BenjaminAronsonSUB10-2020Town of Qt ie ��inibl Common: av Devclorn'eni. C)Tzr��' -42 Bay Road, Qucen�buty, NY .2,S,,4 6. nz applicant must Kuhn -fit a copy ofthe fthowitog to the Tovm� Lands NIF of Town ofQucims' bury Planning Board a) The project N01 (Notice of Interif) for coverage under the current NYSDE'C SPDES General permit or for cOvelA90 ander an individual SPDES prior to the Stan of any site -work. John & Rosann Curran RES011UTION -.-Approve b) The projectNOT I'NoticerifTernimanion) upon completion oftla, Project; and B:1315 P:134 Subdivision Final Stage 10-2020 BFNJAMN AROTTSONi TRUST., Subdivision Tax N-14 ID; 266.3-1-76 1 Property Address; 1516 Ridge Road I Zoning: MDR 7� The applicant must tnairliain on their project sire, for re -view by staff-t 2GC.3-1-74 a) The approved final that have been starriped by the Town Zoning -Administrator, These plans must 84*38 '40" -t SWPPp (Storm Water Pollution Prevention plain) when such a plan was prepared include the, proje E .1k suMvisirm application has been made to the Queensoury Planning Board for'llie following: Applicant and approved; and 755 -34 b) The project N'01 anM proof. of coverage under the carrenti\ wSDEC SPDES General Permit or proposes a two lot subdivision of 10,32 acres. The two lot-, include Lot I of 6,10 acre, with a 5,434 sq. ft. an individual SPI)ES p erorit issued for the project Development Department before any further review by the Zoning Administrator or Building and Codes Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of QueQnslairy Zoning C.ode-Chapler A- 183, the Planning Board �pe nanol. (footprint) -single farafly � home and shed, and Iot 'I of 4.22 acres with a 3,320 sq, I (footprint) garage building, Pursuranto Chapter 183 ofthie Zoning Orifinarioc, subdivision ofland shall besubject to Planning Board review and approval. 8, Final approved plans, In compliance tyifli the Subdivision, must be submitted to the Community to has deterruacdthat this proposal satisifies the requirements as stated in the Zoning Code; % Theapplicant mitu rutot,,,,,ith stalf-aller approval and p1jorto issuance ofBailding Permit andlar the beg -ring ofany Sitz 'Awk. The Planning Board made a. recommendation to the Zoning Board of Appeals on 08111312020; the ZBA approved the-vatiarce requests on 08AW2020; Subsequent issuarica, of forther p -1 compliance with this enma, firetudinig building, permits is dependent qa A public licatingwasacherhAcd and held on 08125120,20; and all other wrididons 'ofthis resolution; Qe fids application is supported vdth all doQuineirtatioti, public comniera, and applicationman,,riai i n the file of 11. As-Infilt plans to ccrtify that the subdivision Is developed according to dreapproved plans in be provided record; Brigar to issuance of tile, 0extifeate foccuparicy; STkICA"Ab-102i(i 9t-Nd-A41�4U, ARONSON TRUST, Seconded by tfichael Valtaunie. Duly adopted this,25" day of Augusti 2020 by the following vole: Introduced by David Deeb who inoved its adolifitur AYES: A4r. Deeb, Ms. White, Mr, Shafer, %Ar� Ifunsingor, Mr. Mago"Wari, N1r. Valentine, Mr; Traver I The requirements, ofthe State, Q'wifty Review Act have beer, considered and the Plartanig Board has� adopted a S�RA� Neggafive Dool,nation; and if the applicirdon is a Modification, the 'qOES: �_NONF requirements of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been oonsidincal, and thc proposed modification(s] do -not result in any new or significantly