2002-536 (2) PUG 12 '02 15:39 AT&T FAX 9022FX P.2 Permit Number MECcheck Compliance Report Checked By/Date Proposed New York State Energy Couservation Construction Code MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release 1b Data filename:C:1Prog=FIW\C.heck\NMCchecklSalvador.ccic TrITE:John&Kathleen Salvador COUN`x'iC:Warren STATE:New York BDD:7635 CONSTRUCTION TYPE:Detached 1 or 2 Family HEATING TYPE:Non-Electric DATE:08/12/02 BATE OF PLANS: 3119102 )PROJECT INFOMAATION: Single Family Residential COMPANY INFORMATION: Northern Design dt Building Associates COMPLIANCE:Passes Njvdmum UA=334 "'Your Home=306 8.4%Better Tbazi Code Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Perimeter R Value R-Value U-F tflrr ILA Ceiling 1.Cathedral Ceiling(no attic) 634 30.0. 0.6 22 Ceiling 2:Fiat Ceiling or Scissor Truss 627 A0 0.0 11 Skylight 1:Wand Frame,Double Pane with Low-E 23 0.410 9 Wall 1:Wood Frathe, 16"ox, 2543 19.0 0.0 132 Window 1:Wood Frame,Double Pane with Low E 284 0,350 99 Door 1:Glass 32 0.350 11 Door 2: Solid 20 0.170 3 Basement Wall 1:Wood Frame,7.7'ht/6.S'bg/7.7'insul 146 11.0 0.0. 9 Furnace 1:Forced Hot Air,80 ARM COMPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building represented in this document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application: The p oposed,systems have been designed to meet the Proposed New fork State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. Builder/Designe 0, 4A Date `� ,� AUG 12 '02 15:39 AT&T FAX 9032FX P.3 MECcheck Inspection Checklist Proposed New York State Energy Conservation..Construction"Code MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release lb DATE: S/1210 TITLE:John&Kathleen Salvador Bldg. J Dept ( , Use (, .1 Ceilings: [ 3 I 1. Ceiling 1:Cathedral Ceiling(no attic),It 30.0 cavity insulation " . J• Comments - ,.: . [ Y] J 2. Ceiling 2.Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R:30.0 cavity insuation J Comments. J Above-Grade Walls: . [ j J 1. Wall l:Wood Frazee, 1611 o.c.,R-19.0 cavity insulation. . J Comments: I I Basement Walls:- j ] J L Basement,Wall 1:Wood.Frame,7.7'ht/6.5-bg/7,7'insul,R-11,0 cavity insulation - I .Windows: .- [ A I 1; WindoW,1,Wood Frame,Double Vane with Law E,U facttdt 0.350 J For windows without labeled U i~actors,describe features: J #Panes Frame Type _ _ .7 hermai Break?[ .] Yes[ ]Na I Comments: J Skylights: [ ] I 1, skylight 1,Wood Frame,Double Pane with"Low-'E,U-factor:0.410 I For skylights without labeled U-factors;describe features: Panes - Frame Type Thermal Break [ ]Yes Comments• I Doors: C I ! 1: 1poor 1;Glass,U-f�ctoz:0.350 -_ . I #Panes - Frame Typo Thermal Break?