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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY , r 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804--5902 (518) 761-8101 Community Development • Building & Codes (518) 761=8256 CERTIFIr ATE CIFOCCUPANCY Permit Number. P20000668 Date Issued: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20000668 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400-296-008-OOO1-003-000-0000 Location: 39 LONGVIEW Dr Owner. BEECHWOOD INC Applicant: GLEN AT HILAND MEADOWS, THE This structure may be occupied as a. By Order of Town Board Duplex TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Fireplace /f Garage - I Car Attached ,Qf � 1 c f "yG.l7J2} f Director of Building &Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBUR,'Y 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761 -8201 t Community Development - Building & Codes (S 18) 761-8256 BUIEDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000668 Application Number: A20000668 Tax Map No: 523400-046-000-0002-002-002-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: GLEN AT HILAND MEADOWS, THE Owner of property located at: 45 TALL MEADOW Rd d in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place a Duplex at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Owner Address: BEECHWOOD, INC. D/B/A EDDY PROPERTY SER. & THE G.F. HOME, INC. �- 2212 BURDETT Ave HOME,INC. TROY, NY 12180 Contractor or Builder's Name / Address Electrical Inspection Agency A.O.W. ASSOCIATES INSPECTOR, THE 185 JORDAN ROAD 543 EASTLINE Rd BALLSTON SPA, NY, NY 12020 TROY, NY Type of Construction: Duplex Value : S 1309636*00 Plans & Specifcoat�ons 2000-668 UNIT 13 - BURDOCK LANE $312*00 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, September 06, 2002 (Ifa longer period is required, an application. for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement IJfffcer of the Town cif Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town f Qu sbu we , September 06, 2000 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building & Code Enforcement ,duttatng eer tna Appticatton i3 Town of Queensbury - i)epr. gfcemartrrrrrity Ucvelop etrr, 742 Birp R ad. (lrrrrtrshr+rv, N11 12t" 17G1-s2.46f BUILDING A CODE ENFORCEASENT NOTICERequirements prior to issuance ------------------------ A permit must be obtained before of this permit: I'ERMI7 rILE Nt3. cafi�%"CI �3 ` +G beginning construction. No inspections PERAtIT rEE PAID $ will be made until applicant has receivel 0 Zoning Board Action a VAt ID BUILDING PERrvirr. All Arcs ! Unc RECREATION FEE rSIdu applicnnls` wpaeasa on this applicalion MUST be comploW and the eigruatrre Phmnlrig Board Action REVIEWEI) BY: of the applicant muAt appear cxt the Sr'R r Sulxlivinion 1 Other rr rtr,ra tn.rervnr kejTfication form. n.M..r Yd ` ' g Recreation Pee Payment Applicant: r-� . © , Wf • Mscl .41�'� Owner, L0 Address: 195 Vet 1I LU.2i PJTAddressNr : �- ,�1+ ✓GT�i"t � N -a i'llone # !Stop �� 02- f 1' ho/n'e # P ++✓roperly Location: Un1t �� ^��ran `�'`) n Tom( Pa., �" L#JhG�, YY1la'GtDw np Subdivision Name: Section tltr,ck 1 r+l NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE New au di. n CONSTRUCTION : $_ read once / commercial Addition to Bullcllngp residence / commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION : Alteration to Building : i Pripybry Building - residence / commercial f/' Single family Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwelling no change to exterior size Family Dwelling Office Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantile Manufacturing Other GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURED If ADDITIONe what will use lst FLcaor . . . . . : . . sq . £ t • of new addition be7 : 2Ild .Flour . .r11V . . sq . ft . Other Flc,ute , . . . sq . ft . ( not unfinished cellar or basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS * (''ok c,H es '7 { p s� Detached Garage 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : SQ . FT . Attached Garaged . 2 car Private - Storage Building SIZE or NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage Building Other FEET X FEET Foundation Type : cbt' . FOpxlhlFjlBt-[l(iI_ 0FtWib -- will rany second - hand or ungraded Number of Stories : _I lumber be used ? If So + for What ? ( habitable space oryly7 t 4 NC.f tteig}tt ( grade to r ) dge ) : �� - (a feet TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM : Number of fi.replaCer and / or wo stove ( circle all wllIC11 a lies ) to be installed :.. I Electric / Oil / as d Forced Plot Air / aseboar / other pVc eQ Ail C#CWD 111 7 Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes is * RCAA (T-kr T t}3(0 Eggg gD ot-D :."Ptj[b^rA NY. 1213fe Fame Adddreses L3ho a ']f.C. - �j853 Builder : AtODW , :�5Sac a� ry.