SOLAR-0044-2022 ;'fr Office Use Only Permit#: c -- z Permit Fee:$ ? c- J' 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Invoice#: A�m Flood Zone? Y Reviewed B . SOLAR PANEL PERMIT APPLICATION SITE INFORMATION: Project Location: 1631 Ridge Road Tax Map ID#: 266.3-1-25 Subdivision Name: PROJECT INFORMATION: Re Vntial:Q Commercial Other: lV_ISingle Family Multi-Family Are the solar panels? W1 Purchased Leased Estimated cost of construction: $69,828.00 Total System Capacity Rating (sum of all panels): Solar PV System: 20.16 kw DC Select System Configuration: Supply side connection with micro inverters FEB 0 9 2022 X Supply side connection with DC optimizers 'TO UILDO .QUEENSBua N'G& CODES Y Supply side connection with string inverter X Load side connection with DC optimizers Load side connection with micro inverters Load side connection with string inverter Solar Panel Application Revised January 2021 DECLARATION: 1. 1 acknowledge that no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans,additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn, 30%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. If the work is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, .subject to fees and department approval. 4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 5. A third-party electrical inspection will be completed at which time the Town of Queensbury's Building and Codes Enforcement department will be contacted to complete an inspection of the final installation of the solar panels. Please sign below to affirm that all answers are correct and that you have met all of the conditions and requirements to submit a unified solar permit. I have read and agree to the above: See attached Homeowner's Signature Date 2/4/2022 olar Co. Representative Signature Date Solar Panel Application Revised January 2021 DocuSign Envelope ID:E0588156-D3FE-4B49-975D-3B55BC5BA5B8 279 Broadway Building#2 _ 8,8selmar7, J Menands,NY 12204 (518)-478-8365 (518)-953-1095 Fax Brandy Tennyson (Customer) hereby authorize Kasselman Solar LLC,to act as customer,agent&contractor,and to submit all necessary permit applications and supporting documents to the Town Building Department on my behalf. Brandy Tennyson Customer Name(Print) DocuSigned by: �Aan, fi Sbtn, us f wftRkure> 1631 Ridge Road Queensbury New York 12804 Customer Address Queensbury Municipality that issues your Building Permit DocuSigned by: .dl� eyp,,y K [fflff r-RdWEmployee Signature CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Property Owner(s): Name(s): Brandy Tennyson Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 1631 Ridge Road, Queensbury, New York 12804 Cell Phone: _(518 )824-1147 Land Line: _( ) _ Email: • Solar Contractor: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with'this application Business Name: Kasselman Solar, LLC Contact Name: Loreen Harvey Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 279 Broadway bldg 2, Menands, NY 12204 Cell Phone: _(518 )478-3906 Land Line: _( ) Email:LHarvey@kasselmansolar.com • Electrical Contractor: Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application Business Name: Kasselman Solar, LLC Contact Name: Ernesto(Gino)Cimmino Mailing Address, C/S/Z: 279 Broadway bldg 2, Menands, NY 12204 Cell Phone: _( 518 )368-3196 Land Line: _( . _) Email:ginoc@kasselmansolar.com Contact Person for Compliance in regards to this project: Loreen Harvey Cell Phone: ( 518 )478-3906 Land Line: Email:LHarvey@kasselmansolar.com Solar Panel Application Revised January 2021 Solar Panel Plan Review IAll wiring in conduit 18" from ridgeline and valleys Two T foot access ways from ground to ridge one side of roof Rapid shutdown shown /UlA-roof commercial in compliance with section 1203.4 of fire code Labeling of conduit and panels Battery storage in attached garages and Utility Closets separation '/" on wall and 5/8" on �)( ceiling if living space above Battery storage on exterior walls located a minimum 3 feet from doors and windows. Individual battery storage system units shall have a maximum rating of 20 kWh. The aggregate rating shall not exceed: �40 kWh within utility closets and storage or utility spaces x80 kWh in attached or detached garages and detached accessory structures N773.80 kWh on exterior walls. --F,"4.80 kWh