98-027 CERTIFICATE OF 01CCUPAN CY TOWN OF +QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK Cate Apri 1 6 19 M 98 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No. 98027 has been completed. SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING This structure may be occupied as a LOT 7 # 95 PITCHER RD . Location Owner SCHERMERHORN CONSTRUCTION TAX MAP NO , 1 2 5 . - 1 - 2 9 . 1 2 By Order Town Board _ TOWN OF QUEENSOURY - ; . Director of Bldg. & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 101000TOWN OF QUEENSBUR i Na. TAX MAP NO . 125 . - 1 - 29 . 12WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to S Cs ERMERN nwi CONSTRUGg EE IN ONINER of property located at _ 'i F=nmmm ,an,, Street, Road or Ave. in the Town of Oueensbury. To Construct or place a SIN'T.Tir E JAMML:V BWRLEAENG at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other Information hereto filed and approved and in Compliance with the Town of Queansbuty Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. OWNER'S Address Is 79 MASTERS COMMON NORTH QUEENSSUR.Y , NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or 90LOER11 Nana SCHERMERHORN CONSTRUCTION 3. CONTRACTOR at SUILDERS Address 79 MASTERS COMMON NORTH QUEENSBURY , NY 12804 4. ARCHM11CT'S Name COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY s. HBOX 706 Address WMECTOS HAGUE , NY 12836 8: TYPE of Construction — ;Please Indicate by M SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING I I Wood Frame i I Mewnry I i Stow I I 7. PLANS and Spaciflcatlons 1536NXQ FT SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING WITH 2 - CAR ATTACHED GARAGE AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS 8. Preposad tJsre SINGLE FAMILY ,DWELLING 211 February 4 2000 S PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT. EXJ4RES 19 or a omVw parlod is coWWed an rpplicislen for an eKtmet n owwma be mWe to Cleo SuIldfee f and tonift ieaipo~ of the tommA of CuaeeodmW laden* tlr aephwda t deta.l 4 February �$ 19 Dated at the Town of Queelabury thin Gay of SKINED BY for the Town of t weensbury Building Permit Applica lion Town of Queensbury - Dept. of Community Deve10Pn e,Fu, 742 Bay Roads Queensbury, NY 128iO4' (761-82S+6] BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT Requirements prior to issuance A permit must be obtained before of this permit: PERMIT F12E No. beginning construction, No inspections 'C}Will be made until applicant has received El ZOnmg BOOM Action PERMIT FEE PAID $ i a VALID BUILJDING PERMIT. All Area / Use applicants' spaces on this application RECREA77ON FEE P $ MUST be completed and the signature 0 � Board ACtia�t _ of the applicant must appear on the REVIEWED BY. SPR / Subdivision / Other Budding Inspector pplication fcrrrn. r Recreation Fee Payment Applicant: `J G h e r v. � r� or +r �a n�� ru o1. r Cam � Owne e r _ SceA a-.^.•e ems- - O - C__�/� A. -C x; 4 'c•�j / Address: 79 rZ?a5� � rri ,+rse d�-�er7�� (, ala { + +t �c 1 a�` l Address: re s e, a co- AJc�_ !