos , prior to demolition. While due diligence was performed renovations have been done over the years and may prevent complete disclosure of the. materials inspected. Suspected. Asbestos. containing materials were removed and sent out for sampling. The following samples were removed and sent out for testing. Homogeneous area 1( friable), shingle samples were collected from the roof (tested negative) Things to note THIS REPORT SHOULD BE MADE AVAILABLE TO ANY NEIGHBORS. THIS REPORT SHOULD ALSO BE READILY AVAILABLE AT THE LOCATION OF THE DEMOLITION/RENOVATION FOR ANY TRADES PEOPLE ENGAGED TO CARRY OUT REPAIRS OR DEMOLITION OF THE PROPERTY. Conclusion A copy of this report should be kept at the work site. A copy of the sample analysis is attached to this report. New-Yoik State;—,`Departrnenbof.Lab6i Division of:Safety and Health:'' = A License and Certificate onitl t State Campus,Building 12' Alban NY 12240 %.. =ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE_- z Thomas-M.Callahan.dlia^TC inspections,::,; `=—FILE NUMBER: 187`109425 r r :.: LICENSE NUMBER:, 1'09425 1 Knolls'Drive LICENSE CLASS: RESTRICTED DATE OF ISSUE: 01/08/2021 ` Queensbury NY 128�04 - ':EXPIRATION DATE: 01/31/2022 DulykAythorized Representative'=,Thomas%Gaiiah,`fi: ; This license lias been issued in accordancc,ivith',aspplicalilc pro'visioiWof-Article:30-of the Labor Law of New York'State and or the Ne>v:Y'o"rk Staie Codes,Rulcs'and;Rcaulation 12.NJYCRR Part 56) ifiibje isisct to suspension or revocation`for a(1) serious violation of state,federal or local laws witli,regardao the conduct ofan'asbestos'project,or(2)demonstrated'lack of responsibitiiy in lh Conduct of any,jobiinvolvidg�asbestos of asbestos ma[enal ni This license is valid only,,for the contractor,nani'6&'bbve and'thisaicense or`a;photocopy must lic'0iontincritly displayed`at the asbestos project.worksite,'This'liccnse verifies that=all'persons einployed:by-the licensee on an hsb'estos project-in New York State have becn:issticd an Asbestos Certificate;appropriate for_ilie-tGc.,cf work-thcy perform,by tha New York State' Departtitent of L'a6or. " Eileen M.Franko. Director SH 432(8/12) For the Commissioner of Labor .STATE OF NEW YORK-DEPARTMENT OFLABOR - ASBESTOS CERTIFICATE. THOMAS M.CALLAHAN CLASS(EXPIRES) ' �. D INSP(12/21)' f _ 13fw1L'i 9847tJ'?,Y1 MUST BE CARRIED ON ASBESTOS PROJECTS "I EMSL Analytical, Inc. EMSLOrder: 062002593 528 Mineola Avenue Cade Place,NY 11514 Customer ID: TCNS29 TellFax:(516)997-7251 1(516)997.7520 Customer PO: hop:/Aw .EMSL.com/mrieplacelab@emsi.com Project ID: . Attention: Tom Callahan Phone: (518)832-9750 TC Inspections Fax: 1 Knolls Drive Received Date: 02/04/2020 12:39 PM Queensbury,NY 12804 Analysis Date: 02/06/2020 Collected Date: 01/30/2020 Project: 2080 Ridge Rd Test Report:Asbestos Analysis of Bulk Material Non-Asbestos Analyzed Teat Date Color Fibrous Non-Fibrous Asbestos Sample ID RS1 Description Roof Shingle 062002593.0001 Homogeneity Homogeneous FILM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed FILM NYS 198.6 NOB 02/06/2020 Black <1.00%Glass _ 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 02106/2020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected Sample ID RS2 Description Roof Shingle 062002593.0002 Homogeneity Homogeneous FILM NYS 198.1 Friable Not Analyzed FILM NYS 198.6 VCM Not Analyzed PLM NYS 198.6 NOB 02/06/2020 Black 0.00%Glass 100.00%Other Inconclusive:None Detected TEM NYS 198.4 NOB 0210612020 Black 100.00%Other None Detected