outdoors on the ground access isles required Heat detector interconnected to the smoke alarm in building Rooms and areas containing battery storage systems 5/8" Type X, installed on the walls and ceiling of the room Indoor installations exhaust ventilation required for other than lithium-ion Bollards for impact protection Revised 1/24/2022 2/4/2022 Customer: Brandy Tennyson 1631 Ridge Road Address: Queensbury,,New York 12804 Phone: ...SOLARARRAV ......................................................................................... (518)824-1147" 9 QCell 480 W modules 42 Well 480 W Modules 9 SolarEdge P 505 Power Optimizers 42 SolarEdge P 505 Power Optimizers ......---------------------------------------------------------GARAGE.-.-.-........--......--...-.--...-....-....-..--...........--..--.--.-.---.---------.-----; 1 10k SolarEdge HD Wave Inverter alorHmaz 10k 1 7.6k SolarEdge HD Wave Inverter 1- 2 SolarEdge HD Wave Inverter SolarEdge Stand alone EV Charger 9 QCell 480 W modules DC #8/3 RX y stem Size(kW)) 20.16 S 9 SolarEdge P 505 Power Optimizers AC SOlA8CPM11NER MSF! 100A BUS 200A BUS 100A MAIN a1oTNwN-z #2 SER 40 am seu Y 2 60 (� 12 Well 480 W modules 7.6k UtIlity: National Grid 12 SolarEdge P 505 Power Optimizers SolarEdge HD Wave Inverter Backfed breaker dedicated to PV ONLY Acct# 80852-27110 elorHwN�z X. AC #6/3 RX Meter#32848783 ii------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 QCell 480 W modules 12 SolarEdge P 505 Power Optimizers �- 010 THWN-2 1 Z Kasselman Solar 279 Broadway Bldg.2 <?.� `.k.aS S e man;oL.Au -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Menands,NY 12204 518-320-7669 Site Design Conditions Basic Wind Speed: 108 MPH Max.Leg Axial Bearing: S,B65 lbs. (R Bosic Wiisk Category nd Speed:II) 101 MPH Max.Leg Uplift: 2.815 lbs. (Risk Category 1) Exposure Category: C Max.Lateral Resistance: 2.245 lbs. Ground Snow Load: 50 PSF Top Rail Max.loading: 154.1 plf Flat Roof Snow Load: N/A Helical Pile Depth: 60'Min (if applicable) Site Contour. a Dr sx,ro lateral Resistance Plate Sze: Not Rsq'd All design work has been performed In accordance with the 2020 Building Code of New York State affective May 12.2020,Including but not limited to.the 2018 International Building Code with state directed modifications. PLAN VIEW Net design pressures were calculated in accordance with ASCE 7-16 section NOT TO SCALE 27.4.3.'Open Buildings with Monoslope,Pitched,or Troughed Roofs: All load cases were evaluated in determining the limiting design conditions. The data table above provides the results for the limiting load case. Maximum leg reaction(areas represent the highest load condition seen by any leg in the structure. Al legs in the structure are designed to meet the maximum load eondtiona. 6Lx7C Sub—Array Design Conditions Front Leg Height: 42' Array Tilt Angle: 26 Degrees Rear Leg Height: 104li Overall Array East—West Dim: 51'-1' North—South Leg Spacing: 127,% Number of Modules/Sub—Array: 42 West Span Leg Spacing: 13•-6• Number of Sub—Arrays: 1 East Span Leg Spacing: 13'-6- Module Columns/Sub—Array: 7 Quantity Center Spans: 1 Number of Module Rows: 6 Center Span Leg Spacing: 13'-6' Module Orientation: Landscape East&West Overhang: 4'-1' Module Column Spacing Overall Beam Length: 48'-8- Module Row Spacing Front Edge Ground Clearance: 28' Module Model: Q.PEAK DUO XL—G10,d Horizontal Rail Material: 5'x474'HSS Module Sae: 41.14'x 87.24' Top Rail Material: SF HD—Rails Individual Module Rating: 480 watt Qly Rails per Panel: 2 Sub Array Power Rating: 20.16 kw Top Rail Length: 254' Total Power Rating: 20.16 kw, Top Rail Center Span: 142' Top Rail Overhangs: 56' N�W�Q 1 a F �t o>353t a RoFEs�s�o�r Sheet 1 of 3 Kasselman Solar LLC Solar Foundations USA Date Revision Drawn By: Review By: 02/03/2022 Original JB JD Project:Re. Tennyson Residence 1631 Ridge Road 1142 River Road,New Castle,DE 19720 Ph:(355)733-7200 Fax:(366)614-5665 Queensbury,NY 12804 rep R.ow.lnrg Overall East-West ➢f West Overhang West Spa o— enter Spa —East Spa nst Overhang Top Rol Cen m Span 109Y 26 T.Rea u,,,r„,p Rear Le Height Front Leg Height zR• aer`:r�eo wo sld o Ms[�ee.el 4ndn Refer to Dwg Sheet I for East-West Pile Spans and Front and Rear Leg Heights. SIDE ELEVATION DETAIL POST SPACING ELEVATION DETAIL N.T.S N.T.S JH SF ROY fostened