ApplicationArea Variance Pre-Submission Conference Form / Section 179-9-040 1. Applicant Name: __________________________________________________ 2. Tax Map ID ________________Location:_______________________ 3. Zoning Classification __________ 4. Reason for Review: __________________________________________________________ 5. Zoning Section #: ________________________ 6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by Deed ____ _____________ General Information complete ____ _____________ Site Development Data Complete ____ _____________ Setback Requirements Complete ____ _____________ Additional Project Information Complete ____ _____________ FAR addressed ____ _____________ Compliance with Zoning Ordinance ____ _____________ Checklist items addressed ____ _____________ Environmental Form completed ____ _____________ Signature Page completed ____ _____________ Staff Representative: ________________________________ Applicant / Agent: ________________________________ Date: ___________ Page 6 Cynthia Arberger 309.14-1-30 26 Pine Street NR Applicant proposes a 312 sq ft detached garage 179-5-020 garage, 179-3-040NR X X X NA NA X X NA X X Laura Moore via email 10/4/2022 10/4/2022 via email Applicant proposes a 312 sq ft detached garage. The existing home of 1002 sq ft with porch deck areas is to remain with no changes. The existing shed also to remain. The garage will be placed to align with the existing driveway area. The garage is to be 11 ft in height and 12 ft x 26 ft. Area variance for setback where 10 ft is required and 2 ft is proposed. Items reviewed: area variance application, garage plans, survey Items to be updated or provided 1) deed is needed 9-23-22 9-23-22