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Certlifib c ate Of Occupanc Town orQueestsbury Warren County, New York Date Ju 1 v 3 @ This is to certi s-`y 01til work requested to he done as shown by Permit No. 98fd 11 has beers. completed. — _ This structure slsay l>e occupied as a _ g MMERCTnr T LocatiozL344 AVIATION R13 . Owner --CFfURCH -OF- TAX MAP No . 9 7 . - 2 - 2 , j By Order Town Board �3 TOWN of QUEI~,NSBURY �ire cc"tcsrnC" Bui3disrg Cade Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY No 9a01 � TAX MAP NO . 97 . - 2 - 2 . 1 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to CHURCH OF OUR 1ADY OF OWNER of property located at r �}■ VIATxQN Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a C yaNERcT A T IN'f'ER TOR nr T"ATEXONS at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance_ 1. OWNER'S Address is ANNUNCIATION 448 AVIATION R.U . QUEENSHURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or BUI LDE RS Name MILLER , BILL 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDERS Address 4. ARCHITECT'S Name 5. AACHITECT'S Address 6, TYPE oe Construction — (Please indicate by X) COMMERCIAL ALTERATIONS I Wood Frame ( ) masonry ( ) Steel I 1 ]_ PLANS and Specifications 200 GQ FT INTERIOR ALTERATIONS AS PER APPLICATION 8. Proposed Use COMMERCIALI INTERIOR ALTERATIONS 10 January 16 19 2000 $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES llf a longef period isrequired an applicatlo"n for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of aueensbury before the er.piretion date.I 16 ar�uary 19 19 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this / � D — SIGNED f3Y ;na 1-- " for the Town of Queensbury Buildind 1"Pector Building- Per IT1140 t A 1 p�'�'iccxltic�n CllVli Q/� Qll Cl7SLtllll y - 1Jrpt, rifCrnrrrrrruriry Deipclulx+rclrl, 742llrry1i'rxul, NY 12804 1767-B2561 BUILDING & CODE lsNl% +c RCCMENT III Requiretnenis prior to issuance 9TICE II flcrrnit mast txs obtained lre#4rtx of fielS permit: FPEI1RA1IC N(7. ileginnirrg corlslniclion. No i+lspoctiurls ——{�`-•— wi11 {xl rnnde until alficRnl }lns received Q Zpjrlr� CC I'AIIIa ti+Al lb }3t1[C 1711VC. rL}2Mt'1'. All Aren$ Ilorrrd rtcliorirlliplicamils, aipaccsonllkisa141t,cal,onI Une NitJS'p' ilc com llelcd 0M FCE pAA1]f'J� $ l Rippe nr n tale ure Plrrrrrtlrr V� al' the a{rlllicant must Rppertr on 1p1C � 8' Board Action ti 1111icalitlrt ftrnn. rh.tr,, 51'It I 5"'Wivinion I011mr 1?LYICWGLT II}'' r Recremion Free payrnenl d".r►.N,:K hrttrrvw AjsI)HcaItislop LQALC2,�ZOII / Owner: Address: Address: Properly 1 .slcrl linrl: i'1111411Y1111011 ililiill4l TAX Mllll N11111hor ' ' - + 811011111 111mir l tii NATURE of pRopOSED WORK e New 13uilclings ESTIMATED MARKET V,j�IaU� OF T1lL residence CONSTRUCTION : �+(J Addition to I3uilelingnlearcial r residence / commercial OCCUPANCY ZNFC7FlM11TIC1H : Alteration to F3uildil� : Primary Building ree idence / coltlru c ' /�11 � S . g Residence y r< ngle Family Dwelling / Commercia Two Family Dwelling tlo change to exterior size Other Work ( describe below ) Office MercanilRWI- ' Hanufa turincy � $ " GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : � Other �� '�' ,41 •' RY let Floor . . . . . . . . sq . It . If 11p7bI11' IONr 7OW INl� 2nd x''lvar . . . . . . . s . fta of news addit• i Other Floors . s - 9 ( not unfinished ce I .lar or basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS : TOTAL FLOOR AREA : # Detached Garage 1 , 2 car SQ . rT . Attached Garage 1 , 2 car SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Private Storage Buildings Commercial storage Building . j j rnEj T X 1F'ERT Other Number of Type : Will any second-hand or ungraded Number of Stories ; lumber be us d ? If