` Phone # ( S ► S_) 5 S_ - O rf+� �'_ Phone # Property Location: L*t '+, f G Subdivision Name: Tao Map Number_ Section Block t nt NATURE OF PROPOSED WORK : ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE *,! New B CONSTRUCTION : $ Jot / ee s resider + j commercial Addition to Building : residence . / commercial OCCUPANCY XNPO114ATXONV Alteration to Building : Primary Building residence / commercial se Single FamilyY e�lling Residence / Commercial Two Family D�(u�e . � no change to exterior size Family D e _ I Office Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantile , FEB 02im , . Manufactur '' g GROSS AREA C.EA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURES Other T �(B UI �t E{ $QI}FE'y�' f�.r UILDING AND CODE. Ist Floor . . . . . . . . , ' o If ADDITION , what will use sq ft . of new addition be ? : 2nd Floor . sq .. ft.,,5 Other Floors . . . sq . ft .( not unfinished cellar or basementf ACCESSORY BUILDINGS / Detached Garage 11 2 car TOTAL FLOOR AREA : 153 (a SQ . FT . cf Attached Garage 1 , car Private Storage Bui 1ng SIZE OF NEW STRUCTURE : Commercial Storage Building 45VIA FEET X c� FEET Other Foundation Type : Will any second-hand or ungraded Number of stories : Z lumber be used? If so , for what ? ( habitable space only ) ram " Height ( grade to ridge ) : Z-5 feet TYPE OF _ HEATING SYSTEM : Number of fireplaces and/or wooElstove ( circle all which p es ) to be installed ; �{ ectric / OiI / /Wood - ce Hot z Baseboard j Other Person responsible for supervision of work as regards to building codes is : S�l , �r �, � rl,.r_ �_ - - 7 9 d -e G 7V . Name Addresss Phone Builder : Sc IQLW 7t , Aoemn. 29r - a67 ,Y Plumber : *4I /c /L 5 Mason : Z2 13 4 1 d -7 2 2 _ 1327+ Electrician : A4 . o,,., r t/4 91 DECLARATI©N.• Please sign below after you have carejUlly read the statement. To the best of my knowledge the statements contained in this application, together with the plans and specifications submitted, are a true and complete statement of all proposed work to be done on the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the Zoning. Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and that such work is authorized by the owner. Further, it is understood that Uwe shall submit prior to a Certificate of Occupancy-'or Certificate of Compliance being issued, an AS BUELT PLOT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; 54awn to scale, shc2wing actual location of project on premises. Signature: J0 -^ ^ `� / `-#/"]c..�/'/ (owner, owner's agent, architect, contractor) Application for SEPTIC DISPOSAE PERMIT Town of Quemsbury � ) .-fir Dept_ of Community Development Permit No. �( J /J Building &c Codes office 742 Bay Road Fee Paid $ Queen.sbury, NY 12804 Location of property for installation: .Z Q Property Owner's Name: . Property Owner's Mailing Address: 7 9 ew S7 r",J5 � r r, +7� c -4— Installer's Name: r . e r tt 7 r .L — Phone # i Y cS 6 Number of bedrooms (if residential): 3 Total daily flow: J15 C' (residential - compute a 150 gal./bdrrn.) Topography: flat, rolling, steep slope Fo of slope Soil Nature: sand, barn, clay, odier ! depth: Ground water: at what depth? ./tz) feet J Bedrock or Imrperrctzs Material: at what depth? . feet Percolation test: Y not required, required [ rate min_ per inch J Domestic water supply: municipal, well, ccer If domestic water supply is a WELL, water supply from any se=c absorption is feet. PROPOSED SYSTEM Septic tank /o b f gallon (minimum size: 1 ,000 gal.) Tile field: each trench Sb feet rr Total system. "angth: a ° feet Seepage pit(s): number of size each.