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Office Use Only ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Permit#: MT—Oli `-- PERMIT APPLICATION Town ofQueens6ury Permit Fee:$ 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804 Invoice#: Aq-1b(b P:518-761-8256 www.gueensbury.net Flood Zone? Y /N� Reviewec�BW11 Project location: rui J 5 1 'I—P c d / Tax Map ID#: Subdivision Name: PROJECT INFORMATION: I F C 0 V IE TYPE: )7 Residential El Commercial, Proposed Use: MAR 2 j 2022 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY STRUCTURE: BUILDING&CODES ❑ Boathouse(with or w/o sundeck) ❑ Canopy ❑ Carport ❑ Cell Tower ❑ Deck ❑ Detached Garage (>300 s.f.) ❑ Dock ❑ Gazebo ❑ Pavilion ❑ Pole Barn ❑ Porch ❑ Ramp ❑ Shed (<300 s.f.) ❑ Solar Panels(w/o rafter upgrades) ❑ 3-Season Porch P"0ther: &AWrall rCP/q(c i 6-e/- )0(1J' SQUARE FOOTAGE OF STRUCTURE: 1st floor: ) b 2nd floor: Total square feet: Brief description of scope of project: r 2 e1"14(k, Trdti C4 P PdX ih 4 k J 8rU 6r�f �X r/ �o n i'J l 2 x Y r �- Zi,14�rl t ►_N Iuy� V, when �tcJr Accessory Structure Application Revised January 2021 CONTACT INFORMATION: PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY OR TYPE, PLEASE INCLUDE AN EMAIL • Applicant: Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: • Primary Owner(s): Name(s): 1r\}25�, Mo��� �n see �c � J77-C4-M\tJ>M Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Ema i I: .�Z ( 1kCr t�.Cfi�� ❑ Check if all work will be performed by property owner only • Contractor(s): (List all additional contractors on the back of this form) Contractor Name(s): �0v l oS I,-n) tbi^ ���� (�(�J Contractor Trade: Iefli,.0-'1 I /gcM osih / Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: SIT --�3`�-� �ti�5� Land Line: Email: "Workers' Comp documentation must be submitted with this application" • Arch itect(s)/Engi nee r(s): Business Name: Contact Name(s): Mailing Address, C/S/Z: Cell Phone: Land Line: Email: Contact Person for any questions regarding this project: p Cell Phone: Land Line: CD�cDY Ton ` evJ os Email: I Accessory Structure Application Revised January 2021 ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: 1. Estimated Cost of Construction:$ 6 p-V, 0-6 2. Are there any structures not shown on the plot plan? OYES 0<0 Explain: 3. Are there any easements on the property? ❑ YES 29NO DECLARATION: 1. I acknowledge that"no construction shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a valid permit and will be completed within a 12 month period.Any changes to the approved plans prior to/during construction will require the submittal of amended plans, additional reviews and re-approval. 2. If,for any reason,the building permit application is withdrawn,30%of the fee is retained by the Town of Queensbury.After 1 year from the initial application date, 100%of the fee is retained. 3. Ifthework is not completed by the 1 year expiration date the permit may be renewed, subject to fees and department approval. 4. 1 certify that the application, plans and supporting materials are a true and a complete statement and/or description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NYS Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. 5. 1 acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed I, or my agents, will obtain a certificate of occupancy. 