so , .for what ? ( habitable space only) lielght ( grade to ridge ) feet TYE'!; OF FiEATING SYSTEAl : Number of fireplaces and/or woo stove ' rcle all wttictl a li s )to be installed : " lest / Oil � " orced lfot ood Air / asel+oard / Other Person reispoI ORtisibie for su errV ieivri of work an reerds to buildin 1Jaina Address Phones Builder : Plumber : Mason : Electricians DEOCLARA770N.0 Please sign below gfJ'er' yore Imve carefully read the staterrtertl, vro the best of my knowledge the Statements contained in this application, together with the plans and sl>ecificaliorls subrllitled, are a true and complete slatelnent of all proposed work to be clone on the described premises and dial all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws perlaitling, to tale Proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and plat such work is aud3orized by the owner. Further, it is underslotxl lhal l/we slNall subrnil prior to a Ccrtificate of Occupancy''or Cerlific le of Compliance being issued, an AS BUILT PLOT PLAN by a licensed s7w"ner, owuer or* awn to scale, s w' g actual location of project on premises. r r Signature: 's ag lt, architect, Coratractvr) c '".q.. l�s? COMMERCI'A,L FINAL INSPECTION REPORT y' Building & Code Enforcement Date inspection request received: Office No. (518) 161-8256 Dept_ of Community Development Town of Queenshmry Arrive arrtfpm Depa[ pm 732 Bay Road Inspector's Initials Queensbury. NY 12804 l PF1ZNGT # 0 I.004 UON DATE �l OFSTRu .�� RF. N/A YES NO COMMENTS CBimneyP'B" Ventff)irect Vent location Plumbing Vent Roof C:orrrplete ,. Exterior finish grade complete hrterior/exterior guardrails 42 in. platform/docks hitsxior/exterior ballitsters 4 in_ spacingplatfbrin/ Stair handrail 34 in. - 38 in. Step risers 7 1/4 iri.__ Alain door 44 in. All others 36 in_ _ Lever handles Exit a at grade or platform Canopy to cover req. eidt doors Gas valve shut.-of exposed &c reViator (1 in•) above Floor bathroom watertigbt Other floors okay Hot water relief valve Boiler/ftunace enclosure <250,000 BTU N/R 250,000 BTU to 1,000,00o Bytits (1 hour) 1 ,000,000 BTU's (2 hour) Gas Furnace shut off within 30 & or within line of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to fsmace area Stockroom enclosure ( 1 hour), V4 hour door _ Storageireoeiving/shippmg room (2 hour), 1 '.'x doors 1 12 hour doors and closers_ 3 4 hour c orridor doors and closers Ftrewalls/fire separation, 2 hour, 3 hour complete Fire dan>licts. 2 hour fire wall/separation or greater Fire door/shutters 1 '/x hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire stopping 3,000/5,000 sq. — Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan Exit door/panic bars assembly hardware... Elevators E levatar sigaage Handicapped bathroom grab bars+sinksfloilets Handicapped bath/parking fat signage Handicapped service counters 34 in., c>hecicout 36 in. Handicapped rampihandrails continuous/ 12 in- beyond Active listening system and sigpage assembly space_,_ Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance required Final Survey, new structures -s-huih septic system layout required Oicay to issue temp, C/o (Ccrtif of Occupancy) C*-av to issue permanent CIO (Certif: of C?ouipancy) C*av to issue CIC (C:estif of Compliance COMMERCIAL FINAL INSPECTION REPORT Building & Code Enforcement Office No. (518) '761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Dept. Of COmmu[lity Development '10vvu Of Queensliury ivrre SZ1 arty/ 7.12 Bay Road A � [ pm .Depart am/pm Queensbury, NY 12MM �?5 3 - C11v �i I� TstspectOr's Ini#iaJ� NANM i LOCATION PEFtmrr # TYPE OF STRUC DATE NIA YES NO Ch"Meyrwt Verro3iroct Vent location Phmhbing Vent Ext orfktleae --C�J£'i� /D�.4J o3 C3u0` eE� ct F-aterior finish grade egr[plaue r loteriorfextaior guardrails 42 in. pfatforniFdedcs �` // �/[ r ld=ior/etaeior balhisters 4 in. spacing platforrn/dedcs Stair handrail 34 in. - 3Sin. Step risers 7 % in. %fain door 44 in. �- All others 36 in. y A f ! 