different environmental impacts, and, therofore,, Poi further- SEQRA review, is necessary, 2. WaiverlrequestsgrIinkA: sketch plan stage, stoitilwator and grading, field 3, T4c approval is valid for one (1) year arriatho daie, ofapprovid. You are responsible for requesting an axtension of approval before the one (1) yelv firw,, frame has expired ifyou have not yet applied for a buiHing permit or cornmenoc4 significant site wofli, 41 The liarits of clearing will constitute a no -cut buffer zone, orange, consiruction fencing shall be installed around these, areas and field Yerifled by Commurritv Development staff S. Ftigintering sigri-offrequired prior to 3ilinanne ofRianning Board Chairman- Iago 2 of 2. ""A Lean -To J of2 SIR MIN Lot 265888.4 Sq. Feet o "q .6.10 Acres .12 Ilay Rmd, wii�iq ay. lll=e: 5IV45.441371742 Bay Roati, Quevmbuty, MY 5IS:77uLi3 �r tfax; mg,74�_.�43'7!' NY Cedar He&'J' Ro� e� Part, of 266.3-1-76 73 W", Town of QUI eurbury Planning Board SEQ11RFSOLUTION -GrantNegativoDeclaradini rinal Stage 10-2026 BENIKkONT ARONSON\ TRUST Sul: -,div S�ibdivi,sionTwf.NlapIT):2663-1-76/Prc,t�e,rt�,Addmss� 1516RidgeRoad tZoning:1ADR 71o, applicant proposes a two lot subdivision of 10.32 acres. The, two lots include Lot I of 6,10 acres with a 5,434 sq. ft, (footprint) single family horne and shed, and I,ot 2 of 4.22 acres with a 3,320 oq, ft. (footprint) _U garage building. Pursuant to Chapter 183 of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall be subject to Maturing Board review Lind approval- 0 13,1co The Planning Board has douaraftred that the proposed projea and Planning Board action subject to review under the Snue Eirviromnemal Quality Review Act, The proposial action considered by this Board is Unlisaid it, the Department of Environmental Conservation Regulations implementing the State Environmental Quality Review Act and, the regulations of the Towm of Q -ilsbury; ue, o Federal or other agencies are involved; Part I ofthe Long LAF has been cornplev-4 by the applicam; Part 2 ofthe Long FAF has been roviewed. by the Plairming board; T_Tpoir review of the inforroation, recorded on this EAV, it is the conclusion of the Trivm of Queensibury Planning cm S 84036*47' �"_ ..... icant adverse Impacts on the environment, aad� Board as lead agency that this project wili result in no signif therefore, an environmental imp�aci: statement Aced orit be prepared, Accordingly, this negative declaration is 1,92.80, T G T A NEGATYNVE DR A RY &YAGK ,9-2020 BENJANHN � J _ hurodiwed by David Deeb who rarrvad for its adoption, seconded 5ieln 2�ff A4Q1Dh_5Q_N TRIJS-- L Propo5ed �y Michael Valentina; Lot Lne 84036'4;r" E As per the resolution prepared by sialf. _J _30 16-14? 1, Part It ofibe Long EAT' has been reviewe4aad eompleted by 1h, Planning Board, _ty 1 Part Ift of the LongEAF is nor nQoossaq because di, Planning Board did not identify potentially moderate in large impacts, 0 Duly adopted this 25" day of August, 2020 by the following vote, N 84'36'47 W Existing & Proposed ---- AYFS, Mr� Magowari,Mr, Valentino, lvlr� Deeb, Mks, White, My, hater, i I g T X.