DEMO-0233-2022 r Office Use Only Permit#: —��Z. DEMOLITION APPLICATION _ Permit Fee:$ l -DU Towwens Invoice#: CS-) 0 l u�. 742 Bay Road,Queensbury;NY 12804--�` 3/ /7Reviewed P:518-761-8256 www. uenbur .net 2 . L 1�` Flood Zone? Y Demolition Location: Z'192u a r' / r�+.e�n� Tax Map ED#: i� **AN ASBESTOS REPORT IS REQUIRED WITH ALL DEMOLITION APPLICATION SUBMISSIONS** DEMOLITION INFORMATION: 1. Where will demolition material be.disposed? 4"11J I Type of structure to be demolished: a. Residence d.Storage Building b. Garage _ e.Other: c. Business 3. What type of utilities are connected to the structure: a. Gas f.Well-Water Pump b. Fuel Oil g. Public Sewer c. Propane h. Other d. Electric i. None e. Public Water 4. Have ALL utilities (water,electric, etc.) been disconnected? Yes No ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 1. Two inspections are required: an inspection to determine that utilities are disconnected, and a final inspection after the structure is removed and the site is cleaned up and graded. 2. Twenty-four (24) hour notification is required for inspections. 3. Workers' Comp insurance information is required to be submitted with this application. Declaration: I acknowledge that no structure(s)will be removed from the parcel until the demolition application has been reviewed and approved-by the Town of Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement and Zoning Departments and a permit has been issued. I'have read and agree the boy PRINT NAM ,tiV SIGNATURE: _ DATE: Demolition Application Revised February 2022 1 . CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Mailing Address,.C/S/Z: 'ICJ/l C �cz,�s ��%U�� .9/�} G � � �;/�S , /�/�j ii 3,g Cell Phone: 01424,5— SS6 Land Line: Email: ���cF.���p ��f' � 6 7 J • Primary Owner(s): pp Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: //d/I MgsjvS 1I110 417) 21eL 10 11375 Cell Phone: l fy)-,71, A26 Land Lin^ e: Email: C,i V vIn g ii1'Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor: (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contact Name(s): . Contractor Trade: Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: "Workers" Comp documentation must be submitted with this application" Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: Asi 5�f-E19-0,,, Cell Phone: Sl � k)i 3 , �;� �� 3 Land Line; _ Email: i?'g hevve`: �c�� r�,�, !mod ci:�1 3 • - ��GY/, Demolition Application Revised February 2022 �LL 0 � Parcel I D : 227.13-2-42 S C E I'll f, SBL 22T-.93.2�4, OWNER L.G:J..... CY,rLLG x W _ S.• OWNER�JOSEP E SHEEHAN _ i 3BL:;227.93;2-43 --- NER7r4lATTHEWK LUCAS - April 29, 2022 1:288 0 5 10 20 ft 0 2.75 5.5 11 m TO9�{p�1 N OF Q U�E f c�Y NXSWW�G1Uios arr�i� Ice. QBtch@ 227.13-2-42 DEMO-0233-2022 Joseph Sheehan Reviewed By° - - 80 Rockhurst Road Date- Interior Demolition Only Map Produced byQueensburyGIS apIsfo_G n l Reference Purposes Only' P.O.