Application General Information Application No. (Office Use Only) Project Location: Northwav Plaza NYS State Route 9 Tax Map Id: 246-18-1-47 Zone Classification: HC-Int Detailed Description of Project (include current & proposed use): The applicant is proposing to construct two wall si.Zns which will total 168 square feet of signage. Applicant: Pancra LLC Address: 6710 Clanton Road Home Phone: Richmond Heights MO 63117 Work Phone: 314-633-7132 314-633-7244 fax Applicant's Agent: Jonathan C. Lapper Esq. and Stefanie Bitter Lauer Manguso Associates Address: Bartlett Pontiff. Stewart &Rhodes P.C. 4080 Ridge Lea Rd One Washington Street Buffalo, NY 14228 P.O. Box 2168 Glens Falls New York 12804 Phone Number: 792-2117 716-837-0833 Fax: 792-3309 716-837-5734 Property Owner: Northwav Plaza Associates LLC Address: 217 Montgomery Street Syracuse NY 13202 Fork Phone 315-422-3356 Fax 315-478-5241 Directions to Site: Northwav Plaza Route 9 L�001'010 Sibs Variance Site Development Data Area/Type Existing sq.ft. Proposed Total sq.Ift. Addition . A. Building Footprint �'pc.+P i s ft. B, Detached Garage C. Accessory Structures) rr // N� D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced areas iV,4 E. Porches /Decks F. Othex IVA Total Nozi-Permeable Sum A thro h F) /1/A Parcel Area Per Non-Permeable (Total Non-PermeablcRarcel Areal Setback Requirements Front 1' Re aired Existin Proposed Front 2 Shoreline Side Yard 1) Side X''a*d 2 Reax Tard (I Rea lard (2) --- �— 1 wafer:Travel Corridor — - 5i n Setback - s° ?lr,. of"P rlsZug Space - -- - - 1 \O'h vh •�j AL� t `1 AllJ l Compliance with Sign Ordinance Section(s) that apply: 140-6(B)(3)(d)(2)(b)/ 140-011)(3)(d)(4)(b) What signs are you allowed to have? 1 Wall Signs square feet (each) (Per business) _ square feet (each) Free Standing 100_square feet(each) This application is for a change in the: Number of Signs: X Size of Signs: X Height of Signs: _ Setback for Sign: _ Other: Elevation: If you are proposing to install wall signs,provide a scale drawing of the facade they will be located on, with their location shown. If you are proposing more than two (2) sings, the following information must be provided for each sign (please use additional sheets if necessary): South Side: Sign Number: 1 Size: Length: 27'-11/ x Width 36" = 84 Existing: NO Height: N/A (for freestanding) Proposed: YES Depth 1' 1/2ft. (projecting) Wall: YES Distance from Property line: 50 ft. Freestanding: NO Wording: "PANERA BREAD" Illuminated: YES (INTERNALLY) Projecting: YES Design of Sign: Scale 1/4' = 1' inches/feet East Side Sign Number: 2 Size: Length: 28' x Width 36" = 84 Existing: NO Height: N/A (for freestanding) Proposed: YES Depth E. (projecting) Wall: YES Distance from Property line: 88.6 ft. Freestanding: NO Wording: "PANERA BREAD" Illuminated: YES (INTERNALLY) Projecting: YES Design of Sign: Scale 1/8' = 1' inches/feet Sign Variance Checklist - Please prepare a map depicting existing and proposed conditions. Failure to complete the following checklist or include all the required information on your plot plan will result in a determination of incompleteness and a delay in the processing of your application. *Check/Initial Each Box P-Provided NA-Not Applicable ADDRESS EACH ITEM WR- Waiver Re nested P NA WR GENERAL A. Title,name, address of applicant&person responsible for preparation of drawing c�- B. North arrow, Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale (minimum 1 in. =40 ft. C. Boundaries of the property plotted to scale, zoning boundary D. Location of principal structure, accessory structures with exterior dimensions E. Location of site improvements including outdoor storage areas, driveways(existing and proposed),parking areas,etc. F. Setbacks for all structures and improvements d G. Elevations of proposed structures. WATER &SEWER Al A. Location of on-site sewage disposal Facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of bedrooms served. / B. Location of water supply (i.e. well) and septic on adjoining lots with v//1 separation distances to existing or proposed on-site water supply and 'T 1septic. N/ C. Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and jj waterbodies. D. Location and description of existing public or private water supply (well, 11/4- lake, etc.). Method of securing public or private water, location, design and construction of water supply including daily water usage. E. Percolation test location and results. PARKING/PERMEABLE AREAS A. No.of spaces required for project including calculations and justification. B. No. of existing parking spaces, no. to be removed, no. to maintain and /�✓ type of s cing material e. ., gravel,paced). C. Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking. D. Location ad design details of ingress, egress,loadin areas and cutting. E. Location and character of green areas (existing and proposed), modification to green area,buffer zone to remain undisturbed. F. Lighting,location and design of all existing or proposed outdoor li htin . ADDITIONAL SITE DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS A. Location of on-site & adjacent watercourses: streams, rivers, lake and wetlands. i - B. Location of proposed & existing: utility/energy distribution systems (gas, a electric. solar, telephone. C. Location, design, and construction of all existing and proposed site /�✓� improvements including: drains, culverts, retaining walls, fences, fire & emergency zones and hydrants. D. Location and amount / portion of building area proposed for office, manufacturing. recall sales, or other commercial activities. E. Signage7 Location, size. ty pe, design and setback �isn`iarance sties^.sec: Auaust'_O. '002 COMPLIANCE WITH ZONING ORDINANCE The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them, using additional sheets if needed. 1. How would you benefit from the granting of this Sign Variance? The new store will be located on the corner of the section of the plaza that faces Home Depot, as a result the sign on the east facade will be barely visible to cars traveling on Route 9 and will not be visible from any other location off-site. The sign on the east facade is necessary for customers visiting Home Depot and the sign on the south facade is necesssary for customers off-site. 2. What effect would this variance have on the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community? A positive effect. It will assist the community in locating the new restaurant. 3. Are there feasible alternatives to this variance? Although having one sign on the portion of the store that faces Route 9 may be deemed as a feasible alternative, it is the applicant's position that this alternative, because this is a comer unit, may be detrimental to the safety of the area. Due to the fact that the layout of the site makes the restaurant barely visible from off-site points of travel it is necessary to add a second sign so that potential on-site customers can easily locate the store. 4. Is the amount of relief substantial relief relative to the Ordinance? No, not when considering the plaza's layout and the fact that when a store is located on the comer of two streets walls signs on each side of the store are allowed. This is a similar case, the only difference that exists is that the road that enters the plaza is not a public street. 