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BUILDING PERMIT. Town of Queensbury, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12 804 County of Warren (518)761-8256 VALUE $ 3000 Building Permit No. 2000093 TAX MAP NO. 1 . -1-8 Permission is hereby granted to BROWN, CRAIG Owner of property located at 27 ANT IGUA RD. in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place a DOCK at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Owner's Address: 27 ANTIGUA RD. . LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845 Contractor or Builder's Name: BROWN, CRAIG Contractor or Builder's Address: Electrical Inspection Agency: Type of Construction: DOCKS Plans and Specifications: 240 SQ FT DOCK AS PER PLOT. PLAN. SPECIFICATIONS Proposed Use: DOCK April 11 200.2 PERART FEE PAID—THIS PERK HT EXPIRES (if a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 11 -Dated at the To of Queensbury this Day of,-;-, April 2000 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury Code Enforcement Officer TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Fee Paid BUILDING & CODES DEPARTMENT Permit # APPLICATION FOR: PORCHES-DECKS- DOCKS & BOATHOUSES Est. Cost. — _ — A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. PLEASE ANSWER ALL OF TIIE FOLLOWING: The undersigned hereby applies for a Building Permit to do the following work which will be done in accordance with the description , plans and specifications submitted, acid such special conditions as may be indicated on tire permit. TWO SETS OF STRUCTURAL PLANS SIIAt_L BE SUBMITl1 U WITII THIS APPLICATION. Owner of Property: P.O. Address Phone JJ �2st� Property Location Plu PO Tax Map J! l-J- Subdivision Name (If applicable) PERSON RESPONS BLE FOR SUPERVISION OF WORK AS REGARDS TO BUI DING CODES: `��---- Address �7Vli7tt1R ��Ot PhoneJ!(�(�'`d� Name: 7'�L BUILDING SPECIFICATIONS: Type of work to be clone: Porch beck oc Boathouse (Circle re) 2999m;_1 _Al Size or Structure t•o be built (square footage) : � ,y� q,�' Foundation Material : Width Thickness Depth of Footing, below grade: Size of Posts or Studs: x x Long . Size of Floor Joists: x x SI ar Decking or Flooring Material : Jr U� - flow will Porch or Deck be fastened too building? "t� � MAR 11_2900-- If-Door dill- Be Installed;, Answer Fol iowiiig Questions: /^4 Size cif Posts or Sl ads : x x Long I'.UILDH\iG AtAo COn-E Roof Rafters: x Spacing Span Roof Trusses (pre-engineered spacing) : Span Type of Roof: Sloped Fiat Sired Other (Circle one) Material of Roof: ZONING INFORMATION: TWO PLOT PLANS MUST BE PREPARED AND SUBMITTED, drawn reasonably to scale and attached hereto, slowing clearly anciilistinctly ail-Tiufilci�rigs, whether existing or proposed and indicate all set back dimensions from property lines. Show location of water supply and location and configuration or septic disposal area. Size of Property: ft. x ft. Existing building(s) : Size ft. x ft. Size ft. x ft. Use of Existing build•ing(s): Proposed structure., distance from property line: . Front yard ft. Rear yard ft. Side yards ft. and ft. If on corner, setback from,r•sid0 street: ft. DECLARATION To``_the- est of 'my knowledge and belief .tire statements contained in this application, together with the plans and 'speciric'atioils, submitted, are .a ' true and complete- statemetit "of all proposed work..to be done on the described premises ;and that all, pro' of the Building' Code, the Zoning Ordinance, arid, all other .laws "'ertaining- to the p,roposed'work shall be comp IiPed witli,, whether specified or not, a'nd" that such work is authorized by tile- DATE:— t1 t SLGNATUR> .` `; Ow e ner s Agency, Arch feet, ton tractor REVI-G41fp. BY CODE EfIFORCL'34CN't" OFFICER, UA'fE % SIGNATURE '�. - LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION FORT GEORGE ROAD, PO BOX 749 LAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK 12845=0749 phone 518-668-9347, fax 518-668-5001, e-mail lgpc@superior.net .