&x 1024 SPECTRVM Sclrefaeefady.NY 12301 (518)346-6374(Phone) Environmental Elssociates,.Inc. (518)3464062(Fax) Txctevixa OUP.CLIENTS Ebmer1TLONS OF ExcELLBNcr' w, WWW.4speif ftD -COm February 2, 2022 s: Mr. Joe Sheehan j� �y� ', 32) ' II 80 Rockhurst Rd. Queensbury,NY 12804 (917)763-5656 mojonyrd,gMail.com '�- ✓� RE: Kitchen- 80 Rockhurst Rd. Spectrum Project Number: 22-101 Asbestos Air Sampling Report Dear Mr. Sheehan: Spectrum Environmental Associates, Inc. (Spectrum)is providing this final report and attached documentation for the above referenced asbestos project. The scope of work performed by the abatement contractor involved the removal of asbestos containing materials from the following area(s): • 150 sf of joint compound from kitchen(1-31-22) • 2 sf of sink coating from kitchen sink(1-31-22) New York State Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56.4-11(a)states"The PCM clearance air sample results shall be considered satisfactory when every clearance air sample demonstrates an airborne concentration of fibers of less than 0.01 fibers per cubic centimeter, or the established background level(s), whichever is greater." New York State Department of Labor Industrial Code Rule 56-9.1(d)(1)requires a final visual inspection be performed by a New York State Certified Asbestos Project Monitor who is appropriately trained and independent of the asbestos abatement contractor prior to the collection of the Clearance Samples. This was performed by Spectrum and the associated documentation is attached. The final visual inspection is to confirm that all have been removed and that the work area has been properly cleaned. Therefore, based on the final visual inspection(s) passing and the final air samples that were collected and analyzed on this project having met the New York State requirements,the scheduled removal area(s) are considered clear and may be re-occupied. Attached you will find the following documents: • Final Report(s) of Analysis with Air Sampling Chain of Custody(s) • Sample Location Drawing(s) • Project Monitor Final Visual Inspections) 221.13-2-42 DEMO-0233-2022 • Licensing and Certification(s) Joseph Sheehan • Site Specific Variance(if applicable) 80 Rockhurst Road Interior Demolition Only Environmental Consulting&Management Services-Health&Safety Training-Laboratory Services r ' The following Exceptions should be noted as related to this project: • No Exceptions noted on this project. This report, if duplicated, should only be done so in its entirety including all attached documents and only with permission from the client. Spectrum is required to provide a copy of any project related documentation to the NYSDOL or other enforcement agency if requested. If you have any questions concerning the collection and/or the analytical results presented in this report,please do not hesitate to contact our office at(518)346-6374. Respectfully Submitted, AVOkOe Robert J DeRuyter VP of Operations Cc: file Attachments: Final Report(s) of Analysis with Air Sampling Chain of Custody(s) Sample Location Drawing(s) Project Monitor Final Visual Inspection(s) Licensing and Certification(s) Site Specific Variance(if applicable) P.O.Box 1024 `.' Schenectady,NY 723oi Environmental