[ ]Yes j_ ]No Comments: 2:" Door 2:Solid,U-factors 0.170. J -Comments J Heating and Cooling Equipment: [ ] I L Furnace 1:Forced Hot Air,80-AIFM or higher. J Make and Model Number -- -- I I Air-L-cekage: [ ] I Joints,penetratiions,and all other such openings.in the building envelope that are sources of air I leakage must be sealed: [ ] J Recessed lights must be Type IC rated and installed with no penetrations,or Type IC or non-IC I rated installed inside an appropriate air-tight am mbly with a 0.5"clearance from combustible J materials and 3"clearance from insulation. AUG 12 '02 v5:39 AT«T I-AX 9,02 F:; P.4 I - I 'Vapor Retarder: ...��- 'rcdraa±wtite��trn=in��ter�de°n�ntl�nod-vc�ztedframe+�•�.#inks,-:�ws�Xe;�a�d=�oors:,»-.,.�...,�.,, _-_,.,,�..,,� _. . .. I Materials}identification: C ] I Materials and equipment must be installed inaccordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions [ I { Materials and equipment must be identified so,that compliance can be determined. I I Manufacturer manuals for all installed heating and cooling equipment and service water heating I equipment must be provided. . [ ] I Insulation R values,,glazing LT factors;and heating equipment efficiency must be clearly marked on I the building plans or specifications. (. Duct Insulation:. Supply ducts in unconditioned attics or outside th6'building must be insulated tv ft-l. L Return ducts in unconditioned attics or outside rite building must be insulated to R-6. Supply ducts in unconditioned spaces must be insulated to R 11. [ 1 ; Return ducts in unconditioned spaces(except basements).must be insulated to R-2. I Insulation is not required on return ducts in basements. Duct Construedon•. f ] I AU joints,seams,and connections trust be securely'fasiened with welds,gaskets,mastics (adhesives),mastic-plus-embedded-fabric,or tapes.,Duct tape is not permitted. I E=epfion:Continuously'welded and locking-type longitudinal joints and seams an ducts operating at less than 2 in,w.g. (500 Pa). [ ] I Ducts sball be supported every 10 feet or in�accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. C I j Cooling ducts with exterior insulation must be covered with a vapor retarder. I j Air filters are required in the return air system, [ I 1 The HVAC system must provide a means for balancing air and water systems. temperature Controls: [ I I Each dwelling unit has at lesat one.thermostat capable of automatically adjusting the space I temperature set point of the largest zone. I Electric Systems: ( ] I Separate electric meters are required for each dwelling unit. I Fireplaces:,. [ ] I Fireplaces must be installed with tight#fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. Fireplaces must be provided with a source of combustion,,*,as required by the Fireplace construction I provisions of the Building Code of New York State,the Residential Code of New York State or ( the New York City Building Cade,as applicable. I . I Service Water Heating: [ ] ► Water heaters with vertical pipe risers must have a heat trap on both the inlet and outlet unless the I water heater bas an integral heat trap or is part of a circulating system. [ I I Insulate circulating loot water pipes to the levels in Table 1. Girculatrng-HotngWater.Sy$tems.