Engineering Comments
August 18, 2022
Mr. Craig Brown
Zoning Administrator and Code Compliance Officer
Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, New York 12804
Delivered via email only:
Re: Randles Residence
Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York
Labella Project # 2220706.34
Queensbury Ref #SP51-2022
Dear Mr. Brown:
LaBella Associates has received a submission package from your office for the above referenced project.
The Applicant is proposing the addition of a 10’ wide paved driveway, 1,734 SF of building addition
consisting of a second story, two bay garage, on site stormwater management and shoreline buffer
additions. Information submitted to our office for review includes the following:
• Architectural plans;
• Certification letter of wastewater system, prepared by EDP LLP, dated June 13, 2022;
• Cover letter, prepared by EDP LLP, dated June 15, 2022;
• Site Plan Application, prepared by EDP LLP, dated June 13, 2022, and;
• Site plans, prepared by EDP LLP, dated April 20, 2022.
Your office has requested that we limit our review to the design of the stormwater system as it relates to
compliance of local, state, or relevant codes and regulations. Based upon our review, LaBella offers the
following comments for the Town’s consideration:
Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control Comments
1. According to the site plan review application, the proposed site improvements will disturb less than one
(1) acre and thus the project is not required to obtain coverage under the NYSDEC SPDES General Permit
for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity (GP-0-20-001). However, this project falls within
the Lake George watershed and therefore is subject to the stormwater management requirements set
forth in Section 147-11 of the Town Code for projects within the Lake George Park. Comments related
to the stormwater management and erosion and sediment control features proposed for the site are
offered below:
2. According to the site plans, this project proposes land disturbance of 10,000 (+/-) square feet and is
classified as a minor project for stormwater management by Town Code Section 147-11.E(1)(a).
With the minor project classification, the Applicant has opted to use the alternative stormwater
calculation method described in Town code section 147-11.I(2)(a), which allows a flat rate of 1.5 gallons
of stormwater to be used for every square foot net increase in impervious area, where net increase is
the difference between predevelopment and post development conditions.
3. Town code section 147-11I(2)(c) states infiltration devices shall not be installed up gradient within 20
feet of the subsurface treatment system of a wastewater treatment system. It is difficult to discern where
the project site and neighboring absorption fields are located (as applicable). The Applicant to revise or
clarify accordingly to support a review of 147-11I(2)(c).
4. The callout for stormwater management practice SMA #4 states that it will have a bottom elevation of
332.5 throughout the section. The proposed contours do not match the callout, as the portion of the
practice closest to the lake shows an elevation of 332 feet. The Applicant to clarify, and revise the site
plans if applicable.
5. Town code section 147-11I(2)(a) states that the location of the infiltration devices shall be determined
based upon soil test results. Town code section 147-11I(2)(e) prescribes the vertical separation
distances for infiltration practices. It does not appear that deep soil test pits nor infiltration tests were
performed in support of the design. The Applicant to perform the tests and provide the results.
6. As applicable, the Applicant to add downspout locations to the site plans.
7. Sheet 6 of the site plans has a callout stating the limit of work is 29,000 SF and a limit of disturbance
of 11,250 SF. The Applicant to clarify what construction activities will take place within each described
8. It does not appear that the grading plans depict the overflow weir elevation for SMA #3 and the Applicant
to revise accordingly.
9. The Applicant to clarify the method of pre-treatment prior to entry to the infiltration practice.
Erosion & Sediment Control
10. It appears the erosion and sediment control plan is incorporated into the overall site plan. It does not
appear that the ESC plan is complete as no temporary ESC controls are depicted to protect the infiltration
areas. Section 6.3.6 of the NYS SMDM states “Infiltration practices shall never serve as a sediment
control device during site construction phase. In addition, the Erosion and Sediment Control plan for the
site shall clearly indicate how sediment will be prevented from entering an infiltration facility.” The
Applicant shall revise the plans to clearly indicate how sediment will be prevented from entering the
infiltration facilities during the site construction phase.
11. Further, it does not appear that a temporary soil stockpile and temporary ESC controls for a temporary
soil stockpile are depicted on the site plans. The applicant to clarify if there will be a temporary soil
stockpile and revise the plans if applicable.
Conclusion & Recommendation
It is our opinion that the applicant should provide clarification for the above items and incorporate changes
in subsequent plan submissions.
In the event the Planning Board or Town staff have any questions or require additional information, please
do not hesitate to contact me at (518) 824-1932.
Richard Adams, PE
Senior Civil Engineer
cc: Shauna Baker, Town Planning Office Administrator (via email)
Laura Moore, Town Land Use Planner (via e-mail)