� IBS JoR1�,Rl.r i2v T�CaY NY 2Sro - 2 3tQ Plumber : ruvrJE _. NARP1wiwy4ij 1Jf 3 2 - (a121,0 � 4 Sc- tD N11 Macon : Ji fnR N P E 1 e c t r i c i a n : 5 f 1; ErJE fr+DY itA gtilfl9,E DECLARAHON.• Please sign below after you leave carefully read the starerttent. To the best of my knowledge tite staterncnls contained in this application , together with tkte plans and sI)CCjjICSti0FIS submitted . are a true and cornplelc statement of all dirolzusec! �vc7rk try be bone on the described preniiscs and tksnt ali provisions of the Building C.txle, the Zoning Ordinance anti all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with , whedier specified or noted, Ind that sucl+ work is authorized by lire owner. Further, it is understood Ihat llwe shrtli subrnit prior to a Certificate of occupancy or Certificate of Compliance being issued , an AS 13UILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed survey drawn to sca` , showing( a�Irrac3 location of project on premises.Signature: owner, owner' s agctnl, architect , contractor} f Fire Alars1ra1's ()t1`icVc 1'u%s rr of Qticet1st) urv. 7427 Bav Roa(l, QueenOmI-%. ( n' 18) 761 -,S205 Applica'tion For Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimneys + applicable to solid fuel & vented gas appliances Date " _ 2() ! _ Perin lt No. C.?& �a . Aj)p1wcWorr..rs hel-eby ro rlrc 13teilrlirtg el f'rr(!e's Crl/ir c J rr rltc i.ssrrerrrc'c' t1Jcr 81rilrlin,g rtrrtl Use J 1'er nrit perrsrratrr rc, the ,rYew }'nrl: .5`rure /"'lre f'r•c>ucruirarr crrrcl 13rrrlrlirts: C.'r,rlc- 771e 4jrr13lic.r1171 Or ai, rrti•r• agrees 10 c01011,71y 11-ith call alllrlicabie !alas, or'dincinces, .z �ttlerrirurs. (turf cr11 c'r,rrclitirrrls nc�rr care !}errs rrl these r-ecluirerrrenrs (rrrd also will crllrnl• erll irr.strecrnrs to i--wier lrr( rrri-.r.; to lrcvfurrn re'rirrired irr-slrecrion.s- �l�-in and Final ll�spect3ons are >< egltited. NOTE to applicant. Rou a iicatzt Information Fltel Burning l AP AEz �liarzce l �tf'orrzl.ltioll i �` �,�r / ( circle appropriate words) )Name: / ^ Jrls 't► 7� 3 fJ'7G . Stoke 14-100cl coal Pellet gas Fireplace insert Address: ! $ ICtltrirt r Fireplace, facto:-v-Built : wood I, P, A) /.�i�'U � Fireplace. wasonry: wood gas �-1' - Furnace: wood as oil Plione: if 13o11-lnasonary applicance, please provide i ,r''',r �r �^ Qrr°r1ee C '"� t`< 7 J�CirJelf astsl /!C . Manufacturer Nam/e�: �� �,c �fGe'�l.�lFS C G Address: qo�4a jeelel A m Nlodel Number- t4eF:P Chimney Information Pi�at�e : i2y G? �I - 5G � / (Circle appropriate words) Masonry block stone rJ ,// ,, Flue the to size.- inches Exact Address: 6.+1 7irol /.3--`�. it• -> c, i?,?� of corrstrrrctioit ar• irrsrallatdrrrr Factory- Built Manufacturer nanie; j .Model Number: l hrore: Listed By: NUI-11ber: Construction f Installation rrrrrst coca or•nr to NYS Fire Prevention & Building Indicate (circle) chimney material : Coyle. Consult available Town of Queensbury Ncardozets regarding regtdred inspecrions, Doable well Triple „°all / lrr.strlated / Direcr icrrtirr C"Jri,rerrr'r (r,irrc'r• I inrzrM-Xatt -- Tc30WA7.VM v.;IIF 4l►V.X41&40 M AiFbu.ac I G • G . CrifCic. � rf � � r� ,'// F'ire :llars'Jrttl Code # 5 C"(rllc>Cra•tl S f2c�lirrrrlcrl !tit'cr^i,'L-t!-lirJtr, crc°firrrrlec! tc7/: �r+`�- '�* t�' r _C! �— Pr • fu Ac( i l d 1 ;3 3359 (J 9()) Prr&lie"Scrfetr -1 ?33 3655 (230) A9inor salvos White (Applicant) Green ( Fire >•iarsiral ) Yelk7rr ( 13IfIg- Dopt. ) Goltlenroti (Cashier's Dept, ) I to to a► iA W 1-1 w q � @N !'1 1 11 ll trl I" i�'tfl 1 6 tP (117 11' (u I!{ oil PJA {11a 1 M 111 1to i111 c;; 11 'aU la "1t II' 14 In 11 I'' iYi III iII Ili '') 1't Ci} 1'I rU Ek t9 sl UI P] #) 'd La t 1) to (I II (1. I•' 1.4 it C IS it, 0 tp •• III �t ;� I# 111 UI G in t) !t IU 11 0 01'� 11 1 111 I11 to w 11 Irt 11 III r1 II (I Ip 1-1 10 1it '1, Ili IF (1. I ` O it I .. 11 it t ) it IF it 11) I`• Ill 11 it, II it 1! C1 trt 1 114 1, t11 'II tI I1 I0 t) ,1( 9� 11 '. 1t II l! iI 1t1 It t+ 0%1 ff I I ('7 1# coIlt F 11 =1 10 I) 'ti �, in ;; I I i!., III {I ;1� to ,. ON rj II I• ill II it 11 1 14 0 IP lt# 1 # t0 1 11 I+i CD Ill :r It II (110IP 11It1) 10P v IN I) la � I •• 1-4 i-pA 1-+ '1' t1 Iti 1•' Vt it [)' Ill r.t f. Ip 11 11 11 t't cn Ill t) II u1 a It IN �I I I11 aI Ili +u 1 ' I I ttl 1 i 11 t I is` 14 1 ' O ;+1 {I+ 4+' �I# II« �t II« tI I. fu Al 11 Ii Iyf) (-' J� C) 1, +ot71, i 1, 17 I-' t ' to IY i1 1-4 30 �! I` •1• CAI Ill Q '+I { '' _: li 1 ' I I). I) ) f ' t t) I l 1 it ca rl F II (li 11l uI 14 10 •• () !! ik (1 to t1NO t) Ip1 I1 1 - to 1 ' (3. fi II is 14 1 1 1 I CI ro to '[s -t • -4 tts c is tl I f. j ,� l~ r, t•� I i 1 ' 11 I•, 0" IN top PI tl IN lJ" 'cs III n 0 C I 1 ` I '1 1,4 :11 ill Iq 11 'ti {P V {P 11 k ' !' 040 i; W, 11` W, fI ;1' I" 0 1111 I Am 1-4 Q III I0 10 I-{ �1" to IF w 10 tj {1 r1 in 0 II in ill is 1). �It 1U � I I'll 1,.