�� �..-.�.w,• C I Insulate a ulh6t vr&ter iom to the levels in table 1. Swimming Pools: C I I All heated swimming pools must have an on/off heater switch and require a-cover unless over 20% I of the heating energy is from non-depletable sonrces. -Pool pumps require a time clock. . I IleaUng and Cooling Piping Insulation: [ I I RVAC piping conveying fluids above.105 OF or chilled fluids below-55`F must be insulated to the AUG 12 '02 15:40'ATOxT FAX 9022FX P.6 Table 1: Minim=Insulation Thickness for Circulating Hot Water Pipes, insulation Thickness in Inches by Heated Water Non-Circulating Runo _CAMgafing Mains and Runouts Temperature E) ib to I" Tyl)to 1.51,to 2.01, Over 2" 170-180 0,5 1-0 1.5 2.0 140-160 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 iOO-130 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 Table 2: MinvMM Insulation Thickness far HVAC Pipes. Fluid Temp. Insulation Thickoegs in Inches by Pi M Sizes Piping System DWOS Ranm(F) 211 Runouts V and Less 1.25"to 211 2,511 Heating Systems Low Pressure/Temperature 201250 1.0 115 1,5 2.0 Low Temperature 120-200 0,5 1,0 1.0 1.5 Stem Condensate.(for feed water) Any 1.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 Cooling Systems Chilled Water,Reffigerant, 40-55 0.5 0.5 0.75 1.0 and Brine Below 40 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 .NOTES TO FIELD(Building Department Use Only) I ! IPRE-ENG DES 0 24" O/C j/8" BG PLYWOOD SOFFIT W/ VENT 2 x 6 W15FASCIA I x 8 FJP PIIAE FASCAA Wf 1 x 4 FJP ISINE TRIM E V DETAIL (TRUSS) SCALE= 2 x 12 RAFTERS 0 24" 01G 3/8" BG PLYWOOD SOFFIT W1 VENT 2 x 6 SLBFAWIA I x 8 FJP PINE FASCIA W/ 1 x 4 FJP PINE TRIM EAVE DETAIL. (RAFTERS) SCALE-- 1/2"•1'-0" SECTION thru GARAGE ,GALE: 114" = f-O" SECTION thru GREAT ROOM / DINING ROO1``'f SCALE: 1/4" , 1'-0" SECTION thru GARAGE / MASTER BEDROOM SCALE! !/4 ' • I'-O" SECTION thru FOYER / KITCHEN ,GALE:.114'' • 1'-0" ROOF MATERIAL: S�-IINGLED RIDGE VENT rNOT 5-40LJN1 25 YR ARC«4 TECTJRAL S"INGLES 15* UJT ROOFING FELT 5/5' COX FL-LUOOD ill/ CL;PS PRE-ENG. 'RJ5SE5 C 24' O.0 GARAGE t SECOND FLOOR 2 x 12 $PF RAFTERS v 24' O/C e GREAT ROOIr' t CLERESTCR 'C° ; R-38; H'-PERF FG. !N6'L 10N (BY OTHERS PROPER /ENT 6 EAVES t ✓A' AREAS FOR CONTINUOUS 4 R-FLOW TO RIDGE EAVE MATERIAL: METAL DRIP EDGE I x 8 FJP PINE FASCIA W/ x 4 FJP FINE TRiM iEAVES AND RAKES; 2 x ro SUBFASC.IA 3/8" BC PLYWOOD SOFFIT Wi CONTINUOUS '✓ENT ® EAVES WALL MATERIAL: 11/2 x 6 FJ PRIMED AYE CEDAR SIDING 4-1/2' EXPOSURE TO WEATPER 1-+OUSE WRAP AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER '/2" CDx PLYWOOD 2 x 6 STJDS + I(p" O.C. (R-!SirG, INSULATION (BY OT�-+ERS) INTERIOR FINIS+ 'BY OTl-IERS) FLOOR MATERIAL: 3/4" T. tG 5YP PLYWOOD 2 x t0 SPF JOISTS *16' O.G. 2 x 6 TREATED SILL PLATE tFIRST FLOOR ONLY) 6" (R-IS) FG. INSULATION PER,METER OF FLOOR iB*' OTHERS? 