- X & by '� ft. Size of stone to be used: # I depth or tbic3 J" feet HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: Size of each= gallons Ghana eystam and associated electrumt work to be mapecmd by a certified "Macy- For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code cef ae Town of Queeeabury, any peed or approval granted which is based upon or is granted na retia^ca upon any matwmd or failure to ma1Ge a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant. shah be voi& I have read the regulations with respect to thin apph and agreye and all Mquaema� of the Town of �S y Sewage Ordinance. - � / Signature of responsible person: Date: t � ,ENERGY cooM CC72•ip' r Xr" NC:Z APPLXCATZON ""' t" IVED TOWN Off' WARREN COUNTY 9000 ci = ?IFrNG r) E:GR£ - [3fl?S FEB Crar � 2 Lance �+ ptrods : oA4 S p _ • TOWN OFQuep."BOURY �� Cc _ ^7 � ccle PraCt _Ce Me$hgWIILDINGANDC DE 1 & 2 Family Dwellings ( only ) PART 6 * — '� hernal Rating - (=orsnonent Trade C7ffs ? & 2 Fart; ly Dwellings ; Multi -Family PART 4 * Ov.%rell ; ngs ( 3 stories or less ) Des .ig4a 'by component Perfartnance C0r[uner c .f al Standings-Hi Rise Residential *Reau4res su.bmisz -iom of worksheets A� PL = CP ,�lT ` S NAME : pRC]PERTY Lf3CAT/yILOCATION :yo) PART K METudI3 OF CQ2-i 'Z4 =j AHCE: ^a"_> ACCF:?TA5rZ Pf..Acpr_rc= 1 . (=-=oss Floor Area l G scuar e fee% _ 'l- yre of Leaf - Elect -; c 0 ; Gas Other 3 _ = s :: a i ?d =:.g r.:�caaniCaliv c o o l ed ? veS k' No 4 . ? e; cer_tace o = area o wiaGc !s and doors ' C4ver 17Ts Under 3 ? _ 5 _ —iTAL%iES FQQ :NSU'I rAT'ON GZVVMN azzac7q7 MUST CORRESPOND TO R-VA' T 7ES AS S riC VIN C7N PL-kS- S SUBZ.-SITTED Ip. _ Raof I mrt 3a b _ Exterior walls R / C _ Glazed areas R /+ � d _ Exterior doors R � + a _ Floors over unheated s,;-�t. maces _ Edge of slab on grade. ( hea. ted bu .lding ) R ?? g _ aase:ttent/Cellar walls C a ?aave c-$ de3 R � 9 h _ Basement/cellar wails (below Heating/cooling-ducts —rsipi ng im unheated. space R y.(m 6 _ Service ( domest1c) hot 'water heating. device Co n .forrtts to minimum effiCie: ncy per cocie X' • Fes No =' FERATURE CONTROL MAXIHUZ' j S.ETTXZIG _140o z- WILL ,lgo!r HE EXCEEDED AFPZ = nit s ig� re na3e Ph ;7 one Mumb�er td Ga 5� 3P1SP" E: C'TC] R ' S RBMA�;{S : Office No. (5I8) 761-8255 Building & Code Enforcrnatt Dept. of Community Dcrvelopment Town of AtIIY@: + _ IRS Queensbury P 742 Bay Road QUomubury, NY 128D4 Dale Inspection Peed 28t R el NAM E LOCATION d � [ TYPE OF ST rv-I- E DATE PERMIT No. t " Chimney Height/"$" Vent/Oir t Vent Fresh Air Intake Location -- Plumb Vent Through Roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Failings 30" to 36" Exterior Handrails, Balconies, Interior Handrails Stairs Both Si ding 18 in. or more Grade 2% A 3 or More Risers Away prom Foundation 8" Clearance To Sill Plate Gas Valve Shut-Off Ezposed/Regu1a 1ST Above Grade C" Furnace Shut-Off within 3p Feet Oil Furnace Shut-Off' at E 'within Line of Site Furnace/Fiot Water Heater Oper a Area Relief Valve(s) Installed Headroom 6 ft. 6 in. On Stairs Basement Stairs 6 ft. 4 in. Handrail Exterior Stairs Bath Sides More Than fs 36" Floor Interior Privacy [rim/D`oor-9/Main Entrance,Entrance,FFloor Finish Bathrrxnm/Kitchen Watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 in. more Railing Across Window in Stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom Fans Plumbing Fixtures Foundation Insulation 3/4 Hour Fire Door/Door user Garage Fireproofing Garage Penetrations S ed Furnace In Se parLight Ventilation a r ")()M rotected (In Garage) Safety Glazing IS" or Less From Floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variatnce Required Final Survey ,Plot Plan As Bunk Septic System Layout Req. may to Issue Temp C/O Okay to Issue Permanent C/O Okay to