• r w '� � _ } r s nr ` �r s{�y-�c�.�;;^�'-�'�r .,w:r"ji.t-�1"�"x �.'�t�' ��h � � `?gt'`sz .� ' '�•' a2�£��,:N APPLICATION FOR=PERMIT' FORDO:CKS _i { ;SMD THIS APPLICATION IS FOR-THE: ❑ Construction of a New Dock or Wharf ($200) ❑ Placement of a Mooring ($100) Modification to an Existing Dock or Wharf($50) ❑ Modification to an Existing Mooring ($50) ❑ Article 15 Excavation/Fill (work below mean high water level as part of wh7consturpl"Mne "no-fee APPLIC ATION FEE ENCLOSED: ��t60 (check or money order only)1. NAME OF APPLICANT:APPLICANT IS A/AN: X Individual ❑ Partnership [ o'ni?i( CC',hif�„ ,r ❑'Corporation ❑ Municipality � Street/PO Box: f� City: 0 �2. State: Zi i p Code: /r�-`��1� Phone: 2. NAME OF OWNER (if not applicant): Street/PO Box: City: State: Zip Code: Phone:NAMES OF PREVIOUS OWNERS (since 1981): AA1VV- 6vo J d \el pue � 3. NAME OF CONTRACTOR (if known.): Street/PO Box: 6-1 Ari quv, ki City: 4a (Te ��()✓t� State: f Zip Code: /`� Phone: � � 4. PROJECT LOCATION: SECTION BLOCK ' LOT (parcel tax map number) STREET: 1(\ t�.111 dr VILLAGE: TOWN: 5. ZONING CLASSIFICATION: 6. NUMBER OF WHARFS OR MOORINGS CURRENTLY ON PROP RTY: Permit, Registration or Account Number(s): J_6�PC A ggd --At S5�34/- 7. TOTAL LAKE FRONTAGE: according to YTax Map ❑ Survey (attach copy) ❑ Other (specify) 8. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:( PD-Movc- e)dAvtj dee j6n ,feda-'et (/V' ' rL/ r FnDR,Te1 a DDC.(I/il n Dt7AAnn a DD A inn Pag6 I of 2 9. PROPOSED USE IS: )(Residential 0 Commercial El Association 0 Public 10. IF COMMERCIAL, IS THE FACILITY AND ITS ASSOCIATED LAND USES IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE PROVISIONS OF STATE AND LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES AND REGULATIONS. 0 YES 0 NO, EXPLAIN 11. PROPOSED STARTING DATE: q /0 q J j lq�qPROPOSED COMPLETION DATE: OCI - 1 12. IS ANY PORTION OF THIS ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A PERMIT IS SOUGHT NOW BEGUN OR COMPLETED? 0 Yes 'X No (if yes, please explain) 13. ADJO LAKEFRONT PROPERTY OWNERS: Tax Parcel. : Tax Parcel#: Name: -J"- ,L Name: Pc"(,.L "d Mailing Address: Mailing Address: 4d CL ke 66 Ali, 0� 6�c I t J 14. CERTIFICATION: I hereby affirm that the information on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowiedge and belief. As a condition to the issuance of a permit, the applicant accepts full legal responsibility for all damage, direct and indirect, or whatever nature, and by whomever suffered, arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits, actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from the said project. Signature YP plicant Date 15. AGENT AUTHORIZATION: (if applicant is not the owner of the property) I hereby authorize the above applicant to act on my behalf as my agent to obtain all necessary permits or approvals for the above project to be constructed on my property. Signature of owner Date 16. SITE INSPECTION: During the processing of this application Lake George Park Commission (LGPQ personnel may need to visit this site for the purpose of inspecting, measuring and/or photographing any existing docks, cribs, moorings, property lines, or other in-lake structures on the site. Please sign below to authorize LGPC members and/or staff to conduct such a site visit. /U)1"'t /qvq 1'AA'trW I Signature fvwner Date Do you wish to be contacted prior to the visit? yes 0 no Comments THIS FORM MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY SITE LOCATION MAP, PROJECT PLANS AND ANY OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION (SEE APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS). IF THIS IS AN ASSOCIATION LAKEFRONT OR IF OTHER PARTIES HAVE DEEDED OR CONTRACTUAL ACCESS TO THIS LAKEFRONT, PLEASE PROVIDE NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF ALL INVOLVED PARTIES. FORMSUPPS:WHARFMOO.APP 4/99 Page 2 of 2 e LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION '� , �"""" 1 �' � �r ✓✓P SCHEDULE B - WHARF & MOORING PLAN SCHEDULE C - FACILITY PLAN t rn J� `fie T`�Ex�srl,. t�-•a!f �� @f, - 1 � Nl>,ClJS� g•tt a 3 1 C s v-` v I\K5 � 1 � 1 v-� LAKE GEORGE PARK C-MMtSMV4 •r FAGUTY PLiNIWH:.aF SX----t .