-ORS: NONE -1-77.11' 266.3 51591.5 Sq. Feet 1.18 Acres I'lime: 518.76LV20 I Fio,: 5l&745_4437 i'142 Bay Roadi Qw�mbuy, NY 1,2804 MOM Town a Qrmm'Aiuny C inyouna Develo Z 0 T� is 14' Hickon with INtre 14' Hickory with Wire I I 22 barbed Wine rdn'ja une Lands i James & Elizi B:425 2GG-4 742 Bay Rjad� Ome,�,nsbury, NY 12904 Lands NIF of John J. Carpenter B:4416 P:207 ToWn of'Quoewibury Planning Board E 0 2GG.3- 1-80 RES01AY1710N -Approw (1) -S _0 0 Subdivision Prelurrinary Stage �)-2020BENfAj�,fINARONS(-)�,�TRUFjl' G O!j- A sub<livision application has been made to the Queersbuty Planning Board for the fblloviing�; Applicant Lot 2 proposes a two lotsubdivision of 1032 acres. The two lou include� Iru I of 6.10 acres writh, a 5,434 sq. 1 1 (footprint) single family home and glied, and Lot 2 of 4.22 acres with a 3,320 sq, ft, (finotprint) garage 183626.0 Sq. Feet map of Lands of briildirg� Pursuant to Claipter IV of the Zoning Ordinance, subdivision of land shall bestiIjeol to planning lu Mark A. Cassidy Board revri'm and sipprovaL 4.22 Acres Propane Tank % By: Leslie W. Coulter Pursuant to relevant sections of the Town of Quecusbury Zoning Code -Chapter A-183� the, Planning Board has Part of, 266.3-1-76 1-A Rip Rap determined thattlait Zoning C pip Kap;CX�"' Dated: September 17, 1947 a proposal salisfies the requirements as stated in the. od, well The Planuing Board made a recummondation to the Zoning Board of Appeals on 08/1&12020; the ZBA Map of Lands of approved the varianm requests on 0818 Sti2020: Gilbert and Anna Maille Therequireniaras of the State Environmental Quality Review Act have been considered and the Planning lite E)i5h Board has adopted a 'VeQR,11 Negative Declaration 0%51 Being part of the John Lawrence Patent By: Glen B. Coulter g vm� schodaled and hold on 09125j2020., 41 A public hear' n, 01 1 , 0 Propane Tank Dated: Ju 11-da application issupp,�rterl with all documentation, public comment, and application material in the file of ly 1, 1959 record, Revised: September 19, 1985 Approx. Tree brie Map of Survey Nt meter Alotion scoondod by Brad Mag— Duly adloprr�,tj thiiz, 2511, dav, ofAugriat, 2020 by the following vine: of Lands to be Conveyed from AYE, S: Mr. Valentine, h1r. Dteb� Nfs'7 White, A -It Shorter, Nit, Hunsinger, Mr. 1�vbtgowau, Mr. Travier Carol L. Baker 99. 95, 140E ONL BY: W.J. Rourke, Associates IV in - Dated: April 17, 2007 81*53".30"1 Updated: August 1, 2008 .4 Ily, Deed Reference I" Gravel DrtvZ field Utility Benjamin L. Aronson Vho;­�' 518.74,-.443-"�742-,Ia�e-Rc,�',Queensbu�,yNY Pole TO Benjamin L. Aronson Trust �!OTES: 6,99. 9,&, Dated: October 17, 2016 1.) TH15 MAP WAS PREPARED WITHOUT THE 13ENEf IT OF AN ABSTRACT OF Cfa'rl Link TITLE OR AN UP TO DATE TITLE REPORT AND15 THEREFORE SUBJECT 70 JNV 810 Recorded: October 18, 2016 ANY STATEMENT OF FACTS SHOWN THEREON. 'LD 5UKVff(W 2J THE Ft, AS CONDUCTED DURING WINTER WEATHER Harold L. Fetter J. CONDITIONS WITH SIGNIFICANT SNOW ANDICE COVER, 10 - Michelle Fetter 3�) PARCEL 15 -9UBjf CT TO ANY EASEMENTS Of RECORD. Laureen Purcell Q) 4.) THIS MAP WA5 PREPARED FROM AN ACT -UAL FIELD SURVEY MADE IN Lands NIF of Brett Fetter ACCORDANCE �MTH THE FX15TING CODE Of PRACTICE ADOPTED BY THE NEWYORK STATE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL LANDSURVEYOR5. COUNTY OF INARREN 5.) TH15 MAP 15 COPYRIGHT Q 2020 VAN DU5EN �- STEVES LAND rer 6f the oou'rt)Kof Warren', SUR ZVEYOR5. UNAUTHORIZED ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS go stee -if Nviv York, t�)o HIFFIE-1EY fir. ttzz the rscor4 nn" acectri'l, DOCUMENT 15 VIOLATION Of SECTION 720a, SUBDIVISION 2, OF NEW on In my officO. thQ tax0s Or' P(0,Pf'­,y Sk,;yvn YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW. A / 10, G.) DIMENSIONS BETWEEN PROPERTY LINF5 AND STRUCTURES ARE TO THE pald �or