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r-. ..t,,;r• u„ r wr..,' 9 r 4Yy1y•, jjVj'W„Ql u,cn.. .. ,., -14 , .,I W,r "v+ L tqkv- r Ue, + r rt,lqi*lC@ te ' Occupaincy r Town of Queensbury ; . r Marren County,New York + Funs 27 , 2000 0 This is to certify that work requested to be done!as shown by'Per' mit No, 20gl0370 has been.completed, This stricture may be occupied as a� MOBILE HOME Location 47 GREGWOOD CIRCLE owner TAX MAP NO. 125 a-1-29 0 IBy Order"gown Boar TOWN OF QUBBN BURY .director of Building&"Cade,Fnforcei, e�at BUILDING PERMIT Town of Queensbury,742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 County of Warren (518) 761-8256 VALUE $ 56000 2000370 TAX MAP NO. 125 . -1-29 . 13 Building Permit No. JAGIELSKI , CHRIS Permission is hereby granted to Owner of property located at 47 GREGWOOD CIRCLE in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place a MOBILE HOME at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Owner's Address: 47 GREGWOOD CIRCLE QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name: SHOWCASE HOMES Contractor or Builder's Address: 2712 ROUTE 9 MALTA, NY 12020 Electrical Inspection Agency: Type of Construction: MOBILE HOME Plans and Specifications: 1568 SQ FT MOBILE HOME AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS Proposed Use: MOBILE HOME 55 June 6 2002 $ PERM FEE PAID—TfUS PERMIT EXPIRES (if a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) 6 June 2000 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of SIGNED BY &-VLF for the Town of Queensbury Code Enforcement Officer MAY-23-2000 TUE 03:28 PM ADIRONDACK SCENIC FAX NO, 618761-3362 P, 03/105 4"1 Application for Permit— Mob i le ,Home pq�"IVED Tmvit of queenshury, 742 Betv R=4 Queensbuty, AT 12804 (518) 761-8236 MAY 3 0 2000 WEENSBURY A Wilding permit must be obtained before placement of mobile home on parcel. No inspections qH Q0DE until a valid building permit has been issued. Applicant Information office Use -n Name- U i e L e-* (.SKI File Permit 370 Address: 9-0. ZOY -2028 Fee Paid G Jet 1 I aUs, NJ Y GJtJ Reviewed By: Phone No. S)B- 7-U-.960 .Property Owner k1formallon Parcel Information Proposed Date of Placement, 4L1 OP--- Name: Property Location: . 44 Gqqwood Circle Address: RN.4,Stim-1,Avenue Narneof Mobile fiomePark:Foe rK (if applicable) Phone No, Tax Map Number: 1p Xfobile Home It-Iformalion Zoninjg li;(ormafion Approximate Value(if Home:s 561000 Zoning Classification New'Home: Ye i4"o Replicement.Home: ' Yes NoSizoofProperty: -ft.by_ft, Existing buildings: Size of Mobile Home,, ft. by ft. Setbacks: front yard ft, rear yard ft, Singlewide: Doublavvide: Side yards Number of Rooms, (exclude baths} Number of Bedrooms: 3 Accessory Buildings): circle Number of Bathrooms: 2— Detached garage: I car; 2 car, car circle: Gas Fireplace J Woodstove/Wood Fireplace Attached garage; I car; 2 car, r—ar Storage building: Yes No Foundation Support: Othen' STZE&DEPTH Water Supply: well or rmulicipal Pica x 161, Is Septic Permit Required? Yes or No Slab x Further information lrequested on the reverse side of this sheet E0, MAY-23-2000 TUE 03:25 PM ADIRONDACK SCENIC FAX NO, 5187613362 P, 01102 rig Name of Installer or Mobile Home Dealer: Showcase,�Stjx� Address: _ 24)Z T aAe..._gi NoAcz,. M Y 1��2 .�. .