Rssedates, Inc. �i8)346-6374(P) TXCVNV11VC VVR CLIENTS EXPECTtIVOXS OF EXCELLENCES (518)346-4o62(F) www.4spectrum.com NIO DOH thud 7 0 (A Rules) 2/2/2022 FINAL REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Page I of 2 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) CLIENT: Joe Sheehan PROJECT NAME: Kitchen—80 Rockhurst Rd. PROJECT#:22-101 80 Rockhurst Rd. Queensbury,NY 12804 Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O.D: (f/cc) (f/mm2) 00461 1 Kit.,Hall+back Rm./ Field Blank 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/20/22 0.0 Ceiling S 00462 2 Kit.,Hall+back Rm./ Field Blank 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/20/22 1.9 Ceiling S Kit:,Hall+back Rm./ 00463 3 IWA Rear Room Phase IB 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/20/22 O.OQl; BDL 0.0 Ceiling S 00464 4 Kit.,Hall+back Rm./ IWA Hallway Phase 1B 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/20/22 0;001 BDL 6.4 Ceiling S 00465 5 Kit.;Hall+back Rm./ IWA Kitchen Phase IB 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/20/22 0 001% .. BDL 5.7 Ceiling S 00466 6 Kit.,Hall+back Rtn./ OWA Right Living Phase IB 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/20/22 0:001 y BDL, 3.8 Ceiling S Kit.,Hall'+back Rm./ 00467 7 OWA Center,Living. Phase IB. 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/26/22 U-.00P,, ,. BDL 5.1 Ceilin .S Kit.,Hall+back Rm./ 00468 8 OWA Left Living Phase IB 01/19/22 01/20/22 01/20/22 : :0;001 : BDL 5.1 Ceiling S - 00723 9 Kitchen/Walls field Blank 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 0.0 00724 10 Kitchen/Walls Ficld Blank 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 0.0 Microscope:Olympus CX43 Phase Contrast Field Arc:r:0.00785 mmc 17mm1=fibers per Square Millimeter flee=tbers per cubic centimeter L.O.D.-Limitof Detection(7 Vmm� L.O.Q.-Limit of Quantification OVL-Overloaded with particulate or fibers OVLBL-Fibers exceeds QC:limit Analyst: Analyst: Disclaimers: Laboratory Director, -A E: 1p�,t_,,,�.,w.,..;�;fi.w.� N1OSH Method 7400 is used for,estimating asbestos concentrations,but cannot differentiate between asbestos and other fibers. �•i.1JYr NIOSH Method 7400 has an establlshed innge of 100 to 1300 Vnuu?;any results outside this range are potentially biased. Lub mtUry Precision(S,): Labtirutury,Precision(Sr):.:, Reported Analytical Results are Based on Sample Data Provided by the Client. l,�t g,q r>v�.r:.�--f`�---a•-=' 5.20 fibc,4100 field.-0.27 5.20 fibe-000 Belle-0,43 " . .Analytical RasullcTTependent on Field Marks Submitted with Samples. C >20-10 fib:rsrlan lidns;�0.61 '20-50 fibars/100 field,=o.l2 Attached Chain of Custody indicates analyst and sball be considered part ofthis final report. =•so•teonbcron00110 i-o.M r50.10afiturw100fidds-0.19 KatalinaLi Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training Laboratory Services P.O.Box 1024 SPE-ICT Schenectady,NY-123oi - RVAf Enorenmental flssedates, Inc. (5i8)34G-6374(P) •EXCEEDINC OUR CLIENTS EXPECTUTIONS'OF EXCEU;9NCE' &8)346-4o62(F) www.4Tectmm.com NI'S DOH thud 7 