Application & DeedArea Variance [ZBA approved: November 15, 2019]
General Information
Tax Parcel ID Number: oC 76 - 2 /
Zoning District:
Detailed Description of Project include current & proposed use]:
The purpose of this variance application is to allow f4w an American Disabilities Acr compliant access
ramp and entrarwe to be constructed within the ppmneter setbads. The proposed location of this
entrance 3anding and ramp is the safest and most practical solution to allow direct access from the
parking area with a straight ramp, allowing for the least irmusina into setback zones. This location
allows for tine best use of the interior space for it's intended use, while maintaining the exterior
aesthetics from the front depicting it as an audientic piece of local history.
Location of Project:
1234 Bay Rd Sdmflliewe
Applicant Name:
6CO/5`ee= v Nofr1-119,V
GhEF}G No1;c1 /�9A1
Mailing Address
- �9�
Home Phone
City, State, Zip
��s y
Work Phone
Cell Phone
CC) f 0)/ClM r ✓, cop)
Agent's Name:
Mailing Address
Home Phone
City, State, Zip
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Owner's Name
Mailing Address
Home Phone
City, State, Zip
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Page 1
Area Variance [ZBA approved: November 15, 2019)
Site Development Data
Area / Type
Existing sq. ft.
Addition sq. ft.
Total sq. ft.
A. Building footprint
B. Detached Garage
C. Accessory Structure(s)
D. Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area
3 J— 70
3 5 70
E. Porches / Decks
F. Other
G. Total Non -Permeable [Add A-F]
y� 90
/ yy
y 13 y
H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. / acre]
7 &?-3 G
I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H]
Setback Requirements
Front Yard [I] WC-57'
e9 y R-0 s1DE
Front Yard [2] 500i &
i.v,—west trio ti
31 2
3/ 2
F,eoN: 19QD6016957
R r. l qc9
Side Yard [1]
Side Yard [2]
Rear Yard [1]
/5 '
Rear Yard [2]
Travel Corridor
Height [maximum]
y 3
Number of parking spaces
S6 -
Page 2
Area Variance [ZBA approved: November 15, 20191
Additional Project Information
1. Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? A10
2. If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): / q -- —2 02 ':Z
3. Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit
Program? _ Yes / Xi No ��',,
4. Estimated project duration: StartDate: / 2 End Date: 7
5. Estimated total cost of project: 5 J
6. Total area of land disturbance for project: eln*.
Floor Area Ratio Worksheet
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor
area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage.
Zoning District
Floor Area Ratio [FAR]
Waterfront Residential
Commercial Moderate / Commercial
A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all
floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered
porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending
over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be
included. (See "FLOOR AREA RATIO").
B. Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building
or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures
on the project site.
Parcel Area
" s . ft.
Existing Floor Area
7 s . ft. see above definition
Proposed Additional Floor Area
10V s . ft.
Proposed Total Floor Area
s . ft.
Total Allowable Floor Area
Area x fsee above table
Page 3
Area Variance [ZBA approved: November 15, 2019]
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance
Requesting relief from SECTION: -/ 7 9 — 7 ^ �% 30
Need relief from the requirement(s) listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed.
[Check all that apply] K Setback ❑ Buffer Zone ❑ Lot Width ❑ Other
The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if
1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to
nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance?
2. Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant
to pursue, other than an area variance?
AGL ,SiOi= S /7F 7h4� ST.PUGTU E'er Si /T/-1//i/
3. Whether the requested area variance is substantial?
% /-1G A24-7-Q U� 5 i G D Ll/4 e/fINCE / S TNr /'7/!U1/7U//
7��2 AevuiaF ese!�)t� n 169z�9,q 062/g�_' L 4s 4 //Tti
4. Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental
conditions in the neighborhood or district?
Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created?
%Hi' �i a✓csji CJ Ty fJCGD/9/70/Jfl%C
7 �� ,moo c 7 a9.0Ac7'16/9L Sow 6/71oti
l' � �--g� 5 r �2 ZXef-:: RGe Toz// .42&C,a
Page 4
Area Variance [ZBA approved: November 15,2019]
Section 179-14-030
Application materials and site plan drawing is to include sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The
applicant is to provide a site plan drawing(s) — a survey showing existing conditions, a proposed conditions map (see page 00 for
specific criteria) and include any other attachments that address A - D as applicable to the proposed project.
