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CertifiCate of ComlvAiiance ' '.Gown of Queensbury Warren County,New Fork .Date 3 use 23 ,.. 2011100 rflap 3a�D 200@29@ This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. has been completed. This structure may be used as a � �AR DETACHED GARAGE Location� 22 RICHARDSON ST. �� .. . l'• Owner-— _ (. roy� - a �Y �A4 AM A 4 �0+1 �•�rrwrwww.n�MN�M+�.++'«nw TAX MAP M 13 4 a ~6-6 By Order der Town,ward. T I N M _J Director of Building&Code Enforcewt BUILDING PERMIT Town of Queensbury, 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 County of Warren (518) 761-8256 VALUE $ 4200 Building Permit No. 2000290 TAX MAP NO. 134 . -6-6 JARVIS, ROBERT & AUDRY Permission is hereby granted to 22 RICHARDSON ST. Owner of property located at in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place a 2-CAR DETACHED GARAGE at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance, Owner's Address: 22 RICHANSON ST. QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name: 3ARVIS, ROBERT Contractor or Builder's Address: Electrical Inspection Agency: Type of Construction: 2-CAR GARAGE Plans and Specifications: 576 SQ FT 2-CAR DETACHED GARAGE AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS AV 27-2000 , Approved April 26 , 2000 Proposed Use: 2-CAR DETACHED GARAGE 35 May 10 2002 $ PERMIT PEE PAID—THIS PERMIT EXPIRES (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 10 May 2000 Dated at the TT�x ueensbury this Day of SIGNED BYfor the Town of Queensbury Code Enforcement Officer _ _ .�'G . w lfllVlt Uf QIICC!}St1JLJy - Dep. cfCu/»//rruli/y JJevr14r)p1jle1ll, 712 Ili/jr lluarl �n BUILDING cF . C O U I3 C N 1%U It C L'A!13 N I/c c'lrsGu/)', N}' J2&I4 j7G1 82.SGJ "' r Requi/•crnetlis pl-ior to issuance A Iwrnsit nntrit bo (rbtnined Imr(wo oC IIti3 pet'ntlL CI. bogits(tiag w coliritrilicra 7tAt/'1'/%/L/ N . Na Ianitcullann will Ito 1, 1), B ILD11111i nppllcaat Iota ruceivud - 7 n(ril lJ�wrc! ilCtlurt t/' [/ /'n VA1�i1� BUILDING I'riRMl'I'. All "� npplicnut$` apitces on tl(i:v epplictillolt RECAlen Uao l �p lrt:cnl' / ZLI MUST'ixa contplalccl nA(Lltw signnluro — y,p�A or ilia npplicnnt•nalat appear (fit ilia 1_-j x liirtrtlrtg il(Mr�!.4cPlurt �/t t�t1?11NsU ti] l r)(lculiutt littm. ra..,t ""it / ..".aU,Ilvini(nl /thficr It �C�cstli(rrt 1'co ]'uyrttcirl Ll k � lt Allticnul: j ojJ��V Owlier: D - Address: A ress: 1'llolle # ) 7 � Property Location: ---_- _______ .-Subdivision Nnn]e:, Tl(x Mill) Number Scclion tllltc:k I.Irt NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK: Now 1Ju3lctitlg: CS'• I\,>l'-17,15 �illIWEI1.' VALUE pF A residgttcq C NS1'1IUC'1'ION J$ IiddiL-ion l:o Utt.i,�elj o(�letgrc.I.al 1[on l.clotico / cottuttat:ci.al. OL'G U]'r1NC:7C -Tur 3 t lt.I.L-oral_1.o11 t:o ]lu.i.3.el.i.ttg: r1 rtl:y I.tui.l.cll.elq . roct.idonro / coulru(trc.l.rtl. _ ].Itg.l.o i�'cun.t..l.y Izw(al.l..t.rtcJ i2o©.Lciorlco f Cotnmorcictl' Two P'a1111.1,y I)wol.l.t.rtcl lto cllailgo t_-o o2ttal:1ul: -- 1+'tun.1.1y hwol.l.ing Other work (describe b ow of t .i.co mercantile OtheMantir GROSS GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED S'1' CTURE: Ol lter lot. Floor. . . . . . . . sq. ft . IL ADDITION, what will use 2nd ,Floor.. . . . . ,~., � sq. ft. of new addition be? : Oth©r Floom . . . . sq. ft. {fiat unCinit ed col x or li7se]nonL) C r� ACCCS fir} DINGS: TOTAL FLOOR AREA: J� �I)et act]n_ t',arage 1, _car SC2• F'l'. :— Attaclled Garage 1, 2 car SIZE OF NEW STRUCTUItni PrivaL•e Storage D1111diltgj Commercial Storage Uuilditlg k'EL'1• N[%�� FISLi 60ler IF-un4.."bdation 'l'ypa: Wi11 all second—Itatzd or utlgradecl ,ha-bear of SLorlos : lumber Igo ucsed7 If so, for what-7 (,hrlb.l.l:al.