-0 11 [p rI tit ;I; 1 I 'tl Iu d) s I! 10 1't 1# 4 .� ' ip I{� 1a ''i 41 ltl'u 2: Cl oil li I 1 IP 1i Il• 1.1 (1. it 0 UI It 'i ('• Iu sl f1 ; t•{ o N r� 1 to PI3 , ki to 11 I1 yl 1 11 11 t#' cr pl 1•I. IJ. l t11 A. 4. 1 IF I) t1I Ii1 fI I 0 r• III td (M I{� iM1 is ;U I� H !'l .Ir LLO O ON A iiiiiiiip I a P H i� i11 '� t0 2i O i« P. R It I) II 1-• I: 1( 1 + 11 14 1 ()r+ it N 'u I'1 0 {\ 0 li0 to II'`•' " a >n u ID � � 01 Fl W C7 i'• U Iti it �I D V 0 y 1F l a' I I F f1 1-1 '114 G F1 > I t k i t NI u , —I 10, lip 1 A ill in Q 11.1t1 II aio a fit 'I III M {i 11 III; C1 W 10 HI �) H 1) II 1-4 1-# A !�, Its ]� 1D 40 16 "Il ,r' 4 IL II tl s� I I-' I I I+ ( + z i it 11 tl« 111 I 1 4n11 c� r! d I 1 yS' ) !) i it In (I t) D I') 1 ifl fit O in, D fA If( I1 10 t Q in #P C` 1yt ' +•I 'd in r' z Fr Is Mal 8 sn U 5 'P h 4! to IF h1 10 1 Ili i+ 't 19 1 1 I i It# tR I) t It I# PI 1s A U o+ W t•I ('1 t?' rl li S4 '11 u 1 1 t� l.1 0 ,I ) 11 i; 1e 1.1 Jr t1 «1s 1) i� H it I� n I h1 �11 ti �trl Il in jt i1 i14 �1 it t�s iU fU i+I ! !u 1 I't lu ' {) IpTo l � It I I �" iA '• I0 � >> ti �? m 1� RESIDENTIAL. FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (51S) 761-8256 Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement Dept. of Community Development Arrive Delp tt Town of Queenshnry spectar's IV 742 Bay Road Queenshury, New York 12MM rrAn� �St' Nor �► .-,�__.._ Er�rx�t�'S PERMIT # z-,prn LOCATION 2H VU=-*a33cc�0 3RCL_ 1..22 ,—._ DATE _�2?��_.-f2� TYPE OF STRUCTURE Cep T ~�1f N/A YES NO CONUA NTS Chun ey Heightr B" Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 30" to 36 ' Exterior Handrails, balconies, fan g 1 $ ' . or more Interior Handrails stairs both sides or m re risers Grade 2% away from foundation 8" clearance to sill plate Gras Valve shut-off exposed/regulat 18" bove grade Gras Furnace shut-off within 30 feet wi in line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to area FurnaceMot Water Heater operat Relief Valve(s) install Headroom 6 f1. 6 in. on stairs Basement stairs, 6 ft_ 4 in. Eli Handrail exterior stairs both sides more 3 risers Interior privacy/tivii/doorslmain entrance 6 Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 ii or more Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detecton. every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans 10lumhing fixtures Foundation insulation -V/4 hour fire door/door closer AV:Garage fu-eproofing .Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room Safety glazing 18" or less from floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey Plat Plan As Built Septic System layout required Okav to issue CIC (Certif. of Compliance) Okay to issue temp. C/O (Certif. of Occupancy) kay to issue permanent C/O (Certif. of Occupancy) FIRE MARSHAL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761-8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST ECEIVED Ia ar PERMIT NAME LOCATION ' SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON LJ , I77 TIME ",APPROVEC3 K ++A YES NO U EXITS AISLE WIDTHS . EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING .. FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTE HOOD INSTALLATION — INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO NKLERS CL TING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE _ I CHIMNEY --� WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE - MASONRY FIREPLACE - FACTORY BUILT -- I MARKS: r� OK TO THIS DATE voo�j C ,r, ai�P.a�a SP TO RESIDENTL LL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date inspection request received- Building & Code Enforcement Dept. of Community Development AririvC:k.4Qam/0MD Dep2RM Town of Queensbury R;V ctor's I 742 Bay Road Queensbury, New York 12804 NAME t�&, � n , LOCATION DATE "TYPE OF STRUCT[MF N/A YES NO COMMENTS Chimney HeightorvB" Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent thlRailings of Roof Complete Exterior Finishte Interior/Exterios 0" to 363 Exterior Handro 'es, Ian 18 in. or moreInterior Handra th sides 3 r more risersGrade 2% awaun tion8" clearance to Gas Valve shut-off expo gal or 18" above grade Gas Furnace shut,(dff within f t or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-o t en to furnace area- Furnace/Hot Water Heater o Relief Valve(s) installed Headroom, 6 ft. 6 in. on stairs Basement stairs, 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides ore than 3 risers Interior privacy/trim/doors/main en cc 36" Floor Finish 13athroom/Kitchen watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/landing. 