PT-0506-2022 Office Use Only Permit#: Town ofQerccnsbury Fee: 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 i P:518-761-8206 or 518-761-8205 Invoice#: Z8 www.gueensbury.net SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM INSPECTION INFORMATION Individual Residential Wastewater Treatment System CONTACT INFORMATION (please print legibly or type and include an email address) Property and Owner Information: (Please attach property survey or tax parcel map) Property address for inspection: ' � 0 . uwce (ceoy 1(j Tax ma �( — p number: `��� C7l� l �� � \ --2� Property owner: c �G 1QcdliL(�V� Mailing Address f(c//s/z): CA80ye? Cell#: �,o �'1_�U,Z Land Line#: 5�V (610-` oecD Email: Sv e r Ue-mo Vq G iblC111 , 6o Y K _Applicant (if different than above): ��.J AUG 15 ZOZZ AUG OF Mailing Address (c/s/z): BVIL�NG$ECO pe1j ES RY Cell#: Land Line#: Email: ❑ Proposed Owner . ❑ Realtor ❑ Attorney ❑ Other (explain: ) I Septic Contractor: Mailing Address (c/s/z): Cell #: Land Line#: Email: Reason for Inspection Request: ❑On the market ❑ Future listing'ASale Pending ❑ Deed Transfer ❑Other: Property Transfer Packet Revised July 2022 ' Property Transfer Sewage Disposal Information Form ' r Town of Queensbury Date: 742 Bay Road,Queensbury, NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net s Us m (Name of Owner/Applicant) Re: Onsite Wastewater Treatment System Inspection Information Request for: 1170 (Site Address for In pection) Thank you for requesting an inspection for the onsite wastewater treatment system (OWTS) located on the property referenced above. We look forward to completing a thorough inspection for you. You can help us do the best job possible by providing some advanced information about the site. Prior to our inspection,we request this completed application, a site map indicating the location of the septic components and confirmation the pre-inspection preparation (see the last page of this packet) will be completed prior to our arrival. Enclosed is a Septic System Inspection Information form, which must be completed, signed and returned to this:office, with tti'e appropriate fee(s) and documentation, prior to scheduling an inspection. Please note the Town•of QJeens`bury's fee for this service is$275. Be advised that all fees must be paid prior to scheduling.thie.ins'pdcction. 'We'require 48 hours notification prior to scheduling the inspection. If the_purchaser,is.requesting'an exemption, please submit this application along with a notarized letter stating the'i septic; system;Will`:'be inspected or repaired/replaced within 6 months from the date of the Property Conveyance-or June 1st of the current, or following year (whichever comes first), a map locating the septic system and payment totaling$2275 ($2000 refundable deposit plus $275 permit fee). The deposit is forfeited if the owner fails to complete the repairs or installation as stated above. If you have any questions, please call. Phone: (518) 761-8256 Email: kated@queensbury.net Thank you. Sincerely, John O'Brien, Director Binding and Code Enforcement Town of Queensbury Property Transfer Packet Revised July 2022 HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION "PLEASE SEE SEPARATE PAGE FOR EXEMPTIONS" # Bedrooms # Bathrooms # Kitchens Jacuzzi'tub(s) Garbage grinder Onsite Wastewater Treatment System: How many systems are on the'property? Year system(s) installed: Tank Size of Septic Tank 1600 qCt Type of Absorption System: Are all system-components wholYwithin the property boundaries? Yyes E]'No l Are system plans available? 