�. a Phone No, SAY Complete information below found can a"plate„or"'sticker"'which is affixed to the. i�i�,�� �iVS13UqV D 1. Ihsi,gnia serial number: �C►La 2. Name of manufacturer. it 3- ap-L 3. Plan approval Number: 4. Model or Component Designation: tt 142 (New Home OIVL)% 5. Date of Manufacture: AFFIDAVIT To"of Queensbury State of New York - County of Warren i I swear that to the beat of my knowledge and belief the statements contained in this application,together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete-statement of all proposed work to.be done on the described premises and that all prgvisions of the BUILDYNG CODE,the ZONING ORDINANCE,and all other taws pertaining to the proposed work j shall be complied with,whether specified or not,and that such work is authorized bythe owner. kv Signature:44,ts 7 4 er,p,vYn r'S agent,<arcWtect,contractor Sjvci41 Conditions,pf Permit Form: t M9/1990A Code Enforcement Officer -rown' of CZucaonsbury Ouilclino 8. C::cxl*3 Rnfarcam4qnt xy Road 74,2 Mee C)uae nat3ury, We 1.2804 (518) 761-8256 DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEI ED- E� 1F<D4c)rrll%j4us IFC>X-TINDAT"I«N I- f6"ncL-atio-'l slappc>rt, pit--jr spacing 2_ anchoring per tx rx--r rria-lalur. ........................ - ------------- - 3_ water lirze shut off -- ----------------- 4- st---wc--r lixu-- s7uppocwt 4 feet .... 6- dryer ...... .hot water relief valv4--,,pipumjX Ilia�Xde- water pvc3c)-firi&- ---------- --- - t EZ- d<xDpir r--I"s4--rs . ... . . . . . .................. .. 13. p1livalbill-gy fixture-- --- - - ------------ 14- fc)-izzichtticria ixmsW--vti<ma (if IS- smoke cltate-ctcl�l.& ----------- ----- ------- - 16- final electrical ------ ---- ----- -- ------ 17- -variaxxc--t-- vecjxxivt--d --__-____-- . - -_ - -- 18_ ct.-It.-A plate CIR.-ty ----- -------- --------- - --119- mobile 14T-T]E:> --- - ------ - t>f ISSUE 1*4c) F Town` cA Cluoonsbury► Building SL Cede Entorcern4E3nt 742 _Bay Road - CtuansUury, NY 12804 (51 8) 761-8255 ARRIVE?: DEPART: _ INS - DATE INSPECTI©N REQUEST RECEIVE NAME: - L.ocATION: M�>Bi]IIZ.� gii®l�II]iE ]�OHl�L.A�i. - Ht�1l�L FO�I'IItTGS FQLJNDAT`ION BACKS=I��T_ FRAMING r lX. 1_ fc3undatic}n support, pier sp cing per nzanuf_. .................. ....... 2. anchoring per rn��nuf. �.--.._ ----- .+ 3_ water line strut off ---,f- - ------ _--- 4_ sewer line support (W 4 feet -_ --- - sr Z. --- __ r3'er ntecl outsides --ti_--_-----_ _ - - - _ — -- 7_ s rung ventilated- _.----------- ._-_ -- 8_ hot vcratex relief alv : piping ou 'de d rclzess, steps . .._ 1 _ fi xrxi;ace of Ovate c vperatin ------ _ 1 _ arage fire proc>• ... ... ..`.. . . 12. door closers .. .. ... ............. . 13- plumbing fixture -- -.:------ - ---------- -- 14. foundation b su3atic>n (if appl-).... 15_ smoke detectors .-------------------- -J I6_ final electrical ------ --------------- f - 17_ variance required -------- ---------- - is. data. plate 6lcay ---------- - -- ------- - 19- mobile -HUI> seal okay _____ ______ Yo3el -' -� - _ '- 1.it 1l 'Serial # �. r 1�a.te of Manufacturer c l'"> 1^'�C► '�"" 'E►'� �. t rEAY -rQ ISSUE C--/C> YES NC► I-CS Sent By: GEMINI SAES; 570968924B.; 1"9 Jun 10.0 11 :25AM;Job 712,Page:1 t2 To: Mr, John O'Brien Fax: 1-518-745-4437 Phone: Re: Home*13668AB From: Tedd A. Brungard, Mngr. Pages: (Including Cover) 2 Date: 6/19/2000 " cc: " Mr. O'Brien, After review of the production records on this home; I have determined that the home has been constructed for the Middle Zone�or 30 psf roof load. I have included a copy of the original.-Data Sheet with this noted. " Return Information: Ritz-Craft Corporatioh of'P'A, Inc. 15 Industrial Park Road, P.C . Box 70 Mifflinburg, PA 17844:` '. Phone:-(570) 966-6117 Fax: (570) 966-9752 or(570)966-924.8. e-mail: teddb ritz-oraft.com" Visit: www.rbz craft.com Sent By: GEMINII SALES; 709669248; . 