2002-794 Nemer Ford TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development- Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020794 Appfii;ation Number. A20020194 Tax Map No: 523400-302-005-0001-092-001-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: NEMERTORD For property located at: 558 AVIATION Rd HI#1 in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed I and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: PYRAMID MALL OF GF LLC CIO THE PYRAMID CO'S Temporary SignTotal Value 4 CLINTON Sq SYRACUSE,NY 13202-1078 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans &Specifications BP 2002-794 Temporary S'ign NEMER FORD, for a Special Use Permit for a Car and Truck Sale September 26, 2002 through September 30, 2002 Sign Copy: Car and Truck Sale Cross Ref. File Special Use Event Permit No. 2-2002 approved by the Planning Office $10.00 -PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES; Thursday,September 18,2003 (If alonger period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration dam.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury, Wednesday, September 18,2002 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. lk�)&�Vaag*�%Lorceinent fig mod TEMPORARYSip 8 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION vt:o 2oo� row TOWN OF QUEENSBURY PERMIT NUMBER: . ....... Dept. of Community Development 742 Bay Road Fee Paid: Queensbury, New York 12804 Deposit Paid: Deposit on file: (send refund/deposit to: Important Notice: Temporary Sign Permits are issued for a period of 12 calendar days not to exceed 60 calendar days per year per applicant. DATE: placement of sip: DATE: removal of sign: -__3c> -_0 Applicant Name (individual or business name): 661,et- Mailing Address: 3,7, '3 0,, Telephone No. V) 7�r - Exact Location/ Placement of Sign: Tax Map Number: T i Type of Sign: Wall Sign (not to exceed 32 square feet) Sign Copy: KIL —Freestanding Sign (not to exceed 16 square feet) Sign Copy: Size of Sign: '� x /0 30 _ _ sq. ft. Additional information required for this temporary sign permit application: 1. Detailed drawing or photo of sign. 2. Plot plan of location of sign. sign applicant signature of property owner if different from applicant name Failure to remove sign at expiration may result in forfeiture of deposit as per the Code of the Town of Queensbury, Section 140,Subsection 140-4(Local Law No. 11, 1993). -�0 Yz ' �I✓ � , i J x aam le of Additional Information Required for Temporary.Sign Permit Application: -SIGN TO BED D:...... GKAND vO ' E 5hjg JANOUOARY I -Ot-h w: PLAN SHOWING SIGNWILL BE DISPI,;A�D:. k c � CbUi.��inq� 4 c t � �1 T o Well �r ed. will be ar �S�av��{in Si n; �'� — —(3how se+bcck disfaAlfc) I TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 518-761-8201 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY SPECIAL SALES AND EVENTS PERMIT APPLICATION Application No.: Date Fee Paid: 1. Principal location of established business lawfully in existence and operation within the Town of Queensbury to show that the items being offered for sale are those items already primarily offered for sale by the business: rnoi&.........Gr—oL&p............... 17L) 2. APPLICANT: Address: • QtA CL.ke-e -ij. aWetz A Aj -XY Phone: 3r 'WA 3. LOCATION OF SPECIAL SALES EVENT: 4. DURATION OF EVENT: 5. OWNER OF PREMISES WHERE SPECIAL SALES EVENT IS TO TAKE PLACE: Address. Phone: 3iS 42� 6. Zone: Tax Map ID: ...... "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY. . .A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 a 7. APPLICATION SMALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE FOLLOWING ITEMS AS APPLICABLE(A Pre-Application Conference with Staff is required): dva) A letter from the applicant describing the proposed event,the hours of operation, the duration of the event, anticipated attendance, and any structures, signs for attention-attracting devices including visual devices used in conjunction with the event. e'b) A scaled drawing showing the location of the proposed activities, structures,lighting