Shown on Sheet #
Title, Name, Address of applicant & person responsible for preparation of drawing
North arrow, Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale minimum: I inch = 40 feet
Boundaries of the property plotted to scale, zoning boundary
Principal structures, accessory structures with exterior dimensions
Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing &
Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing & proposed
Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected structures
Water & Sewer
Shown on Sheet #
Project sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of
bedrooms proposed
Water supply [i.e. well] & septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or
proposed on -site water supply and septic
Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies
Existing public or private water supply [well, lake, etc.]. Method of securing public or private
water, location, design and construction of water supply including daily water usage
Percolation test location and results
Parkin / Permeable Areas
Shown on Sheet #
Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existing &
No. of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing
material e.., gravel,paved]
Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking: existing & proposed
Design details of ingress, egress, loading areas and cutting: existing & proposed
Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to green area, buffer
zone to remain undisturbed
Lighting, location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor li htin
Additional Site Development and Miscellaneous
Shown on Sheet #
On -site & adjacent watercourses, streams, rivers, lake and wetlands
Utility / energy distributions stem as, electric, solar, telephone]: existing & proposed
Location, design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements
including: s, culverts, retaining walls, fences, fire & emergency zones and hydrants, etc.
Square footage of bldg. area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial
activities: existing & proposed
Si a e: Location size, type, design and setback: existing & proposed
Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference
specific items
Commercial / Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Stormwater
Management, Grading & Lighting Plans
Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record
of application for all necessary permits
Page 5
Area Variance Pre -Submission Conference Form / Section 179-9-040
1. Applicant Name: Geoffrey Hoffman a Cheryl Hoffman
2. Tax Map ID 279: 2-e
Location: 1234 Bay Road
3. Zoning Classification He
4. Reason for Review: The project is for a 72 sq ft covered porch and a 72 sq ft ramp addition to the existing porch area for an entry area
5. Zoning Section #: 179-3-e40 dimension
6. Pre -Submission Meeting Notes: Provided Outstanding; Please provide by
General Information complete
now see attached description done leave blank
Site Development Data Complete
update include ramp and covered porch as additmn
Setback Requirements Complete
Additional Project Information Complete
FAR addressed
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance
Checklist items addressed
Environmental Form completed
Signature Page completed
iplicant proposes a 72 sgft covered porch and 72 sgft ramp addition to the west side of an existing 600
ft commercial building for a compliant ADA access. The existing driveway and parking area to remaii
same. The building is to be used for artisan crafts business. The project is subject to an area variance
front yard setback where 20 ft setback is proposed and 75 ft is required.
reviewed: area variance application, survey of existing and proposed conditions, elevation of the
sed addition, elevation of existing conditions of the building
Items to be updated or provided
1) project description - add comment that description is attached
2) site development data the ramp and covered porch should be accounted for in square footage
3) setback information for the east side of the property should be to the new addition ---unless you are
;hanging something to the existing front porch?
1) project may be subject to a site plan modification - staff to confirm....
Staff Representative: Laura Moore We email 01/3012023
Applicant / Agent: Geoffrey Hoffman via hardeopy 01123/2023 Date: Ut/30r2o23
Page 6
Aria Varian=I71AitTramd't>: Dthww20t91
Tftis page iadurles fie I.) Autbotization ao Act as Agem Form: 2.j EII&Oping I= Disclostnc, 34 Authorization for Sitc Visits; .)
Other Purunt Resptansibilities; 5.) Official Meeting Disclosure and fi at A gtecment W provide tloctmtcmatioa rcquirotl.
Ow767Ex'S ACENI-FORM: Complete :the fallowing if the OWNER of the property is not the same as the appficem
Designates: ,
_ as Agent regarding the following:
variant _ Site Flan Subdivision _
ForTax Map No: _ _ — Deed Reference: Book _ Page —Date
t►Tf'I.71A'eI'S A(;Er*, ' 6YlRtta: Complete the following ff 11W APPLICANT is unable to an" the
matting cm Wis'hcs to be represented by another party:
Designates: _- _ as Agent regarding the following:
variatme_ Site Plan _- Subdivision
Deed Rufercttse: lfuuk_ Page f late
21 ENGINEERING F£F' WSCLOS"E: Applications may be referred to the '[-own consulting engineer fur review of septic
design tuorm drainage, etc. as determined the ` -
lry Zoning or Planning fkpadmcnt. Fels for engineering renew' services will be
dtargrA dirtrlly to the atrpyicam. Fens for enfyacraxing review will watt excted $ b;tW witbota notification in the applicant.
3A AIITHOItILATION FOR SITE %,mvi c. By signing auto page and submitting the appheation materials attached herein, the
Owite , Applicant, and hislhcritheir agetu(s) herdby authorize the Zoning Board or Planning Board and Town Stab so enter the xubfixX
properties for the purpose ofre�iew ng dte application submitted.