8 in. or more Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom fans Plumbing fixtures ' M — Foundation insulation 3/a hour fared r closer Garage fireproofing Garage penetrations sealed VmN3 1�)© Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Light ventilation per room �� � Safety glaring I W or k ss from floor Final Electrical ON Site Plan/Variance required Final Survev PIot flan As Built Septic System layout required Okav to issue C/C (Certif. of Compliance} Okav to issue temp. C/O (Certif. of Occupancy) Okav to issue permanent C/O (Certif. of Occupancy) FIRE MARSHAL TOWN OF Q`UEENSBURY QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 781 -8205 FIRE MARSHAL IN PECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED IC� Z13 b ! NAME LOCATION _ !"1C7dcrr ---- — PERMIT SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON AM PM APPROVED EXITS NIA YES NO AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING ; FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ---- FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATION INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE ❑MASONRY D FACTORY BLT. ❑ ROUGH-IN FINAL - REMARKS: OK TO THIS DATE ECG " �34$�44 ;� NSPsup_pus 64E R FIRE ArfA,Rg QUE4E!S@URYEENSBURY (518) 7,g1,:��5 �28D4 FIRE MARS(H� INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED �J 130 NAME PEE+RMIT# � 8 LOCATION r SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON M AN ME EXITS � s► Er) AISLEwIOTHS � NO EXIT SIGHTS EMERGENCY LIGFITiNG FIRE E)MNGUrSHERS FIRE A!-I SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYS M -~ FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Hoof) INSTALLATION (INTERIOR FINISHES j STORAGE: I CLEARANCE TO SPRIN ERS _ CLEARANCE TO HEATIN UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE - MASONRY FIREPLACE - FACTORY BUILT REMARKS:e7 + lC1 OK TO THIS GATE -pl re pip, d ru �l�9 SP CT R FIRE MARSHAL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY QUEENSBURY, NY 12,904 (518) 761 -8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED NAME LOCATION PERMIT # � [SCHE:DU7LEINSPECTION ON " 7 z�, 0 l i7 A Pn� IM�fl�CS llc- V a APPROVED EXITS N/A YES NO AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM _ FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATfON �z. INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE; _ CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLERS L RS CLEARANCE TO HEATING UNITS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOOD ST VE _ FIREPLrA E ❑MASONRY FACTORY SLT. ROUGH-IN _ C1 FINAL REMARKS: -- OK TO THIS DATE INSpsLfp,Rm INS T GENERAL INSPECTI,QN REPiDRT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development hate inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queenabury, Ni' 12804 ArrivP Depart - spector's Intl NAME: KrM�!H 1 5{�.. `a 1� I IF LOCATION: 1. � DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NQi COMMENTS FootingsJPA rs Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protectionifrnnt freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this se on si Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in PI FOilndHtipll/I7atri I3ackf511 Approval Plumbing Under lab Plumbing VentJVents i Place Rough Plutmbin Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls f rior R- Foundation Walls E or R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceilin,g Duct work or piping in unheated spaces Proper gent, Attic Vent Frantitt Jack Studs/Readers Bracing/Bridging ,foist Hangers Jack Pastslh/lain 'Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 23 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 37 4 hour Firestoppin I - - z c� i C�4 GENERAL VVVPUCTIQN REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8255 Town of Queensbury Dept, of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive 05-an in Depart � A unspeetor's In ` NAME: -�-�� C •4 E _ PERMIT # LOCATION: l i�i N P. � , ��� DATE ; TYPE OF STRUCTCTRE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement ell of the concrete. ell Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Idfr, Foundation/Danp aof n r' Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place rfj Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Wails Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- ~ Walls R- Ceding 4.