1 �U I vy(+t be c 1f � Lever handlers I f aan grade r p C forna Canoopyy to cover req. 07 Gas valve shut-offegi regulator {1 .) above Other floors fl0000rss Floor r ok wet erti G 4 r okay `,•_ Hat water relief valve - f Boiler/furnace 250, 250000 iF3T'{J Sti11R 250.000 BTU to 1,000,000 BTU's (1 hour) j >1,000,000 BTU's (2 hour) Gas furnacae shut offwithin 30 fL or within line of site Oil furnace shut off at entrance to ftemace area Stockroom enclosure ( I hour), %hour door Sxora9&rece1vinglsh1pPing room (2 hour), l v2 doors I ". hour doors and closers_ 3 + hour eorridor doors and deiesers �� Fire walls/fire: separation, 2 hour, 3 hour complete Fire dampen, 2 hour fire waItlseparation or greater Fire doarfshtutets I '/x hour, 3 hour Ceiling fire Stopping 3,000/5,000 sq. fft. Fan shutdown, smoke vents or fan - - - - - - Exit door/panic bars assernblyhardwar� Elevators Elevator sighage Handicapped bathroorht grab bars/ssdesAoilets Handicapped bath/parking lot sitgnage Handicapped service counters 34 in-, checkout 36 in. Handicapped ramplhandrails corrunuous/ 12 in. beyond .-fictive listening system and signage assembly space Final Electrical Site Plan/Vanance required__ Final Survey, now structures -- .As-built septic syzdem layout required Okay to issue temp. C/O (Geniif of Ook�pancy) C➢i -ay to issue permanent CIO (Ceatnf of t�upancy) Okav to issue C/C (Certif, of Conhphanoe) 84,t sf THE NRw Y©RK aOAnD Fete x x x WASnjNQ7,& A VAU C>jv Fr+�c+ UN�`ER�►"Rt7� RS 'ftl G R7IFtLeB r > SU17.6 T04, At9ANY gi+e a►{actricq�{ THAT plplfcoef A •, ,, . "yWP►+ae+st ore No. 1p1nffle l #; NY 12210 1 JI lTl 1'e'35.I) Sk f ''"p4a 'nt t en t�'J`atloerf R !Hestia tf ' , 'n'd+sced Qy tl�e aE+�fca{rrt n •# r. na Ise Was exa {'{`� I f i'! T `il•1 F;[ �rnfner/an r11''1; @'i°1e1nenr ED ►At F!, ; ; +cutfo., na+n6erin tlse p,,.r�,+area of rrxruRE 2nd 'Fill +fterS aCttrAcm andt oared to 6e sn•`' SM�'trGttES Nasceur . oa auaeE,Sc aT{.En R'ANGFES mPtr�znae wrth the )VowomalCslectneal Lot dRYER& i AMT- K. W. i14G dtCKS 4a✓EQs OtSH ads. K. W- AMr. K. � �tRN/►cE MoroAMT x++Ausr oft M, r. � Looff Arpu AMr- K.W. AMr WAK. W. E fANS OAS ar- P, AMT, Alice �glame s AMr. N P. No. A- W rs• PaCIAI tlC•rr rHMs�OCirS AMT. AMP, r NO AAtr- AAtr. AMPS- rRA 11NfTIlEhsrERS Ms STpurlar rrft MET AMr- ams '�tMMERS +K?ufr. x I AT AV J1A' 3 x +� tiEr Amy.. WArrs 3,W 4W No or E R rE .!'CGNG' A. W t orMER AnrARArus; or CC. ccaii,{o. No, +nc N{-tea C E A- W F'FI�dF 1.F.? _ H+ tee {•{G. cM {aurRAes A. w AVEM hy 1 rl hTd1JU1JC'1'Tty j +tJ trf}T! F+tilsifl e certfffcate mvht not be a"ff+rod in RAL MAIM! arty. monnsr; retwn to the office of 1., t" , A� COf'y FOR suiLDIN6 { 9oard orrect. frospecto 34 01 PAtt-rMENT, if Per inc THIS COPY OF CER7IPICA 7E MU57 NOT may +dentifiad by heir credantiafs. -- 4 HE ALTERED IN ANY +GENE Rom! ►. INSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Bate inspection request received: Building arc. Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive d ant/ pm Depart pm Inspector's 1nitials� NAME: LOCATION: DATE TYPE OF STRUCT RE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers ' Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place f / The contractor is responsible for (,ram'/O z eei_ea' /. y (J /,� J✓ .0 Providing protection from freezing ✓ +�+' for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. i COtJe� ,mE y Materials for this purpose on ke / Foundation/Wallpour �� r/,{ Reinforcement in Puce__ Foundation/Dampproofin Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent1V in Place Rough Plumbi Heating gh-In Insula " n Foundal ion Walls Interior R- Foundai ion Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Cei ling R Duct work or Piping in unheatod spaces R- Proper nt. Attic Vent ng Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridgi n Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1, 2. 