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V. .- 4 ,SI I ••. �.. :.Q. a T ,.W. r _ .: :'L` /• . lr; f 4Y.,ryr i. w-.. 7 4 CERTIFICATE OJ. ' COMPLIANCE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY WARREN COUNTY. NEW YORK Date May 7 19 98 S <qb This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit No . has been completed . INGROUND POOL This structure gly N*VA81 aRLocation Owner TAX 14AP NO . 4 9 ' - 1. ~ 4 . 3 By Order of Town Board . TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Director of Building & Code Enforcement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 0 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 98143 TAX MAP NO . 49 . - 1 - 4 . 3 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to HEPTLETT ROGER OWNER of property located at 31 SUNNYSIDE RD . NORTH Street, Road or Ave_ in the Town of Queensbury, To Construct or place a INGROUND POOL at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Oueensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t, OWNER'S Address is 31 SUNNYSIDE NORTH QUEENSBURYr NY 12804 2. CONTRACTOR or SUP LDER'S Name SPRAGUE POOLS 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address 294 BROADWAY FORT EDWARD , NY 12828 4. ARCHITECT'S Name COMMONWEALTH ELECTRICAL AGENCY S. ARCHITECT'S Address PO BOX 706 HAGUEr NY 12836 6. TYPE of Construction — IPlease indicate by x} POOL I I 'wood Frame i I Masonry i ) Steen l I 7. PLANS and Specifications INGROUND POOL AS PER PLOT PLAN SPECIFICATIONS B. Proposed use INGROUND POOL 35 April 17 2000 $ PERMIT FEE PAID — THIS PERMIT EXPIRES 19 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Bullding and Zonirg inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration data.) 17 April 19 Dated at the Town of Queensbury this Day of 19 SIGNED BY T for the Town of Queensbury Building and Zc;nMg Inspector r yr� 7 Bay 2r Havi+and RoaC, Qu ee^ s5ury , IVY 1 2604-9 725-5 7 8-7Apffl32' 1 $ SWIMMING ,POOL PERMIT APPLICATIO { � C7 '. � J'r FED PA L r PERSOLN RSSPOrfSrSL= FOR CQ0E R-QUIR=ME�4 S : _ - TEL . 'T45 T"tr1cE C = PO{] L s y / 1 !-� a ., Ov =_ - ground C.y.PAC1 TY G7 Uf'� r1 �+ 7 caZ fors . USED . !i CC4NS l :RU'C F ! Olei ; c Y r : I e o♦`ie 7 j7i I"✓l;. . i N" ercl ass c" eurn i � `. - - f 04.- re ;l C.n ?"oC !"� v Cull ^.� � , . _ S ?' SfY_ ,�,�►.�-�-r-, .�.,� �� ,�",�-,�mot`*-' �.�.Z ImPORT,ANT INSTRUCTIONS : On a s - aratc p = - _- of paper , s :lbf:J `i t a d ? acrar.. 4 _ drawn to s , c:,r ; PROPERTY LINES - EXISTING S T RUCT`URES - PROPOSED OR EXISTING SEPTIC SYSTEM - LOCATION OF PROPOSED SWIMriING POOL - Show all distances From lot lines to both the pool and the structures , as well as separations between . APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL INSPECTION IS NECESS.APY , A COPY OF THE APPLrCATICrr{ IS TO BE FILED i.'I TH THIS OFFICE . THJS CFFICE IS TO aE NOTIFIED UPOri COMPLETIOP{ OF COr{STRUCTIOr{ ; IF{CLtJDirdG IP{S T ALLaTIOr{ OF ,=Sr{CI ;�G . A FINAL INSPECTION W1 LL BE MADE BErORE USE OF THE POOL IS AUTHORIZZ71 . /000v�-�r'--._..�''� OVER t Secti on 7 . 074 Accessory Structures and Uses . 