to Tube steel Wth i• SIXor Foundotb¢` Got vordzed U-bolt or(D 1'x20 Elm➢rill Flex TF Ra q Vn,pe,Ryrea U-ed to(2) steel] MI Nx Se1F Toppt�R Screes or eginl. For SF Roll Self Topp4p Suess ar vgwL For rl Boll lergtM h excess of IB'-0•,use(2)U-bolts IenptM In excrss of 14'-n•,use<e)U is Sxlxl'HSS TT Steel,(Iol—&[d �xt:pj�=Tube Stem,FalvoN.d Fun Penetrotlon Groove Welded SWlces rill Penetrotm f *Vended Spaces HSS Fastened to Top cop meh M2• NSS Fostered to Too COP Ott,1l• 1y' Seh 40 14' Holt, Gblvvu:ed u-Holt Gmvani[ed u-sat Diagonal Brace, TYp•2 Galvanized places Hdt, 3 Grade G^wv+z[aC.a lo�r�i,n`wi`vw ed�o LOWER CAP DETAIL UPPER CAP DETAIL N.T.S N.T.S 2k Sch 40 HellCnl Pile, All locations,Typ. � Capacities per Site Design '���G NO Data Table � OLC 9jr Minimum 60'Depth or Until Load Bearing Strata Reached Z HELICAL PILE DETAIL N.T.SOFES$�ONi* Sheet 2 of 3 Kasselman Solar LLC Dare Revision Drawn By: Review By:02/03/2022 Original JB JD Project: Solar Foundations USA Tennyson Residence 1142 River Rwd,New Cache,DE 19T20 Ph:(855)734-71D0 Fax:(866)614-5665 1631 Ridge Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Specification Requirements, The following material specification requirements pertain to the 2-1/2' Above Grade Lead Extension fabrication of the Solar Foundations USA ground mount solar North Columns May Use Threaded Heights set per design table. support structure as Indicated on these drawings. Coupling in Place of Weld, Coupling 60 to be located Above the Wind Brace 1. Solar Foundation aluminum rails shall conform to ASTM 13221. 2. Structural steel tubing shall be ASTM A500 High Yield (60 ksi). 3. Steel pipe for plies shall conform to ASTM A500 Grade C. 4. Steel pile extensions shall be ASTM A53 Grade B. 5. Steel pipe for diagonal bracing shall be ASTM A53 Grade A. 6. Fabricated steel plate for column cap assemblies, bracing North Columns May Use Threaded clamps, etc. shall be ASTM A36 or AI011. Coupling In Place of Weld, Coupling 7. Steel bolts for cap fasteners shall conform to SAE J429 60 p g Grade 5. All other bolts shall conform to SAE J429 Grade 5 to be located Above the Wind Brace or better. 8. Steel U-bolts shall conform to ASTM 1D18, 9. USS flat steel washers shall conform to ASTM F844 and nuts for steel connections shall conform to ASTM A563 Grade A. 10. All field welding shall conform to AWS D1,1/D1.IM -Structural Welding Code requirements. 11, All steel shall be hot-dip galvanized per ASTM A123 or A153 after all fabrication has been completed. Installation Requirements- 1. The minimum average installation torque required to obtain the required Indicated capacities and the minimum Installation depth shown on the plans shall be satisfied prior to termination of �2-1/2' Sch 40 Lend Section 2-1/2' Sch 40 Lead Section the Installation. The Installation torque shall be an average of the Installation torques Indicated during the last 1 foot of Installation. 2. The torsional strength rating of the torque anchor shall not be exceeded during the installation. If the torsional strength limit of the anchor has been reached, but the Continuous Flight Helix anchor has not reached the target depth, perform the Increase Size as needed to obtain J'x19' Helicoid Length Typical. Single Flight Helix, Typical. following: When used In high density soils, Bearing Capacities 2.1. If the torsional strength limit Is achieved prior to rocky solls or bedrock, pre-drill reaching the target depth, the Installation may be the pile location with a 3-1/2' acceptable If reviewed and approved by the engineer rock drill or rock auger as needed and/or owner. 2.2. The Installer may remove the torque anchor and Install n new one with smaller diameter helical plate. 2.3. If using a continuous flight pile, pre-drill the pile location with a 3-1/2' rock auger.or 3-5/8' rock drill as needed. G N 3. If the target depth is achieved, but the torsional () W Y requirement has not been met the Installer may do one of HELICAL PILE DETAIL G, DpU O,p ;the following- a� * 7` 4n <� N * 3.1, Install the torque anchor deeper to obtain the required N.T.S. "`�t�' 2 3.2. Removcapace the torque anchor and Install a new one with a .r q larger diameter helical plate or one with multiple hellcat > ;, K plates. 