3. hour Penetration. Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3. 4 hour Fi restopping GENERAL INSPECYION Town of Queensbury ' Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive E. amJpm Departarri/pm Inspector's Initi s } NP►lbiE C 10, �PER.1vII`i" # C� ' LOCATION: t ` DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wailpour Reinforcement in Place Foundati o n/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab, Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation_ Foundai ion Walls Interior R- _ Foundai ion Walks Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping, in unheated spaces R- - / // oper Vent. Attic Vent rf J/J ff�n rn F rdm►ng r Jack Studs/Headcrs Bracing/Bridging joist Hangers .lack. Posts/Main Beam Air infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1. 2. 3. hour 'Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3. 4 hour Firestopping i (5I8) 761-8256 Buz LD NN OF QUEENSBURY 742 SAY RD. CODE ENFORCEMENT 4W • QURE'NSBURY NY 12604 AW INSPECTOR ' S REPORT; ARRY6. EVART ^., REQUEST FOR. INSFE O NAME " REC IV$,p: / c LOCATION DATE W` PERMIT / TYPE OF STR CT RE ; y / RECRECK PROVE r S �N-! ._ ES Np THE con CTOR IS FROVID.Ip PROTB �$PRNSI TI BL$ FOR FOR d$ JulO OH PROM FRVVZIMG OF s F+OLI.Ot11tRO THE PLACE_ CO GRET,E I S N ON WA L U R NFO N PLACE U A N b p NG OV $ V NT V N PLACE ' ROUG PLU H G F N $.sic gR bG RS H G K P STS N ' Ng N S RI HEA G W 5 INTE IO R- F DUCT WORK R- HEA R PIPING IN CBS "�-- R- c„ s �(:4W TOWN OF QLTEENSI3 +LTRY � 742 Say Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 518- 761 -8201 February 26, 1998 Mike Hutsenpiller, P.E. 20 Bayberry Drive Queensbury, NY 12804 Dear Mike: I have read your letter dated February 20, 1998 regarding the requirements placed on the Church of Annunciation in regard to the choir loft. I have read the Code sections which you quoted in your letter, and at face value, I do agree with your interpretation of the Code . However, there are other Sections of the Code which were not mentioned in your letter which also apply to this particular project. 1 . Table IX-765 requires two exits from a mezzanine balcony or other open tier above the main floor. Therefore, one 36 inch exit from this balcony would not be allowed if the balcony was new. As you are adding floor space to the balcony, the church must conform to the two exit requirement. 2. Section 765. l(l) that you quoted is a general requirement and quotes other Sections within it's paragraph. If you examine the language in Section 765.4A(4) and A(5), you will find that that Section refers to Table IV-765. Table IV-765 clearly states that the minimum width of a stairway is 44 inches. 3. Section 765. 