� Duct work or piping in Qn}L unheated spaces R- Ven Attic Vent Franzen Jack Studs/Readers �* Bracing/Bridgin Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Scaled Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour. ' Firestoppin GENERAL INSF T ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received* Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Qiueensbury, NY 12804 ArriveZ: am _�— _Depart ' Inspector's Initials NAME -FjPERMIT # LOCATION: DATE ; TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS FootinlPiers Monolithic Pour Form Reinfaroement in Place The contractor is responsible or providing protection from f]' ing for 48 hours following the t of the concrete. Materiats fort on ite Foundatio=allpo Reinforcement in Place Foundation/I]anmpproofin Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab 00* Plumbing Vent/Vents in P Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Lnsulation Foundation Walls Interi R- Foundation Walls E r R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceding R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Frami Jack Studs(Headers Bracing/Bridgin Joist Hangers Jack Pbsts/fvlain Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestoppin FIRE MARSHAL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY lKwMIN QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (518) 761-8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED NAME W ``,�� �r LOCATION 1" ' �f c PERMIT *00W SCHEDULE INSPECTION OIL ZZ ZOO AM IfM APPROVED NIA YES NO EXITS AISLE WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM HOOD INSTALLATrOI;+!__ INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE: CLEARANCE TO SPRINKLE CLEARANCE TO HEATING U TS REQUIRED SIGNAGE CHIMNEY WOOD ST VE FIREPLA ❑ MASONRY FACTORY BLT. ROUGH-IN 0 FINAL REMARKS: wJc�- I OK TO HIS DATE \11tq t vtt kC� : i ar'1Ay , ,p ,Q INS CTOR GENERAL INSPECTIOM REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive t- m Depart Inspector's Initials NAME: Fn. PERM TT # LOCATI1 t� [ A11 DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers. Monolithic Pour Form -Reinforcement in in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Waltpour. Reinforcement in Place Fmmdatf on/Dumpproofm Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slat) Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Piumbi Keating Rough4n Insulation. Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R.- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Vila,Framing- CXz)�+GN1 Sack Studs/Fleadcrs Bracing/Bridging, RE PF�t P, C.tT Joist Hangers --FVvAjL, i'+. ] IPFE�> r Jack Posts/Main Beam M R kJ i F -�J� t.5 � j C �] ' [ C�Air earateon Barrier M Pt� r �� Fire ration I, 2, 3 'hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestoppin C) K -Tc> PC'cq FE Lc I y GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of QSueensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive'j? pin Depart �-; ,r Inspector's Irri NAME: S -- i t�� PERMIT # 6, LOCATION TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YE NO CON 4ENTS FootingvViers I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose an site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place FoundatiomThimpproofing. Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Watts Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping. in J unheated spaces R- Proper Trent, Attic Vent Framing Jack 5tuds/Headers BracingBridgin Joist Hangers i Jack Posts/Main. Beam _ Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestoppin I GENERAL fNSPEN REPORT �. ( 518 ) 761 - 825 Town of Queensbury V P4` >Bpeuq Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Cade Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804. Arrive tZ td am/pm Depart amlpm Inspector°s Initials — 2k NAME: ~T�irlE � PERmrr # 6g:�6 LADCA'TION: % I �s +lC�► DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YE O CON04EN S Footings/Piers L Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the place at of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofing _ Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumb Heating, Rough-1n Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- . Proper 'Vent, A tic Vent Franuin Jack Stud&(Ftraders l3racinglBridgin _- Joist Hangers Jack PaosmlMain Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestoppi GENERAL INSPECTICIN REP (7RT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development .Date inspection ree"est received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrivr,3 a1 Dep ` Inspector's Initial NAME: PERMIT # — LOCATION: DATE YPE OF STRUCTURE- RECHECK NIA YF_ NO CO NITS Footings/Piers 411 1 Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freeing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wailpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Danipproofing. Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentfVents in Place Rough Plumbing, Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundati Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- onFloors R- walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framin Jack Stu�� l3racing/Bri Joist Hangers Jack Po Beam Air Infiltration arrier Fire Separati 1, 21 3, hour Penetration ed Fire Wall . 