6. 1 also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. I have read and agree to the above: PRINT NAME: SIGNATURE: DATE: Accessory Structure Application Revised January 2021 - " ,yq r•' 011 LECOpy 97 - C ; In, !lip TOWN OF QUEENSBU0.1, BUILDING DEPARTMENT -r u• ierE-°. Based on our limited examination,comp "e m U f. with our comments shall not be construe"; M Indic the eplanst atoig and specifications a full compliance with the Building de . New York State. - TOWN OF QU � r BUILDING & Oe; " Reviewed BY:jow d�c. ,'•. 61. k w " r M .. I f Z'O Sp M .� 0 M G ©zJ (far if r0j yr (c GVApr 1 1,A trt •I P(� G rl v o G)cc � t 90M I ra i Om ID z ® a La J, � yC 315.5-1-8 AST-0109-2022 West Mountain Assets LLC 15 Trails End Deck guardrail repair 8/22, 1:56 PM deck photo.webp(1280x853) Dc � MAR 21 2022 TOWN OF OUEENSBURY BUILDING& CODES fr "t•'... - � q Y �,. .� �Y w:R:.+ '6i„:•„'r'''+`•. 'S'. ts.va . `, �� �� ,yf {rr ice. '{.. .�. r,..�«.��ti� ''�S'»s %; m"„:".•: 'vs � v � ,:4'°, e��i'„'`AN ':�J` a�:Y l''�-��tr-'�",;'�;• t':}}� s°,= Jt=,s°S�j „.�xr ?;.... �:,:�.,: "air, �� .��.''�:. k.. If" .r c3'f �y.`''�a:i ±i!M ,.n5 °,;...,;a• 3� -f�k'tt ,•x�'/ %P �.1. '.y' .,;p ''?,.,S'.�'fj'i� w€�Y ,',c��?�„S,?">=:{�5,�nq;�',r:�k�°•';x��4:' 'ip.'i.:��'�ti�'.. 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SAND JOISTS, LEDGER— LAG SCREW OR BOLT 314"MIN. For SI:1 inch=25.4 mm. FIGURE R507.9.1.3(1) PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTS IN LEDGERS Copyright © ICC All Rights Reserved. Accessed by David Hatin on 0612312021 pursuant to License Agreement with[CCNo further reproduction or distribution authorized.Any Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is a violation of the federal copyright,and subject to civil and criminal penalties thereunder. z STAGGER FASTENERS a IN 2.ROWS ® f'MIN.FCIR3X6' DISTfLVCE SHALL BE PERMITTED TO 'MIN.FOR2X10 BEREDUCED70A.5'IFI.AGSCREWS ® ARE USED OR BOLT SPACING IS ® 'MIN:FOR 2 X 12 REDUCED O THAT OF LA SCREWS TOATTACH 2 X 6 LEDGERS TO 2 X8 2'LAIN. BAND JOISTS. LEDGER LAG SCREW OR BOLT 3W MIN. ForSL 1 in-h=25A MM. FIGURE R507.2.1(1) PLACEMENT OF LAG SCREWS AND BOLTSIN LEDGERS R507.2.4 HOLD-DOWN OR SIMILAR _ TENSION DEVICE FLOOR SHEATHING NAILING AT 2 locations 6"MAXIMUM ON CENTER TO JOIST WITH HCLO•DOWN + + + + + + WIL 7f } } + + FLODRJOISTJ �DECKJOIST FIGURE 507.2.3(1) DECK ATTACHMENT FOR LATERAL LOADS ,,�-- 0R SHEATHING �` N1 NOTE: SIDING j THIS DETAIL IS APPLICABLE FLASHING FOR WHERE FLOOR JOISTS ARE WATER TIGHTNESS 1 PARALLEL TO DECK JOISTS: OECKING APPROVED JOIST HANGERS 27 MIN. 2x-LEDGER WITH FASTENERS IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE R507.2 ti t HOLD-DOWN DEVICE MIN 750 LB.CAPACITY FLOOR JOISTS AT 4 LOCATIONS,EVENLY DISTRIBUTED ALONG DECKAND ONE WITHIN 24'OF EACH END OF THE LEDGER.HOLD-DOWN DEVICES SHALL FULLY ENGAGE DECK JOISTPER HOLD-DOWN MANUFACTURER. A FULLY THREADED%'DIAMETER LAG SCREW PREDRILLED W(MIN.3'PENETRATION �,. TO CENTER OFTOP PLATE,STUDS,OR HEADER FIGURE FM07.2.3(2) DECK ATTACHMENT FOR LATERAL LOADS { j I ~L A Simpson Strong-Tie D�"� Z Deck Tension Tie - Fine Ho . . . A, IV To prevenO a deCk ledger avid band join 'frorn spa arc i from a hOLI , code regUir=,S lateral ties fetal con ec, deck frarning to the h usin? framing., The 2015 lRC-� of �l