Exhibit C: Section 179-3-040C of Town Code6
Section 179-3-040C(1) of the Town Code
§179-3-040.Establishment of zoning districts.[Amended 3-18-2013 by L.L. No.
The zoning districts established by this chapter, subject to future amendment, including
an aggregate of all of the area of the Town, are and shall be as follows:
A.Residential districts.
(1)Land Conservation LC-42A and LC-10A. The LC Districts encompass areas
where land has serious physical limitations to development or unique
characteristics that warrant restricting development to very low densities. It is
also an area that adds to the Town's rural character and should also be
protected as such. This area of the Town is described in the "Neighborhoods"
section of the Comprehensive Plan, adopted on August 6, 2007, and the
districts retain the same boundaries as set forth in the Town's 2002 Zoning
Law and Map.
(a)Uses allowed. The uses allowed in this district are set forth on Table 2 of
this chapter.1
(b)Dimensional requirements. All uses in this district must comply with the
requirements of Table 1 of this chapter2 and as follows (Note that all are
minimum requirements except density and building height which are
maximum restrictions.):
[a]LC-42A: 42 acres per dwelling unit or principal nonresidential
[b]LC-10A: 10 acres per residential dwelling unit or principal
nonresidential building.
[2]Front yard setback: 100 feet.
[3]Side yard setback: 100 feet.
[4]Rear yard setback: 100 feet.
[5]Shoreline/stream/wetland setback: 200 feet.
[6]Lot width: 400 feet.[Amended 7-21-2014 by L.L. No. 2-2014]
[7]Road frontage: 400 feet.
[8]Water frontage: 400 feet.
[9]Building height: 35 feet.
[10]Percent permeable: 95%.
1.Editor's Note: Table 2 is included at the end of this chapter.
2.Editor's Note: Table 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
[7]Lot depth: 200 feet.
[8]Road frontage: 50 feet.
[9]Building height: Building heights shall be a maximum of 40 feet
with the build-to setback of 50 feet to 75 feet as measured from the
road centerline. Building heights may increase to a maximum of 55
feet with a build-to setback of 75 feet to 100 feet as measured from
the road centerline and a maximum of 70 feet with a build-to setback
of 100 feet or greater as measured from the road centerline.
[10]Percent permeable: 30%.
[11]Percent landscaped: 30%.
C.Industrial Districts.
(1)Commercial-Light Industrial. The purpose of the Commercial-Light Industrial
(CLI) District is to provide for mixed commercial and light industrial uses in
order to maximize utilization of this area of the Town that will enhance the
Town's tax base and provide quality jobs, particularly those areas that are in
transition between older industrial uses and newer commercial warehousing
and retail uses. This area of the Town is described in the "Industrial Corridors/
Economic Development" section of the Comprehensive Plan, adopted on
August 6, 2007, and merges the former CI-1A and LI Districts provided under
the 2002 Zoning Law.
(a)Uses allowed. This district allows light industrial uses which are its main
focus, as well as warehousing, storage, and truck depot uses. In addition,
commercial uses such as retail and services areas are allowed with certain
restrictions as to size and location. These restrictions are provided to
ensure that the district's purpose remains light industry and that the
nonindustrial uses do not predominate but serve as compatible infill to
serve the area. All allowed uses require site plan review. A complete list
of the uses allowed in this CLI District is set forth on Table 4 of this
(b)Dimensional requirements. All uses in this district must comply with the
requirements of Table 1 of this chapter27 and as follows [Note that all are
minimum requirements except density and building height (and building
size for retail) which are maximum restrictions.]:
[1]Density: one acre minimum per principal use/structure.
[2]Front yard setback: 50 feet.
[3]Side yard setback: 30 feet.
26.Editor's Note: Table 4 is included at the end of this chapter.
27.Editor's Note: Table 1 is included at the end of this chapter.
§179-3-040 §179-3-040
[4]Rear yard setback: 30 feet.
[5]Shoreline/stream/wetland setbacks: 75 feet.
[6]Lot width: 200 feet.
[7]Lot depth: 200 feet.
[8]Road frontage: 100 feet.
[9]Water frontage: 200 feet.
[10]Building height: 60 feet.
[11]Maximum building size: 40,000 square feet total for retail uses only;
no limit for industrial uses.
[12]Percent permeable: 30%.
[13]Percent landscaped: 15%.
(c)Development standards. The applicable standards and requirements set
forth in all other articles of this chapter shall apply to all uses in this
district as well as expansion, remodeling or change of use to existing
structures and uses. In addition, large-scale uses shall submit and have
approved a long-term plan (15 years or more) as part of the site plan
submittal that defines all uses, intensities of uses, entertainment and/or
recreational activities and any other features of the use that are deemed
relevant by the Planning Board. Further, for all retail uses (including but
not limited to business, personal and food service uses), the building
footprint and/or area of use must be wholly located within 500 feet of the
frontage road.
(2)Heavy Industry HI. The HI District provides opportunities for the expansion
of heavy industry without competition from other land uses. Large-scale
manufacturing plants that often require access to rail transportation and are
often considered incompatible with other land uses will be given maximum
opportunity to flourish in this district. This area of the Town is described in the
"Industrial Corridors/Economic Development" section of the Comprehensive
Plan, adopted on August 6, 2007, and this district remains unchanged from
what was provided under the 2002 Zoning Law.
(a)Uses allowed. This district allows both heavy and light industrial uses
with only a few other uses such as warehousing, truck depot, junkyard
and adult uses. All uses are allowed pursuant to either site plan review
and/or special use permit. A complete list of the uses allowed in this HI
District is set forth on Table 4 of this chapter.28
(b)Dimensional requirements. All uses in this district must comply with the
28.Editor's Note: Table 4 is included at the end of this chapter.
§179-3-040 §179-3-040