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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 7614256 IFI . TE F OCCUPANCY Permit Number. P20000798 Date Issued: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20000798 has been completed. Tax Map Number. 523400- 119-000-0006-024-000-0000 Location. 16 HE?RESFORD Ln Owner. JOHN & SHARON NICPON Applicant: JOHN & SHARON NICPON This structure may be occupied as as By Order of Town Board Residential Addition TOWN OF QUEENSBM Director of Building & Code Enforcement TOWN OF QUEENSBURY ~" 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761 -8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20000798 Application Numbers A20000798 Tax Map No: 523400- 119-000-0006-024-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: JOHN & SHARON NICPON For property located at: 16 HERESFORD Ln in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Tvne of Construction Value Owner Address: JOHN & SHARON NICPON Residential Addition 15,000.00 16 14ERESFORD Ln Total Value 1S,0©0.0 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 t1 'a Contractor or Builder's Name / Add Tess Electrical Inspection Agency HANCHETT CONSTRUCTION MATT HANCHE' T 799-8727 NY Plans & Specifications 224 sq. ft. residential addition $20.00 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday, October 19, 2002 (If a longer period i4required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To Queen ury; Thursday, October 19, 2000 SIGNED BY ��' _� _ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building Co Enforcement JU (A 0 fy (1} f +' p � (i + ! pr +y I oil UI 5 f i f}; y `i t f lt1 t] to I .. f l; W bl I t1 11] td (1) ttl ��1 tU in 4�1, N it 0 iD N R+ i-" M x 0 t_, ;a V1 r as N l {D N N to ttt 0 {f N { 1 0 01.11 I to � .. (I m {6 N 0 {D N m I-i, 4 to N 04 Ito v1 tt� 0 ) P P 1 h 0 0 0 } N toy y •* ! ' It A) Q rn n . wtn '� rmn i 0} 0 r. ,r © I ' tn 0nnwmi�. to us c. ti : 1 if n co to p, [ { 0 ps tit, Ul 1 p, I {n CL at , 1 , •. t .. in t • , • 1 + tt C3 rr, , + ut (r, it AU �Ct H r a t .. s--' , + 111 I to 0 [: �• 11 (i) lU 0 "! Vi it) tj� ; i• ti ID D tC} is it .! a' A1. N 0 Z to r-1 ,] 0 nj lit PI ofx k "� su , , , to m it x: 1 1 I ' I {'i, (�. >ti I ' to }t� ""f 1. � U � t i n of tts +tt u, to t1 n _1' "� 0 ICJ o r+1 I to i f (] c3!0 O tD to t0 .-.. .- to t-i n ri I UI 0 11 1 17 N ' }]s 0 0 N I i Q 0 tU tv U n 2 0 m n [7dwHM Mm + V I4. MO N iD 0 0 m $ 0 ;roo H14 m H to ; ion {tM m ru p, tntDNtDNO F] r0 S� {17 ti tD (D (li ;1 .,i b f'' I-+ rail s). �, N �J+ t-, ro ~ r Ito z k t" { ' fi {t? 0 a fnfj N. ty 41 �{ II it itly M to ►� 0 � + F+ 0 t dl ja1 Ia. �' tr� E�. l'" a � H � 0 i� � in 14. p, N o pM N'p M W tD W � 0 � it � 0 � MOitF, MO � fi to na � n I N � t$ 0H ICJ Q a P F'• :3 0 'r3 f1 Np "tl x ib ps 'it► to 1A D V Lq it in to 0 U, to to tD i t tD 'J., t {p RI {R 0 '� H M Ot '� rr N ry ty � 0 trot '� x to Lid Al n �1 Q` H.+ I y 0 y i, m rfi rr i p, t: taj N to ice. 'rd `� r� id id rV tD pl m 0 I till ttl toof to m rt ty os a "C Q U1 m {p •1 N � M f - .Bu i ldin,g Permit Application Town of xCurc`ensbury - Dept. r f Community Dcvelnrxxxenu, 742 flav &NO, Qiieenvlvurs,, NY 12804 1761-82561 gtg� BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT Requirements prior to issuance A permit must be obtamed before of this permit: PERMIT FILE NC3. beginning construction. No inspections PE T FEE PACD $ C X C J will be ,made until applicant has received � atg Beard � -- a VAI JD BUILDING PERM rr. All Arcs / Use applicants' T7fJN FEE P pp apaceg on this application ` D MUST be comple ci abd the signature = Planning Board A REVIEWED BY. of the applicant mast appear 4x the Is SFR / Subdivision f other Bu�Giinq lnsrxrror cation "" Recreation Fee Payment Applicant. &&Jr h WVCH6nr"- Owner. 