0#A Rules) FINAL-REPORT OF PCM ANALYSIS Page2/2022 2 of 2 NIOSH Method 7400(A Rules) Client Date Date Date Result Density Lab I.D. Sample# Work Area Location/Description Sample Type Collected Received Analyzed L.O:D: (Vcc) (f/mm") 00725 11 Kitchen-/"Walls IWA Rear Phase IIC 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 ;0.001: BDL 2.5 00726 12 Kitchen/Walls TWA Center Phase TIC 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 0.001 BDL 3.8 00727 13 Kitchen/Walls IWA Front Phase IIC 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 0 001 BDL 5.1 00728 14 Kitchen/Walls OWA Right Air Lock Phase IIC 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 U01 BDL 1.9 00729 15 Kitchen/Walls OWA Center Air Lock Phase TIC 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 0:001.' BDL 5.1 00730 16 Kitchen/Walls OWA Left Air Lock Phase TIC 01/30/22 01/30/22 01/30/22 0.001 BDL 3.2 Microscope:Olympus CX43 Phase Contrast Field Arne:0.00785 TWO f/mnt=fibers per Sgnwo Millimotur f/ce=fibers per cubic centimeter L.O.D.—Limit of Detection(7 f/mm'-) L.U.Q.—Limit of Quantification OVL—Overloaded with particulate or fibers OVLBL-Fibers exceeds QC limit Analyst: Analyst: Disclaimers: Laboratory Director, C' 1 • .t,_r-, NlOSli Method 7400 is used for estimating asbestas concentrations,but cannot differentiate between asbestos and other fibers. - .!�j,,�P `'-� Y;,-.`'". � HIOSH,Metbod 7400 has an established range of 100 to 1300 Dnmr;any results outside this range are potentially biased. L - •�` Lubumto Precision Sr Labomt6ry�recisruu(Sr): rY ('): Reported Ahalytical Results are Bailed die Sample Data Provided by the Client. ��<•>L3� - 5-20 fiba,1100 fields:a 027 5-211 f}heislr00fields=0.43' Analytical Results Dependent on Pield_.Blanks submitted with Samples. >20-50ll1:arvl00lields:-0.61 >°e-50 fibers/IM11elda=0.12 Attached Chain of Custody indicates analyst and shall be considered part ofthis final report. >50.100 fiIwN100 fidds:0.24 >50-100 fib:cs lea fields=0.19 Te atalina Li Environmental Consulting & Management Services • Health & Safety Training Laboratory Services (51V 84"062(Fax). "SXCEEA)WO llae CLIEXT8.NZPEC0rI4ES OF RXCELLEWCE'. 8 d'd$i11111.sOBll AIR SAmpLw.G FLU OF CUSTODY�avosnoxo, I'RO.UCr MWORNrAnON SANII'LE TYPE TYPE OF'.A-KALYSIS TMIUROWi D Project#:_.U- 1©l Date'Collected: 1.14 P'Phase IB(Backgroimd)B PCM-MOM 7400 0 RUSH Job Sitel&0ding: _80. 9,,_ k..e_k rd.. �«. ®Phase RA(Prep) TEM-NIOSH 7402 012 Hour Ro om/Work.Area: �(`,} ll i-b-c RM C e:.na g 0 Phase DB(Removal) 0 TENT-AMRA. 1124 Hour Rotameter#: •J 2 Calibration Date: 0 Phas61[C(Clearance) 13 Other JZ48 Hour Lot#: 'Z 6_ Qom_ 'CollectedBy: F 1C 0 Air Quality 0 Other SAWLE IDEI iTMCAZTON Lab ID Sample Pump Pump Pump Rate Rafe Air Ad' No. No. No. Location On . Off (LP (LP14n Time Volume L•OR Coi�mt Result F/mm2 ME—WegafimAirExUmt h= k=n On or Mm Ulm /100 If/cc ('D q.6I ) Field Blank ' --- — - — -- — --- 0.0 --- n 5 �b2 FieldBlank twA 463 3 Rom Otgg. iiyg �c. 10 /80 ./ego o, o twq• y 4b4 ti p o$yg., .