5A(5) states that "The total width of the exit doorways or openings through which an exit stairway discharges shall be at least equal to the width of the stairway, except that a door discharge is permitted to be 44 inches in width for stairways as described in Section 1101.5 of the Code' . As I stated above, at face value, I totally agree with your interpretation of the Code. However, this, once again, shows that there is a conflict in the Code, and unfortunately, the State has not done a good job of writing a Code that could be easily applied. This subject was also discussed with Rot Scott from the Codes Division regarding the requirement for a second stairway,. as well as the width of the stairway, and Roy Scott did point to the Sections of Code which I have quoted above, even though we knew there were some exceptions in the Code. "'HOME OF NATURAL BEAUTY . . . A GOOD PLACE" TO LfVE" SETTLED 1763 It would be my strong suggestion that if you feel that this is still excessive, after reading this letter, that you write for an interpretation to the State Codes Division or a letter to the State Codes Division stating the conflict that appears to be in the Code. I will not be offended in any way as I realize that the Code is ambiguous sometimes and does create undue hardships and sometimes unnecessary hardships on the public and as well as private sector. Please feel free to use this letter for any references, and please don't hesitate to contact me if you want to discuss this issue further. Sincerely, David Ha i Director Building and Code Enforcement DHJmg anallneer inp■ P.C. 20 Bayberry Drive, Queensbury, New York 12804 (518) 792-4042 February 20, 1998 Town of Queensbury Building Department Town Hall Say Road Queensbury, N.Y. 12804 Attn: Dave Hatin Senior Inspector RE: OUR LADY OF ANNUNCIATION BALCONY STAIR Dear Dave, Attached are the revised drawings for the church organ installation and subsequent balcony modifications. The drawings are stamped per the town's requirement but you will note the swings of the new balcony stairway door and the existing sanctuary exit door interfer with each other. While this condition should be avoided, the towns requirement for a 44" wide stair and 44" wide exit door necessitates this condition. The N.Y. S Building Code appears to allow the use of 36" wide stair in this location per Part 766-1 .i and Table V-765 Footnote 5. The balcony area has been limited to 20 people per the posted limit observed and the capacity of the stair and doorway listed in Table Vlll-765 allows 60 and 90 persons respectively per unit width. With the 36" wide stair and doorway having a unit width capacity of 1 1/20 the capacity of the stairway and exit door is calculated to be 90 people and 135 people. This equates to a safety factor of 4.5 and 6.75 when only 20 persons can occupy the balcony space. My opinion is this is an adequate safety factor especially since the allowable capacity for exit stairs and doors probably has a safety factor built into the allowable numbers- To require the use of 44" wide door and stairway seems excessive to me and the use of a 36" wide stair and doorway would eliminate the door interference. Why am 1 bringing this issue to light? I just feet the use of a 44" wide stairway is excessive and not required per the code and for that reason I wanted to go on record and state my opinion. A 44" door and stair also costs more than a 36" door and stair and the 36" width of stair would eliminate the door swing interference. The width of the stair and door is probably moot at this point in time as a 44" wide wood stair and door have been or are being ordered. If wood is not an acceptable material, then please let the church know. Also, if the code sections listed in this letter are not applicable, then I would like to know when these code sections can be used. If you have any questions, please contact me. �Yours truly, //� Michael R_ Hutsenpiller, P-E. President cc: Fr_ Ansulement : Pastor - Our Lady of Annunciation Bill Miller : Project Manager file a Lands N/F Christ Church - Methodist 600.07• Property Line NOTICE Itt W PAPER INSULATION MUST BE r__- -- � -•-. BRED BY NON-COMBUSTIBLE er?K, R =r -. Site Statistics 1 WrICE 1 SITE MAY BE FOUND ON TAX