Issue C/C TOWN OF QUEENS$URY BUILDING 6 COUE ENFORCEMENT 7+ 42 BAY ROAD QUEENSSURY NY 12804 C -' (518) 7+61-8256 ARRIVE : • D �� EPART : zN FINAL INSPECTION REPORT RESXf3 AL DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED : Tl..Y.yd NAME -AL LOCATION {-tiL.,'�y7�, II y� 0 �7, 4 DATE PERMIT / ;►p- ■ TYPE OF STRUCTURE FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL ROUGH PLUMBING SEPTIC FRAMING TION FINAL ELECTRICAL WOOOSTpVEIpROFIREPLACE _ A ES No Id VENT G T PXTR I i S C a s WSIRAX NGS I F V V S O WAT \d E E P IV C S W ZHOKE i E C P T srAIR CLi'___A,�nNCE/R� T INGS S 1 s U G I T E T N U ON GARAG E PRO(:; R ��NAL ELECTRICAL SIT PrANf VAR IANCE RE N U E T P AN S O OR C C L17 1.1 C�--7► Q'C1 � �`l� r �j 'i"-�'1\ '�-F-�"t HI►J�7 dip COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION SERVICE, INC. Main Office 357 Elwyn Terrace — Manheim, PA 17545 MUNICIPAL CERTIFICATE - ELECTRICAL APPROVAL /7 Panel Board No. .............. .. Cert, 59893 Cut.-in Card Owner ... .. ........Ss-- .- 3. . Ii.Y kl Occupant ......... ...........- Location .�I .....-. ... �i. .77c., a .....0L, 0 ....... ... .. ... ... GL.N.kC_i'i ito e!r2 Installation Consisting of ....f' _. .c� .A,,. ...cJ Installed By . ../,�.__. .....4r�'.cs.�?!?'.1.,�/e. ./ i��............ .... .... .. ... . .. . . Lic. .rc... ....... . , . ._ issued is canceCled: — The conditions Following governed the issuance of this certificate, and any certificate previously This certificate only covers the electrical equipment and installation conditions as of date. Upon the introduction of additional equipment or alterations, application shall be promptly made for inspection. Inspectors of this Company shall have the privilege of making inspections at :t rules are vii I to�k the Company shall have the right to revoke this certificate, ny time, and if its ....... INSPECTCIR. 'OM inbeir Member 9 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY j BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT 1 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 12804 t (5I8) 761-8255 ARRIVE : DEPART : INS P FINAL INSPECTION REPORT — RESIVEHTIAL DATE; INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED : NAME LOCATION ! DATE --+ � �PERHIT ! _:_ � TYPE OF STRUCTURE FOOTINGS FOUNDATION BACKFILL ROUGHPLUMBING SEPTIC' FRAMING FINAL ELECTRICAL INSULATION WOObSTOVE OR FIREPLACE N T S HO -IrcHIMNUG B VE H PLUMBING OCHT O T P RA I G J F V VES W T P RA TIN INTs E R VAC I�OO S i { FINISS : W G S E P 1 OTHER C R E E T L A C L N S QATUR N U A D S TBQN 9 G P ING O E FINAL EL CTJt Ai. I N VA AMC N ^sU V Y T L N SS E C O R C C i GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT' Town of Queensbu ry Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road e Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive =26iOrn Depart Inspector's Initials NAME: -- ~� 3- --- PERMIT # LOCATION: DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE- RECHECK N/A YES NO COMMENTS FootingsMers_ Monolithic Pour Farm Reinforcement in Place The contract r is re ible for providing pr ion from f ing for 48 hou o wing the place ent of the co rete. Materia or this purpo si Fo tion/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundalion/Dampproofing Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vunts in Place Rough Plumbing_ Heating Rough-lr c;,dtsulation 11 Foundation W 11S I erior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- _ Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated. spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing. Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers_ jack Posts/Nb in Beam _ Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation i , 2. 3. hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping e'„ENERAL ,fN,SRECTIUN REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building +& Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Depart Q►ueensbury, NY 12804 Arrive ' p Inspector's Initi NAME: ..AC PERMIT # LOCATION: � DATE RUTURE' TYPE OF STC F ►� RECHECK N/A YES NO CO'MMENTS Footings/Piers. Monolithic r F - Reinforcemen in ace The contract i respo Bible for providing pro ion fr in freezing for 48 hours fol the placement of the concrete. Materials for thi purpose on site Foundation/Wa pour Reinforcement in place Foundation/Dampproofing Backrill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing Vent/Vznts in Place )lWough Plumbing. HeatingRough-Ir. Insulation _ Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- t1 - Ceiling R- 1� Duct work or piping in � unheated Proper Ve Attic Vent -Framing Jack Stu Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers_ Jack Posts(Ma in Beam — Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1 , 2, 3, hour. penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTIO1V REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: � — Building &. Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road ve1 pm Depa � pm Queensbury, NY 12804 A Inspector's Initials RMIT # % 10 G l NAME: DATE LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS FootingslPiers� � Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing proteztion from freezing for 48 hours following the lacement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on i Foundation/Waltpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofin — Bacicfill Approval plumbing Under Stab Plumbing VenLlVants in Place Rough Plumbing_ Heating Rough-lr insulation Foundation Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- V ent4tti gent !� , aming .W- Z `~ '� 5 / /��,, �C) VAA +3E tC'., Jack Studs/H aders _ Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers_ r� Jack gosts/Moin Beam fi c,l� RE-cw{� (< A� e� - ` ovtn�} Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation I . 2. 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive 1'3 am4a Depart Inspector's Init' �- NAME: PERMIT #i LOCATION: DATE TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES 00 CO NIMENTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement. in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezin for 48 hours followin the place e 7 � of the concrete_ t`'� -�� 1 N1l 1Q4 Materials for this purpose o _ FoundationfWallpaur � E Reinforcement in Place Foundation/]Dampproqftlhoog. - Backfill Approva — --- Plumbin r Slab__ _ Plumbing Vent/'Vcnts in Place Rough Ylum'bing__- I T% Heating Rough-In._ _-L4 Insulation Foundation Walls lnte or R- Foundation Walls E rior R- 1, ! Floors R- +� Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or pipi g in r unheated spac s R- Proper Vent. Attic ent Framing 1 7� 3(g � Jack Studs/H ers Bracing/Brid n �] 0 Joist Hangc _ Sack Post ain Beam Air lnfiltratio Barrier Fire Separati 1 . 2. 3_ hour Penetration ealed Fire Wall 2 3. 4 hour Firestoppi Of (�11EEM1S8URY ,� N a n r+ p1EOR -low-low � CODE C 742 Say d leRoa queensbury6Y-szse (5181 '7 SEPTIC DISPOSAL SYSTEEM INSPECTION r Location Date _clay�,~-�-- �!'