5. Will the variance have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions of the neighborhood or district? No, the variance will have no adverse effect. Actually, it will have a positive effect on the safety of the neighborhood and the second sign will be barely visible. Jul 13 04 04: 42p Kelly & Dutch 31S4785241 p.2 W/13/2tlNa 14:48 titf"!7Z-a n pr+cr mac„ ryee,err r...n. Sign Variance S4pwtnre Pfte Ibis Page "sodas the Au&mmbm to Act as Ag= Fvta, Login Fee Die bme, Oc1m•Pm=t Resaomtbli madApxm=top)widedo=mmoa4aterpttttd. cco+pl-wIbctouowmgifthe oftheFeopmtyis g the stare=theapphcaee Owoet: ' ' .- ktlPffi'7'kRC) Dt»s aeee r a'h4Na.: siv-_ (PtintApp6cmt/AgvaNwm) Asrteg N*.: - FarTsc Soeaort Dttd Rgkmcrc Book_ TaBe_Doe_ S4GMATMM (Oww) Date t'mv&M the M"vmg if t w Ar L CANT is atasbio to attend the t or wishes to be represented by owdw;tatty: Apoc=ra Agm Dons Llw- •yfa _ (print ArM Nswe) As agm momdimW _Vwia _Sift Fla _Subdivuim Fa Tax MapNo_SecUmp Blotk_, Lot_ SMNATUEM (Appilaot) Date £� +a Db&"M Apphom6 tm esesy be)ef , to 4e Toast targotee;fcr)nxw of septic &wv�, storm eV- w dz2=mwd bi the Za g a Phome)g MpWUrnL Foes fat =W mv=K tvnew wvwAs wM be dwrg)ed dhrr*io the apphcmr Ft w for ettgmeermg review w;u ux Cwmd si.ow wthotd wbbc nm to the apptiemr MW 01a pa=t3 nay be myamed far c= t¢om w gwratim activity wbaetpamt to appaorai by F7ataautg Bnatd. It m the Vphcat's te3pm b&V tri obtm airy sddihm)al peons:. A is Ste practice of Catn'omity Dewkpaa=Depa¢amt to bm a desioubd stemvmpba apt tataarcl me pre�et4ttg,>e of aoeeanga sepdmB Soar applieat0i4o,atad tAq alimcma saixacAW £+az rhos tapes amtriaft me ofsv1 osmd of as pwomdwXL Tf free is a ditttaepmcy bcs',cea as o:toad aid the ham4wntten mmetea ialmn tiY the deed somopVhm, to bm d".tm ammom As&be deemed ttc offxdai tared. L the:mderaoomk hire deroaghty red aed tm ins tiiotoI dbr sobmdsai4q,ahem to the tmbm <P a mtmtetaesta amd t the a9t Zpp&i'.atCt$s31d .1fa7u:;A:�Y.e: ;.aaat':cised: �tvsuetm.zmz :l)SCT I.D.'N IIMtl CR SEQR 617 .21 -- Appendix F State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only ART I - PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project )onsor) L . APPLI CANT SPONSOR 2 . PROJECT NAME ?ANERA, LLC SIGN VARIANCE 3 . PROJECT LOCATION: WARREN GOWN of QUEENSBURY COUNTY 1 . PRECISE LOCATION (STREET ADDRESS AND ROAD INTERSECTIONS, PROMINENT LAPDMARES, ETC., OR PROVIDE MAP) ,TORTHWAY PLAZA, QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK i . IS PROPOSED ACTION: X NEW EXPANSION MODI FI CATION ALTERATION i . DESCRIBE PROJECT BRIEFLY: APPLICANT IS PROPOSING TO CONSTRUCT TWO WALL SIGNS WHICH WILL TOTAL 168 SQUARE FEET OF SIGNAGE. 7 . AMOUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: INITIALLY ACRES ULTIMATELY ACRES 3 . WILL PROPOSED ACTION COMPLY WITH EXISTING ZONING OR OTHER EXISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? _ YES X NO IF NO, DESCRIBE BRIEFLY PHE SIGNAGE REQUESTED EXCEEDS THE NUMBER OF SIGNS ALLOWED UNDER THE ODE . 9 . WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY OF PROJECT? RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL X COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE _ PARK FOREST OPEN SPACE DESCRIBE: PHE AREA IS LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF UPPER GLEN STREET. 