40t4 / fS/fR0C4WA/ NL" 1'L'41 Address. IAAye S450e /1/ `/ /irdkff f Address: Phone # { J�fsS-) _ - V, % _ Phone # { l '_) q92, - Q.3d9_ Property Location: 16 hIF_12i"rSFUxuG? LVfo QcAtF NSl3L/ V /S *)y Tax Map Number Subdivision Name: JME" {,3IJ�'71C#C{9/lJ W'00 sfl / " - Section Block 1 rot NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ESTIMATED MARKET VA E OF PIE New Building : CONSTRUCTION : $ - residence / commercial Addition to Building : :gEZ Hence? j commercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATION O Alteration to Building : Primary Building - residence / commercial . single Family Dwelling Residence / Commercial Two Family Dwelling no change to exterior size Family Dwelling Office Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantile Manufacturing Other GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : '?" ':t L/ If ADDITION , what will use lst Floor . sq . ft ., of new. addition be ? : 2nd .Flour , , .,!�' . , sq . ft . & IeAno Other Fl(dvrs . . . . . sq . ft . a{ not unfinished cellr or baseme ACCESSORY BUILDINGS : �t Detached Garage 1 , 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : SQ . FT . Attached Garage 1 , 2 car Private - Storage Building SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage Building J,el OtherI FEET X f iP FEET Foundation 'Type : &APB(] L 4U. Will any second- hand or ungraded Number of Stories : C lumber be used ? If so , for what ? ( habitable space or lly ) 1 140 Height ( grade to r�.dge ) : feet TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM : Number of fireplaCeb and/ or woo stove ( circle all which lies ) to be installed :.. ( Electric / Oil / Ga / Wood Forced Not Air / aseboard j Other ]Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes is : MP leMIX 99S 27W7 Naine Address Phone Builder : HBtuX—MEz-r 00(N 4KE& U 1e7 Aluf 7wzwc;LFT EN4� AoH 101943 794647Z7 Plumber : Mason : Electrician : t-E4 n.xe+jF t� +Gtl nay ]_t x7 ys► DECI.9RA7I0N Please sign below after you have carefully read the stntentent. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that Uwe shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy'or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor drawn to ale, showing actual location of project on premises. Signature: ( wner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) FIRE F ARSHAL TOWN OF QUEENSBURY QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 (5#8) 761-8205 FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPORT REQUEST RECEIVED 3� I PERMIT # cp� NAME -- J )L h ee2_.r it i� LOCATION SCHEDULE INSPECTION ON .3 !`7 / i A PM NY-n ME APPROVED NIA YES � NOEXITS AISI,E WIDTHS EXIT SIGNS EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTE HOOD INSTALIATI r INTERIOR FINISHES STORAGE . _ CLEARANCE TO PRINKLERS CLEARANCE TO EATING UNIT_ REQUIRED SfGNAGE � CHIMNEY _ WOOD STOVE FIREPLACE - MASONRY 'vflREPLACE - FACTORY BUILT oV REMARKS: OK TO THIS DATE msvm �r.Fve INSPECTOR GENERAL .I1 LSPECTIQN REPQRT ( 518 ) 761 - 8256 Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & +Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive am/pm — m/p Depart m Inspector's Iriftti}als /, NAME. L� r'1 PERMIT # rYC 6(1- tI LOCATION: tYL3 DATE : / TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS Footingsl?iers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete- Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofin Backfiil Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Wall terio Floors 'R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent_ Framin Jack StudslHeaders BracinglBridgin Joist Fury :rs PbsLsaAa Air Infiltration ker Oct [� �" Fire Separation or Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, a hour Firestoppin SZ 5 64, N T 1 , 5"23 _mot 12 y 1- u. AN gt `�--..� ' ► z fro �4F Lo 4C j z3 MA .&=c ZEAJC E- W'O0 0 MCCC- .5-ugo r, v r t� ,Mc C 0IOC^f4O c.k jTbTav A OlCir c / r 9 B 7 1 i`Z LEFT SZU VMF-W 12: K 53" WzuboO Dom- TOFU" PANE Fouu t)V:tTZOQ 5�1mE AS FNr Doop- 9 L,LrE FX(.�+7- S.rr.* V:E:-C-LV .2,X t2. 2,q Ot (GOOF TAUS$65 -1/la' OS6 g4E4rl6rN(. LO (� it-38 V*OLt.J}TZOPJ -a ,� ( 2- 4 ,, /C-) �: r