19 Jun'00 11 :25AM;Job 712;Page.2/2 !L." AI�! CORP.VIGO�X COMFOKNEATING . This manufaotvred home Man basrt_themtetly insulated to conform with the r■g Mira mento of the faderal,manufedtured home conatntI tlon end safety standard■for aN loaeISO r'P'0' BOX 70 Within climatic xon■_,,,�.:_. -. - ni nay}ir11+t s PA 7 Hsatlag equipm.rtt ntutuMrdorer and mcostI!F! . ,li twrf r LJ The aba"heating equipm�tt has tlan vorsge 701 F tempamttue in Plant Number thlehntneatnutdoxtemperaermeof Date of Manufacture HUD No, To murlrcdss Nmace operating economy,and to canow"ensrglf.it Is recommended that this Koine be MatWlod where she Outdoor Wlntsr d6bign temperature(0714%)1e not higher then {ci"191a ,,,, Martufalcturar's Serial Number and Modal,Unit Designation : ltiem+eti 'brit artcaalculrated®■umtnosme,dmumwindvelaanyofismphst affintlSrdStmo■phado prossure ,tS ems/ m 48rr »lam t: fl,&A ` COMFORTCOOLINO Design Approval by(D,A,P.I,A. e ar r ❑ Air Conditioner pravldetl atlactofy(Alternate If _._1fE�J'rf Air©ottdtttoner mmufas�ursr and model{ass Ilst at ie1U. This manufactured home Is designed to comply with the iedaiet manufactured hams OOnetruellon and solely slaneards In farce at time of manufacture., Certined capacity s.T.0 lhour in accordance with the approprlaLe air conditioning entl reffigeration Institute etanderde. (For additional Information,consult aviner'e manual) The central air conditioning syetsm provided In this hone has bash sued assuring an The factory Installed equipment lnalrrrtea; Orientation of the front(hack en at t4ta hams recall on this basis the Equipment Manufacturer Model Designation -ayateM is 40019netl to melnt in an.indoon temperature of 7s°F when outdoor For heating . _ —IArr/arm_„ { tsrtgwmturwrnsre F.tlry forth end- Fwe[loofa.. For air tooling The tamperaturn to which this home can be cooled wilt clangs dependinga�non the For Cooking , �, Ai ,Q f ''? Srnnunt of atptgere Of the WNdewe of this hams to the eon's radiant nest Therdore,fha __. _ 1+�+,• heme'e heat aak+a cell vary depend rid upon Its atanmdon to the Sun and anyprmumm Refrigerator -: —�` "hadi�•prOv fhforrsutlort OSncsming the calculation v1 erooibtg l■■de at vsrtous locations,window expo a and shadings .provided In ChSptae 22 of the IM adifloh Water.Heater oftfwASHMEHandb pkofofFundtmeftfahL Washer Information nw■s.ary to tW CUWta analtr�ricg toads at vsrfous locations and orlantsWms Is provided In the,rpr%comma coollne rmahhanah provided with this dome, Clothes pryer Alf candlNoner Aar provided at fiefty(Alternate O) Dishwasher �, _ [:. i w>•...e.�t, The air distribution system of this home In suitable for the Install"on of central air �f�a.�.�s■r, oondltfonlnq. . Garbage Disposal Inaaup}ilyafrta trtbuttaheyeteitwcrab,li.dtntlflehomsirai�dfaramsnuract>a'adban* Fireplace mW&WairoondwonIng system oftw to— B.T:tldtu.fated eapeatywhkharo smoke Detector wdd vfWV teeth ir Uftisepa°�ai mn nu MW aatt 0. Inch�e column st■tio p=■are or greeter tar tha cooling Sir delivered to the manufactured home supply air duct syslwit. Information rnamo fy to aftlett Doane made at varimn,locations and Oltenia, is is — provided in thospor W cw t tt coonng fnfemWWM pr*Wdod with this ntanufacbmW horns. HOME CONBTWueTSD FOR �y U Alr eatsntlonfngp not raaammended(Alternate III) Zone 1 Zone It © Zone 111 The airdistrlbttdOn System of this home has not