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TOWN OF QUEENSBURTY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 1 2 804-5 902 (518) 7G1-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000800 r ,�-A� F � Application Number: A20000800 Tax Map No: 523400-04+6-000-0000002-002-002-0000J Permission is hereby granted to: GLEN AT HILAND MEADOWS ( THE) y For property located at: ¢ -'— l { in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: BEECHWOOD INC Commercial / Industrial 65,000.00 D/B/A EDDY PROPERTY SER & Garage - 3 Cars Detached THE G F HOME INC 'total value 659000400 2212 BURDETT Ave TROY, NY 12180 Contractor or Builder's Name / Address Electrical Inspection Agency A.O_W. ASSOCIATES 185 JORDAN ROAD TROY. NY ti Plans & Specifications Commercial New Building 1 ,008 sq. ft_ Maintenance Garage $50000 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Sunday, October 27, 2002 (Ifa longer period is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town o ensbu Frida , c Ober 27, 2000 SIGNED BYfor the Town of Queensbury. d Director of Building & C e En rcement Fowl of Q11C'. G'IJS+l my - Dept. rrfcommunif me v Develolm, 742lorryRrx+d, Queravlarpv, NY ►2W4 1761-825N BUILDING �& CODE ENFORCEAfFNT NOTICE Re.7uirements The ,Glen at Hiland Meadows 2000-800 A purrnit must be obtained berore of this permit: t,cginning connoruction. No inspections Maintenance Garage 1 ,008 Sq. f�. �� r Lapplicant beo until applicant has received �' g Tax Map NO . 4fj, - -2.2 BUILDING PERMIT. Ali spoceelr on thiq npplicnlitm A.O.W. Associates compleated and the argnxture �] PkifW144K A..c 0 " wAa06vry 9%L' rf t: rr♦:.[ N r , cant must appear un tho SPR / StiM; Aon i Othcr rrarr<►t+.R lurrrn.rr form. zhm%A y . Recreation Fee payment Applicttnt1 AmOt . &SPC�dtfzA Owner; lyldsee of 'tlaenk Address: J `JOV�6ilo� T •G't ► _.1 4 U T II AZ AZ .� Vdilt MtVe # � ,q{-k•n : DA.vi c{ #rti1e�.+�, I'ltortc # ( ( ) - 2q I' ktunc # ( �$_) �50M Property Location: t 1�•l✓� '+ , t:,c' 'i —'Y 1�-,� - � �AIt�'L( � 1}4JS Tax Mal)al, 1�tinntacr Name:ame: � O.�t., - Section lltcertc 1 .,t NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK ** ESTIMATED MrOWET VALUF, OF THE _ New Building : 2"m CONS'TRUCTi , $_ residence / m cotnercial kje Addition to Bvlllding : residence / cortunerc .ial OCCVt?AtZC]C INFORMATION : Alteration to Building : primary Building residence / commercial Single Family Dwelling residence / Commercial Two Famlly Dwelling no change to exterior size Family Dwelling O € fIce Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantile Manufacturin Other MAINTSNA PJCoE &AgA&E� GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : If ADDITIONt whaL- will use lst i' Loor . . . . . . . . [ sg , ft . of new addition be ? 2nd .Ffoor . 4 sq . ft Other Flvvr' a . . . r sq . ft . ( not unfinished cellar or basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS : Detached Garage 2 car "TOTAL FLOOR AREA : S4 • FT , Attached Garage i , 2 car private - Storage Building SIZE or NEW STRUCTURE : other storage Building t]ther .ado F E E T x _ F E E T Foundation Type : C.atx p tRb WPtutS Will any second - hand or ungraded ivtutnbev of Stories : k lumber Lae used ? If so , for witat7 ( habitable space oryl, Y ) t u Height ( grade to ridge ) : — a .feet TXP» OF' HEATING SYSTEM *Number of fireplaCeV and / or—wore stove ( circle all whit ies )ad to be installed " 0 Electric / 0 1 J� Forced clot Air / Baseboard / Other Person respc7nsible for supervision oil work as regards to building codes is t LF;mJP%itD AN Me 69CA tTk✓G-'f 431,E FORL7 FD 0%+ D f.AAP H0)- NY M2 3(0 � 14aina 11 dreaBa Phone ]f,[ - 'SSSS �- 13ui ! der : © yy A5%0c-ie eA I$ oRaP+r.l i2D -Ct�CraY fJ�' 2 + - 2`t3fo Plumber : rsoNE 3. ti K al lIi .'S 2 - (01 ?!p M aeon : All fn l "1 D N(oS D se.vi 6 N c. C7' Iv `f O SO t Electrician * !jc-tt ��c.TADY IVSK1%11t' art DEECT,4RATFON.• Please sign below after you 1jave carefully read the slatement. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this apl)hcation , together with the !clans and specifications submitted , are a true and complete statement (If all ltrralxascd work to he done raft the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Ctxle, the 7_onirtg Ord sraa"cc anti all ratlter laws pertaining to the proposed work sliall be complied with , wktether slicciried or rualed, and that suclt work is rrtltrari%cd lay the owner. Further, it is understood that I/we shall submit prior to a Ccrti [icale of Occtpp:trtcy or Ccrtifca of Compliance being issued , nn AS BUiL`I' PLOT PLAN by a licensed survey ra scale how' g actual at��� caC pro' � on pr cs �� rY„) Signature; I1 1 ner, owners agent, architect , contractor) r TW INSPECTOR 'M63 %teRt.374,ChatemWx NY12M t-M 487-US3i sayss4&WoouicdiVa*rcnm n; TIM (XITOS THAT Gla s Oa5c tk &cWW oW p rw as tl wnbad bClns AGd imt[odt W by the he affitcwtt namzd oit tk q#tclittotl 2Aiti ber in the p mmua of: z 39 Long View Drive Town of Qrteen boy C.o UUW: Sckeawl ly Hardware&W Eltllic Ta Aiefio milag loc"- BaMMMA t"Ptoar 2r°irioar a P6ar 4u Flow $edam Hlack tat ikrBS e=Wned oa l t V2W2 azd foand to be * ODMOiam With the of flit Kakiuunsl Elecuic Cdvde_ Gm T"mtb a gftc$ clw WAO tom Rams Coal % le& (!vats Mh Washes Exh+vat m Sm iicat Wed= homdaaoos FJarte&W Other Aaa. KW. AmG_ K1Y. Amt 1"./1', Amit Kti1'. AeQ S.N. 6 t2 10 3 6 5 lA tl[% t`Yaurw x*wuua uuuuu�� .+•w.w..,..... -• • __ . . .- .. .. . .. .-.. . . .. Amt >zw oe xr` Gm Rp .aet VM Big" 00 am Aaot 'R44 -NaofAw tjA Kw. Am M —amL LW. Ant tcw. nao Alum edvt de Fane9s h4otass 'ihdc - ni aver AaL KVA I AN F& Der I PaW An. KW. Ann Wof=uih Ratiog Ash. H.P. Amt No.cflzw NeLofH.xdf Ame. N.P. Ni- ci. Lfl e + ] 34 100 m c� 3enicv bleoa':ted t3giipment �� L" Aw 64mx t m" i PIDow 3P9aav 3 Phan Na.prowl Awa Na od AM of Na+d AWG of 2N 3W 313` CC. mmL h'a*gh beta MAO ELM cn � Q�r 4 en Lt+ i ThNs cerhf sate Horst mt be atterved tae any mmerser: return to the office of 7HEIAW&70R tf mcomd, Impactur's cre*ttrufs can be mified FINAL - COMMERCIAL INSPECTION FJEPPRT Request received: o Office use Town of Queensbury (518) 761-8256 ARRIVE' `= ' m/'pm: DEPAR Ready at time: 742 Bay Road _ Queensbury, NY128D4 Ins tor 's I ' ' s e b Mee '.� NAME RMiT # At time: LOCATION TYPE OF STRCfCTURE INSPECT te): f Notes: N/Al YES I NO Chimney/'B" Vent/Direct Vent location Plumbing Vent Roof Complete. COMMENTS Exterior finish grade complete 11t1 re C "r �c f�i n t ' Interior/exterior guardrails 42 in. platform/decks. -. 