'Ch 3,3. Reduce the load capacity on the Individual torque anchor cO 073535 by providing additional torque anchors at a reduced `asO F SSI NP4 spacing. � Ed Sheet 3 of 3 Kasselman Solar LLC Date Revision Drawn By: Review By: Solar Foundations USA 02/03/2022 Original JB ID Project: C Tennyson Residence 1631 Ridge Road 1142 River Road,New Castle,DE 19720 Ph:(855)738-7200 Fax:(866)6 -5665 Queensbury,NY 12804 Tennyson Residence t--A ►—g 0'-0" 46'/" ; ® 13'-6" 27'-0" 40'-6" 5'-3'/z' El � 1 spans of � < --�®<-- 5'-3'/P 134' ® 13'-6" s 13'-6" t t t 1273/4' i 4 V-10'/Z' r r t B 40'-6" 54" ®, i W ,�® Diagonal 6Lx7C sub-array 54'-6" South Edge 1• an 7(a): s °� • 13 -1.,LABEL,PV DC.DISCONNECT OPERATING SPEC, �I •. �.� .NNECT ! MAINNING PLACE,1 PERINV;ERTER_ t:irmilmne 'Nnarm, 1, PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM 2•WARNING,LABEL,DC,PLACE:-I'PER-JNVERTER AND RATE6MPPCURRENT AMPS - -- DC JUNCTION.BOX_ 7(b)_ _ �` COMBINER PANEL RATED MPP VOLTAGE VOLTS DO NOT ADD LOADS 3.WARNING LABEL,,DC,PLACE 1,,EVERY 10'OF MAX SYSTEM VOLTAGE VDC . . CONDUIT,REFLECTIVE- MAX CIRCUIT CURRENT AMPS 4:LABEL:INDICATING PV HAS RAPID SHUTDOWN, 2. PLACE 1 ON.METER 8 ','REFLECTIVE_ . d 1J�1A I N I N CSOLAR DISCGNNECT� 5.LABEL INDICATING MAIN BREAKER HAS BEEN .ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD, DOWNSIZED;=PLACE'l NEAR11AIN. ,TERMINALSONTHE LINEAND_ - 6.,W GARNIN LABEL,JNDICATING KIETER IS`BACK'F- ED LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED' 9 IN THE OPEN POSITION;; • 1 L BY.PV,.PLACE 1ON.METER. DO NOT RELOCATE 7(a)(b).LABEL INDICATING WHERE PVDISCONNECT IS LOCATED;PLACE 1'ON METER.VERBAGE VARIES PER 3. . . • • • THIS OVER CURRENT SITE. DEVICE S.LABEL INDICATING PV DISCONNECT;PLACE1 ANYWHERE PV CAN BE DISCONNECTED;REFLECTIVE. 4_ . • 1051) WAX = 9.LABEL INDICATING PV OVER CURRENT DEVICE, PLACE 1 NEAR ALL PV BREAKERS EXCEPT MAIN. EQUI"PPE D WITH TURN OFF PHOTOVOLTAIC 10.WARNING LABEL,AC,PLACE 1 PER AC JUNCTION RAPID !• AC DISCONNECT PRIOR TO BOX;COMBINER PANEL,DISCONNECTS,ALL WOF3KING INSIDE PANEL ELECTRICAL LOAD CENTERS_ H.LABEL,PV,AC DISCONNECT-OPERATING'SPEC, 5: 1• • ► �� � • 41. PHOTOVOLTAIC • • • � PLACE'f AT ALL LOCATIONS PV AC CAN BE 1� 'o' • r r o 1 0 DISCONNECTED: I I AC DISCONNEc '12.WARNING LABEL,PLACE'l ON COMBINER PANEL, DISCONNECT;OR TAP LOCATION:' RATED AC OUTPUT CURRENT A A i \N'!' \ NOMINALOPERATINGACVOLTAGE V '13'1NARNIN'6LAf3EL;PLACE 1 ON COIl181N[R PANEL. "NOTE-LABELS ARE SITE SPECIFIC. _. pp THIS SERVICE METERV`JAI�,IrIING IS ALSO SERVED BY A PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM DUAL POWER SUPPLY- SOURCES-1 UTILITY GRID AND PV SOLAR ELECTRIC SYSTEM Ksassolrnan;Solar,.LLc '279 BroadvdaY Bk1g 2 AI sands;NY'2204: (518)320-7669'1: f powered by_ c �- r DUO4E5 - f: _.�-�-�--�°' —� � _.a�nmtum�tuu�►nunu�ut;<u � �� • ..�-"�`°` +r _ iF - -t . -,ram,�- .1013� �1 �.... '� - L. I _ �; TOP?BRANDP • •' i c Ep A 2020 a CELLS Yield Security A BREAKING THE 21%EFFICIENCY BARRIER Q.ANTUM DUO Z Technology with zero gap cell layout boosts �W1LL module efficiency up to 21.6%. LOW ELECTRICITY GENERATION COSTS ! O Higher yield per surface area,lower BOS costs and up to 80 watts more module power than standard 144 half-cell modules. ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE ' Long-term yield security with Anti LID Technology,Anti PID ( Technology',Hot-Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.Q'"^. e f EXTREME WEATHER RATING High-tech aluminium alloy frame,certified for high snow(5400 Pa)and wind loads(2400 Pa). ) 1 A RELIABLE INVESTMENT (V J Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year s \/ linear performance warrantyz. l STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY ° Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation and innovative 12-busbar design with Q.ANTUM Technology. 9 a 'APT test conditions according to IEC/TS 62804-1:2015,method B(-1500V,168 h) 2 See data sheet on rear for further information. E E E D FER p 9 2022 THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: Grouned solarp werpl plants -rOwN OF OUEENSBURY 49 solar power plants - BUILDING &CODES Engineered in Germany CELLS MECH A N!CAL SPEC!F!CAT!0%I 1z Format 2216mm x 1045mm x 35mm(including frame) Q Weight 26.5kg luemm j7 Front Cover 3.2mm thermally pre-stressed glass with ° _ _ `� anti-reflection technology Back Cover Composite film 1r__7 ° a J Frame Anodised aluminium W Cell 6 x 26 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM solar half cells Junction box 53-101mm x 32-60mm x 15-18mm Protection class IP67,with bypass diodes Cable 4mmz Solar cable;(+)2:700mm,(-)2:350mm• �,... +,Mm,w°aary[rulq Connector Stbubli MC4-Evo2,Hanwha Q CELLS HQC4;IP68 'Long cables(+)>_1450mm,(-)a1450mm for landscape ��mm I QI�mm I O�I°mm Installation are available upon request. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER CLASS:-- 475.= 4130,<' =`..' 485,'_.:..:` `. `:,490.'; .', ..'_ -495;' MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS,STC'(POWER TOLERANCE+5 W/-0 W) Power at MPP' P,`Pp [W] 475 480 485 490 495 E Short Circuit Current' Isc (A) 11.24 11.26 11.29 11.31 11.34 E Open Circuit Voltage' Voc, [V] 53.58 53.61 53.64 53.68 53.71 5 Current at MPP IMpp [A] 10.66 10.71 10.76 10.81 10.86 Voltage at MPP VmPP [VI 44.54 44.81 45.07 45.33 45.59 Efficiency' q [%] 2:20.5 2:20.7 2!20.9 a21.2 z21.4 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS,NMOT' Power at MPP PMpp [W] 356.4 360.1 363.9 367.6 371.4 E Short Circuit Current Ise [A] 9.05 9.07 9.09 9.12 9.14 E Open Circuit Voltage Voc IV] 50.53 50.56 50.59 50.62 50.65 c Current at MPP IwP [A] 8.39 8.43 8.47 8.52 8.56 Voltage at MPP VMpp IV] 42.49 42.72 42.94 43.17 43.39 'Measurement tolerances P, ±3%;Isc,Voc±5%at STC:1000 W/m',25±2°C,AM 1.5 according to IEC 60904-3.1800 W/m',NMOT,spectrum AM 1.5 �CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY;' ; :r'':`� :.,. :::. �..,.. :,. PERFORMANCE_AT.LOW:IRRADIANCE��:`-_�' ;'..` _:.:." '' .`- ---- $3 At least 98%of nominal power dur- iH i i I Ing first year.Thereafter max.0.5% to o LL o „ ------- ------------------------------- degradation per year.At least 93.5% ' r U __L_____L LL 10a of nominal power up to 10 years.At least 86%of nominal power up to w w g a ----------- - - 25 years. ______•_ _________ _______.__ All data within measurementtoler- • "-` -" antes.Full warranties In accordance eo I f I with the warranty terms of the aoo 400 coo soo loud o Q CELLS sales organisation of your IRRADIANCE(WI.-] respective country. YEARS Typical module performance under low irradiance conditions in comparison to STC conditions(25°C,1000 W/m�. _. .... ITEMPERATURECOEFF,ICIENTS. '. - _ = =" � '- - Temperature Coefficient of]so D [%/K] +0.04 Temperature Coefficient of Voc p [%/K] -0.27 Temperature Coefficient of P,,,pp y [%/K] -0.34 Nominal Module Operating Temperature NMOT [°C] 43±3 i o PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum System Voltage Vsys IV] 1500 PV module classification Class II 0 Maximum Reverse Current Is [A] 20 Fire Rating based on ANSI/UL 61730 C/TYPE 1 0 Max.Design Load,Push/Pull [Pa] 3600/1600 Permitted Module Temperature -40°C-+85°C on Continuous Duty x Max.Test Load,Push/Pull [Pa] 5400/2400 o QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES ei N IEC 61215:2016; O IEC 61730:2016. F This dataDIN EN et 503omplies rc� \ O with DIN EN 50380. Y�e1o1and Cerfffication in process. ioii,`,amir Note:Installation Instructions must be followed.See the Installation and operating manual or contact our technical service department for further Information on approved Installation and ° use of this product. 0 Hanwha 0 CELLS GmbH - Sonnenallee 17-21,06766 Bltterfeld-Wolfen,Germany I TEL+49(0)3494 66 99-23444 1 FAX+49(0)3494 66 99-23000 1 EMAIL sales@q-cells.com I WEB www.q-cells.com Engineered in Germany OCELLS " ^ P 0*" w, ­ ,e 0 t ��� optimization �� *� ^�^� U U U x � K������)� �� ux��o^�xu�n��K� =~ �on�� ��v�x���n��—n�M��n o- � I Specifically designed to work with So|arEdge Fast installation with a single bolt inverters I Next generation maintenance with module- Up to25Y6momenergy level monitoring I Superior efficiency (99.S%) 1 Meets NEC requirements for arc fault protection V\F[Dand Photovoltaic Rapid / Mitigates all types of module mismatch losses, Shutdown System (PVRSS) from manufacturing tolerance to partial shading I Module-level voltage shutdown for installer / Flexible system design for maximum space and firefighter safety utilization �����N ��' so|aredge.conn ��)��V0���0 -=@@ ~ / Power Optimizer For North America P320 / P340 / P370 / P400 / P401 / P405 / P485 / P505 P37.1 1 .,/ (for higher-•. 