//y9 6 DWq' q6L C. 0836 U36 3,0 1 33 ! A.DDITIOeYAL l` o Ca_4rt OF CUSTODY Report Results to: Relinquished: Date:_ /-/9,2Xime: Phonel.Fax:. Received- Date: Time: � Comments: Sample Log-in:. 1(-C Date: 11 .Time: IDa't Time: Analyzed- �l. Date• Time: QAfQC Review: _ {�L Date:I I T Time: NOTE.,Spccfrrvn�iryiranmernalfdrsvciates,Imo:wwkes laboratories that meet the requirements set forth byAHERB 40 CFR 763.90(1)(l)Ci). Rotameters are calibrated against a Defender 5I0 PrfmaryFlow Meter manufactured byBIO.SInternational corporation. R O 8"1492 51.9 Xg-4082(Fax). 'EXCBEDIXCG Oak CLtSHTs EXPECTBT30,NS bF NXCkW7WGB', 8�D6145�9d'C�T7dPt2.CC8Xi PROJECT INFORMATION SAN&.LE TYPE TYPE OF ANALYSIS TQRLyAROilATD Date Collected: I-3N L 0 Phase lB(Background)IYPCM--NJOSH 7400 4fRUSH Job Site/Building: $ 0,0e_khurs,4 Rd Q,w_Z_b.r v 0 Phase ILA(Prep) 6 TFM-WOSH 7402 012 Hour Room/Work Area: k;"e- / " �r, 6 8 Phase p(Removal) ®TEM-.AURA 0 24 Hour Rotameter#: 14.12 Calibration Date: J3 Phase 110(Clearance) ®Other 0 48 Hour Lot#: -.1GgDg_ CollectedBy-_ 0 Air Quality O Other SA►WLE bElWMCATION Lab ID Sample .Pump Pump Pump Rate Rate Air Adjust' No. No. No. Location W (LEM Time(LPAOVolume L.O.D. _ $esult Fhnm2 Count XAH=xeg&VeAirBffiZMt Dann h=,X on off ma Liters '1100 F/cc . 72 9 Field Blank ` _ , FieldBlank -- -- __ __ M __ 610 —_ 0 6Wf� 25 11 . R` c .0741 10417 0 16 ISO Afoo y i 72- i j3 bra O?k$ IOkg '7QV Y t�t� s 711 )ifMe 6A ozs I.os 719 I S r 0754 !®st I ourA gq -. 7.30 1� L 0171TIT Iasi o cJ 71 A.DDino,,uLINL FO CHA7i'i OF CUSTODY Report Results to: Relinquished: Date: Time: Phone/Fam, Received: ( Date: Time: Comments: Sample Login:. Date: 1-31-ZZ Time: pate: ... Time: ... Analyzed: Data: Time: QAJQC Review.• Date: 'Time. NOTE:spectrrvaPii�rron�verrfal�ss�ci�es,Inc,uti[Lw laboratories that meet the regwrements set forth byAREM 40 CFR 763.90(i)(2)(iiJ. Rotameters are calibrated against a Defender 510 Frimmy Flow Meter snw factured by BIOSlnternational Corpos-atim T 22-101 (1-19-22) Back Room & Kitchen - 80 Rockhurst Rd Phase IB - NTS , Living:rootn'�• �i �i �O1NA" •.1 �OWA Kitchen _ z, 'sI1NA% Dackiaorn . . ..: ... . . .. BatH�oom� =S. :IWA IWA 22-101 (1-31-22) Kitchen - 80 Rockhurst Rd Phase IIC - NTS i - ,lj VIri 6466m: _ p. li[iaiYl.Tf'✓�i,1s�J�r19/�ns�vd4KNr.�YMn ,' � �. _• ••: •� ('Removed•: o ,�' - .J. OWA-Outside Work Area - -Kitchen:. 'Backroom OiIVA' atliro6m` IWA:. I1NA IINAF IWA-Inside Work Area • • • • • Work Area fc�renPcl dy, Vt r-Vs04P.,Ci1P.11'S oil pwbr,bL���f,* IYi lY.+I9IlEG��1117LCq)I3 Final Visual Clearance Checklist Project Name: Date: ", AJ e_et,96ur - 1•a�.. Work Area: Project Number. a22•. 1Ol Material Removed: Quantity Removed: - . • - Jo; C Sin -A ,max;. +so' • , - ... " Project Monitor: Certificate Number: �tia K 6 Procedure or.Activity Yes " No. ,N/A Critical Barriers Intact Negative Air Machines Running . All Gross Material Removed From Work Area Length of Waiting Period Observed Visible Debris Present All Bags and rriisc. equipment/tools has been removed Visual Inspection per:1CR 56.9.1(d) "in accordance with ICR 56-911{d)the project monitor has