2000-761 i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 BayEmd, Queensbury, NY 12804.5902 (518} 761-8201 Community Development • Building & Codes (518) 761=8256 CERTIFICATE �F }�VIPLIANE Permit Number: P20000761 Date Issued: Monday, July 02, 2007 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20000761 has been completed. Tax Map Number; 523400-297-008-0001-022-001-0000 Location: 571 QUEENSBURY Ave Owner: I D A OF WARREN & WASHINGTON COUNTIES Applicant. BMI SUPPLY This structure may be occupied as a: Sign By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building St Gale Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761 -8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUIEDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000761 Application Number: A20000761 Tax Map No: 523400-055-000-0002-019-055-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: BMI SUPPLY For property located at: 571 QUEENSBURY Ave in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: COUNTIES OF WARREN & Sign WASHINGTON I.D.A. Total value 1 APOLLO Dr QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name 1 Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans & Specifications 2000-761 24 S+Q' SIGN - BMI SUPPLY $o.00 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, October 11, 2002 (If a longer period is required, an application for an extension must he made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town oCQje hn ed her 11, 2000 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building & Code Enforcement Fee Paid : TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Approved By : Permit # : wCCU - `7 '(ef (518) 761 -$2S6 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED : 1 . Detailed drawing or photo of sign . f 0 n 2000 2 . Plot plan of location of sign . 3 . Written consent of the owner of the building or land . OWNER OF PROPERTY ADDRESS TEL . NAME OF APPLICANT � , .. .I ADDRESS TEL . BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT : TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies : Existing Permanent Projecting Sign Temporary Non- conforming Existing Free - Standing . % Wall _ New Location : Tax Map Number - - q ' �4S .Address Proposed Setbacks from Property Line ( front ) �f ( side ) _ If sign is to be illuminated , please check appropriate box : Internal ,(�, External ( ) , Incadescent ( ) , aeon ( ) , Other ( } Size of Sign : Width ft . Length �_ ft , Total Square Footage : _ r __ f. •. Sign Copy : Color and Material To Be Used : I ( ) VA Cxc<C Signature : } t Circle One : Applicant , owner , contracto agent I HEREBY AUTHORIZE APPLICANT TO PLACE A SIGN ON 14Y PROPERTY OR BUILDING. Signature of Property Owner . Ze ORIGINAL- Office Copy COPY-Applicant i I I { I rI i `' 11 j 20©0 . mp cd I : f s 1 p ± I - , 1.` ! C- Or Or— r 1 1 6P 6 - v I General Information Application No. (ofrice Use Only) Project Location: M1 _ �—r a e. Tax Map ID: ;— � SS Zone Classification: �r - _ 1A Detailed Description Of Project (include current & proposed use): �er� sKC 1l4 .�ir� . . Applicant: l �l 4E;tie rye Address: S� 1 Q u e_�•,sLc3 - ,1c . Work Pholie/ ' ax : 77 R Applicant's Agent: Ce C�vol , WV16eN/. n 4q C , Address: I eoq lac+ V .' to ..� Phone: Work Phone ax; ` qe - S S t Property Owner: y� Address: Phone: Work Phone/Fax: Directions to Site: Sign Variance Last Reszsed: 03/07/2000 Site Development Data Area/Type Existing (sq. ft.) Proposed Addition Total (sq. ft.) A. Building pit Foot (sq. ft. Z" ,q_,, .,.,.�� B. Detached Garage C. Accessory Structure (s) D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced areas E. Porches(Decks F. Other c� Total Non-Permeable (Sum A through F) [ �,4 c) fJ � Parcel Area � 0 , F, Percent Non-Permeable (Total Non-PermeableeTarcel Area) C> .S c vk Setback Requirements Location Required Existing Proposed Front ( 1 ) Front (2) Shoreline Side Yard (1 ) Side Yard (2) Rear 'Yard ( 1 ) Rear 'Yard (2) Buffen Travel Corridor +� 'G'l ►-► � cam. ' — � , Sign Variance Last Revised: 03/0712000 om liance with Sign Ordinance: Section(s) that apply: �=} p �' -- 'i3 �► [cam} What sign(s) are you allowed to have . 1� wall sign(s) . . . . . . % square feet (each) , freestanding sign(s) square feet (each) height (each) his application is for a change in the: Number of signs: Size of signs: Height of signs: Setback for sign : Other: levati-or If you are proposing to install wall signs, provide a scale drawing of the facade they will be located on, with their location shown. If ti ou are proposing more than two (2) signs, the following information must be protizded for each sign (please use additional sheets if necessary) : Sign Number: _� Size: Length x Width %.3 - - Total Sq. Ft. Existing: Height g - 6> � ft. (for freestanding) Proposed : Depth in./ft. (projecting) Wall: Distance from property line: f ft. Freestanding r--''~' Wording: y, Illuminated 5c y ►�, n in �.r•ti .. �utr4 nn sv� c s�-: , Projecting ' Design of Sign : Scale 1 " = inches/feet r y +mr L 1 in Sign Variance _ ~" Last Revised: 0310�12000 The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them, using additional sheets if needed. 