1 I (for high- (for high 411 1 1 power (typical module . .1 •. . ./ (for high- rl (for high- (for higher modules)60 and 72- 96-cell voltage t voltage current compatibility) I modules) 1 60-cell and 72 cell modules) cell •• • modules) modules) (.INRUT Rated Input DC Powertn 320 340 370 400 405 485 505 W Absolute Maximum Input Voltage 48 60 80 60 1250) 83R) Vdc (Voc at lowest temperature) MPPT Operating Range 8-48 8-60 8-80 8-60 12,5-105 12.5-83 Vdc Maximum Short Circuit Current(Isc) 11 10.1 11.75 11 14 Adc Maximum Efficiency 99.5 9. Weighted Efficiency 98.8 98.6 % Overvoltage Category II OUTPx T'DURING OPERATION.(0"b ER 00TI liER`;CONNECTED TO QPERATING;SOLAREDGEINVERTER) Maximum Output Current 15 Adc Maximum Output Voltage 60 85 Vdc OUTPUT-DURING STANDBX;.(POWER'OPi IMIZER°DISCONNECT ED FROM SOLAREDGE INVERTER',OR SOLAREDGE iNV,ERTER OFF); , . . . , Safety Output Voltage per Power 1±0.1 Udc Optimizer STANDARD C6 PLIANCE EMC FCC Part15 Class B,IEC61000-6-2,IEC61000-6-3 Safety IEC62109-1(class Il safety),UL1741 Material UL94 V-0,UV Resistant ROHS Yes INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIQNS=f Maximum Allowed System Voltage 1000 Vdc Compatible inverters All SolarEdge Single Phase and Three Phase inverters Dimensions 129 x 153 x 33.5 129 x 153 x 29.5 129 x 162 x 59/ mm (WxLxH) 129x153x27.5/S.lx6x1.1 /5.1x6x1.3 /5.1x6x1.16 129x159x49.5/5.1x6.3x1.9 5.1x6.4x2.3 /in Weight(including cables) 630/1.4 1 750/1.7 1 655/1.5 845/1.9 1064/2.3 gr/Ib Input Connector MC40) Single or dual MC4p1 MC4n1t41 Input Wire Length 0.16/0.52 m/ft Output Wire Type/Connector Double Insulated/MC4 Output Wire Length 0.9/2.95 1.2/3.9 m/ft Operating Temperature Range") -40-+85/-40-+185 Protection Rating IP68/NEMA6P Relative Humidity 0-100 % (1)Rated power of the module at STC will not exceed the optimizer'Rated Input DC Power'.Modules with up to+5%power tolerance are allowed (2)NEC 2017 requires max input voltage be not more than 80V (3)For other connector types please contact SolarEdge (4)For dual version for parallel connection of two modules use P485-4NMDMRM.In the case of an odd number of PV modules in one string,installing one P485 dual version power optimizer connected to one Pv module.When connecting a single module seal the unused input connectors with the supplied pair of seals. (5)For ambient temperature above+85°C/+185°F power de-rating is applied,Refer to Power Optimizers Temperature De-Rating Technical Note for more details, PV System Design Using Single Phase Three Pha se for Three se for SolarEdge Single phase 1: • • :l' Minimum String Length P320,P P370, P400,P401 8 10 18 01 (Power Optimizers) P405,P485,P505 6 8 14 Maximum String Length(Power Optimizers) 25 25 5001 5700(6000 with Maximum Power per String SE7600-US-SE11400- 5250 6000(9 127500G) W US) Parallel Strings of Different Lengths or Orientations I Yes (6)For detailed string sizing information refer to:http://www.solamdge.com/sites/default/files/string_sizing na.pdf (7)It is not allowed to mix P40S/P485/P505 with P320/P34D/P370/P400/P401 in one string (8)A string with more than 30 optimizers does not meet NEC rapid shutdown requirements;safety voltage will be above the 30V requirement (9)For 208V grid:it is allowed to install up to 7,2DOW per string when the maximum power difference between each string is 1,DDOW (10)For 277/480V grid:it is allowed to install up to 15,000W per string when the maximum power difference between each string is 2,000W ®SolarEdge Technologies Ltd.All rights reserved.SOLAREDGE,the SolarEdge logo,OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies,Inc AM. RoHS All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respectiveowners.Date:07/2020NO2/ENG NAM.Subject to change without notice. Intertek nve-rte r g with HD-Wave T_ h hol:o rfor North km errca SE3000HUS /. SE3800H US / SE5000H-US % SE6000H US / _ SE76OOH-US / SEIOOOOH US / SE11400H-US i - _ } S ' - p I r iA -,SO�a� S0�0f�s 'Z mow_: 4_ 4 4J` 0 i Optimized installation with HD-Wave technology / Specifically designed to work with power optimizers / UL1741 SA certified,for CPUC Rule 21 grid compliance / Record-breaking 99%weighted efficiency / Small, lightweight, and easy to install both outdoors or indoors / Quick and easy inverter commissioning directly from a smartphone using the SolarEdge SetApp / Built-in