10 . DOES ACTION INVOLVE A PERMIT APPROVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATELY FROM ANY OTHER 3OVERNMENTAL AGENCY (FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL) ? YES X NO IF YES, LIST AGENCY(S) AND PERMIT/APPROVALS 11 . DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HAVE A CURRENTLY VALID A PERMIT OR APPROVAL? YES X NO IF YES, LIST AGENCY (S) AND PERMIT/APPROVALS 12 . As A RESULT OF PROPOSED ACTION, WILL EXISTING PERMIT APPROVAL REQUIRE MODIFICATIONS? YES X NO I CERTIFY THAT THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ABOVE 15 TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE APPLICANT/SPONSOR NAME: P.ANERA, LLC DATE: JULY 15, 2004 r 'f the action ;s in the coastal Area. and lou are a state aaenc,i. comolete the Jc S.a! '-ess[n=ri =�fTT1 ^eiCre CfCCeealna 'Nlth -nis assessment lirt II - ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT (To be completed by Agency) �. DOES ACTION EXCEED ANY TYPE I THRESHOLD IN 6 NYCRR, PART 617.12? IF YES, COORDINATE THE REVIEW ROCESS AND USE THE FULL EAF. YES _ No S. WILL ACTION RECEIVE COORDINATE➢ REVIEW AS PROVIDED FOR UNLISTED ACTIONS IN 6NYCRR, PART 617. 6? IF No, . NEGATIVE DECLARATION MAY BE SUPERSEDED BY ANOTHER INVOLVED AGENCY. _ YES No .. COULD ACTION RESULT IN ANY ADVERSE EFFECTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FOLLOWING: (ANSWERS MAY BE HANDWRITTEN, IF iEGIBLE) :1 . EXISTING AIR QUALITY, SURFACE OR GROUNDWATER QUALITY OR QUANTITY, NOISE LEVELS, EXISTING TRAFFIC 'ATTERNS, SOLID WASTE PRODUCTION OR DISPOSAL, POTENTIAL FOR EROSION, DRAINAGE OR FLOODING PROBLEMS? EXPLAIN RIEFLY: :2 . AESTHETIC, AGRICULTURAL, ARCHAEOLOGICAL, HISTORIC, OR OTHER NATURAL OR CULTURAL RESOURCES; OR COMMUNITY )R NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER? EXPLAIN BRIEFLY: .3 . VEGETATION OR FAUNA, FISH, SHELLFISH OR WILDLIFE SPECIES, SIGNIFICANT HABITATS, OR THREATENED OR :NDANGERED SPECIES? EXPLAIN BRIEFLY: 1.4 . A COMMUNITY'S EXISTING PLANS OR GOALS AS OFFICIALLY ADOPTED, OR A CHANGE IN USE OR INTENSITY OF USE OF .AND OR OTHER NATURAL RESOURCES? EXPLAIN BRIEFLY. '_5. GROWTH, SUBSEQUENT DEVELOPMENT, OR RELATED ACTIVITIES LIKELY TO BE INDUCED BY THE PROPOSED ACTION? :XPLAIN BRIEFLY. '6 . LONG TERM, SHORT TERM, CUMULATIVE, OR OTHER EFFECTS NOT IDENTIFIED IN Cl-CS? EXPLAIN BRIEFLY. '_7 . OTHER IMPACTS (INCLUDING CHANGES IN USE OF EITHER QUANTITY OR TYPE OF ENERGY) ? EXPLAIN BRIEFLY. J. IS THERE, OR IS THERE LIKELY TO BE, CONTROVERSY RELATED TO POTENTIAL ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS? YES NO IF YES, EXPLAIN BRIEFLY. ?ART III - DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE (TO BE COMPLETED BY AGENCY) INSTRUCTIONS: FOR EACH ADVERSE EFFECT IDENTIFIED ABOVE, DETERMINE WHETHER IT IS SUBSTANTIAL, LARGE, :MPORTANT OR OTHERWISE SIGNIFICANT. EACH EFFECT SHOULD BE ASSESSED IN CONNECTION WITH ITS (A) SETTING (I.E. , URBAN )R RURAL) ; (B) PROBABILITY OF OCCURRING; C) DURATION; (D) IRREVERSIBILITY; (E) GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE; AND (F) IAGNITUDE. IF NECESSARY, ADD ATTACHMENTS OR REFERENCE SUPPORTING MATERIALS. ENSURE THAT EXPLANATIONS CONTAIN 3UFFICIENT DETAIL TO SHOW THAT ALL RELEVANT ADVERSE IMPACTS HAVE BEEN IDENTIFIED AND ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED. _ CHECK THIS BOX IF YOU HAVE IDENTIFIED ONE OR MORE POTENTIALLY LARGE OR SIGNIFICANT ADVERSE IMPACTS WHICH MAY OCCUR. THEN PROCEED DIRECTLY TO THE FULL EAF AND/OR PREPARE A POSITIVE ➢ECLARATION. .....E DETERN IP7ED, BASED ON THE INFOP.MATIOPI AND ANAL .:_JVE AND AM SUPPORTING n-r -_ C F---LT -V _7ERSE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS i TOWN OF OUEENSBURY ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS NAME OF LEAD AGENCY OFFICER P1 Lew AGENCt TITLE OF ..:'_3LE OFFICER J