2000-741 Tire Warehouse TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bav Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761 -8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000741 Application Number: A20000741 Tax Map No: 523400- 107-000-0001 -057-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TIRE WAREHOUSE For property located. at_ 274 QUAKER Rd in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and �n compliance with the N'YS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: LOUISE SILVERTHORNE 30 OLD COACH Rd Sign QUEENSBURV, NY 12804 Total value Contractor or Builder's Name / Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans St Specifications 2000-741 67.5 SQ FT WAL. SIGN AS PER APPLICATION $136.00 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Thursday, October 03, 2002 * (Ifa longer period is requited, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Tov6m of QueensbuZV4&vfQre the ex 'ration date.) Dated at the Town o ckue Auow *c*tbrr 03, 2000 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building & Code Enforcement 1 N J Fee Paid : TOWN OF QC_;EENSBUR 'Y 742 Bay Road, +Queensbury, NY 12804 Approved By : Permit # - � "" SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED : u p 2 2QQQ 1 . Detailed drawing or photo of sign . 2 . Plot plan of location of sign . 3 . Written consent of the owner of the building or land . OWNER OF PROPERTY _r - (JC4 ,S A/en, 6)1Z-0X. � ADDRESS _ �! p?a LCrA 1 , Zo,004k7 TEL . " .r t/70V NAME OF APPLICANT _ IIZC?. +'A1Z� +� ADDRESS � 7,, I r ieA QUeY "kini r„i 1 ry<04 TEL . '7920fWv BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT : TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies : Existing __ Permanent Projecting Sign Temporary Non- conforminR Existing Free - Standing Wall New . Location : Tax Map Number _ Address Q.' T Proposed Setbacks from Property Line ( front ) ( side ) _ If sign is to be illuminated , please check appropriate box : Interna ; 044-, External ( ) , Incadescent ( ) , Neon ( ) , Other { ) Size of Sign : Width ft . Length ft . Total Square Footage : , Sign Copy - d0n% A y Color and Material To Be Used : �. e, ,Y' )4A/ Egces Signature : Circl ne : Applican , owner , contractor o g t . I HEREBY AUTHORIZE APPLICANT TO PLACE A SIGN ON MY PROPERTY OR BUILDING. Signature of Property Owner. ORIGINAL-Office Copy COPY-Applicant Adirondack Cork & Cask, Inc. Adirondack Wine Merchants 278 Quaker Rd., Queensbury, NY M04 518-79X3664 Warren County 776 Town of Queensbury r I am writing for the purpose of informing and asking advice in regards to county property and property Ime issues. A recent survey is enclosed for lands directly relatdd to the property located at 278 Quaker Road, Queensbury. Below is a brief description ofthe issues.at hand as well as, the plans for our continued property improvement, The issue is land use between property line road frontage and the actual road. To my understanding Warren County owns the land between these to Iines. If that is the case than who maintains the control of this property and what are the limitations of use of this property? 1 . The property to the west owned by Silverthorne and being leased by John McCall and the Two Warehouse have positioned themselves on the county property both between the frontage property line on their property as well as the property at 278 [Maker Road. In doing so, they have and continue to place objects that create a larger presence roadside and indicate that there customers should use the entrance to 278 Quaker. The "Tire Warehouse" property has no deeded access or rights to egress across "Adirondack Wine Merchants" property and both delivery trucks for "The Tire Warehouse" as well as the added traffic to their property are impeding store operations at Adirondack Wine Merchants and causing excessive wear to paved areas which we are responsible for. Therefore, I am hoping to find some support in having the property the county owns between the Tire Warehouse and Route 354-Quaker Road cleared and to have the "Tire Warehouse" sign moved to the original location. The original pole is still there and is inline with the signs.that have been on Quaker for a long time. My intentions are to support the growth of Adirondack Wine Merchants and to furtlier the improvement of the 278 Quaker Road property, Adirondack Wine Merchants. 2. The improvements that the company would like to move forward on this fall and into early spring are as follows: A. Parking lot resurfacing and Striping. This includes curbs added to the existing lot to allow for more and properly distributed parking. B. Limping and signage will be added/ changed, pending, a full review by Queensbury and County officials. Mr. McCall has been less than cooperative with my efforts and continues to use the property that my business occupies for his own. Our business is hurt because of this. We have created "one of the nicest wine stores in NY state" right here in Queensbury and look forward to continuing our improvement and providing our community with a store s that is recognized, as a leader in the industry. With the ensuing winter months and the snow issues to deal with I am hoping that your help may happen soon. In appreciatior:� pv v,4 -- C?,V Iry(T Si O, 9 eV (� /mot - 'LI VIA(I oo�q 0 60 1 ,Plop,. rtS@� 4 � MO (71�40WIOW VJ