module-level monitoring / Fixed voltage inverter for longer strings / Optional: Faster installations with built-in consumption metering (1%accuracy) and / Integrated arc fault protection and rapid shutdown production revenue grade metering (0.5% accuracy, for NEC 2014, NEC 2017 and NEC 2020 per article ANSI C12.20) 690.11 and 690.12 solaredge.com solar=@@ Single Phase Inverter with HD-Wave Technology for North America SE3000H-US SE380OH-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US/ SE760OH-US SE1000OH-US / SE1140OH-US MODEL NUMBER SE300OH-US SE380OH-US SE500OH-US I SE600OH-Us SE760OH-US OOOOH-US SE11400H_ _US L APPLICABLE TO INVERTERS SEXXXXH-XXXXXBXX4 WITH PART NUMBER Rated AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 5000 6000 @ 240V 7600 10000 11400 @ 240V VA 3300 @ 208V 5000 @ 208V 10000 @ 208V I Maximum AC Power Output 3000 3800 @ 240V 5000 6000 @ 240V 7600 10000 11400 @ 240V VA 3300 @ 208V 5000 @ 208V 10000 @ 208V I AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max. ✓ ✓ ✓ [Va, (211-240-264) AC Output Voltage Min.-Nom.-Max. ✓ Vac (183-208-229) 1 AC Frequency(Nominal) 59.3-60-60.50) Hz Maximum Continuous Output 12.5 16 21 25 32 42 47.5 A Current @240V Maximum Continuous Output - 16 - 24 48.5 A Current @208V Power Factor 1,Adjustable-0.85 to 0.85 GFDI Threshold 1 A Utility Monitoring,Islanding Protection, Yes Country Configurable Thresholds Maximum DC Power @240V 4650 1 5900 7750 1 9300 11800 �1551 17650 W - 5100 - 7750 15500 W Maximum DC Power @208V Transformer-less,Ungrounded Yes Maximum Input Voltage 480 Vdc Nominal DC Input Voltage 380 400 Vdc Maximum Input Current @240V(2) 8.5 10.5 13.5 16.5 1 20 27 30.5 Adc Maximum Input Current @208V(1) - 9 13.5 27 Adc Max.Input Short Circuit Current 45 Adc Reverse-Polarity Protection Yes Ground-Fault Isolation Detection 600ka Sensitivity Maximum Inverter Efficiency 99 99.2 % CEC Weighted Efficiency 99 99 @ @ 9 240V20 % 8.5 8V Nighttime Power Consumption <2.5 W (1)For other regional settings please contact SclarEdge support (2)A higher current source may be used;the inverter will limit its input current to the values stated Single Phase Inverter with HD-Wave Technology for North America SE3000H-US SE380OH-US / SE5000H-US / SE6000H-US/ SE760OH-US SE1000OH-US / SE1140OH-US MODEL NUMBER SE300OH-US SE380OH-US SE500OH-US SE600OH-US SE760OH-US SE1000OH-US SE1140OH-USIM y- ATUR bDITI-A NAL FE d Supported Communication Interfaces RS485,Ethernet,ZigBee(optional),Cellular(optional) Revenue Grade Metering,ANSI C12.20 Optional") Consumption metering Inverter Commissioning With the SetApp mobile application using Built-in Wi-Fi Access Point for Local Connection Rapid Shutdown-NEC 2014,NEC 2017 and NEC 2020,690.12 Automatic Rapid Shutdown upon AC Grid Disconnect T &SA V!A" D_''t&M`0 L:I Cd Safety UL1741,UL1741 SA,UL1699B,CSA C22.2,Canadian AFCI according to T.I.L.M-07 Grid Connection Standards JEEE1547,Rule 21,Rule 14(HI) Emissions FCC Part 15 Class B INSTALLATION l SPECIFICATIONS AC Output Conduit Size AWG Range 1"Maximum 14-6 AWG 1 Maximum/14-4 AWG DC Input Conduit Size/#of Strings/ AWG Range 1"Maximum/1-2 strings/14-6 AWG 1"Maximum/1-3 strings/14-6 AWG Dimensions with Safety Switch(HxWxD) 17.7 x 14.6 x 6.8 /450 x 370 x.174 21.3 x 14.6 x 7.3/540 x 370 x 185 in/mm Weight with Safety Switch 22110 1 25.1/11.4 1 26.2/11.9 38.8/17.6 lb/kg Noise <25 1 <50 dBA Cooling Natural Convection Operating Temperature Range -40 to+140/-40 to+60(4) -C Protection Rating NEMA 4X(Inverter with Safety Switch) (3)Inverter With Revenue Grade Meter P/N:SExxxxH-US000BNC4,Inverter With Revenue Grade Production and Consumption Meter P/N:SEx)=H-US000BN14.For consumption metering,current transformers should be ordered separately.SEACT0750-20ONA-20 or SEACT0750-400NA-20.20 units per box (4)Full power up to at least 50*C/122T;for power de-rating information refer to:https.,//www.solaredge.com/sites/default/fles/se-temperature-derating-note-na.pdf How to Enable Consumption Monitoring By simply wiring current transformers through the inverter's existing AC conduits and connecting them to the service panel, homeowners will gain full insight into their household energy usage helping them to avoid high electricity bills Single phase inverter with. HD-wave technology and: built-in RGM and. Service