final electrical inspection THE INSPECTOR 5390 State Route 11,Burke,NY 12917 1-800-487-0535 www.theelectricalinspector.com Date:June 28,2022 Application No.On File:167214 THIS CERTIFIES THAT BBL Only the electrical equipment as described below and introduced by the applicant named on the above application number in the premises of: 25 Whitbeck Drive Town of Queensbury Contractor: A.E.Rosen Electric In the following location: Basement 1'Floor X 2nd Floor X No.of Apt 8 Garage Attic Outside Commercial Residence X Was examined on 6/24/22 and found to be in com liance with the requirements of the National Electric Code. GFCI Fixture Outlets Receptacles Switches I Fixtures Ranges Coo kin Decks Ovens Dish Washers Exhaust Fans Smoke/Heat Incandescent Fluorescent Other Amt. K.W. Amt. K.W. Amt. K.W. Amt. K.W. Amt. K.W. Detectors 80 184 140 88 184 16 FR 36 LED Dryers Furnace Motors Dimmers Water Heaters Unit Heaters Multi Outlet Sys. Electric Heaters Amt. K.W. Oil H.P. Gas H.P. Amt. I Watt Electric Oil Gas Amt. Rating No.of Feet Amt I K-w. I Amt. ICW. I Amt. K.W. Amt. K.W. 8 8 12 .5 Transformers Alarm Systems Special Receptacle Panels Motors Si s Track Li tin Dis osal Amt. KVA AN PS I Det. Panel Amt_ I K-W. Amt. No.of circuits Rating Amt. I H.P. Amt. No.of Lams No.of Heads Amt. H.P. 8 30 8 2 30 AC 8 50 4 22 100 4 23 100 Service Disconnect Equipment Service Amt Amp. Type Meter I Phase I Phase 3 Phase 3 Phase No.of CC. AWG. No.of AWG.of No.of AWG of 2W 3W 3W 4W Cond.1 has. CC.cond. Neutrals Neutrals HI-Les HI-Le s 1 600 fused 9 1 2 500 2 250 Other Apparatus Manager This certificate must not be altered in any manner;return to the office of THE INSPECTOR if incorrect. Inspector's credentials can be verified.