MAP ►-lo . Y5 • , • ` " • • _ _•• t F . - }„ �• , = f �� F Raymond Adams � E INSULATION MUST BE COVERED SECTION 97, BLOCK 2. LOT 2. • ' �~; / •• ' ` �at _` � BY A 15 MINUTE THERMAL BARRIER 2) EXISTING PROPERTY LINE INFORMATION Add 1 o n TO Rectory : •• ;� � �,. C. ; . - F � 'Alk TAKEN FROM ORIGINAL MAP PROVIDED O S • �. N'; •, ' dSe 7 7 ` " e� • , •,•� / , �'i TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING DEPARTMENT BY PARISH • ; '1' ''•' Based on our limited examinatron, compliance with out comments shall 3) SITE IS PRESENTLY ZONED UR-5. - - : `,- : -`. i ,,;-r L t r , • - ` _ •r'` / plans and specifications ate in full not be construed as indicating the 4) REQUIRED SETBACKS• _ _ _ -- - ' _ - - y Existing Parking �� / compliance with the code. FRONT- 30 SIDE- 10` - f v REAR- . _ / _ - 5 PARKING: E.,os-r. PAr.vu..►G. t Spl�ccs �oP, Gc� sE.s.Z s. _ - c _ _ '� •` U 4.8.rAc-Az-y _ r �, •. ' `l��••� _ands N/F Brian Sheldon T11E��: WILL T3E_. N� �/'JCIz1E�'"'S'�- !N -[FIE- S1�PaT1nA - C�FTV�t GHv�:F .R`lE Tn TVkE_ �tlt�T'oS a iawmo.,.><. - - .c � ` . _- -- k . .f � / r�♦ � e 6) AREA/ USE UTILIZATION ` - ' I r © C E ACRES SITE 274.863.6 +/- 100 6.31 . , 22,008 + - 8.Oo +/- G•51 +;'- -' , ' • : .. ; �'; , '�` ' LEVER HANDLES REQUIRED BUILDING •_ ._ • � : ' PAVEMENT 82,200 +/- 30.00 +/- 1.88 �- - ' ' - , ,_ ;, , . , .,, • ON ALL PASSAGE DOORS GREENSPACE 170,655.6 +/- 62.00 +/- 3.92 +/ - • ' t i • • - - " . 4 _ , - - ' •, . ,- "_ ..2- ; .•a _ - '���. 1 WHETHER INTERIOR OR EXTERIOR DOORS 7) MUNICIPAL WATER AVAILABLE. • ;� \ • t r �. ToWN OF 7 J 8) ON SITE SEPTIC SYSTEM I` 570 S. 9) EXISTING ON SITE STORM WATER RETENTION. • - •- , ti • � -r ,� .•�:_= MI Lands N/F Charles 81 Betty Wahley � 10) CINQUINO ASSOCIATES P.C. MAKES NO REPRESENTATION AS TO THE ACCURACY OR CONTENTS OF THE _ 1 • • ..'Existing - CURACY ng 'E / �� ,. INFOTMATION PROVIDED tN NOTES 1 AND 2 • '• , - _ tr �r,o.x-� • , . • _ t •y •, � r; •:' Icy /!� cclrTl�I►G-Tt,,�P',. -Tv c.P•i•a•- vFPf� �t�.•acsr+ _ •. _ 1rJ�C AL rrlrtiS r?V=rrt$e Iv te.. c�P l �� A►T IafJ) g `� - r7l &Z • _ _ -, . �: ` " Fs Arle-A 1 p oo TLz - rJq(o2 11vP's -ice T� f �.GI�G / 'TM Phase I 7,594 S-.F •-' •r•�_ O. ...i - :ram•- :tom/• - f•7� ♦ r-`I y••t• � • Lands N/F Cary 8 Kay Loke - . _`' (` 'f - E _ `• .• •/' tea. - ..-, • churc Lands N/F John Burke Apts- ln'i - r-• - -• - �, * %93a ."i.F&I'l ., �J, /• - 3. - .C; mot^ �_ - - !,• •—���•����• • r ► t•• y, 1 j, , ` c ` �• • • ? • •/ /• '�, •` (r- JL - , -, - ` f- ,- .ram _t. — - '��- _ • � ��! • 1 ,- • ♦ `, --- -- - - -- - - - - i� f • ='` - Cry •.. — L �A i .�� -' :•:'•.,� .� 1_ I" ter• - — te of • a , •--' 1 Phase_ It Addit.lon `,• - _. - 1• Education' Wing. o 0 . • - 51144 S.F., _ �' i �. • C •+� _ 1 g� Lands W F 't ^ CV r Ihrist Church - Methodist " ' •� t� R�D�IV ,, D .. - - = - • �- • '•� ` _• - _ . - - - , - - - - - - - _-s *S�� u,.tE� _ _ TOMtx 1f�LN9BUR BUI E nfr v • w , - _ •t- �r , , t N _ to Court 9796- - _ 1 � , • 1 .. • ��t. • . �T� .. • • t_ta • • �� �i�ta ..•==mono" a a .nmh� 4%. 0� a . 0� -0 W. 7• � �� • �r4 •� •i,J�'�� i ��ii�� a� . ♦i���ltr s • t.�� • • �!'!�� •.. �i �� .. t.��� • t. • t_� to �� s • �•. • �� •• t�� M fitit. r � r � a Ott Aviation -Road , i 1\ � � , .L � .! -/r- � ► • l � � ,1 / • 1 r • • � ' i f • , \ ♦ \ 1 � w• ,r . w •w1 • •� ' � �.. , `•ti• t, \ Cis- q o Associates P.C. chitecture Engineering 376 broadwa%v s toga springs, new york Phase II —jk4dition Parish Center hurch of Our Lady of the Annuncl-atio .49-iatzon Rd. QuRenury, New York Site Plan: FILE COP Revised 6/ 27/ 88 Scale: 1'=30' FlP�E Nyr1p•y�i♦_1T zVrr4>G %TF e-,C).T TA6r It {LL r-id/hT- -- Drawn by Sheet No. 1 of 4 Ckecked by Job No. Scde Dwg. No. Date