Application l:\PPm NMflrq\20C8\7oninp 8OQ,d AP&QIk". 1070b\9GN VARIANCE 4-J0-07.da GENERAL INFORMATION • HC-INT Tax Parcel ID number 296.18-1-47 Zoning District-- f Applicant is prosing to i Detailed Description of Project (include current a er°p°red use): op construct a Walgreens and Chili's Restaurant which require relief from sign variant . Location of Project: B20 State Route 9 Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? no If the parcel has previous approvals,list application number(s) 217 Montgomery St. Suite 7 NPA II LLC 13202-1937� . Syracuse, New York 4•• .� I' b�.{.�r11.•�tl r' 'I�nlll ^� " PO Box 2168 n Bartlett Pontiff, 1 Washington St: tG`4a ' A., lens Falls, NY 12801 p Stewart & Rhodes, PC A.,"! lens '��"•nVrtin a. 1u'1 :•e":ib , f.�i°If '�I :�t?I'�C^�,�•' ..I♦ iY°�ova f.rvi!i� ",d Y;.. stir I ,` riers same as app ".1YillA{IOp�ti.•'!;.'.'��n .."•8.,' 11t h b I•ryr. b4,Gj�'nS.din•f�,l(.r�"�'?7(1�' n Offico 742 Bay Road Queensbury,My 12804 • 518-761-8238 QTown of Queensbury•Wnin 8 9 ( 7 ) C\Pam WMng\2X8\ZO k g Bowd_AppYoatbm 010708\SIGN VARIANCE 43D07Aoc DO NOT WRITE ON THIS PAGE: ITEMS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY STAFF DURING PRE-SUBMISSION MEETING You should use this page for guidance when drafting your application;however, it will be completed by a staff member. Submittal of a stomped and signed SURVEY MAP depicting existing and proposed conditions shall include the items as noted below. Failure to include all required information may result in a determination of incompleteness and a delay in the processing of your application. Legend:R(Required);NA (Not Applicoble) Title,name,address of applicant & person responsible for preparation of drawing Deed North arrow, Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale (minimum 1 in. = 40 ft.) Boundaries of the property plotted to scale,zoning boundary Location of principal structures, accessory structures with exterior dimensions Location of site improvements incl.outdoor storage areas, driveways (existing &proposed) parking areas, etc. Setbacks for all structures and improvements Elevations and floor plans of proposed structures WATER_8_SEWER --- Location of on-site sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates,and number of bedrooms proposed Location of water supply (i.e.,well) and septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or proposed on-site water supply and septic Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies Location and description of existing p ublic or private water supply (well, lake,etc.). Method of securing public or private water, location,design and construction of water supply including daily water usacle Percolation test location and results I T . PARKING! PERMEABLE AREAS__._ ----- _ Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification Number of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing material (e.g., gravel, paved) Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking Location and design details of ingress, egress,loading areas and cutting Location and character of green areas (existing and proposed), modification to green area, buffer zone to remain undisturbed Lighting, location and design of all existing or proposed outdoor lighting Town of Queensbury-Zoning Office • 742 Bay Road •Queensbury, NY 12804• 518-761-8238 ( 5 ) \per VMfir9=8\7,gi g Bo ,LApp6caHom_010708\SIGN VARIANCE 4-30-07.da ADDITIONAL SITE,D EVELO PMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS Location of on-site & adjacent watercourses, streams, rivers, lake and wetlands Location of proposed &existing: utility/energy distribution systems (gas, electric,solar,telephone) Location, design and construction of all existing and proposed site improvements including: drains, culverts,retaining