IM Inspection Worksheet_09-12-2022_11-33-56INSPECTION WORKSHEET (022572-2022) AST-0334-2021Case Number:Case Module:Permit Management 12/09/2022 PassedInspection Status:Inspection Date: Zoning-PermitInspection Type:Inspector:Bruce Frank Job Address:Parcel Number:11 Tuthill Rd Queensbury, NY 12804 307.-1-8 Company Name NameContact Type Applicant Mike Lewis Contractor Timberhaven Log and Timber Homes Granted Permission Amanda Bernard Primary Owner Amanda Bernard Checklist Item CommentsPassed Code Compliance Notes True December 9, 2022: all per approval, except pavilion location as-built is shifted slightly, but the new location is still compliant per the relief granted in AV 53-2021. Good for zoning permit sign-off. December 09, 2022 Page 1 of 1