2002-830 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&.Codes (518)761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20020830 Application Number: A20020830 Tax Map No: 523400-302-018-0002-030-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: SANITARY SF,WF,R For property located at: 7 BAIWER Ave in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or` at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tvue of Construction Value Owner Address: EDNA HAYNER LE JOYCE' MINTZ& JOAN.NICHOLS. Septic Alteration Residential Total Value 7 BARBER-Ave QUEENSBURY;NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name,/Address ! ;f''Y `'? '` i", Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications i 2002-830 Residential septic alteration per plot plan and specifications. $25.00 PERMIT.FEE PAID THIS PERMI+EXPIRES: Thursday,October 02,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To n o eens , esda , October 02,2002 for the Town ofQueensbury. r , SIGNED BY r�,�, Director'of Building&Code Enforcement 5 ` 516 *745::4437. FILE No.638 04.,,02 '02 AM"`ll:25.?ID:TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FAX:518. 745 '4437 PAGE 1 Application for Permit.-"Septici Disposal System - ?'oH+n,gf Quee»sbury.74?Bay Road QUe nsbuiy.NY 128t14 {3l8) 761-833¢ 1... :a u. ,...__. l. OWNER INFORMATION: (JKICE Use c�sr Location of installation: t✓611-3 2- AV41 Fite Permit No Tax Map No. 77. t NQ` NI�� Fee Paid Owner's Name: _. Address: 2. INSTALLER'S NAME 7v°1^,Z. Q(;eleset. PHONE NO. 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling,indicate#bedroom(s) and multiply# of bedrooms with applicable gallons per bedroom to equal total dailyflow) Year of House No.of Bj2drooms_ Total Daily Flovsr i� �'OVED . 1980 or older . t .150 1/bdrm _ 1980-1991 x 130 8 1lbdrm OCT Q 1 2002 1991 -present x 110 gallbdrm a 3arbage'Grinder Installed yes— / no TOWN OF QUEENSSURY Spa or Whirlpool Installed yes_ J no -4j-- F.1_!4`P!11f03 N!'D ;ODE 4, PARCEL'INFORMATION: (circle applicable information 8c indicate measurements) Flat $a at what depth at what depth t v ng ctfiii,,. feet ,first Steep slope clay,: lf"Well. water suPP1Y -%slope ether from any septic-system depth: absorption is ft• other Parcoludon Teat: (To be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rate: _minute per,inch S.- PROPOSED SYSTEM; trtzetion: All individual mewege disposal systems must be designed by wlicensed professional engineer or araWu.sct(unless-installed in a Planning Board appavved subdivision). Add 230 galloxu tc+the size of the wpdc tank and leach �d fbr each arbage ChInder.Spa or Whirlpool Tub.- V,/j a Septic Tank:' �Q gallon(min. size 1.000 gal.) Tile Field; each trench fl. Total System Length: Seepage•Pit(s): number of size of each: , fi by �. Size of Stone to be used: # / depth or thickness feet Bed System Size: x A t6mative SyateM.: length and/or size 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: / Size of each: gallons /TOTAL Capacity: gallon: Note: 'Alarm System and associated electrical work xhuct'bo inspected by a Town approved electrical iinspeotioax agency. 7. SIONATURE aTt INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON(please read). For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 ofthe Code of the Town of Queenabury,anypenrnit or approval granted•which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to snake a material fact or oircuatsta nco.known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read a segu ations with romp to this application and agree to abida by these and all requirem the own of Queens. Sanitary swage Disposal Ordinance. 01 an re of rasp si person c� 3n�rOcn7 � �°av �IW �tcncn � cndr � �•,� � t� N 0 0 .0 -j- M rt .r.� M'41 M ( (Da0 H 0 E� GONMWO ojj o M ct is `S � ~h. ► 0 >� r+ ?'W H� N `0 M c+t4 0 m C �" (D � 0 � W 11 to -j.a. j. ►n 0 0 .j. fi 0 M , ` XO 000 `�, Xv N Q 0 rFr* mvcu o r+ � '�0 Is 0 0W � � C � � tnb �,00 -� olZma11 �Crro cn t� ?C' (D3nmmJ0 0 b 10 �N rD �1 n � m30 !� �� � �S 1]A —I �aj. W �' Poi ' 0 �'vc+ cn H ��'� X �' � o ct0 0 I 0. J(Aox a . 12 `gym a� r r �° I� Cup 0 C+ I a < b X (D n 0 M " 9 0 (D' rF I ?a 3 a 0 M(D 0 sv 0 0 J. -4 :3 Dt r+ C 0 N47�0C rm j m OX X z N o c� Pr1 -', o (a `ct M n ! (D (D:(D (D 0 rf rh rh a J 4`e RECEIVED OCT 0 4 2002 w. ,1-,; OF CUEENSBURY m 0 Fs R J 0 rn -- �. --4 a }a%ie seen or observed, or believe l saw evidence of, !)iects such as houses, wells,trees, fences, etc., 1na on this ument. I also epresent that l have lly r�ea re the di es set forth on the iagra ." SIGN TORE DATE_ , 4J4J 0 W r W w 4� 0 .0',0 ' , 0C� � 0 0 .1 so C0 + r r- 'r r" N 0 r"Q N () E 'r a) 0 U a) X A. 0. 4-J t N _j r LY. "" S. N :5 -P X rr, m C N .P A, w lt. 1 0 Gi 4-) 01 4- 0 Q1 a)ZW.CU L, 0 N >- I I a 00 0 Or-WMUcw 004- (1 a �+ V1 V) a .O IL ro aJ CV1 C4J 0 itC» 4J �P 0 a} s. 0 m V) 0 W ul at � H +U V V H Q) t-. ,w V? V) C C C I� C aj �� w Q w 0 r � 4- Na N 0 x 0 0 0 0it � 0 4- 'r 0 0 0 " N N 0 N aL6 04�W N "" +) 0m Cn -P4J +J as 1 M V aOa -C 00 I 0 4-) CM M (! N �Mr- a)z z W 4) 0) W 0 OW 0 L ) C H 0).�;. +J C< C C (0'4- C "O E U 4-) H 04- LOCCINWN00. '0C00U33aCUrc- 010 N "� to 0 ro 0 0 'r MIas (0 -rac00N00G � or* 0 � L• hive seen or observed, .or believe I saw evidence of, �1 )bjects such as houses, wells,trees, fences, etc., E C ,E E D on this do ent. I also repr sent that I have nally Measu d t dista set forth on the M.11 grOCT 0 12002 TOWN OF QUEENSEURY SIGMA RE OBE QA E v ; m C Q 0 s 4 a G) ;C -- 5 C: rn to c 01