0 Y� - c Interior/exterior balusters 4 in, spacing platfarm/decks Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in. Step risers 7 -1/4 Main door 44 in. _ All others 36 in. T "Lever handles Exits at grade or platform Canopy to cover req. exit doors Gas valve shut-off exposed. & regulator (18 in_) abov gra Floor bathroom watertight Other floors okay Hot water relief valve Boiler/furnace enclosure {250,000 BTU N/R 2507000 BTU to 1 ,000,000 BTU's (I hour) _ >1,0001000 BTUs (2 hour) Gas furnace shut off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to furnace area Stockroom enclosure (I hour), 3/4 hour door Storagelreceiving/shipping room (2 hour), 1 `/x doors 1 '1a hour doors and closers hour corridor doors and closers Firewalls/fire separation, 2 hour, 3-hour complete Fire dampers, 2-hour fire wall/separation or greater. Fire door/shutters 1 'la hour, 3 'hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000015,000 sq. ft. Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan Exit door/panic bars assembly hardware_ Elevators — Elevator signage Handicapped bathroom grab bars/sinks/toilets Handicapped batblparking lot signage Handicapped service counters 34 in., checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramp/handrails continuous/ 12 in. beyond Active listening system and signage assembly space Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required __, Final Survey, new structures As-built septic system layout required Okay to issue TEMPORARY CIO - Certificate of Occupancy yes no Okay to issue PERMANENT C/O - Certificate of Occupancy yes no Okay to issue C/C - Certificate of Compliance yes no GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive ] 1t a Qnspector's Depart xn In4Y NAME: � �'" 1L�le • _ g �. PERMIT # 7 " LOCATION: rjI ILL— t A!_ ► l? C�3 ' DATE TYPE OF STRCTURE: ICA g=p&7 L[' RECHECK N/A 'YES NO COMMENTA Footings/Piers J' Monolithic Pour Form r r Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for F providing protection from freezing for 41K hours following the placement r of the concrete. a�`g Materials for this purpose on site Foundalion/Wallpour- _ - Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofin,y__ ', _ Backfill Approval_ . s_ — v Plumbing Under Slab_ Plumbing VentJVcnts in Pla ---------------- ce Rough Plumbing -_-_ /eating Rough-In _ _ NN ✓ I ns lation Z? ` F 4` Foundationn Walls Interior R- _V Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- 4. Walls R- Ceiling R- - Duct work or piping, in unheated spaces R- Proper Venn Attic Vent Fr ruing - - Jack Sluds/Hcaders- Bracintg/Bridging Joist Hangers_ „_ .T Jack Posts/Main Beam _ Air Infiltration Barrier V - Fire Separation 1 . 2. 3_ hour _ Penetration Scaled Firc Wall 2. 3, 4 hour_ Fi restoppi ng_._- f f r r 'q � ao Rc1 GENERAL IN.SPEC'TION REPORT ( 518 ) 76 1 -- 8256 'Gown of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NV 12804 Arrive d r -a gym Depart m Inspector's Initial NAME: T1i�A-� �C= .�.�E. 1,�_� PERMIT #€ LOCATION: to DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE, RECHECK / n NIA YE NO OM-MENTS 'V Footings/Piers � 1 ,0moolithic Pour Fhoon _.._ _. �/' Reinforcement in Place The contractor is resppnsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following thC-placemcnt of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on sitcom_-_ _ Foundation/Wallpour_ Reinforcement in Place FoundatioiVDam rootin Backfill Approval _ - -_ Plumbing Linder Slab_-_____ -- _- Plumbing VenVVcnts in Place_._ .. Rough Plumbing.-_,_.