walls,fences,fire &emergency zones and h drants Location and amount/portion of building area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial activities Signage: Location,size,type,design and setback Waiver Request: provide letter with.application requesting any waivers Commercial /Industrial Development requires submission of a Landscaping Plan,Stormwater Management Plan, Grading Plan and a Lighting Plan The Board may request other elements as considered necessary. Identify any Federal, State or County permits required for the project. Please submit record of apprication for approval status of all necessary permits required from Federal,State and County officials. - S/��v /� �MP� �i�eu rfo�2 P,�oPp•S � rio�rrs wok Ice I.ta9lG DNS 2 w,gGL 5/G/� . - 2 �� S/zE CIV 407' Lr/AGL �/G -- 4UX 3 /✓1aN urn�ic�% .s/GN v�i� Date: k�79oStaff Member. QTown.of Queensbury • Zoning Office • 742 Bay(GRi ad', Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 *n Site Development Data ..,. '• Existing sq.ft. Proposed Total sq.ft. Area/Type Addlition s . ft. A. Building footprint r B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structures) q D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area S(�C[C�? IQ V E. Porches/Decks F. Other [Add A-Fl G. Total Non-Permeable H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. /acre] I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H] •�a�o 85 Z'e Setback Requirements S ... Front[1] Front[2] -7 // Shoreline /Ir Side Yard [1] 2- Side Yard [21 Zvr 2�r ZD Rear Yard [1] ZS r ZS I Zs I Rear Yard [2] 25 r 2,r, Travel Corridor I�Of Height [max] 4 4vb D o� Permeability 2-2,4o No. of parking spaces �- • Town of Queensbury Planning Office-742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 • 518-761-8220 3 y}aas pf information is - se provide maps/plans depicting the followng item not submitted, an explanation of why must be proVlded] ieywxavuA �n- t TiUe.Name,Address of applicant&person responsible for preparation of drawing 2 Deed 'heels 3 North arrow,Tax Map ID,date prepared and scale[minimum l ln.=40 fL] S ee& q Boundaries of the property Plotted to scale,zoning boundary 5 dth exterior dimensions Principal structures,accessory structures w etc.: existing&proposed 6 Site improvements Ind.outdoor storage areas, driveways,Parking areas, / & ro osed C I ( n°d.rl 7 Setbacks for all sWctures and improvements: existing_P P Z i Li: IT 8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected sWctures a•e�� �a'okk t umber of bedrooms proposed Project sewage disposalfadfles,li design details,consWction details,flow rates,and n n 2 Water supply P•e• Weill & Sep on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or proposedbn-sl[e water su I and se be l� 3 separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bgti, pdvate water,location,design /r ' 4 Existing public or pdvate water supply(welh lake,etc.]: Method of securing p C �` I and construction of water su I indudl dailywater use e 5 percolation test location end resultsREM— uS 1 Number of spaces required for project Including calculations and justification: existing$proposed C Spec es, number to maintain and type of surfacing material [e.g., �f 2 No. of existing parkingnumber to be removed, l^• ravel, ave proposed L. 3 Provislon for pedestrian and handicap access and parking: existing&P ro p 4 Design details of Ingress,egress,loading areas and cutting: existing&proposed C, , 5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to green area, buffer zone to remain U undisturbed - 6 Llgh6ng,location and design of all ewsUng and proposed outdoor lighting cep c�n �t t On site&adjacent watercourses streams,rivers,lake and wetlands & ro osed C?j, 2 Utility/energy distribution system[gas,electric,solar,telephone]: existing_P P osed site Improvements