3, 4 hour Fires GENERAL INSEEt:'TI(7N REPORT ( 518 ) 761 -8256 Town of Queensbury Dept, of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforipement 742 Bay Road Qnee:rsbury, NY 12804 a rr€.es " ,�„„„„,, Depart Inspector's Initials �/ t4 G0 C � � NAME: PERMIT LOCATION: ,a. eF7AT 1~ TYPE OF STRUCTURE: .s RECHECK NIA YES NO COhQAENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form e Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for �. providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete- Materials for this purpose on site FoundationlWallpour Reinfotventent in Place FoundationlD _ Backill Approval _ �iuttsbins Under Stab Plumbing VenttVents in Place Rough Plumban Heating Rough-Iu Insulation Foundation Walls Interior It- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- I]uct work or piping in unheated spaces. R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/13ridging .foist Hangers Jack Posts,(Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, Hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 37 4 hour Firestoppin CEIVERAL LNS CTIQNN REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queenshury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Eufor ainem 742 Bay Road Queenshury, NY 1280+4 Arrivet%%:jFatt� Depart sppeetor's Initia NAME: �r 1 1 G �1 �a y� PERMIT # LOCATION: Vw LAOE DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: GC 3="IC. r RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS Footings:/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is respansi le far providing protection froth "T for 48 hours following the lace Of t purpose he concrete- Materials for this on �te Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Datnpproofi Back£ll Appravai Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing, Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation r' Foundation Walls Interior Foundation Walls Exterior - Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- d Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R.- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Fram: Jack StudslHeaders Bracing/Bridging, Joist Hangers Jack Posts(Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Seated Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL I.NspEcTioNREFVDRT ( 518 ) 761 -8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804. Arriv@�rt�t Depa or's Initials NAME: PERMIT # LOCATION: Vo DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YF.& NO COMMENTS FootingslPiers1 I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freZ for 48 hours following the pla t of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dam Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing VentfVents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- F'oundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walis R- Ceil.ing R- 17uct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attie 'Vent Fratnin Jack Studs/Headers. Bracing/Bri Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour. Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopinng j 518 ] 761 -- $ 256 GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT - Town of Queensbury Dept of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arriv� '��ai�un Depart I Inspector's initial NAME; K PERMIT 4 LOCATION: DATE : — TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK AYES O COMMENTS Monolithic Footings/Pic rs FL 3T 1 Monolithic Pour Form _ Reinforcement in Place Yi The contractor is responsible for proividing protection f3om freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete, Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Watllpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/DampprooEa Backfili Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing, Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- , Floors R- f walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Frami Jack Studsl'lleaders 11mcing/Dridgin joist klangers lack Posts/Main Rearm Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation I, 2, 3, hour Penetration Scaled Fire Wail 2, 3, 4 hour Firestoppin GENERAI• IN.SP�ECTI(?1W' REFDRT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Bate inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12so4 Arrive ptn� Depart NAME: ~ LGVH3s� LOCATION DATE # TYPE OF STRUCTURE- `"?' RECHECK _ N/A YE NO COPAWNTS FootingslPie3rs Monolithic Pour Form ; Reinforcement in Place , The contractor is responsible f a Providing protection from free for 48 hours following the p n1 of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/WallPour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Damppa ooE n Backfill Aptxovai Plumbing Linder Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in PI Rough Plumbi Heating Rough-In Insulation Foundation Walls I rior R:- Foundation Walls rior R- Floors R- Walls R- Cciling R_ Duct work or }sing in unheated R- Proper Vent, 'c Vent Frami Jack St eaclers Bracin ridging Joist gers �— Jack Beam Air Inf"al tion Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2, 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestoppin 1 1. y� H>rk UENSOURY, NY cofisukn "m iiOlop Gi�il and ic�c�ca. 40 Log Al 'Scar O UM 3—WV PC1.27.37. STA: 6.61.42 436 Ford Rood SET: 59.00 0 12 I Old Chethdrn o 13 \ + New York 12136-1808 R-45.00 0o OFFSETS 70?0' R L=113 Al 50' R.O.W. DELUXE Ton-142.34 UNITS A F 518 - 766 6275 Delto=144'S4'44" DELUXE 1 ; E 1oa07Owl.com UNITS R=230.o0 I 14 L-167.02 .