1. How Fvould you benefit from the granting of this Sign Variance? fhe. F�vow 4 'i? +Cca jtet " l :W% st 1 s +^✓1 it G L teye - -pywo *-k rep ctJ -44-ka wk CAl Jr ON 3 ' S . 41 ` a rc� 1T7� , � ,• . vtice nix id i 4 i,c } y0 ✓ ef, C L.C3�- .1 �;� c5" c., S�3 '' �w., f' csa J ric it •oQ- u..: r' Ly 2- Wbat effect Nvould this variance haIe on the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and ►welfare of the community? _ " Or7c2 - ! � n �� , ,• ez CS ie-i 4c a A, Ar- �? C` �"i�:7R..�"� g2:: r� _e_ Q 40. c #— 3. Are there feasible alternatives to this variance? 'AnV@% -- 1_t't , 4, ,� (�,, 4=71 . „4, 4- Is the amount of relief substantial relief relative to the Ordinance? a u �- Y1 AZre. Gk � , NI VX 5. Will the variance have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district? Sign Variance Last Retirised: 03/07/2000 Chectdist Please prepare a map depicting existing and proposed conditions_ Failure to complete the following checklist or include all the required information on your plot plan will result in a determination of incompleteness and a delay in the processing of your application. Check/Initial The Applicable Sox Address Each Item Provided Not Applicable Waiver 1. GENERAL Requested (i ) A. Title, name, address of applicant and person responsible for preparation of dravving. B. North arrow, Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale (minimum I in. = 40 ft.). �. C. Boundaries of the property plotted to scale, zoning boundary. f D. Location of principal structures and accessory structures with exterior dimensions. E. Location of sire improvements including outdoor storage areas, driveNvays (existing and proposed). parking areas, etc. F. Setbacks for all structures and improvements. _ 11. WATER & SENVER A. Location of on-site sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of bedrooms served_ k B. Location of water supply, (i.e,, and septic an adjoining lots titiith separation distances to existing or proposed on-site water supplv and septic. C. Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to %velI and %,% aterbodies. D. Location and description of existing public or private water supply (well. lake, etc.)- Method of securing public or private %,eater, location, design, and construction of water supply including dailv water usage.w. � . E. Percolation test location and results. III, PARKING/PERMEABLE AREAS A. Number of spaces required far project including calculation justification B. Number of existing parking spaces. number to be removed, number to remain, and type of surfacing material (e.g_, gravel, paved). C. Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking. j D. Location and design details of ingress. egress. loading areas, and curbing. Sign Variance Last Revised: 03107/2000 Provided Not Applicable Waiver Address Each Item Re uested 1 E, Location and character of green areas (existing and proposed), modification to green areas, buffer zone to remain f undisturbed, F. Lighting: location and design of all existing or proposed outdoor lighting. IV. ADDITIOiNAL SITE DEVELOPMENT & MISCELLAI SOUS A. Location of on-site and adjacent watercourses: streams, rivers, lakes, vvetlands. B. Location of proposed and existing: utility/energy distribution systems (gas, electric, solar, telephone), C. Location, design and construction of all existing and proposed site improvements including: drains, culverts, retaining walls, fences, fire & emergency zones and hydrants. D. Location and amount/portion of building area proposed for ./` office, manufacturing, retail sales, or other commercial activities. E. Signage: location, size, type, design and setbacks. ADDIT'IUNA1 , RE- QUIFLEMEN-1-S 1 ) * * Waiver Request — Provide a letter to the Zoning Board and,'or Planning Board requesting the ;vaivers indicated on the checklist. 2) Commercial Development Activities tivili require submission of a Landscaping Plan, Storntwarer lwianagement Plan and a Grading Plan. 3) Other elements integral to the proposed development as considered necessary by the reviel.tiing board. 4) Identify any Federal, State or County permits required for the project's schedule. 