41.1 OTIIER PERMIT RESP01tsllWA l :G Otkr pc(ynNs imay be ,reyuimd for autsbuction or alletation .activity snbcnt to
approval by the 7oniog Board or Planning fiaard. It is the apm pliea's responsibility to obtain any additional ptrtnils, stxlo
OM' CIA) MEETING 'MINUTES DISCLi_ �1RE: 1t is the practice of the (community DL vclopment Depanmcm to have a
designated stenographer tape record the proceedings of meetings resulting from application; and minutes trwscn'hed from those tapes
constitutes the official recrnd of at) proceedings
-- --•- , •-nvrrrrr r-_ """E\[7'AIION RE01t1RED: 1, the undersigned, have .thoroughly read and understand
the instructions sor submission and agree to the submission reguirementa 1 acba+wlcdgc no conatiuc ion activities shall be
conimensrod prior to issuariee Of a valid pCrmit.:I Cerlify that the appfieatitnt, plans and supporting materials area true and complete:
statememldescriplion ofthe existing conditions alai the work proposed, and that all work will be peribnecd in acrdmlanee with the
approved plans and in tmafut3na,,m with local zoning .regulations- I acknowledge dial prior to utz upyir% the facilities prupnseti, I or
MY agc+rts, will obtain a certificate of 000upancy as m-cessan'- I also uncle Bland that lfwc tray be regtiood to provide an as Mitt
survey by a ficenscd land surveyor of all aewly,com4ructed facilities prior to issuatwe of a certificate Of occupancy
I have read aad, agroc to (be above.
Siguatum.j, plicasu — — �ES2rf t°a �rGrG/7Ait/ _ .
Print Naine Applieamj Date signed
Si atune earl _----- - F
!'>4 )AS j Print dame IAgemj Date si ,reed
ST-Ul OF, Xf, Ir y()kk;
3, P nreia i. %70Pci, Cieik of the Count) of'i°amen Of the Cotuuy t'uuri of'snid Count+end
Of tilt . Styvctatc ( Hutt, 'hcAh WwE courts of Rword having a com¢nrnt sca3, Jy3 jj.hjLt;f3Y
CERTIFY fhat Shave U01rparedthin j;OM-witb Rtc oti�hj4
DATE ,_v3 Stl"c Of
find; recorded. or : net cd in t tip oiricc and thai the satire is n ronw t,.Mncripl (hereof and
Hfthc ,.930le of sand origiloA,
JN li'1`t:N'SSS 1'y 3f{t2 {37, i IMW hercunlo r,s my handmid affiand the aaa7 of said umuity
and Cosuis on
!'ameiv J. Fogel
kvwrcu, (.tttutty cl—.f:;
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11lI � fa
Lake George, wdaalVr E't•Ie C ifDr;JD9;i6rn
VOLU17E:�..3671 PAGE=—
instrun uat Number 2ws- I0009560
Rsoorded OIL NovemJreryg Zug /s
Pattie"- Mi7NS C14RtSTrNE D
Rocorded Of-- MLq-LER KILLER E MANNIX Billable Paper 3
Cammewt Num Of Pages; i
�• Died and Charged an Follows: «
55 5a r'a.x Pnya
I P-W4 5.� 5.0: R -.�217 ResWlAg�ic i500
Weardmg Charga- 740.3C
Ce daro=
Amount A"W7! RSe:CSs
Transfer Tea 240.02 50.9wM+ 77va Hair
QLAMR%uRr '0.0D
L11* EOM $Prux Addeurw:
+°.�: W Odin Transfe+ 240.E 7aa Charya: 21aAn
J hereby oert#y "-hat N.e within and foregDj% vas rtnrded in the Clerk's off de For; i
Flfe rMorreatJen_ Record and
DocJment Number: 2D88-01*09S6B Return To:
N.R E k+1R5 t1DFFMAN
Reow Number 95165 120 BAY RD
Recdvded QW&fTime: November i9, 2038 02 93:'5P TAKE Gt t3RGE MY 12A4=
®oo"Oft DkAP YJ-3671 P9.25
--- cashier J Statim 8 Pos1 / Cagi 5u mm 3
Nov 19.20H M. 7.as_
lYi� ��WeCx .3�p/S 1"S
TifIS P;DENTilRE, Made the 315* day of 11io lire year 20D1<,
UIRISTINE D. MEWS, residing at 53 Hudson Street, Fort Edward, AY 12&28,
Party ofthe first part, and
GEOF1'REY A. HOFFMAN and CHERYL A. HOFFMAN, husband and wife,
residing at 1269 Bay Road, ),eke Goorgc, NY 12845,
parties of the second part;
WI r7VESSETif that the party of the first part, in consideration of-___.—Ol lE__._..