the yr.91a 1v4ed to 2Q�� '20'�'�/ jd� NFARE51'HALF fOOT AND ARE FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE Of INTERPRETING THEIR CONfOPMANCff WTH ZONING AND NOT INTENDED TO All) IN THE r5TA51.151-IMENT OR RETIRACEMENT Of PPOPEKFY LINES, Wwren County Trew- wer 7) Off f5ffT5 I3ffPAq!EN FROPERTY LINES AND STRUCTURES 5H6tvN HEREON Instr # 2020-3000049 09/1512020 0826:04 AM 1 Pages MAP ARE TO ROOF OVERHANGS UNLE55 OTHERW15E NOTED, 8.) UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, IF ANY, APE NOT SHOVv`N HEREOI,L -F TO WHATEVER f GHT5, TITLE OR 9.) THE SURVEYED PARCEL 15 5UBJEG �l INTEREST THE TOWN Of QUEENS13UKY AND THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE Of NfW YORK MAY HAVE TO MAINTAIN THE ROADS, AND TO WHKI-EVER RIGHTS, TITLE OR INTffRE5T THE TRAVELING PU13LIC MAY HAVE TO THE 13FD Of THE ROADS. PLANNING BOARD APPROVAL Approved Under Authority K T' a Resolution Adopted M22_2--- 2020 by the Planning Board of the Towr� of Queensbury, New York. Chairman A*AV Petroleum, Znc. B:5063 P:124 Zoning Znformation John W. Curran & Rosann M. Curran 2GG.3-1-75 CiRf Dated: March 28, 2003 Zoned MDR Recorded: April 11, 2003 Minimum Lot Size - 2 Acres Minimum Lot Frontage - 100' kqgend Front 3 Sided 2 Rear 3 ZRF = Zron Rod Found CZRF = Capped Zron Rod Found CH = Concrete Monument Found Utility Pole = Well MEN"] 4--) ;4 0 Z 0 Cr 0 > 0 < < MOO 0� Ch Fd Ct S-1 M a I Z M Pamela J. Vogel, Warren Co Clerk FILED SHEET I OF I Aronson DWO. NO. 20-011 PLAT D32 WARREN COUNTY REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES AGENCY County Municipal Center 1340 State Route 9 Lake George, New York 12845 Tel.518-761-6464 Fax 518-761-6559 LEXIE A. DELUREY Director KRISTEN MAC EWAN Deputy Director CERTIFICATION OF COUNTY DIRECTOR OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES THAT FEE AUTHORIZED BY REAL PROPERTY TAX LAW SECTION 503 SUBD. 7, HAS BEEN PAID The Warren County Board of Supervisors enacted Resolution No. 477 on October 17, 2014 r authorizing fees set forth in Real Property Tax Law Section 503 Subd. 7. I have reviewed the attached document and collected the fee as set forth below: [ ] No fee, document does not require a change to the tax map [ ] No fee, property survey only, not a subdivision One through three lot subdivision map Original [ ] - One through three lot subdivision map Alteration [ ] One through three lot subdivision map Abandonment [ ] One through three lot Condominium [ ] Four through nine lot subdivision map Original [ ] Four through nine lot subdivision map Alteration [ ] Four through nine lot subdivision map Abandonment [ ] Four through nine lot Condominium [ ] Ten or more lot subdivision map Original [ ] Ten or more lot subdivision map Alteration [ ] Ten or more lot subdivision map Abandonment [ ] Ten or more lot Condominium Map reference is as follows: Zo(D. 03 — I r , o- 7 7. ) I NAME OR DATE .Z LZ = TOWN/CITY U_F VVS?7)Ug [ 3 ®N $25 ° -N $25 $25 $25 0 O $50 x $50 MM —� $50 q $50 0 ��N N � O NO N $100 00o $100 g $100 pCD $100 D REVISION DATE / . 1 /W This certificate only approves the document with respect to compliance with Real Property Tax Law 503 Subd. 7. No other approval as to completeness, legality, compliance with any local or state statues or regulations or any other approval or requirements for processing by this department, shall be deemed satisfied b this certificate. 91/1412n- Date Lexie A Delurey L/ Real Property -Director or Designee