41 2 x !2 BUILT-UP GIRDER FOUNDATION MATERIAL: 8" POURED CONCRETE LUAL� 16" x 8" DEEP GONTINJOUS CONCRETE FOOTING 4" DA*"1ETER STEEL COLUMN 24" x 24' x 12" DEEP GONG, PAD CONCRETE SLAB FLOOR 2 x 4 STUDS O 16" O.C. WI 3 li," : R-11) FG. 'NSULAT!0N s PERIMETER i A" MATERIAL_ PROVIDED BY OTwERs) LL LJ a < z > CN N 0� Z (t)0 W w 0 W a �Z d c E.." C 3 UU) D rl E 0 h v x E OP v Q r 3 JUN 2 c CO . Q � � _' lu u � r NE y� R z o� w 06 S 9 55 Py4,� ' f� a� 170 Sheet MAY 2 9 2002 ENERGY STATEMENT To my knowledge, belief, and professional judgment, these plans and specifications meet or exceed the requirements outlined in the NY State Energy Conservation Construction Code effective March 1991 and amendments_ 0 OPYRIGHT -WARNING ONLY AUTHORIZED, INDEPENDENT BUILDER APPROVED BY NORTHERN DESIGN & BUILDING ASSOCIATES LTD IS PERMITTED TO USE THESE DRAWINGS NORTHERN DESIGN & BUILDING ASSOCIATES COPYRIGHTED DESIGNS ARE PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW EXTENDING TO THIS ORIGINAL AS WELL AS ALL MODIFIED DERIVATIVE PLANS BUILDER AND/OR OWNER MAY NOT PERMIT THESE DRAWINGS TO BE UTILIZED BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OR SALES PURPOSES, NOR PERMIT THESE DRAWINGS TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED, EITHER WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY NORTHERN DESIGN & BUILDING ASSOCIATES, LTD _6.ot.� Project # 216470-2 oidttt�x 1. f 3YyfN�1► li>7l �i1.a >� '. 1 "4 �trcFals at � ` 1 NQ(RY7l! I:MP1N �^f � ti� /d r� f a w" 0.■k1i+48 to +�C010I !t'.i71dt MOM a At --AFM oche rot` t- �w� 4i Y L �pq fprMr x ■ � W W D V Co Cn m L 1 Q m UJ ..•ems vim z CD °� ULA Pazco O Z o w co { W ul O CD Y m CSENO"L NO r . llou-WB �p u�� jMW �W �- ! AM a OMOO" MAY VARY OPOOft:^tom ~'F �b Al.i WM RWA� RPPOMC~ OF F +� b; %4%q ii. wkmm ca""*^ AMf Rm meswa DW Y. A CNAL "wow 3 y ■ a }. w,N '':. •�� a r ' NE ATION �A .. I' 681 y' MAY 29, ZOO y , • f✓ f v d y r ex t� r *NY 'T y r y 3 F Vf a ....' .. vvx , ... ., .> 4 �I - 44 ur Lf1 I �vwmWR YR V r% I~ vww% wa vew v . ORDER 9 2164-02 VV I MFR.: NORCO GLASS TYPE: LOW-E FIRST FLOOR EXTERIOR F"OH: ALUM. CLAD COLOR: 'Zi op 1 CCA 2846-3 7'-0 3/4" x 4'-0 112" FIXED CASEMENT MMT ROOM 6-9N6" STD I Y - 15.75 - 1 SCCA-2872-3 T-0 3/4" x 8'-01/2" CASEMENT GREAT ROOM 6-9/16" STD Y 11.43 30.36 34.29 1 SCCA 2848 F 2'-4 314" x 4'-0 1/2" FIXED CASEMENT EAT ROOM 6-9/16" STD Y - 6.44 1 SCCA-2872 2'4 314" x 9-0112" CASEMENT GREAT ROOM 6-911W STD Y 11.43 10.12 11.43 1 SCCA-2472 2'-0 3/4" S'-0112" CASE NT DINING 9116" am- STD Y 9.53 8.29 9.33 1 SCS3 8-0 x 6-11 V-0 3/4" x 6'-8" SLIDING PATIO DOOR DV*W 6-9116" STD Y 16.32 30•42 16.32 1 90-C24-15 4'-1 112'x 4'-7" W BOX SAY KITCHEN 6-9mrs STD Y 4.30 31.20 17.80 1 SCCA-2448-2 4'-0 3W x 4'-8 i12" CASEIENT UBRARY 6-9/16" STD Y 6.16 10.56 12.35 1 SCCA-2448-2 4'-0 314" x 4'-0 1/2" CASEMENT OFFICE 6-9116, STD Y 6,18 10.56 12.36 2 SCCA-2448 2'-IT314" x 4'-01/2" CASEMENT OFFICE 6-9116" STD Y 6.18 5.28 1 6.1$ 1 SCCA-2872 2'4 3/4" x 8'-01/2"-- CASEMENT $ARAGE 6-9116" I STD Y 11.43 10.12 11.4J 1 N � �2g i ��" G.Llaa L S : VA- I I --v 3 10 11 �o l y rJuL 0 8 2002 V�\ H1 Z O H W cc C (_ f? j_; CD c::) L.Lzcc LL WI Lu Z� 4 s LLJ .