and signs in relation to existing buildings, parking areas, streets, property lines and any other elements integral to the proposed event and/or considered necessary by the Zoning.Administrator. A letter from the property owner or manager, if different from the applicant, authorizirig the special sales event. d�See Checklist Criteria S. Temporary Sign Pennit#: (If Applicable-a permit needs to be filled out and submitted with this application) Sign Permit Fee Paid: io Duration of the permit shall not exceed twelve(12)days. See§ 161-5 No more than two(2) special sales events permits per calendar year shall be issued administratively to any one applicant. See§ 161-5. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Approved: Craig rown,Zoning Administrator Date Approved: "G. i 2wi' Duration of Permit: c '� p ' W N0 �i���ct,�, s� P ,� Qccc� c� Locpyrlory 5 -tl' i,v�vt [2>Lvc.IL o A- aL--S I K,I c f ��er c y A-cc&,9-5 -ro -04 l✓ . .- IF !d MCt-15e.0 'f-e1V*f (S 050C�t FtP�e jmA-rSHI4L AfpfeVAU /3 l �u Oq �99 a 'IDB�t�1C@V d 17 PH v� y—p 'gym OR 19 Cato (F9t, G Ail qT v S 0 �A yf J f AV"IA ,V,, M A L L nE oaR+nlD a+ral �� ® +A(MIpI S4UAE !n SIP.1Q$NEY 10fif I PYRAMID +a�a�+araao '�V1ATl9N Ndll nar V,lsss 10 41'cl¢S 323 Quaker Rd 728 Quaker Rd Queensbury MY 12804 Queensbary MY,12804 (518)798.8834 (518)793.2571 September 17, 2002 Town of Queensbury Attn: Craig Brown,Zoning Administrator 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 Dear Sirs: We have submitted an application to hold a special sales event on The Pyramid Companies (Aviation,Mall) property located on the site of Play Extreme Sports. The sales event is to be a car & truck sale to be held from-September 2e to.September 3e inclusive. We would setup on September 25''and teardown on October 1 `. The hours of operation would be from 9:00am to 8:00pm Thursday, Friday, Saturday and 11:00am to 4:00pm on Sunday. We hope to draw through advertising media approximately 200 persons throughout the event. We will have one (1) 20' x 40' tent and one (1) 3' x 10' wall-mounted banner. Thanking you in advance for your prompt attention and consideration of this matter. Sincerely, Nemer Motor Group _ Carolyn L Londrigan Controller FROM :AVIATION FAX NO. :5187939295 Sep, 17 2002 11:00AN P1 AVIATION ' ;.� .,rrf • ;; • tea• AA A 1 Mz y:. 1 :•yt .af:i# .yaw 641 September 17, 2002 Mr. Rink Blake Nemer Ford 323 Quaker Road Queensbury, New York 12604 Re: License Agreement between Nemer Ford and Pyramid Mail of glens Veils, L,L.C. dated 9/11/02 Dear Rick: This letter is confirmation of the above referenced agreement,which was signed by both parties on September 11, 2002. We have agreed to allow you to use the.-Play FAreme Sports parking lot and the adjacent Pot(formerly fioward Johnson's)for a sales event from September 26 to October 1. As outlined in our letter agreement dated September 11, 2002, Nemer Ford is responsible for obtaining the necessary permits from the Town of Queensbury for this event. Written confirmation of permit is required previous to the event taking place. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, "V40J" Robert Orlando General Manager Cc: Patrick Seeberger ROltt Ab,A r'v R A V h f:r: W r, A +; AVIATION ROAD QUEENSBURY, NEW PORK•12804 (618)793.88'I8 FAX(818)793.9P95 vrn aArzii WJ UUZ STATE OF NEW YORK WIN STAM DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VCHICLES . Raymond F.Martinez VEHICLE SAFETY,REGION 3 webw r.Maher ComwLmiontr 175 sPARRowmwa ROAD Director,Vehicle Safety LATHAM,NEW YORK 12110 Servim and Clean Air PHONE#783-7062,FAX 9783-7906 September 12, 2002 Quaker Ford Inc. D/bfa Nemer Ford 323 Quaker Rd-, Queensbury, NY 12804 Faellity 0022101 Expiration bate 6103 Dear Mr. Blake: AUTHORIZA 770M TO CONDUCT AN OFF--PREOSE SALE A T.- Location: AVIation Mall Queentbury, NY Date:-9/25/02-9/30102 Is (X)APPROVED DENIED Resson for Dehial; PLEASE BE SURE YOU ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATION 78.8(1)(2)(3) Z S I in7o/-V Henry J.Ashline, Supervising Automotive Facilities Inspector