4 . Private Sw i ,,mmi ng Pools . Private swi mrni n,g Pools , permanent and portable , which shall be accessory to a pri nc I pal , non- comm ercial dwelling use shaI l be r=_rul ated as follows :1 ows : except that these regulations shall not apply to portable swimming paol s which shall be not more than three ( 3 ) f_ at in height nor more than fifteen ( 15 ) feet in length . a ) May be erected only on the same lot as the principal structure . b ) May be erected only in the rear yard of such structure and shall be of a distance not 'less than twenty ( 20 ) feet from the rear lot lines or buffer zone where appropriate nor less than ten ( 10 ) feet from the side lot line , or buff er zone where appropriate pri nci pal structure or att. ched oar detached accessory structure . c ) Such use shall not adversely a = fect the character of the netohborh0od . d ) All - pri •rat2 svrimming pools shal 1 be enclosed by a permanent fence t of durable material a least I our ( 4 ) reef ih" height . e ) In the cese . where a lot fronts on two ( 2 ) or more public r� gh � s -af -way , a pri vats swi m.�' :jg pool shall be srect�d only cn that portion of the said lot tha is directly acvacent to tha M side of the principal building which is directly opposite the architectural main entrance of said building and the neighboring side lot line . In no case s hal l the pool be any nearer to th,e lot 1 i nes abutting any publ i c right- of- way than the required front setbac for the Principal build i ng of the zoning district in which it is located . Furthermore , the pool shall be screened from the view of the public ri ght- of-way and the nei ghbori ng property by means of 1andscapi ng . ( See " Landscaping " ) FEES : $ 25 Fee for Above Cround Swi ,mMi ng Pool $ 35 Fee for In- Ground Swimming Pool NOTE : ALL. POOL PERMI 1 APPLICATIOt4S MUST STATE KATERIAL TO 8E USED TOWN OF Q[}EENSBURCEYIENT BUILD19G 6 DE ROAD '742 BAYQUEENSBURY NY 12$D 'i I f INSQ : DEPART' �-- -- h[LRI'U'E : _ RESIUETiT IAL F XNAL XNSQEG'T ION RE.FO RT - ci V DATE 1NSPE ION REQUEST RECEIVED : NAME LOCATION QER141 f DATE TYPE Og STRUCTURE Irpg�ING BA ..KBIL.L -N _ F00TINGS__.�. gOUNDhTSEPION IOR FIT SEPTIC ��_ FIR LACE V1,UJABING WO,O TOVE OR FINAL ELECTRICAL N £S !i0 ti ii V N E T 1 c s S S LINGS I F VA VE OT W T Q G # V C DOOR E S G T O S C RQE D INRA N S i T t �} O E C i u I G 3 U ON SU 00 ING G r AL Er.E TRTc _ _----- N VA A C R � S SU E T A �' 0 SSUE O C C I I I I I1 TH ELECTRICAL INSPECTION "- - 1 '{ & , l Y vm, COMMONW'�'`4'I M CTIRI, A PAE CtER CIF CI A IE EI�ECTRYCAI- APpRO'Jp'L iviL3l+iICI 52, 882. Panel Cut-gin Card t3©' ,. .. Cent.$crardhlo. . . .. ... ....... a Lr Lc C .. .. ..... Occupant Snstaiiatt�rt coftsistirt �� .. !� T ' . -. ,� . .-...-. .- ... .. . ...... ................ ......... - #. . .�. . . . . . . ..- vik,ustr . L'tc. ..4'f. ................ .' te, and any ,;erxitieate pfe ................ . . /yL�j _PIT. :t.... . . .`,.+'.-! . . of this 4eftif's.:a s �,S' Satt- 11'i'�?n .. - oveToed the issuance 4onditians a. made 4or Installed $Y f�4lUwintc F ant and installation shall be p'�n ptly -me cond'stions ui sn ' . iication I it it only Covets the eleTnent t"`4aftcratsons, aPP �yY c and t s a a t issued is cancel'le to addiuonat equip inspe ' ,�/',,/ This certxficatc rivilege of aks c - the 'sntroducuan the prtif's ctian. is Company ghat{ hVGetl'4C Sight tU TeVO .,.-,.- - insPe his rrs ny shall have . ..-"S.A,E.t. insPectova of this ember . . .. rules ase violated, theIiVSPECC�'� .,-... ember N.p•P.A•, pate ..- i I Back property Line 53 Iwo if 3I'-a}' APR 13 o . — Proposed pool 1 ( 1 f Proposed Fence i I i Deck 36'3'" House Garage