__ _ Healing Insulation _— Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Ex(crior R- Floors R- _ Walls R- _ Ceiling R- _ Duct work or piping; in unhealed spaces R - Proper Vent. Attic Vent Jack Sluds/Headers Bracing/Bridging` --- -- �__ - _ Joist Hangers__ _ Jack Posts/Main B m Air Infiltration Berri Fire Separation I . 2, _ , hour ," `•w Penclration Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour- C LL3 (,ENERAL INSPEC ON REPORT ( 5 .18 ) 76L - 8256 Town of Queensbu r}' Dept. of Community Deve pment Date inspection eyuest received: Building & Code Enforce ent 742 Bay Road De art Queensbury, NY 128p4 Arrive p nspector':t initia NAME: - PERMIT # LC1C A'T1CtN: ATE TYPE OF ST UCTURE: RECHECK A YES NO COMMENTS ti ngsJPiers Monolithic Pour F rrn _ Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the piaceme of the concrete- Materials for this purpose on site, — Foundation/Wallpour— -- Reinforcement in Place _._.. — Foundation/Dampproofing_ Backfill Approval ._ _- Plumbing Cinder Slab_—_. - - Plumbing Vent/Vents in Pla Rough Plumbing---- Heating Rough-In_.._.. Insulation. Foundation Walls lot rior R- Foundation Walls E. erior R- Floors R- --- Walls R- - — — -- Ceiling R- - Duct work or pip to in unheated spat s R- - Proper Vent, Attic ent - m. Jack Studs/l iea crs _.--- -- - Bracing/Bridgi g—_ -.--. ._. ---- -- - Joist Hangers — Jack Posts/Main - Air infiltration Barrier_ -- Fire Separation 1 , 2. 3, hour, — Penetration Scalod_ _ Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour -- —_. — Fi resiopping____ RESIDENy,L*INAL INSPECTION REPORT Office No. (518) 7614256 Date inspection request received: Building rfc Code l nfareem4Mt Depart �, Dept. orue nuaityitrwelogment Arrive �,sinitialsf 1 Town erf Quee-nsbnry 742 Bay .Road Queensbury. New York 12804 NAM Ili i M Pl iRlvII'I' # vV I lV I l LOCATION DATE TYPE OF STRLTCT[TRR NIA YES NO CONflVWNTS Chimney Height/"B"VentMhrect Veni-ocation Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete — Interior/Exterior Failings 30" to 36" Exterior Handrails, balconies, laandiig 18 in, of more Interior Handrails stairs both sides 3 or more risers Grave 2% away from foundation 8" clearance to sill plate Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18" above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 feet or within line of site fail Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace arm Furnace/Hot Water Heater o Relief Valve(s) installed Headroom, 6 ft. 6 in.. on stairs po asetnent stairs, 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail exterior stairs both sides mean than 3 risers Interior privacy/trim/doorAnaio entrsrsce 36" Floor Finish BathrcwrnlKitchen water pglot oMCsa o.2dmgr 18 in. or mare Interior Hwnrirails 13" r^�_a.--�-..—., Railing across window in stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every ber3araosxt outside every badroosn inter connected Baduvorn faros Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation 3/4 hour fire door/door closer Garage frepwofin Garage penetrations sealed Furnace in separate room protected (in garage) Li t ventilation per room ety glazing 18" or le from COT Mal Elec d "trical fin 'J ©2 Site Plan/Variance iced Final survey Plot Plan Built Septic System layout required kay to issue C/C (Certif. of Compliance) Okay to issue temp. C/O (Cenif of OrKx xupancy)_ Okay to issue permanent CIA (Certif. of Occupancy)