visually inspected the work area(all surfaces including pipes,beams,ledges,walls,ceiling and floor,decontamination unit,sheet plastic,etc.)accompanied by the asbestos abatement contractor's supervisor,and has observed the scope of the abatement"as-per-.the-provided-contract-documents,and-for the presence of visible dust,debris,or residue is apparent on any surface within the work area." Date Of Inspection: Time of Inspection: 131•a2 - . Visual Inspection clear per ICR 56.9.1(d) Supervisor Logbook Signed ,, Sampling Conducted in Accordance with ICR 56-9.2(d)or Site Specific Variance Pre Sampling Agitation(5 minutes per 1000 ft2 of floor space) On Going Agitation(1-20" Fan per 10,000 ft) Your signature certifies that the aforementioned listed items are in compliance with all state& federal rules and regulations. Signature: Date: 131•.22 &i?iraninen#al Gensulffng&hianagernenf SeiW es • Hetalth&Salety Training •L aborafory Services P 0.&,,Y 1024 SPECTRVAf Schenedady,"12301 w (618).346-6374(Phone) Envirennaenttriltssociates, Inc. (518).34" 62(1'dv) 'EXc£EDLYC VVR CLIENTS EBPBCTd?7lV'S OF E AMENCE' Envu:4S1leclrum.ronl State of New York— Department of Dibor Asbestos Certification -STATE OPNEW YORK.,DEPARTMENT OPLABOR Y 5, ASEESi®S'CERTIFICATE, ;ERIC:IC=BATH.: _ <>. ..-::CLASS(EXP,tRE51.' tr ATEC(04ji2j;D INSP(04j, , MC1S1 BE=CARRIEQOi�ASBESTS'"PRQJECTS II'I�II�I��II II'I'I'Il'�I'II IF FOUND RETURN TO: ri a EYES BLU NYSDOL - L&C UNIT f•'a �—e HAIR BAL ROOM 161A BUILDING 12 a HGT 5' 08" STATE OFFICE CA14MS ALBANY 2JY 12240 �o State of New York— Depiartmen t of Labor Codes Certification A Asbestos Handler B Restricted Handler- Allied Trades C Air Sampling Tedmician D Inspector E Management Planner E Operations and Maintenance G _ Supervisor H Project Monitor I Project Designer Envit'011lllentnl Consulting tC ilitlllagel11entSelnlreS • Health&Safety Training hzboratviT Services ':. _,.n= ;:��'-��New York State Department-,of.LaborF,-,'..�, h Division of,5afetyandFi'ealth '`�� -':;,�• License and b htificaviCmit{ ."'Y •" ifCampus t� State ,Building 12' s ' Alba ny,.NY 12240 ! " <'=-,. �,: ASBESTOS HANDLING LICENSE_`'_.. Spectrum EnvRonmental Associates;Inc:-;> `', ;FILE NUMBER 99=0129 0' V1 1K ,5 LICENSE NUMBEFR:'k29081=-r`P,O. Box^1024 =- _...;? :; �'' LICENSE CLASS: RESTRIC`FED: f` DATE OF ISSUE: 02/2471021 SIP .,' '$cheriectacl` NY 12301 ,, i EXPIRATION DATE: 02/28�2022` 4 ;n;y� •''"`-''-�T r e,:''i � �� _J"�:,:�:i'«:v.;w•�a,+s:,iPtn_;.c�bs,�_` `,{'d "p� '�' qk rt .1 - .1 +. �1?.�x °�`��v��'_.Ls.��a.i..�.'.�,' .T'L..•t. ,� �__ t--c� x� ..5 >1 f ) i-�.r 7 ., t�� 4;; �''�.�£.• k t5��c_ _ _ '� �"�"v:7:,`v��?, I�� �' ;;:. � -��.� i -�' iiY�' 7 Dmy„Authorized'Rep resentative "Wi i m 4 Ma "roan 21 This'license'has been issued macc,.oTgancewith#,pplicaoiepro sioiisofAr�t_e1�3Q:`of`theLaUorLawofNewYorkSfateandof the Newyork'StateCodes,Rulesand-Regdlahons'(12NYCRRPart56�) Tt�ssb�ecttosuspensionorrevocahonfora(1)!; .: + seiious"violatidnof'state,federal oiloca,11awsw1tl regard totheconductofana'sbestosproject,or(2)demonstrated`la.ck-0f responsibilityco ih the nductof any ob inv..olv.inga- estos-or'asbesfosmaterial t ` u t 4 =� _ ,, _ __..._.:3,.;:�__ ,.,. :.