`'1'v FAC:LrrY: A�.c tt t, /^r F"' !^"1 t�',"•;n'"; I ~���-��-�— L�.c�� owNER: F1rI�t)r rZ��• �� _, t4ty GeJ'�i «--4 BASE MAP FROM: �) S' ^i�• \:r �" WHARF ME.i.SURVAENTS -ROM. t CMMENTS: ACIA12eQ fC o.95�. r-..,.ten ,,,c: �c� f!•t 7� C PFR fI" Z,523 •2S-9r M;;P t a Page 5 of 5 LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION SCHEDULE B - WHARF & MOORING PLAN SCHEDULE C - FACILITY PLAN pop /Z 7 Use 17 .6' AM) -u r .9 I rJ \,A' LAKE GEORGE PAPA CZNtmJ= FAC:UTY Pi-AwNh.4" FAC:LrrY: -)r\ CR,L-NN By: r BASE MAP F;tom: WHAA�MEASUREMEWS"AOM- "o YJ 0 A Aen Q CLm.mEmTS: PcIA12eq LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION A 75 FORT GEORGE ROAD v. P.O.Box 749 LAKE GEORGE,NEw YORK 12845 www.superior.netl—lgpc CARL R.DE SANTis M&CHAEL P.WHITE Chairman Executive Director September 16, 1999 Craig Brown Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Rd Queensbury NY 12804-9725 Application: 5234-21-99 _JParcelID#: 1-1-8, Town-of Queensbury Dear Mr. Brown: I am in receipt of your letter dated September 10 regarding the above application. No further action will be taken on this application by the Commission until the project has been reviewed and acted upon by the Town of Queensbury pursuant to the following provision under 6 NYCRR 646-1.6: (f) Prior to the issuance of any permit which involves the commercial use of dock, wharf or mooring, or the registration of any such facility, the Commission shall require the applicant to certify that the facilities and associated land uses are in compliance with applicable provisions of state and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations. Although the applicant's stated use of the dock is residential, it is located on a commercial property and thus must adhere to this provision. I enclose for your information and convenience a sketch which identifies the wharfs and moorings approved by the Commission at this site. Please keep us informed of actions taken by the Town on this application. Thank you. -Please-call me if you have-any-questions.- Sincerely, Molly Gallagher Deputy Permit Administrator 99MAFJNA:ANT1GUA.QUE cc: Craig Brown, Antigua TELEPHONE(518)668-9347 E-MAIL:Igpc@superior.net FACSIMILE(518)668-5001 O CL ASA vj I' A01 tic 2 a rod s - - —---- -- — 0 �y a •ol (o� %)OO)A -'b Ito � e . • �Y1 d //J J �VMA -roo C7 rfANq r- T 0 4 q zln LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION 75 FORT GEORGE ROAD _ P.O.Box 749 LAKE GEORGE,NEw YORK 12845 i ww.w.superior.net/-1gpc CARL R.DE SANTIS MICHAEL P.WHITE Chairman Executive Director October 25, 1999 Craig Brown 27 Antigua Rd Lake George NY 12845 Application: 5234=21-99 Wharf Construction Parcel ID#: 1-1-8, Town of Queensbury Dear Mr. Brown: As you requested, this letter will serve tojpon m~that,tlie_6'_wide;409ong-straig4t;crib supported wharf.proposed m`the:a�iflve.application meets"the.=regulatory limits contained mthert Comsnissaon.s'reguTa6ons: Once-the.ToWA has-confirmed-that.the wharfas_in coinpliance,with LL; local=zoniriga a=perin t=will be-issued by thoCommissiori=for=constructio =of tho what£-We-` .nderstand--thatthe,—f w ll_lie,used for_f dential:.puiposes Only:--., Please call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Molly Gallagher _ Deputy Permit Administrator 99MARINA:ANTIGUA.RES cc: Craig Brown, Town of Queensbury TELEPHONE(518)668-9347 E-MAIL:Igpc@superior.net FACSIMILE(518)668-5001 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY FILE 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY.12804-5902 518-761-8201 March 17, 2000 Mr. Craig Brown 27 Antigua Road Lake George,NY 12845 RE: Building Permit Application File iNo.