including: drains,culverts, C 4.1 3 Location,design and consWction details of all existing and prop retaining walls,fences,fire&emergency zones and hydrants,o 4 Square footage of bldg.area proposed for office,manufacturing,retall sales or other commercial activities: existing rj Chit Iv. & ro osed & ro osed e Slgnage: Locaflon,size,type,design and setback: existing_P P f Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: ference specific items please re yy In Stortnwaler Management, Grading & t g CommerciaVlndusVlal Development requires submission of Lantlscap 9� Lighting Plans f application for all G • h Identification of Federal,State or County permits required for the pro'ect together vrith a record of app' V necessa ennits 5 Town of Queensbury Planning Office 742 Bay Road • Queensbury,NY 12804 518-761 8220 L\Pam WNtm9\2X8\Z0nin9 0oml-AppfcatiOM 010708\SIGN VARIANCE 4-3007.do COMPLIANCE WITH SIGN ORDINANCE Sections) that apply: What signs are you allowed to have? Sign Type How many allowed Square Feet Height Wall Freestanding This application is for a change in the: Number of Signs: from (currently): to (proposed): Setback for Sign Size of Sign Height of Sign Other (specify) Elevation: If you are proposing to install wall signs, provide a scale drawing of the facade the sign(s) will be located on,with their location shown. if you are proposing more than two (2) signs, the following information must be provided for each sign (please use additional sheets if necessary) Sign Number: (if you are applying for more than one sign) Sign Type isting Proposed Length Width SToq.teet t_alHeight Depth Projectingr Wall Freestanding Projecting Illuminated Awning Property Line Setbacks: Front Side ign Wording: QTown of Queensbury • Zoning:office • 742 Bay Road • Queensbury, NY 12804 -,518-761-8238 ( 3 ) Sections that apply:140-613(3)(d)(4) What signs are you allowed to have? Sign Type How many allowed Square Feet Height Wall 1 per business 100 n/a Freestanding 2 per entrance 50 25 This application is for a change in the X Number of Signs: From 1 per business to 4 for Chilis _ Setback for Sign Size of Sign- Height of Sign Other(specify) Elevation: If you are proposing to install wall signs, provide a scale drawing of the facade the signs will be located on, with their location shown. If you are proposing more than two (2) signs, the following information must be provided for each sign (please use additional sheets if necessary) Sign Number: #1 Chilis (word) Sign type Proposed length width total sq. feet height depth Wall X 11'6" 6-0 '/z" 23.1 11T9 '/Z" 1'1" Sign Number#2 Chili Peouer Sign type Proposed length width total sq. feet height depth Wall X 10-6" 64" 30 114' 3 '/z' 9" Sign Number#3 To Go Sign Sign type Proposed length width total sq. feet height depth Wall X 3'-7 3/4" 3-0 5.3 1' Sign Number 94 Pepper Sign Sign type Proposed length width total sq. feet height depth Wall X 10'6" 64" 38.1 57" • U\P=W,,.,\2008\Zoning 8.rd_APPIIc r,n_o70708\SIGN VARIANCE 4-30o7.da i. How would you benefit from the granting of thisSign Variance? 2. What effect would this variance have on the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community? 3. Are there feasible alternatives to this variance? 4. Is the amount of relief substantial relief relative to the Ordinance? 5. Will the variance have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? sbury•Zoning Office •:742 Bay(4Rj ad• Queensbury, NY 12804 • 518-761-8238 Q Town of Queen 1. How would you benefit from the granting of this Sign Variance? See Cover Letter Z, What effect would this variance have on the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community. These stores would be located on It would only have a positive effect on the community. the comer of Quaker and Route 9. As a result,this signage requested would not be excessive. It will only help provide the patrons of these businesses an understanding of their new locations. 