� 'qj Tor -a6.76 r o \ Pro jpct EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. CC' • \ BITUMINOUS 5 THE DIVIDER WALL BETWEEN \ •�,' _ _ i p CONCRETE BERM L-II COTTAGE UNITS IS PERPENDICULAR \ y \ �'Z _ - _-- o Q� OR RADIAL TO ROAD 'B' CENTERLINE I rat \ .6 % PRC ■ 5•56 35.88 ` \.\` / FUTURE 1 \ 10 ` R% / 1 STA: 4.13.59 50' R.O.W. \ DEVELOPMENT �\ \ \ I- I 1 PC • 4.9T. f OFFSET: TO'-O" R STD. / �_�8•00 15 00 ��, •00. \ % UNITS _ } MAIL 80X \ \ \ S■ LUSTER \ \ .STD. \ O UNITS STA: 1.96.25 \ -I \' OFFSET: 7W-0' R \ 11 g PRC T484.00 �, \ 16 . •O PRIMARY ROAD STA 3.83.05 _ STA: 7.19.42 CULDEEND \ TYPICAL DELUXE 18 I Ul C W 0• 0 OFFSET: 68'-0" R WEST17 COTTAGE UMI STA 8.43.07 Q'.! F�'\ T 3 96.06 �. \ II ` ©�11 1 i R25' TYP. �V al R-250.00 L-346.06 i �.O• \ ' Ton=207.23 I l [ dam � Z _/ AjD+�rw�nlawrr�at'�+;11w�r x UNITS T 9a 9570• ` ' \- / / ..:STOP MAWLAND ROAD ` % STA: T•TO.15 _ \ ` ! �-1--- _ 2'1�. °--- � r Qc' �GUf ENS"Y, NY OFFSET: 92'-0" R ,\ 6 / —� \ \ Consultants \\ / BIT. CONC. _ DELUXE L-II PVMTAPARKING): \, U) \ .__ \% UNITS TYP. \ 6 iv 11 ae�ld l.�c�n+Gcp • \ _ 20' WIDE ELU tC CONCRETE L.A. Orovp SANITARY i UNIT WALK SEWER 2 ' L-11 \ -40 All ' 12 EASEMENT 4 STD. °° STA: I.23.23 EJ or� I I /� Ph: (�519)a'!{tQ Flax.'1►tf�') L / STA: 3.55.81 UNITS 3 OFFSE T: 70'-0" L I > OFFSET: TO'-0" L i \�'1"UGtUrAi �z \� I / \ oo R-200.00 EJ I \ \ \\ L= 335.46 STA: 2.39.67 ,' \\ OFFSET: TO'-0' L Ton=222.52� E J PRIMARY ROAD STA 14 Doha-16ve oT u u I • 1 � „w MGGhrt'�iGG>F1: EXCEPT WHERE NOTED. () EXPANSION i 0 / DAYid �.�' 4m dcrs, P.G. THE DIVIDER WALL BETWEEN L-N JT. TYP. P.O. box ',314 east 13r"A+orbvsh W 13 1 \' \ COTTAGE UNITS IS PERPENDICULAR R=300.00 ap FUTURE moons: (50) 4fq "-4��22 fdx: i3� +I�I�li•'� .' OR RADIAL TO ROAD B' CENTERLINE F� ti L•i09.23 ti , \\ \ \ 4 Tan-M22 ROADWAY i 30' WIDE \ F / f °o oelta-2031.39* \ \ MAC EmOincer \ \_ SANITARY , SEWER ' j► 00 a l '160 Cxtton Road.4ton Pork, W t �\ \ EASEMENT \ F� �'� \�' _� _ 31.00 — / t=canc: A"I#) \ •mom / � / -'� , \ � Y. \ \ PT30.7.52 Rev lions �. \�� ✓ � \ � � � ��� i �� � �� � GIs � ��� �� � �I� � � � �I�I� r MATCH LINE tSEE SHEET L-S) MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET L-3) 'LAYOUT 1"N T1, 1 TYP. AC COND. i SCALE: 1" 50' SIT. CONC. A ,� mom L-II PVMT. � �.. SCALE: i" 50' b 01 i o i 'i 0004" loll is, or f0dW4 to A 1 O qw.r� *boo*boo&oe ?a �!• EJ �p Nns wr�No. aapwd of xle►a.o r' q A IMetR P. C, a a b � .r..� Drawing Number o CONCRETE R4' TYP. 8 WALK Lw2, TYP. PAVEMENT LAYOUTS SCALE: 1"-30-0' Date: April "1, 2U00 FOR COTTAGES E H VltiP'r^. �KP' Vqv UM H'�D 3-WV IC f A\ i 15 .5�- UM _ \ TM. JVA 13 FL.EN #T \\ \ INV. \F END#8 BOTTOIG OF IN306.00 1 V � DETgNTION \ ANN ELEV I \ iS06.00 /OP OF BERM ELEV. // FL.END �► / / A�e� CBOT � \ '�, � • � � � to 1 FL�NO 6 \ \l 6. INV. 30O •� \ ';�. LS \ F`L.Ek \ INV\ 10 •` \ \ T P OF RM \ \ 3EEV O 30 \ \ 6 I BOTTOM of • �' � � � , .�`-;• � • \ a� \ \ DETENTION _ \ I (BASIN ELEV. 306.00 �' 2 I \ r FL.END#5 ' ---*V. 308.74 ,� \ i •� FL. D#4 �. A \ \ \ \ •' NV. .00 0001' \ \ MATCH LINE (SEES SHEET L-31 'awl -oft DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE PIPES (NOTE: 4LL PIPES TO BE HDPE) STRUCTURE RIM ELEV. INV.(S) IN INV. OUT PIPE RUN LENGTH NOM. SIZE SLOPE CB#I 324.00 - 320.50 CB#I - CB#2 It LF 18" 0.5% CB#2 324.12 320.43 320.33 CB#2 - CB*3 LF 18" 0.5% CB#3 323.97 320.41 320.04 CB#3 - FE#I 84 LF 18" 0.5% C804 316.56 - 313.56 CB#4 - CB#5 Z4 LF 12" 0.5% CB*5 CB#6 316.56 311.60 313.40 307.T6 313.30 30T.26 CB#5 - CB#6 CB#6 - FE#6 299 LF 113 LF 12" 24" 1.76% 0.5% C8#T 311.88 - 308.88 CB#7 - CB#8 95 LF 12" 0.5% CB#8 C809 311.40 320.61 308.40 - 308.15 317.36 CB#8 - CB#6 CB#9 - CB#IO 79 LF g4 LF 15" MO 0.5% 0.5% CB#10 320.6t 317.24 316.99 C #10 - FE#2 3 F 18" 0.5% C80" CB*12 322.60 322.35 - 319.38 319.50 319.28 CB#II - CB#12 CB#12 - CB#13 24 LF 19 LF I 120 0.5% 0.5% CB#13 C8014 321.65 314.35 318.63 310.99 318.53 310.49 C #13 - CB#14 CB#14 - DMH#I 200 LF 54 LF 12" (8" 3.77% 0.5% C8#15 CB#16 314.01 314.01 - 310.89 311.01 310.64 CB#15 - CB*16 CB#16 - DMH#I 24 LF 21 LF 12" 1,5111 0.504 0.5% Y • 4' GRADING LEGEND: • WETLAND PROTECTION FENCE STORM DRAIN PIPE W/FLARED END SECTION Lr + g e r g m e • SILT FENCE SEE SITE FF FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION PRfPERATtON PLAN �- 33g � A r c h i t e c t s, P., C. HAYBALE