been deslaned In anticlpadon of its use This home inns not tseart etl roc the higiwr wind riure and anchoring with mcsntralalrconditteningsystem. prtra g t3AM ions requlrod'for _ the h eoeetot oleos and shout not be icoeted within 160ty of ttw ooaStlIna in Wind Zanas II and Ill,tmleea tits bane and its enplenrng and fai ndstion system nova bean designed for thminomased raquirsmants INFORMATiON PROVIDED By THE MANUFACTURER epeoplad for Expasvne 01.ANs1tASC9 7.e9 NECESSARY TO CALCULATE SENSIBLE NEAT GAIN This home h"—has ne b#en equOp ad wlthatanr,ahuttirs Or other protective Coveftm for windows Walls(without windows and door*)......................-.and Wderfor doer op■nirtgL For homes dealpn■d to the located in Wind Zones If and Ill,which a not been •..........................tt'— provided with ahuttem or equivalent covering dsvfa■s,It it ahangly recommended that the hans.ba rnnds , ady to be axqryutpp■d with limo devices In ACCOT48 toe with the method rerwrn pond td in nwnufac*Rdw. Ceilings and roofs of light color).............................................._:....................`(N=..-.. printed Mattuatlana, BASICWIND ZONE MAP Ceainge and mots of dark oolor................ ......... ...........:..........................••,`tr-.— Floara... ................_.................. .» ................. ........... _ Airducts in floor................ ............ ................»..................."U' AirOuctsino4mng...................:...........................................»........: tit Air duals Installed avlaide the home..............................................................0 The fallowing are the Gust aloes in thin home: Alfuucfa in noor...................................................................... .........`-- ZONE1 Air ducts In Camng......................_................,,........................_.._... _ s(r,ft. Air duote molds the home.........:...................................................... sq.it r ZIDNE 11 c?= To detamNne the retluhad aapaalry Of equlpmant to Cool a home effiolantty and sparomicaiy, ZC}NE I a cooling load(heat path)ealoutatlon Is to gWred The cooling reed is deperulem on the odenpt. .a a tign,location and the Sault lure of the ham■. Central air conditioners cps"most ofnetantty and.provlde the greatest aomfarl.when their cspeclty,closely epproximaras the calculated 2QNE III ►a } NE III ZONE III Coding fond. Each home's air condMoner should to sized In accordenie with Chapter 22 of ZONE It the Arnarloan Society of Heating.Rsfriprating and Air Canal' tlOning Enpinaere{ASHFIAE} Handbook of Fundamantate,ones One location and Orientation are known. DE>#tirN ROOF LOAD ZONE MAP North 40 PSF SrsUlit 20 PSF 'Middle 30 PBF -Cther , _PSF OUTDOOR WINTER DESIGN TEMP_ZONES NCFlTtf MIDD MIDDLE MIDD WNE 8 Sol1TN NORTH _. ... ... . ..._..._.. ... rp a q, E D-69 Fits: rat7srV { �oao.o.44ure RE:V.7/$d MAY-23-2000 TUE 03:28 PM ADIRONDAOK .SOEM1.0 � FAX, NO, 5187E13882 P. 04/05 i`F`_v , Ri-f :kf F r t_l'lr- 9pI) ir:II FAX -{i?, 8191A 1S-7 FILE COPY C;:2 70 'MAY 3 0 200 OF QUEC074SBURY ; .,,..- ;. 01NN OF QUEENSEURY BUILDING &P REVIEWED BY • .: '�: .� rt. '��` .3 ��,;.-. .t 'ATE ` �/{ 1NN t?--QUEEN58URN'dUI!DING DEPARTMENT -gas'ed on our limited examination, compliance-With our comments shall not be construed as indicating the ' pians'and specifications are in full comoiance with the code, 4 1 NOTICE ANCHORING OF_MOBILE D HOME FRAME IS REQUIRE PER MANUFACTURERS SPECIFICATIONS P� t► # T�? �� DOpZ v AW .07z