� an Solt ' Pe -test- pl ati nute linc'h, j Results of Rate" ( if applicabl } 4 TYPE Of SYSfIE -total engttPr ASSO RPTICIK each trench Length of Depth of trenc es Size of stone ber-_ um SEEPAGE PITS: t . x '�� r- Size Si e Stone size --~~� -----T` PIPING to I ank 'Bldga to Dist . Box -- '�` �Cank. fiel art� a BOX to Dist . 8 Seal ed? Y openings ARATIOR f �'� feet tOCp SEP TION/ "[ ank feet 1 Foundation to Absorp i feet Foundation to pits a %0 Separation of Plo } an 3 confpr�'ts as per ROPER i L�p,TION QF SYS ht Side ( circl o eft Sid Rig g ra n t ear - Mi ddl e R r 141 dd ITS C 's l s t ! SYSTEM USE AppROYEED:/ 7 -� Su� d1n9 nspecto' �..--- 79,qlfastmCrr mattMsmi / r}, t01 �oaa to 41r I i I j I I f S° Utz ;031 j 3 1 i or *Pfved, or beliew 1 swevilM� RECEIVED Stu iC , WBII phis „iRe'l f a1 1 FFB 0310 � r TOWN OF cQUEENSWAY BUILDING AND CODE i GENERAL INSPECTION REPURT `0. ` c�xry Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement . 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive Nn /pm Depart C� {� x Inspector's Initials NAME: C '�- r.-�.! �-,� PERMIT # o� LOCATION: L DATE TYPE OF STRU RECHECK NIA YES NO CON04ENTS Footings/Piers I Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofint; �ackfill Approval Plumbing, Linder Slab Plumbing Vent/Vents in Plane Rough Plumbin Heating Rough-In Insulation - E Foundai ion Walls Interior Foundal ion Walls Exterior Floors Et. Walls //RR- Ceiling ;' R- Duct work or pipinstin unheated space R- Proper Vent, Attic, Vent Frami ng Jack Studs/Headers 1 Bracing/Bridgin Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Main Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1. 2. 3, hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3, 4 hour. Firestoppin (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QURENSBURY _ BUILDING & CODE ENFORCEMENT r 742 SAY AD . , QUEENSSURY NY 12844 INSPECTOR' S REPORT : ARR V DEPARZ� INT!j REQUEST FOR INSPECTION RECEIVED : NAME c~ LOCATIOmen DATE PERMIT I TYPE OF STRU URE : C'� 1'`K'- _C7� lZYRECHECK PROV N E N N R `' �� MONOLITHICU REINFO CE P THE CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBLE P PROVIDING PROTE ION FROM F HG FOR 48 HOVRs FOL MINA THE PLA E- KENT OF THE CONC TE . MATERIALS OR TR PURPOSE I E O DWSLAB . -. POUR REIN PLA 1OUNDAPR FI RACKFIL PS..UMSINT'$ IN PL OUGEi PLUNi)3IEAS3 . JACK STQDStHEAVERS BRACING B ING JOIS A E JACK OS S N BEAM AIR INFILT Ti SRR HEATING UGH IE INlaULATION . FOUND FOUNI)A N W I ERIOR U ON W LS ERIO 1110 ORS W R- C L G R- DUC WORK OR PIPING IN NHE SF S 1 i (518) 761-8256 TOWN OF QUEENsBURy BUILDING 6 CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY RD . QUEENSBURY NY 12004 4QW INSPECTOR ' S REPORT ; ARR• " �"'"'I]Epp�/�✓J IN'I• REQUEST FO INSPECT,IIONNRECEIVED : NAME ��Cr /C.fLfJK/LJ� LOCATION DATE ""L. PERMIT f r%,+ TYPE OF STRUCTURE : REC E15K APPROV N/A NO MONQUTHIC POUR FORM REINFO8tg,MENT IN pLAr THE CONTRACTOR I RESPOtlS E FOR ` PROVIDING p ROTE' T ON FROM EELINO FOR 48 HOURS FOLLO ING WIN LACE_ MWT OF THE COmCRE RIAL99i Fog S OS N I E P-QUNDATION/WALL UR E FO CE N IN LAC FOUNDATION/DAMPPROOFING RACKFILL APITROVAL - — PLUJIBING VENT/VEN N PLACE _ ROUG PLUM NG PLUMBING UNDER SLAB JACK( STUi7 /�HE&DF RS BRAC.INGLA�4G ING JO.�ST HANGERS J K OS S I B AM AIR INFILTRATION BARRIER HEATING ROUGH- IN I S ON : F UN A O W S N ER OR FOUNDATION 1'IALLS EXTERIOR _�y,21 rL C MG _ DUCT WORK OR PIPING IN U H P S R-