2002-881 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20010881 Application Number: A20020881 Tax Map No: 523400-301-020-0002-039-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: ZOTTA. A-NNF.C. For property located at: 17 QUEEN ANN Ct in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place - at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: A VIVI e- -IE0-,�46 Residential Alteration 500.00 1-7 Oman 14VXV1 C*. Total Value 500.00 Qu--ef-n5bli NY Contractor or Builder's Name Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications BP 2002-881 Construction of skylights as per plot plan and specifications. $40.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,October 25,2003 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of_Queensbu%, Friday,October 25,2002 SIGNED BY A the Town of Queensbury. VV --�\IN Director of Building&0 MeE, rcement OAt 08 OE 10: 00a Ramada Inn Lake George 518-668-3131 p. E i ,v•,u..,v u� v�� 4rv3t>vn I rHA-slug f4to 446f Building Permit Application To-n of Queentbury-Dept of Coti nunity Develhpmcnt,742 Trey!toad,Queenstlury,NY A permit Ympt be obteieod buforc bojinnins comtmolion. Permit File No.,?0022 ^- No inapcatton wilt be made ulttl applicant hat received it For,Pwd3 S valid building peanut. All applicants'spaces on this Rtu;.FCC poid applmseton must be complmd and must appeir on the, Reviewed Hy: appitcattea ton'd. / �] / '} Applicant✓/t!)tJf. 4:fG� 'r CnNncc: z_/9 ?[' C C.- �� Addrea4: J "J t. Lrt�t*r Address: 3 lbi.r Phone#i 51 K}tom,• ' i( Phone Email Addretis: I •c 0 rv) 'mail Address: )) _ rropsrty Location: Lot Number: / Housa Nu bar�l`. }t,{f=• yf1 rl�.C1 Gt r—� Subdivision Name: V/'"457r. r`r ri7` Tax Map Nwubor; Sot) o New T3oildlns: rceidonac I eomntsrelal Estimated Market vulua of Canatntation:Y--,////�{rl a Addition: roldeaoa I camnareia �' 0 u AlterapOn: resldcaea!t emmarelsi !fun Addition,what will u4c Dow addidont ba l work 0t+<1 IQ akr mor stza Otiwr roe: / orti 1 � � rlr(dascrl6a•5� % 1 a V "'�} t ! VP Chock Ocoapaocyiaformot on t @taor = Flvor . 0thorrtoor !but }� Below sq,tt, sq.it. ln.it. bguera Fast o Sln lt:family dwellin �i '= 0 11vo fmnily dweuin _ /eC7 "COwrs114ws _Uti7 _j el e.0 n Mttld€unily dwelleng R of tatits, a Of fie" " u Moraaittiie `t�,' 1 a Man�ufaeritr_l_a� ,p Q l car d- ZJ 2 car darachatt saraitc Q �3 oarsar dsra t oar sttattbad , a 2 oar attaahsd � 3 9 got a�,a s - O Stotagebuildins- • comnttrrcial a 5torase building- roeldanriat I Other What it tba proposed hel10t of the structure feet lrichas Will any seoond•hand or unstadal lumber bs used? If ao,for wheel Type of PIaatinR 9ystcui ele aia off r$op wood I forced hot air t bameboard I other: NumberofFirnim to bo installed J -_{ Nt,mber Af��to be inarollad Mat bolow the pmon(s)rtsponei We for supervision of work at resatds to building codes: !dame Actdr ae _Phone Number_ Build Plea L4 on _ • Electrlatim z ry -Declaration; please sign below after you have:carefully read the statement: `� �"l� To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application,toge the plans and specifications submitted,are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code,the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with,whether specified or noted,and that such work is au orized by the owner, 1<urther,it is understood that Uwe shall submit,prier to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certific of Compliance being issued,as requested by the Zoning Administrator or Director of Building and Cod s,an s Built S'ury by a licensed surveyor;drawn to scale,showing actual location of all new construction. - Signature: owner,owner's agent,architect, tractor Oo-,t 08,*02 10: 00a Ramada Inn Lake George 518-668-3131 P. 3 �,181/01/2002 10:37 518745420f1 JDAVIDBUILD PAGE 01 n A Z, David Builders Sons FRAMiNG C) SPECIALISTS 1 Commercial&Fwsidcntial .......................................... nA �, � f 6 7 I S(F (b J.DAVID ROTHERMEL 30 QUEEN IA60k cIDURT •QUEEKSURY,N�12W4 PHONE..518-7454200 0 CELL-51"s7•a742 Cot ITA02 O3: 21p Ramada Inn Lake George 518-668-313 p.2 d �":zu - PIS: k N t c.`rL David.Builders k5ons 0 • '� FRAMING {) SPECIALISTS C -OZr th .,4— AR ...,,. L'1 t • , �^r' t ^"+SwJr..�ws.—r• ....r..b...k.�w.�.�w�w.t .an........... MrF+.a.• I • ,.Mf,�aw�r:n S..N b.M`M..NI./..ru..v ut,.'M .� E C op if • r�� tt 1 is i se0 on Our iiMited c{?rrl trance with Our comment.,shall nct be con,trued as indicsfin e " ' - '�• Pans and specifications are i full cc,".-4lance t�ith the code . BUILDING & a _ t REVIEWED By DATE �9 ' J.OW10 ROTHERM9L f•30 QUEEN ANNE COLM,• ;WEEN58U#iK NY 12OW a PHONE`'518. Q00 CELL-51$857•d7�2?4�d