-��>� :,Y.,.:.,- s,�,: _c���' .dr-.,>,.. .x_- _ `, 1, �=-•�; { VA �y..Y""+3 .i `�•.r ;.'�':I;-"3'Y ' (.: y..m... -�'1 1 1 4--... This license is;valid only,for'the.contractornamedatiovearid th s;iic'ense or.arphotocopy_mustbe prom nently displayedat,We asbestosprojectavorksite :Thislieenscverifiesthatallpersons.employedbythelicenseeonan_asl estosprojebetinNewYbrk State havebeen;issuedan Asbestos Certificate;appropriate fortlietype_ofwork theyperfoim,by tbi NewYork State DepartinentofLaboi � ~.;`:• - _..._..._ - V. ~4. +Y'ice'1�'- lr+"�'e' liar':.:• ``', � .� X. `4 r f^�r .,al 'Sa,~`�� • r.�-i r..1'' asp. i r?,�i '+N.` Amy Phillips,Director S H 432(8/12) For the Commissioner ofLabor :: - - ; ' �: . . -_— .:'.. r;=__= .__:__- _ NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT-0 HEALTG� ::=-= - - - - - .:..- - - _ - - :::,-. WAD - -- - _.SW®RTH.CANTER .,:--.. - - _.....:.. :_ - - - - - _ _ _ 1. _ - --- ._-_-�_ ___-.. _ _ ---- - -- - :2-__- — .-- - - .. _- -.._ __—. ---_,- - .. - _ _- -. _ __ _ __ _ �`�_- `=�- _ - _ - _ _ - - :_ -. .-_. _. - _ _ - - - - ,:',,,. EXp�res:I2:Q i`AN[Aprif 0!,.'2022 --- - _ - _ - =Issued=April t?1, 2021 - _ _=_ - - ._. _ z .- - - - - _ -_ - - -_. __ __ --- - - - --- . _ - - __..-: _ .. --� - - - _ __ _. -. .. , ,-.,: .. ' :._- - _ _ —_ _...-- --- -' 4 - - - - — - _ _ - - - _ - -iS ---- __ _ .- -- __ -- _ _ - -- '--.: _. _: .:_ a._.: _.' . _ _ _ _ _ _,=_= CERTIFICATE`OF ►PPROVAL FOR LABORATORY SERVICE _ _ -- . - _ - issued tn.accordaace with and pursuarit=to section 50Udbirc HeWtb Law of New'Vc& taie • _ _ - - - - - - --= _ __ __ __ __- __ _=_ -=_ - _ _ - _ =_ _ - = - =_ ._-T =-_ __ - --_ = => =_ _-_ == _. t _,.,:s: :: .. MS:-K4MLINALI ` _ t-, ;__ NY Lab Id-No 11540 - _ _ SPECTRUM.ENVIR0,NMEMTALASSOCIATES INC._ - — - - _ _ - _ 2539 ALBANY==STREET ., -- - - = _ _= - _ _ -__ __ — _ - , .- - �CHENECTAD.Y, N -9'2'304 f _- -.- - -- _ _ =- -.- _., _- - -- - _- = - _ - _ - - - -- _ __-- __ -_ - - - - ==__=--_=is=hereb .APPRQVED`as_an_E>?vironmerital'Laboratory for the cafeory-. -. - -- _ Y.. _- ,, -= ENVIRQNMENTAL AN�4LYSES:i4IR AND EMISSIONS _ __ _ _____ __ _ ' . - ___.AIl,approiied subcat gories'atid%r fid, ,es are listed.below - -- - - - - - - -_ _. -,_�-= _ - - - - - - - - -- .. - -- - -", _ Miscelia sous _ _:"„ . i - ;'r` .. _ __ _ __ _ - - - -- - ,_ . - - -- - - - - - - - - -..-; - .. - = -- - - - = _ - , - Fibersr : - =' NIO$H 7400 A RULES' ___ --  - --_ - - _ _ --- - - - - =:::.-. . - :.. - . _ - - - - -- - - _ - - - __ :; - - -' -v -_= --- - - _ - _ - - -_- - - -=:- _.- - - - - __ - - ._, - --- - _,- - -=- - --- . -- _ - = - 1., - __' - _ _;_ _ - _.. -_ - _- -_ . .- - __- _ _ — ��'� — F'._''' - d -:it �( — - _ — --. _ r _ _ : ..1. ___ = _ -- —_ _ _ : __- -_ - _ f _ =___---_- - - - I. "-- 5' - . -= ..----- -_ .. . _- -____— - - - - - -_- - _--- -- - - - ---- -- '-------'-- - - ' --- - -- -- - -- -- -- - -_... _ - _-_ _ -_ - -- - - - - - _. > ---, `- - -- - -- =-- - .. - - - - -.