-20.00=.693 Tax Map No: L-1-8 Dear Mr. 13rown: I tla`ve reviewed the above-referenced building permit application for a dock at the shore of the listed parcel• This project has been previously reviewed and commented on as a referral from the Lake George park Commission. Enclosed please find; for your reference, a copy of the September 10, 1999 letter to you from this office,addressing this matter. Since no variance has been issued for this project we cannot proceed with the review and approval of this application as submitted. Al:jo, enclosed for your convenience, is an Area Variance application, a Use Variance application, a deadline for submission schedule and a listing of the current Zoning Board of Appeals members. Should you.have any questions or comments regarding this matter,please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, DEPT. OF COMM. DEVELOPMENT t ' Craig wn Code Compliance Officer CB/sh Encl. L:1Craigl2t)00 Letters\Brown31700.doc "HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY. . .A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 518-761-8201 September 10, 1999 Mr. Craig Brown 27 Antigua Road Lake George,NY 12845 Re: Lake George Park Commission referral Tax Map No: L-1-8 LGPC application'5234-21-99 Dear IAr. Brown: -In response to a customary.referral from the Lake George Park Commission,this office has reviewed your proposal, as submitted The project, as submitted to the LGPC,would also require levels of discretionary review from the Town of Queensbury as well. The property in question is within the Town of Queensbury zoning classification of Waterfront Residential, 3 Acre(WR 3A). Projects such as docks;wharves and moorings are allowed accessory uses in this zone. This proposal,the construction of a new dock,will require at least an Area Variance from the Town of Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals. Further, if relief is granted,a Building Permit will be necessary. Specifically,the Town of Queensbury Zoning Ordinance§179-60;Shoreline and Wetland regulations prohibits the construction of more than three docks per commercially used lakefront lot. Further,given the limited amount of lake frontage this lot has, additional relief may be required Also, if the proposed,-dock is to be used commercially, a Use Variance may be necessary for the expansion of a non-conforming use. Commercial uses are not listed as permitted uses in the WR zones. Further, in your LGPC application, a September 10, 1999 tentative start date is listed. Please be aware that any construction or demolition without first gaining the necessary approvals would constitute a violation and an enforcement action may be necessary. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this matter,please,do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerely, DEIT. OF,COMM. DEVELOPMENT Craig own -Code Compliance Officer CBJsh LACraigl1999 Letters\Brown91099.doc "HOME OF NATUR-\L BEAL7Y . . . A GOOD PLACE TO LIFE" SETTLED I 663 VC)N & C t PLPA � . ,. Ct C-0 ftist�ny I,UHc�t{ i i T _ .a s's F 3' Closed-Sv�2tj ' 4. rd�`� ' F 01 e 1 (l Mooting ± 8 WN OF ��b`'p2E"""ENS BURY li\ i a G REVIEWED BY A, r ©ATE V . 'OWN F QUEENS3URY BUILDING DEPARTME T ;based on-our limited examination, . FILE CON -comphanceMth our comments shall not be construed as iridioating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the code. r�rim. 1 ac �0 1 p le _ Y ti h 5z�� 311 41T I r Z lb + Ctosed-sided a �C71 1 y i 31) t� y D -- 99 VtinV Yr aa�cn �msn amen (i �1�� mode uwio uado 19 ' asgcn ta7em s,6epsl k ffaA) ;!'. - �. i.,. i».�I .r;r� f�;a.i•f��� .). ir-�lL n...:r,:x y'j:. '.as% r ,f "'i*'•v's...: •�� � - , ..... .. "�. ,}.,irti`�"yi;,y,��I�,��„t,1v�,.t i.G.�'r�3�i r��.+.. ;•s..+ t x x .. _. + + ;,E ��� J t, q ty� V AUG 16 `rRi;CE�'lliISn4