>10 nl�(tro on,l,y) Ilol.gltl: {cIr'aclo l:c> r..t.ctcJo) fools �TY1111 fill,�iii � :'iiic:�• Y/3.il:rt:� Nutuf�gt: ol. t1.1:op.Lacqu rt(ld/oz:w`ovctcltovo ( c.i.l:r_.Lo' a].. b.i: 1 rzEtlz.I..I.(etl}to be i]Isf allecl: l lectric / Oi. Gas / Wood Forced flat A' / U eboard / Other Person rel3polls ' bie far supervision Of work as regards to building codes i s : �� Ilddresss Ptlone Builder: Plumber: Mason: Electrician: DEC1-4RA770N 1'Jcrl.rc sig/1 Lcloly tier yids hstre ct]rcftlJy rc(u!the ,rintcnlc/rt, `I'o ltto bell of lay know le(lge 'lie st.'"llenls containcel if' (Iris :11)t>li-16( 1. together with the plans :ut.1 specifications stzbilliltecl, arc a true and Complete statentcnt of all proposc(I work to be clone ctll the described premises %fill that .111 provisions ()l- the Iltiil(liai; Code. Ifte lortifil; 0141immCc- alid all other I:lws pertailtirtt" (o the propane(( work shall I>e coutpheel with, whellm-1- spectltc(1 os' note(I, ants (hat such wt-irk is mitIlorived by the owner. I urlhcr, it is un(Icrstoo(1 Ihal Uwe shall stlbfili( briar' to n Ccrlilleate of, C)ca(tp:ul(:y''ot' C:'crtific:no or t::oiltyrliance bring i.^,stte(t, an AS !1[111,1' PI.-01• 111-AN by s► licel/tie(] stu-voyor; (lrll%val to scale, showing .(dual loc:atiort of project ()It prcnlisos. (owner, ow is agent, architect, ) contracto1- o � � ro a n ►� ro �U1 N �1 H "•! � C1 c� � ro n , H H 0 0 r a x C Ci C� k O C H 0 0 k 7 r 0 7 x 0 a 0 0 0 a x zc0 'a n z q 0 r r > N H e x rwH A w H n ro ro H 'Z H n x 0 H H HNrmr Hz0anmm 0m 000z � Mtn 0 z Napr0 Hcamr x �s � cm 0 rrN z � ro NX "Xi m N H 0 M H r w "� n 0 G N ro H [ C n m m x m r r 0 H 0 r x I C � n z m m < a m CX n o o n 0 c H C=1 H H x 0 0 " H N N z z n `�H c ►� C n H z N 0 x z3 x t N N ►� H } ro H n J N a p n cn N x �� N N "' n00 a � 0 �+ care Dam Nm bH bx > cc (� zz 0x1 01 rx ' I T 0 H n 1 � H G tm � , �� 0 a ro m x H H ro m c 0 � � n r n r 0 0 r m ro m n ro H > m z H H > q H0 n x z m m H H rox < N a m M ZE ), N a v a o a0 z ro ^cq cox � cn > + H k>G� ►cmm H C� m 0N14 10 G c � ►� omz OZN rorr m Naoc 2H> H t,9 �H 4 nK > H x IV �a n ' M m N r r z 1 x 0 0 RESIDENTIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No.(518)761-8256 Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement Dept.of Community Development Arrive am/pm Depart pm Town of Queensbury Inspector's Initials 742 Bay Road Queensbury, r"rk 12804 x NAME S PERMIT# LOCATION / DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE z N/A YESrr NO COMMENTS Chimney Height/"B"VentlDirect Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 30"to 36" Exterior Handrails,balconies,landing 18 in. more Interior Handrails stairs both sides 3 or more 'sers Grade 2%away from foundation 8"clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"a ve grade Gas Furnace shut-of£within 30 feet or withi line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to fiurnace Furnace/Hot dater Heater operator Relief Valves)installed Headroom,6 ft.6 in.on stairs Basement stairs,6 