3, Are there feasible alternatives to this variance? Although an alternative may be to reduce the signage,this should not be deemed an alternative due to the layout of the site and the fact that these signs are utilized with each Walgreens and Chilis store. 4. Is the amount of relief substantial relief relative to the Ordinance? No, not when considering the fact that these proposed stores are located on the comer of Quaker and Route 9. g, Will the variance have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? No, it will be consistent with the highway commercial intensive businesses and environment that are located in the general vicinity. Doc N 261827.1 • Oct 15 08 10:56a Kelly & Dutch 315-478-5241 p.2 __ _-. -- '_.__ ,. . -- � Cu 11 r'Uw3FF PAGE 02/02 f- iron h'/f.,�A9V�.shoed_NcvcacatolLMuwN+ml4r�Cc'.xa�nec _ SIGNATURE PAGE This page includes the Awho&aflan to Act as Agent Form Engineering Pee D&cIosvre. Aufhorizaflon for site vrrot Offrer PernlitResponpbVies and Agreement to Provide documentafion required. f OWNER'S AGt3rtT FOIthk Complete the follosvrsg 4 the OWNER of the property is not the same as the appicnnt NPA 12 LLC Dest9narex Bartlett, Pontiff Stewart G Rhodes, PC I As agerlf regardrg —Vanarre _geplm _,StAsdrvi4on For Fax Mop Nor,. ,ScC3Ssn --gam' —tat . i Deed Reformncek —sock Page Date OSNNEC SIGNANRE DATR AFMICAM'S AGEM FORM Complete tm fonowinq if fete APPUCANT is vnobla to attend tha meeli g or wishes to be represented by another pair: Owner. Desgnatcx Alagenircgordv*¢, _Varionce _Site Piro _Subdvi0n S ForSac Map No: _Section —Nock —Lot f OWNERSGNATURE DATE: a..rypGccRNLF�F alv OitsRE, AppltcaKrm rnoy ba referred 10 1te Town kbrtsulting en�inaer for review of rvia tleirgn, Moan drafoU90 efm CS defffln*ed W the 7nreng or Ptaaming Dppmlrnm t. Fees W eagrtrarM+9 tevie+'r cervices wliF ise I chargeddlrec9yto the CPPraanr. Foes forencowemgreview will not eotceedFf= thevtnuMcatfonfathecWCOl! A U TEIZAMN FOR SnF VSM- Ry$enlrsg Ihis page and subrriwo lrfe opplcorion moler-air atfoched hQreat,the QwnM. AppfCcnt and W?W11h"ggenIN hereby culhar" fie 101" 1 Ca ar Flmrringr Baard and Town Staff to girder the skpo properfles for the p i pore of ro ienitg me awcwo"subrroted. f f FwCF n10 - rgher per+Yh may be rewired for cmu#uc:Qon or Wterd{ n activity wt.mWgrd to oPP�d by T*73nirg ea*rd m Planrdrg Roofd. n c 4fe apprMill's responsbity to abroin c rV addAimal peeras. nRCIAI a.1FFGi1f'G tirt.�rrr3 D6GL05� Nis the przjcti a of the Conlmurffty Dovsopmeni Dept. b have a deSgrgt m perngaphw tnpe record" P ^8s of meefkV resvtthlg hwrf crp Brad rrrtunss tranaLh sed hem 97ose lopes eMVLAei tha dedd record pT Ca pmmdings� C there is a ceaQ cy bet-cen such record and the horK%v[ em rrinuxlm token by me aesfgnaleo sterogrnphw the hatdwjMen rrSnuks Shod oe deemed the ofWd m=d. Me undMs+,gir-d trove tharakgnyr�and i iderstmd the 2vn'3s fOos farrlemasion Ono oaree to the subnasaon keWhnrrerds'.f kadawwiedPo ro CantlrvcTian aClivitFe3 s1soF be Canyncrc9d Prior to faua>rr of o voLd permR. I certify l ttrof 1t>e apyfcpftorx P a+rd supPorth9�'�ore a km and caaspwre darerr*n1jdetrlpro^of me esiii6rg Commons and the wark PVPOMRCL andthOf aQ work vnlf be p h OCCordonce the aPPrawd phx'i and cr ea>(amsarsce+viftS focnf sx+nDregtAafions- Iaata' wC-dge aatprxtrlo occupyAvthe d of viol osogenh wwobtuinac fflscate afmcuponcy asnecc+�Y• Iaso undersfandihptf may oc Cate CCUparrCy. yevet•byattcaxrd tone'Stvveyord dtne++'N coralructad trn.'yttJes PrSor7a � f nave toad and:gee W the S)GNr uI OF APPLf4A"n' SIGNATURE OF A 'v Cate �7'krsn d 6my•ym(i'C ajfim•742 80.t'Rmd•quaaubtv7,Ny 52804-G18.761-323B (7) n e9£'0l 80 96 � d