14 Yes ❑ No Does the system(s) serve multiple properties? ❑ Yes �No If yes, describe Maintenance: i Service agreement? ❑ Yes No; If yes, business' name Date of last inspection N/A ❑ Date tank last pumped N/A ❑ Frequency of pumping N/A ❑ List known repairs/replacements, with dates: Date Type of Repair/Replacement Operation: System problems? ❑ Yes No Sewage odors? ❑ Yes No Direct surface discharge(s)? ❑ Yes No Back-up of toilets? ❑ Yes No Back-up of any other fixtures? (e.g. slow drains) ❑ Yes No Seasonal ponding or breakout of leach field? ❑ Yes No Property Transfer Packet Revised July 2022 Statement of Acceptance of Conditions: ' I agree to: • Ensure that the septic tank(s), distribution box (es), and/or seepage pit(s), if any, will be uncovered prior to the requested inspection time; • Have a septage hauler on site (to pump the tank after*the inspector verifies flow from fixtures); ➢ Tank must be pumped in presence of inspector • Have an authorized representative present at the site; • Allow the inspector to verify information provided above, and to conduct an inspection of the indicated onsite wastewater treatment system(s), including all system components and interior plumbing in crawl spaces and basements. To the best of my knowledge, the information provided above is accurate and I acknowledge the following: After 1 year from date of submission and there is no activity on this permit, the permit will expire and will be subject to submission of a renewal application and payment of the renewal fee based on the current fee schedule. All fees must be paid PRIOR TO SCHEDULING any inspections. In addition, if the permit is withdrawn 30% of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury. Signature of property owner or authorized agent: Affiliation: owner ❑ agent ❑ other: Please print name: 5VS-R-� J Signature: Date: Prior to scheduling with the Town of Queensbury, you MUST: 1. Schedule a sewage hauler to be on site to pump tank while inspector is on site. Hauler should arrive 30-45 minutes after scheduled time with the Town of Queensbury's Code Enforcement Officer. 2. Expose inlet and outlet of septic tank, and/or'pump station, expose d-box, expose any seepage pit covers. 3. Excavate test hole in leach field if there is no d-box. Property Transfer Packet Revised July 2022 i MWW OWNvO WRH�yA64RLT y Xv.A TS�f 3 ffiO"I sCNpT 6 MMOTS " Qg;162 dpT O p d D [O ET EAFFtE 72" "K COVER Om ALL STRUCIUmes Z Pam tt Q&TISLMON UK OEM Hm OR a L7tAG 1Mt A5anm � PME?m WKL ANA7�ON.Lt1 KL m Oq n»°RTLae DI57�tl�1Tl0tl BGxPEAovum 4ua.USE o ou tmaas.Kc NOT TG SCALE WM WAWCO M L[VO EILS mg � � A Z p° u � v Aum CH v u WILS DATA �b eut Asv� nw r 2o 6 nmm- SAW wl TrWA SILT MVEL. sveN�Rselc 26-W FINE Sarin SILT W/ . :. emuetr rL+' w LARGE BOULDERS NOT LEDGE pry RNG 4� t000A W MOTIL AT 3 TrT OAT WATER AT 45' MCI" PLRGOLATION RATE -V IN 19 HWT[,3P QZMWS ff TEST PIT AND PERCOLATION TEST BY r P LTA BY =MAB NAGS 4116/C* WT To TpA� R6E EjW ROp tRm PA3TAP YoN eWE t w COL ft � � H SEPTiG SYSTEM DF51G�! MODEL 36850l OR awH. m 2 yPUMP OONMUL PACKAGE,yTO�TIE WPPUEO OV FUMP TO BE VOLUME-T iRA'E T. DESIGN FLOW -C:7ISTRNG 2 BEDROOM CAMP BUT DESIGN SYSTEM FOR nn= �. PVIP O1TxC t40 WJ � ABlDOHATtOtt FRO PPE VgJIN2J.ONS 77Jt CF EXPANSION TO 3 WOROMS CALL NEW FAITIJRBS) 330 GAL/DAY SEPTIC TANK -USE LOOO GJLL. TANK ABSORPTION FIELD- TEST FIT WOWS 34(NGMES TO SEASONAL tot GROUNDWATER W �i THGR&ORE USE SHALLOW TRENCt1 SYSTEM WRFt PILL AS RCQUIRD TO MAWAIN.M. $r&T OF TLON FROM BOTTOM eaRWR PA19R14t. P. 7C O .To o TACMum vivvsz rr,' r rws cc � TW001:0 17�at�55T�Mf4�AtKJG1�7 OC 2. Au Unl"TO M OF MUL LCM IL ST41vARD ABSORPTION TM�H PRQf ALE �;�-�• M TO W= MUTT -� yaw m 2'-0' 4'-0- 2'--0• =055 a orf scTOcu�ctorR ON 6L0!!D fiifLS =��Cr9L1�1L rl� l Il2T�yg e ;Iftp. LM IAIM MIM 49 Y�MI ao�ty sTac T .— 6�_p• � rya M srasoMu na+ — PEA Q%m. TOM MMO TMK ouerowame��evanar MOT TO boAtti STAt &W—ASSM110N'[$ }SECTION --- or To gMz tg " 4 $' INS, a g t - PERCOLATION RATE 1'r N 19 MN. SO SEC.v - M UNEAL FEET OF ABSORPTION TRENCH REGURED. - USE 5 LATERALS EACH 50' LONG 250 L.F. TOTAL. ABSORBTION TRCNC1 Fu NARM SHAM BE of We Wr STANDARD ABSOWMN.TMM) MICAMM A5 MUG IN. LN MTNG SOL TO SEED CROWN um 5LOK5 DRANAGE SWALC ONUtSJ Of£LOPED sas 48' MN.TO NICK GROUNDWATER• ROCK OR WERIA S SOL RENOK LGKS.ROOTS.RANfS A!O ORGAN:LX8 &RCN'SLW=f"m TO 5PREAlRIG ru MAMA. SHALLOW ABSORPTION TRENCH 5Y5TEM NOT TO SOALE WETA1ER St7uGT10N terWmL E715TtiG fl1011D AND W LWK NGT QI41DytAm MtOR=OR lfOTVT s Sa b LESS THAN Li'*A GNAW MAN 4'.rMCLATO RATE Of L9*W SM Nor K FASTER TNJW Go MM$E5. AS BUILT �1q��ox scaEE►+ pDRC►+ IW M.TO LEACKMW 00, N+J*WOAM n A W O S 7�• 34, � 265149' gCAs ,0 16 m m FLAN 6pGpT10py �brip SCOaet y'+�+xp YA SU CGIU OF pD by J%lw 6/roof /'s`� 0 w LAW