ApplicationJARRETT Engineers, PLLC Civil & Environmental Engineering 12 East Washington Street 518 792 -2907 Glens Falls, NY 12801 Fax 518 798 -1864 August 15, 2012 Chris Hunsinger, Chairman, and Queensbury Planning Board Members; along with, Steve Jackoski, Chairman, and Queensbury Zoning Board of Appeals Members T o wn o f Q u ee n s bu r y 7 4 2 B a y R o ad Q u ee n s bu ry N ew Y o r k 1 2 8 0 4 Re: Miller Site Plan and A rea Variance Applications Rockhurst on Lake George JE 09 -008.11 Dear Chairmen Hunsinger & Jackoski, and Board Members, Attached are site plan and variance applications, coupled with supporting drawings, related to proposed site improvements at the Mill er residence on the west side of Rockhurst. The Miller’s propose to eliminate a significant portion of the lawn on the property in favor of terraced landscaping that includes dry laid stone walls and vegetated retention areas that will treat stormwater fr om the property. No new structures and no modifications to existing structures are proposed, but a new flagstone patio is proposed on the lake side of the house. The patio will be constructed to shed stormwater to one of the new vegetated retention areas , and additional retention areas are proposed and situated to manage stormwater from existing impervious surfaces and lawn areas. We see this project as a ‘win -win -win’ for the applicant, the neighbors, and the lake. Long term protection of the lake is a fforded by the basic tenet of this project, whereas short term protection will be provided by the use of sediment control devices such as silt fences, etc. If yo u h a v e a n y qu e sti o n s r e g ar d i n g t h e a bo v e , p l e a s e d o no t h e si t ate to us a t (5 18 ) 792 -2907 or vi a email at tjarrett@jarrettengineers.com . By, JARRETT Engineers, PLLC H. Thomas Jarrett, P.E. Principal Encl: Deed Survey Site Plan and Area Variance Applications Drawings: Entitled “Waterfront Landscaping Miller Residence” Coversheet Plan – C1 Sections and Details – D1 Revision A, dated 8/7/12 Chris Hunsinger, Chairman, and Queensbury Planning Board Members; along with, Steve Jackoski, Chairman, and Queen sbury Zoning Board of Appeals Members T o wn o f Q u ee n s bu r y August 15, 2012 Re: Miller Residence Page 2 of 2 Ecopies: The Miller ’s Gould Landscaping F:\DataFile \2009 Proj \2009 Resid \09 -0 08 Gould \09 -008.11 Miller \Submissions \Pending \09008.11 120807 Rev A Qsby SP + Var \Source Files \09008.11 120807 Covltr Submiss.doc