dollar ($1.00) lawful money of the United States paid by the parties of the second part., does hereby
grant and release unto the parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever,
ALL TIIAT TRACT OR PARCFL OF LAND, with the schoolhouse lucated thereon,
commonly known as the Schoolhouse 1.ot, situated in the Town of QueMsbtny, Warren County,
New YC"K, and bounded and described as follows: Being a triangular parcel of lan d nt the northerly
intersection ofBayRoad and Farm to Market Road, and bounded northerly by lands formerlyof €red
Ii. Vaughn; easterly by the Farm to Market Road and Westerly by Bay Road, being one (1) acre more
or less, and more particularly described as follows
BEGINNING ai a point in the center of the juacurre of the Bay .Road and the Farm to
Markel Road where both roads cross in the southwest getartet of the Hasbome patent, rutntjng dtcncc
north I P 30' east 119 feet along the ccrder of the said Ray Road to a point in the center of said bay
Road marking the southeast comer of lands formerly of Waiter Snyder, running thence north 8
56' east 175 feet along the center of the said Bay Road to a point in the center of said Bay Road
marking the northeast comer of the lands formerly of said Walter Snyder, running thence north 8°
30' cast 17.5 feet 1e a point in the center of said Bay Road marking the southwest comer of the lands
formerly of Fred H. Vaughn, for a comer running thence south 5$° 20' cast 171.70 feet to a point
in the tenter of the Farm to Market Road, marking the southeast corner of the :ands formerly of said
Fred H. Vaughn, for a comer, running thence south 95' A5' west 2R7.25 fee: in P.straight line along
the center of the said Farm to Market Road to the place of beginning-
OOCUt9ENi-� 000OV560
VOLUME= 3671 PAGE- zq
Stud Prc,prrly Containing thereon a tbree-room rr2me house, and A ene•car frame garage,
andbeit moxparalctd�3ysetfat& teaa':Maprafl ands ctfRa3xra?.460s,[lyinginsDWbwesiquartcr
ofthe }Msburru Patent, Town ofQueensbuy, Warren Courty, Newyork, dated June 4,1949", made
by Leslie %�'. Coulter and revised by said Leslie W. CAmIter on April 29, 1 VA and Ft bivuy 5,1953..
Robert F. Meins died on January 2.1993. Pursued to 1.a..t Will and Tcstatttem of R6bc4
F. Maus dated November 24, 1997, all property, real and ;petsonta. rams dea` .-ed Ito Christine D.
Tt4cins, spouse. Said Will was admitted to probate by the Warren County surrogate'$ Court an
January 12, 7 993, File #.i24,630.
BEING the came premises described in a %%wvanty dead from Roben S. Mrins to Ruben
F MeinS dated December 2tV, 1962, and recorded in tilt barren County Clerk's 0f#7ce on
December 24, 1962 in !Took 426 of Deeds at Page 351 _
1..AND being acglmrerd by the State of New York as described by %tine,of Appro;Miation as it4ap
Nos. too and 124, Parcel Nos 12:6 and I33, as filed on Murch 1711, 2008 is the C>fce of the
i'lcpattment of TransPprtation of tau Svae of New York, aril Medlin the A'arren C6unty Clerk's
0Mce on April 7, ZOOS.
TOGETHER with the appurtenances and al I the esta w and rights of the party of the fu4t
pan in and to said premises,
1'0 HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the par,ies of ilia second
part, their'heirs and �1gns forcer.
AND said party of tlw frrsi part cuuertants as fcilows:
i7RSTi ;Leal the patties 6f the second pan shall quietly enjoy;Me said prrmisM
SECOND- Thai said party & the first pan %gill f0mver WARRANT the title to s6d
THIRD- That, in compliani:c myth Sea 13 of the Lief, Law, the grantw mill rCc iw Ow
cAmsideration far this Conveyance, and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust lwid
LA be applied f1TSi for the Purpose nfpa}ing the cost of6e improvement and %iV apply the same first
10 ihr, Paymtat of Ille cost tfthe irrfprinvt ment bcion using any pan of the tuW of the same fit any
other pmPose.
K- - =3
INWd7WESS WHEREOF the panics ofthe first PWI have it rcumo set Their hands and
seals the dkv rind jeer first xbrovc written.
C' liitl3 Ytf n'E p. A�ET��
CAL7N 1 " OF IlG +— )
On !us 316f day of OVi-t. , in the yew 20at e before mt, the tuidcrsi r'v'm=ally xPpeared C "FISn\F D. PvlMS, ga
persvnat i,• z� to mor jrmved to me on ttte basi4s
oftatit fat:tory evidence 10 be the indi vidtra m&Qse name is subscribed to the ajtitm insirum M and
acknowiadgQd to me that she executed the same in he: capacity, and that by her ciSnarrue nn the
instturl=t, the individual, or the person upon belWf of »ieieb tht individual acted, txecuted the
Notary Public
Carat Aar. Sin,
:.tq.tbr 9ISf5UD M
cr :...,, t ouaty. 14cw Yod
W:- -.