INTERCEPTOR/DIKE PROPOSED CONTOUR { to CS CATCH BASIN AND INLET PROTECTION �_1 - - - - EXISTING CONTOUR Architecture 0 DMH DRAIN MANHOLE PlanningL-I► interior Design HYD UM WV - -- -- p 3-WV .90 'g0 ` TE ORARY C RUCTION S 307.61 ' p UM - 37-4.45' \' 11 ACC S L-I UM L t' g 330.8 I � r fo 336.50 \ g" 436 Ford Rood Old Chatham ' `\ I New York 12136-1808 P 518 766 5853 518 766 6275 E. W070oolxom CP Project \ \ CB#I ALLY ACKS SHALL Q HANDIC ' l 3ZO.S SS18 EDGE t� WALK BE HIGHER T EDGE OF \BITUMIN eo TOPSOIL FF \ �/� STOCKPILE \ �` \ AREA 17 �► �� \The at in r/and r / \ \ ♦ ` \ \ \ ��� �i , HAVILAND ROAD A _ 2--FL.END#I \ \ `� j QUENvi, �Y <j \ 000- g00% \ �" �• Civil and Londscaps.: L.A.. group 3 i 40 � Omq Ail" `moo-' pr", NY 12 � -- 3I9�50 3 ! i .o David 50nder3, i�.G. 1�.4. box 5i4, \ \ / �t 6rGeNau�sh NY tit \ r - _ / / i / �• / / ' / / !°haws b) 4'#�1-4832 . Fox: (516) 4'044" Electric01: I 5 '� 1 '!SU GCK teat R0001 Gtiftorl four k., NY 1,2i sine FL.ENQ#3 ,� _ 31• / % / P'Fvm (546) 8•T'1-15 Fox,. lBlbl �� k , OTT Oi / / \ _____" �h \ ` `�•/ / / � \ OOAAS� - • DETEATlDI(EV Of BASIN EL \ ' 2�, /' rrlre■ B 310.00 Reisio Is " ELEV. �� S, \! 313.00 t E3 L-) P \ � • � \, � \ , \ � � CH LINE � SE '� `#• Tine " DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE (CONTINUED) PIPS TE: ALL PIPES TO BE HDPE) STRUCTURE RIM ELEV. INV.(S) IN INV. OUT PIPE R LENGTH NOM. SIZE SLOPE CB#17 319.98 - 316.98 C9911T 18 34 LF 12" 0.5% CB*18 319.77 316.81 316.56 C8#18 ,q #2 129 LF 15" 0.5% CB#19 322.65 - 319.65 #19 025 LF 124 .5% CB*20 322.65 319.52 319.42 #20 •jv LF 12" 0.5% CB#21 322.31 313.06 313.06 #21 4 T LF 24D 0.4% CB#22 321.70 - 318.70 W91113 1 80 LF 120 0.5% CB#23 322.00 - 319.00 0023 # S ST LF 120 0.5% CB*24 322.50 - 319.50 # 4 42 LF 12" 0.5% CB#25 323.48 318.71/319.29 318.61 # 107 LF 12 0.5% CB#26 321.60 314.67/317.67 313.92 0026- # U7 LF 24" 0.4% CB*27 321.30 319.07 317.82 # T-s 31 LF 15" 0.5% CB#28 320.10 316.60 315.35 134 LF is" 0.5% CB#29 319.29 - 316.29 g@929 4 30 45 LF 12" 0.5% CB#30 319.00 316.00/316.06 315.81 CB#30 2 4j LF 15" 0.5% CB#31 319.18 - 316.18 #31 36 LF 12" .5% CB # 32 329.50 - 326.50 C8032 1-444 04 234 LF 12" 1 3.27% CB#33 324.10 --T 320.60 # 0 177 LF 18"1 0.5% GRADING PLAN k" tj SCALE: 1" 50' - - NORTH SCALE: Is • .7V - - •«"� wr,. �ndm in *a *4*" d'A" am aF MWAM to . tNt 4 � riMoliara! SIC. T2or „- PIPES (NOTE: ALL PIPES TO BE HDPE EXCEPT. S* 2 or to 06 El 600 la. = moo DRAINAGE STRUCTURE TABLE (CONTINUED) WHERE NOTED) a w +*MIN 'I+ b tad ~-I* A dawoo ielt P. cof ft"WM STRUCTURE RIM ELEV. INVAS) IN INV. OUT PIPE RUN LENGTH NOM. SIZE SLOPE ...rr■ Drowing, Number .. _ L4 Dote: April 1, % ` Y tJ CB*34 323.20 - 320.20 C9#34 - C8#33 47 LF 12" 0.5% C9#35 322.80 319.97 319.87 C8435 - DAYL 290 LF I2" 0. CORRUGATE DMH#I 14.28 3I0.53/310.22 309.94 - MH*1 - R 0 30 F 4" 0,4 PIPE DMH#2 322.E .8/3t2.79/315. 312.79 DM#'t#2 -. F #tl 167 LF 14 0.4% DMH#3 32 .a90 313.45 313.45 DMH*3 - 8* 1 LF 0.4 DMI#4 318.60/318.05 318.50 bIlI1H#4 - ,f 4 F 18" 4. % DMi# 4,00 319:71 3191.61 11 H#5 = ii'?MH# 123 LF. 0 X - �i t_ \ 3� AS NI PICit'trl �.? i NI :ulterior ' Desi n MEADOW vH' GRASS s i� 3 C S MEADOW. U ,' LJ a) tc•' I GRASS (0 N LAWN \�IPN21 12 \ , 0 13 DELUXE \ \ UNITS S 1 , A <. l „ DELUXE II UNITS ' X MEADOW S MEADOW 14 GRASS GRASS \ \ \��' . 1 \ . \ LAWN O k' X' SEE ENLARGED \Y COTTAGE PLANTING 436 Ford Rood PLANS BELOW - - � \ I LAWN \ Did Chotharn \ IO 4 -New Yot* 12136- S 766 5853 Fn \ STD. IS `\� 00 F 518 76$ 6275 � �. o UNITS ' ® �x � STD. 1 \ E laaQ74W.com It e ' \ J �. UN TS LAWN x \ s \ Is Project \ , LAWN -C + SEE SHEET L-10 \ ; X LAWN TYPICAL DELUXE IS LAWNFOR PLANTING SCHEDULE 1 17 COTTAGE UNITS TCI I LAWN \ \ STD. LAWN ,#a \ UNITS 7 k \ MEADOW \ MIN \ _ GRASS LAWN s „ :l \ _ \� X DELUXE N' ' ' ;� N� UNITS x ' c P 44 6 MEADOW Th� MEADOW ' - _ _ _ \ GRASS` + GRASS _ _ _ V �� �\ DELI \ , 4 STD - \ LAWN UNITS 3 �'� FIFO A o \� V�aielr�i�rrt�M►+ HAVILAND ROADILAWN t \ \ \ UUEMBURY, NY LAWN t' 41 w��r xs consultmts " i d MEADOW GRASSn N % Civil sand L�Nnt�sccapa� s L .►."` \ 10 LON Al" Sara" MEADO \ \ , GRASS W �_ - -- , �s'tI"U'tural : ? LAWN � GRASS W MATCH LINE (SEE SHEET L-10���'\�� i LAWN LAWN TYR PLANTING FOR DELUXE COTTAGES LAWN Gar► `�' ■. ■ LAWN 1 TYP. PLANTING FOR STANDARD c� LAWN r•2W—W 3 R6, ,lAfts lu at 3W KWT. DIM Mall AN SUGNT AMQ L STAKES TO N!E OUT'SN,1E OF "m SALL. NEATLY V" ALL OI'CICUOtNS TRUNKS TO A HEQfT OF THE SECOND LOWEST NW" (FALL PLANTING ONLY) �O 3r "1. PLAKW AU WyGR 3r OEPTI'1 Poe DARK NAlLat PULL "CH AWAY FM TNiUNNt. A113M PLANTING WX COWACTED CUT ROPE SURROtJtR1NNC 91T1nM OF REE VAM AFTER 01ACIMUNG OUT KFOK - WAAINN% 00 NOT REI*O% SAP. 0114 SOL ORAINALE' MOUND, ONVACTED TO M 1wrSt18GRA0E TREE PLA&rldswmlmlNG, ■ ■ 1 X Y r .a k -'ll--ii I,-�lal1 {► '�-1i�!! ={i Y.'r s• •b ae ,. ,f