5) Please submit record of application for approval status of all necessary permits from Federal, State and County officials, b) Other Fees may apply — Engineering Fees, Recreation fees For Office Use Only - Reviewed by Application fee received Original and 14 copies of Application and Plot Plan submitted Required Signatures Other: Sign Variance Last Revised: 03/07/2000 PROJECT NAME, .�_ �,c� mac , +� �, ��e ✓I ICA Pre-application meeting notes'.61 �4 Ile 0V -0 {!J{+✓°j �Y-4"rf 7''�fY'V`.J w�J ✓` Y (.�/ V 5A�*�l S � �G �I'� � y��✓+' S �� . �— Date(s) of Pre-Application Conference Applicant initials 0#5 Staff member initials Nothing stated m this meeting is to be construed as an approval or disapproval. The sole intern of the pre-application meeting is to address submission requirements and to identify potenlitxl concerns. A11 content of submissions is the responsibilih^ of the applicant or authorized designee. Signature Page This Page includes the Authorization to Act as Agent Form, Engineering Fee Disclosure, Other Permit Responsibilities, and Agreement to provide documentation required. Complete the following if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the applicant: Owner's Agent Form Owner: t 1 �y -eel (Print Owner Name) Designates: � c t? vtc�y e.rrr , ti,r ±<7L (,PrintApplicant/Agent Name) As agent regard ins: ,N= Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section 5S Block Z Lot jcLc 5 S Deed Reference: _ page""�� Date SIGNATURE:A� - wner) C� G' Date Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable to attend the meeting or wishes to be represented by another party. Applicant's Agent Form Applicant: � VvVP e-4& C w vt e,,,,� (Print Applicant Name) I_)csicp>>atcs: (Print Agent Name) As agent resardino: Variance Site Plan Subdivision For Tax Map No.: Section Block Lot SIGNATURE (Applicant) Date En.ineerinZ_Fee Disclosure:_ Applications may be referred to the Town consulting engineer for review of septic design, storm drainage, etc. as determined by the Zoning or Planning Department. Fees for engineerincr review services will be charged directly to the applicant. Fees for engineering review will not exceed $ 1 ,000 without notification to the applicant Please Note: Other permits may be required for construction or alteration activity subsequent to approval by the Zonins Board and/or Planning Board. It is the applicant's responsibility to obtain any additional permits. Official Meeting Minutes Disclosure: It is the practice of Community Development Department to have a designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application, and that minutes transcribed from those tapes constitute the official record of all proceedings. If there is a discrepancy between such record and the handwritten minutes taken by the designated stenographer, the handwritten minutes shall be deemed the official record. I, the undersigned, have thoroughly read and understand the instructions for submission, agree to the submission requirements and completed the checklist. 5� LLp fJQLGCatf1#'J 9 [t Date Lo Sign Variance Last Revised: 0,31071•?000 taA (iy%5)�Text 12 ' OJEGI.D. NUM SEA 617.2© " A 7 ��iOR Appendix C State Environmental Quality Review SHORT ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM For UNLISTED ACTIONS Only XRT I— PROJECT INFORMATION (To be completed by Applicant or Project sponsor) ! . APPLlCAluT rSPON5C7R �^ 2. PROJECT NAME 3. PROjECT LOCATION: Municioatlty %4 S cJ Count $✓V e� S . PRECISE LOCATION (Street address and read int"ecticns, pmrnineni landmarks. etc.., or provide rrmapj 5 . IS PROPOSED ACTION: New ❑ EAcanslon 0 +FOO.FiCatlonja4era[HM o . DESCRIBE PROJECT ElPiEFLY: Not L.AJ xrd.oc or -.r V ,'�. ' ` -�!. ,t ex + T . AMCUNT OF LAND AFFECTED: [/p Init'alty acres U tima`.31v r acres 5 - MILL PROPOSEDD ACTJOCN COMPLY WITH EXIST,It•iG 2CNING OR OTHER E:YISTING LAND USE RESTRICTIONS? ❑ Yes � NO If No, tlescrbe Caz`I} del � Cje� 3 . WHAT IS PRESENT LAND USE IN VICINITY Or PRC.ECT? ❑ Resicentcal jo�ndustrial Zrc.-.rrme�ciat ❑ Agriculture ❑ ParlcForestioren space ❑ Gitner Cescnoa- �a CUES ACTION INVOLVE A PER`AIT APPPCVAL, OR FUNDING, NOW OR ULTIMATE_Y FROM ANY OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY +FEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAUO) /_. Q Yes ,}a4++o If yes. list agerc};Si anc wdrrnit:acprov3IS 11 , DOES ANY ASPECT OF THE ACTION HA'JS A CUr=RE`JTLY VALID PERNI IT OR APP AOVAL? A ter+ Q Yes o If yes, lis: ayercyr rarne aria permit:ac:�rovai 12 . ASS-1SA RESULT OF PROPOSED AC'IQN WILL EXISTING PSR,LS6TIAPPROVAL REC.UIRE M.00IFICATICN? 0 Y?g c I CER-IFY THAT TH..S INr'CRNIATiON fPROVtDE0 AMCVE IS TPUE TO T HE BEST OF MY KNCWLEOGE If the action is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment 'Form before proceeding with this assessment OVER 1