-.. _ .___ _.. - - - _ _ ___-__ _ _ - - _ - - - --- - -.__ _-._ _.. - f__ .-_.l ___ _ - --_ _ -- __ - .. __ - - _ ___ _ r's -_ ----._ __.. _ __ -__ __ _ - __ _ _ - _- _ _ -T -' i : _ - - - - - __ •• -1 - - - - .:. _ _ __ _ Serial No - _---_:_ -_ - - -- -- - - --= . _ - -._-. ,- Property:ofths New York State[7epartmenCof Health.;CertiOcates.are valid orily at t- address. ` _. -_ . -- shown:-must be conspicuously posted;and are p�infed,onysecure paper. Continued accreditation depends = = _ __ =_-on successful ongoing participation in the Program: Consumers are urged,to call-(518)`485=5570 to _ - -- _- . - =-verify,the'laboratorysaccreditatloristatus. . = ' =- -- -__ _ - = - - '- - - - - John O'Brien From: ephall@nycap.rr.com Sent: Thursday,August 18, 2022 7:02 AM To: John O'Brien; Charles Dyer Cc: 'Mojony'; 'LG -Tom Barber' Subject: Sheehan residence- 80 Rockhurst- Frost wall repair detail Attachments: Frost wall repair detail.pdf Good morning John, As discussed yesterday I'm providing the frost wall repair detail for the Sheehan residence at 80 Rockhurst Drive. This repair is necessary to shore the foundation of the existing home to prevent further deterioration of the building so the building can be safely renovated as the project progresses. We will have the rest of the construction drawings completed shortly and will provide the addition\alteration permit application as soon as all the drawings are complete. From what I understand in talking with the site engineering team from EDP yesterday they have just about completed the engineering review comments from the Town Engineer and they are anticipating final sign off on the site drawings in the next few days. As soon as that part is done I will get everything submitted to your office for building permit. Let me know if there are any additional questions. Regards, Ethan P. Hall-Architect Rucinski Hall Architecture 518-741-0268 Our mailing address: TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination,compliance Rucinski Hall Architecture with our comments steal no! be construed as 134 Dix Ave indicating the plans and sneciflcations are in Glens Falls NY 12801 lull compliance with the uilding Codes of New York State. 518-741-0268 Fax 518-741-0274 This is an external email. D• not click links or ••- attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Tyyl!�(ff ��OF U (�pI'' SF�` .X D tee _ - - 1 EL copy, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination,compliance With our comments shall not be construed as indicating the plays and soeci ications are in full compliance With the Building Codes of New York State. 9¢ OF QU S s I ° Gam- t 6 MIL VAPOR RETARDER 6" COMP. FILL 4" CONC. SLAB I I I I I I I I I I I GROUT CORES SOLID AT I I 2" RIGID INSULATION TOP OF WALL I I #4 DOWELS AT B-0 O.C. OR CONT. KEYWAY GROUT CORES SOLID AT ` 0 AR i I DOWEL LOCATIONS g"x16" CONT. CONC. FTG. 4`y * W12 #4 BARS CONT. 7041r• SECTION FROST WALL REP AIR Y:\Sheehan Residence - Rockhurst\Construction Dwgs\A-1.1.dwg, 8/18/2022 6:55:36 AM, pdfFactory.pc3