Panel consumption.monitoring .0 Grid A CT L1 N LZ Shielded CATSe cable ---- ------------ -- L1 - N L2 AC Conduit Q SolarEdge Technologies,Inc All rights reserved.SOLAREDGE,the SolarEdge logo,OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies,Inc All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.Date,12/2020/V01JENG NAM.Subject to change without notice. RoHS Smart EV Char er For (North:America d. -.. solar 3�[' l .:.. ... _ F.':.... ESN•: _ - _ - rn ' aW �Nd.Nv[ t nv. , i - C.J L'o G-y �; •�• � I. •r c�I us - Intertek i we— Smart EV Charging with SolarEdge / Wi-Fi enabled, level 2 charging station,with up to 40A Optimized charging,when connected to a SolarEdge (9.6kW) charging power inverter(3): / Control and monitoring via app - including remote i Charges EV with up to 100% renewable energy by operations, smart scheduling and charging history using excess-solar mode(') / Industry-leading 5-year warranty(') / Synchronizes with the full SolarEdge ecosystem (PV, Rated for indoor or outdoor use home backup, and smart home devices), all managed by a single mobile app Plug-in unit, easily modified to support hardwired / Faster charging with the unique Solar Boost mode, installations(2) g g q utilizing both grid and available PV simultaneously(') Suitable for use with or without a SolarEdge PV system (1)For additional information regarding the EV charging cable warranty terms please refer to:httpsV/www.solaredge.com/warranty (2)Hardwired installation by professional installer only (3)Supports AC connection to Energy Hub and HD-Wave inverters only.A dedicated solar boost kit(SE-EV-IGT43UPG-01)is required for connection to standard HD-Wave inverters (4)SolarEdge import/export meter and communication connectivity with the SolarEdge inverter are required for controlled excess solar charging solaredge.com Solar=@@ Smart EV Charger For North America EV CHARGER-SRECIFICATION$ .; Charging Mode AC Level 2 Rated AC Power Output 9.6 kW Maximum Continuous Output Current @240Vac 40ttt A Nominal AC Output Voltage @240Vac 240t2t - Vac Nominal AC Frequency 60 Hz Ground Fault Detection Threshold 5 mA Supported Communication Interfaces Wi-Fi(built-in antenna includeff",Ethernet,RS485 and Cellular(optional)t4> CABLE SPECIFICATIONS EV Connector SAEJ1772-2009 Length 25/7.6 ft/m Weight 12.5/5.7 lb/kg -FEAT URES SUPPORTED`WITH COMPATIBLE_SOLAREDGE INVERTERS . Smart Energy Management Smart schedules,excess solar chargingtst,solar boost mode c ADDITIONAL.F.EATURES-; Status LEDs,Fault Indicator Yes Unplugging Detection Yes,current termination according to SAE J1772 Ground Connection Monitoring Yes,continuous Monitoring and Control Installer commissioning via SetApp Homeowner configuration,controls and monitoring via my5olarEdge mobile app STANDARD COINPLIANCE EMC FCC Part 15 Class B Safety UL2594,UL2231-1,UL2231-2,NEC Article 625 compliant,CSA C22.2#280 Energy StarTh1 Certified-SE-EV-SA-US-40 ~;.INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS:' AC input NEMA 6-50/NEMA 14-50/Hardwired Dimensions(H x W x D) 12 x 7.3 x 6/309 x 190 x 154 in/mm Weight 6.3/2.85 lb/kg Protection Rating(connected to EV or with dust cap) - NEMA 3R Operating Temperature Range -22 to+122/-30 to+50 F/-C (1)Additional available settings:16A,24A,32A and 40A (2)Connected to L1,L2,G;No need for neutral (3)To extend Wi-R communication,use optional Wi-Fi antenna.For antenna specification refer to:https://www.solaredge.com/sites/default/files/se-wifi-zigbee-wireless-antenna-datasheet-na.pdf (4)Optional cellular kit can be ordered (5)When Smart EV Charger is connected to the inverter,an import/export meter is required for controlled excess solar charging ORDERING iNFORMATION Product Number Description SE-EV-SA-ICT-LJ40N Smart EV Charger-including cable and holder.NEMA 14-50 AC plug SE-EV-SA-ICT-U40P Smart EV Charger-including cable and holder.NEMA 6-50 AC plug SE-EV-ICT-25J40-2 Replacement EV charging cable SE-EV-HLD-Tl-V2 Replacement cable holder ®SolarEdge Technologies Ltd.All rights reserved.SOLAREDGE,the SolarEdge logo,OPTIMIZED BY SOLAREDGE are trademarks or registered trademarks of SolarEdge Technologies,Inc Ro H S All other trademarks mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective owners.Date:08/2021 DS-000097-1.0-NA Subject to change without notice.