� ( 0 C ' FSA Ill -,t+C •Tt! y V •f t��! �, v J �ran s .-i CiENERAL NOTES: DOOR FROM HOUSE TO GARAGE To I4AYE ; s . A* =fRE RAT-% UHTW AUTOMATIC 12ROY!DE ' :SOUR :IRE RATED CONSTRUCTION ON GARAGE CE!LINS. SARAGE SEAM AND AL WAL -e / COMMON 'C L: 14Gs AREAS. `- ALL wt%CCtB A.4D PATIO DOORS TC NAvE 4514 ►�-ti cm*ORMANCE GLASS LNLES6 NCTE,r, OT48RIOW L/ 11 N NRIT'EN SPECIFICAT-06. AL- F'RMACES 'O HAVE FRE&4 AIR INTAKE =RO" FX'rWIOR ANC :LASS :BOORS AT wFARTI4. <ITCWEN, BATH, AND DRYER EXs4AUST AL- -C ✓ENT •0 VIRAR Sheet APPROYED SMOKE DETECTOR lJ►RED DIRECT ON A— =:OORS AND IN Ai. BEDROOMS. EXTERIOR WALLS TO BE 2 X 6 • !6' O.C. INTERIOR WALLS -O BE 2 X 4 d 'V O.C. of � C4PYRlGHT -WARNING Project ONLY AN AUTHORIZED, INDEPENDENT BUIILDER APPROVED BY NORDl ERN DESIGN 3 BUCOWG ASSOCIATES LTD. IS PERMITTED TO USE THESE DRAkVWUOGS NORTHERN DESIGN S BUtLDWG ASSOCIATES COPYRIGHTED DESIGNS ARE PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW EXTENID- IIG TO THIS ORIGINAL AS WELL AS ALL MODIFIED DERIVATIVE PLANS . BUILDER AND/OR OWNER MAY NOT PERMTT THESE DRAWINGS TO BE UTILIZED BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OR SALES PURPOSES. NOR PERMIT THESE DRAWINGS TO BE REPRO DUCED OR COPIED, EITHER WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY UNLESS AUTHOR- IZED IN WRITING BY NORTHERN DESIGN 6 BUILDING ASSOCIATES, LTD. &i ?u 77 ^ °w 3*1 IN, T .x f: 5 � a yy C� t «. RRIGHT EVATION BGALE= 1/4 - V-D" SCALE: 1/4" - V-O" FoROvVE saws TD GRADE pw CG:'E ®7 OTC- ms fir.-MC4.r. , ihh. ; IGHT - WARNM if NEW Y\ �PkA �OS�NRO 80 MAY 2 9 2002 ONLY AUTHORIZED, INDEPENDENT BUILDER APPROVED BY NORTHERN DESIGN B BUILD ASSOCIATES LTD. IS PERMITTED TO USE THESE DRAWINGS NORTHERN DESIGN & BUILDING ASSOCIATES COPYRIGHTED DESIGNS ARE PROTECTED BY FEDERAL LAW EXTENDING TO THIS ORIGINAL AS WELL AS ALL MODIFIED DERIVATIVE PLANS. BUILDER ANMR OWNER MAY NOT PERMIT THESE DRAWINGS TO BE UTILIZED BY UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OR SALES PURPOSES. NOR PERMIT THESE DRAWINGS TO BE REPRODUCED OR COPIED, EITHER WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY UNLESS AUTHORIZED IN WRITING BY NORTHERN DESIGN & BUILDING ASSOCIATES, LTD. w 0 c0 Q w Z Z L 04 ca V W w W= 06 w.� m 0 �^r F N ao 0 • oc� f Y+■i c- dam' C)r� heet Of Project 2164mO2, PROVIDE 9TE" To S- OrWERS LEFT E Y ATION GALE- 1/4" s 1'-0" 5',/•¢x g ki WDOW 7W4M &xG.► FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 114" ■ 1'-0" g'w iW-4M (x 8 fW--<-IA W