ft.4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides more th risers_ Interior privacy/trim/doorslmain entrant t- Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen waterti Interior Handrails Ba conieslLanding 18 ' or more Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors. every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected(in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18"or less from floor oral Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okay to issue C/C(Certif.of Compliance) v-)/Zo�oj )L)& AP*X 1A1 Okay to issue temp.C/O(Certif.of Occupancy). Okay to issue permanent C/O(Certif.of Occupancy) s '3',4 GENE W INSPECTION]&PORT ( 518) 761-8256 Town of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road �, Q �eensbury,NY 12804. Arrive am/pm Depar£{J� alp Inspector's Initials NAME: t x- PERMIT# LOCATION: ATE: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO CO NTS otings/Piers I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is respo ible for providing protection fro freezing for 48 hours follo,%ing the laeement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site V1 Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproof n Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentNents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior Foundation Walls Exteri R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or pi 'ng in unheated s ces R- Proper Vent, A 'c Vent Framing Jack Stu 'ea is Bracin ridging Joist H tigers Jack osts/Main Beam Air tration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2,3,4 hour Firestopping GE.IVEP L INSPECT ON REPORT (518) 761-8256 'gown of Queensbury Dept.of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building&Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road / Queensbury,NY 12804. Arrive am/pm Depaft �am/m > Inspector's Initials NAME: V/' U PERMIT It LOCATION: DATE: -7 ,A TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form � � Pee (} 1,�F Reinforcement in Place The contractor is res usible for providing protection om freezing -,� for 48 hours folio g the placement of the concrete. Materials for this p se on site Foundatlo all pour ' Reinforcement in Foundation/Dampproo, ng Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentlVents i Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In _ Insulation Foundation Walls nterior R- Foundation Wall Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R Ceiling R- Duct work or p' ing in unheated ces R Proper Vent, A c Vent Framing Jack Stu enders Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1,2,3,hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping -n . cl a, aA) C-CA t ' tl 2° I pSS k� ...--7 ^ti t 7 Z, — TOWN Of QUEENSBURY '. RECEIVED ;x BUILDING & a p T, ��Y � � �000 -rOIVJVNII�OF QUEEtussURY r , REVIEWED BY - �91l1:t3i taAf �CC>®E DATE L r4 0.S �, k TOWN OF QUEENS-BURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT Based on our limited examination, compfiiancevnth our axwnents shall not be construed as indicating the plans and specifications are in full compliance with the code. 12, A �JcN�t1S 60 RECEIVED ° MAY 0 9 2000 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ' BUILDING AND CQDE* -1-L A : L4 off: _ h t L } li 1 Y, Pie /o o 3s" a9 Div aq A `R i ..mow . It e\ TIN RECE.IVED 2000 9 Q I MAY I � of