98-147 CERTIFICATE OF CUFA I`�C'�" TOWN OF QUEENS13URY WARREN CCIUNTY, NEW YORK November 4 98 ? i Date 14 _ 98147 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shows by Permit No. has been completed. RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR ALTERATION ( MUD 0014 ) This structure may be occupied as a 27 ANTIGUA RD . L.ocation BROWN , CRAIG , PARILLO , FRANK 0*%wr TAX MAP NO . 3 , - 3 - S By Order Town Board PrOW 4 OF QUEENSDURY DI Ix L 3 � Director of Bldg* dt Code Rnforeement BUILDING PERMIT VALUE $ 2000 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. TAX MAP NO . 1 . - 1 - 8 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to BROWN , CRAIG Ave- OWNER of property located at .27 ANTIGUA RD . Street, Road or Ave Z+ILID RC} In the Town of Queensburl To ConStrUCt or place a RES''n�rl*Tns at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto fiiev a.-, approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. t. 07TT1MrMdW RD , GANSVOORTr NY 12831 2. CONTRACTOR or SUILt1ER' Name BROWN or CRAI G 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Addr+ss 4. ARCINITECT S Name 5, ARCHITECT^S Adders: 6, TYPE of Construction — (Please indicate by xl RESIDENTIAL ALTERATIONS t I wood Frame l } AM1aaonrY [ 1 Steel l } I Will 7. PLANS and SpelOWIM ions No. S. Proposed Use RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR ALTERATION iMUD ROOM ) June 3 2000 19 PERMIT FEE PAID - THIS PERMIT EXPIRES I11 a longer period is required an oppslcation Ior an extension nwjw tw made to the BuUdsrq and Zoning inspector or she town of Queensbury before the expiration d3.1 Duna 19 Dated at the Town of flueensbury this ay of 19 for the Town of QueensburY SIGNED BY :�0w:6jjW:l +nd Zortlna I ma o� t I) '1cIEt o m unit} Reviellped 13y: Bit . _fit. Code Enforcement ement r g13uilclir16 111Sj)0cl0r Tosi Qcteensbury 11'ernilt il No . t - /�+Lj 742 Bay Road Y O, a Queen., bury, New fork 128011 free 11,111 l $ (518 ) 761 - 8256 Budding Permit Applicacttoll A PERMIT MUST BE; OBTAINED BEFORE 130GINNING CQNSTRUCT]CON . NO INSPECTIONS WILL 130 MADE UNTIL ArPPJAICAHN -r 11AS RECEIVED A VALID BUILDING PORMI`I.' . All appllcalrL- s ' - peaces vri Lhl c; cir:lpI- 1 cat -iorMUST be compleL- ed 0z)r.1 the s• a_ gljaL- rl ,z' e Of f: lle tr .I. .r, t.. rr + i: NU;'.!' rsl �pc:{si ' oil (; he 0ppl .i. cat' lon larva . 41 AE�1liicallC: y ,[�' , - Oweiur: Adcrress: f f < 7Y ► ` � �1 / J �ii ,Aciclrotiti: G�J�� ^l � I' ircllsc (nI r) �F_I ,/r�� Property Locsttic�rl: 11`�t`r9Uf31 t " t�trtlltko E'ux M s1E1 T�lu lllbur t--- --- -- Sslllciivisisrn N;ime: Sectinrl lllslck l sit NATLtIt1: or Pltor'os1iD WOEi1C : ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF THE New Building : CONS'.[.'RUCT' ION : $ aa&6400 residence / commorcial Addition to Building . _..._ residence / coltrrlsercial OCCUPANCY INFORMATIONt Alterat ' Fuilding : Prrrrary Building -- esidence / commercial Single Family Dw� 31 IV ark" Resr enca commercial Two oamily Dwella V&' `" D no change to exterior size J� Family Dwellkpg 13 1M office AF"'1� Other Work ( describe below ) Mercantllpe Manufacturing TO Other GROSS AREA OF PROPOSED STRUCTURE : 1St I' lC7Ur . . . . . . � LQ r, t If ADDITIONr what will use 2 nd .Floor . . Sq .9 • f t. nG' addl��pr1 �G' ?, � Other F loors . . . . . sq . ft. . ( riot unfinished cellar or basement ) ACCESSORY BUILDINGS J Detached Garage It 2 car TOTAL rLaoli AREA * 9 (a SQ , FT Attached Garage It 2 car Private Storage Building SIZE. OF NEW STRUCTURE : Coimuercl.al Storage Building other FEET X t''EE,T Foundation Type : 6urret� G4� 1 �� �1 wall any second-hand or ungraded Number of St_.oraes : lumber be used ? If so , for what: ? �( ( habitable space only ) Height: ( grade to ridge ) feel: 'TYPE OF HEATING SYSTEM : Number of fireplaces and / or woods Dave ( circle all ' ch applies ) to be installed : slectric / oil / Gas / Wood J:Furced E1at / 13aseboard / other Person responalbl'Q for eupervas on of work as regards to building codes is : 1S'nMi> re t � hc * Name Addresss Phone Builder Plumber : Masorr : • Electrician : DEC'LA.It.9.770N.• Please sign below afer yore have carefully read the stateniernt. '1'o the best of my knowledge the statements contained iri this application , together with the plans and specifications strbmiLted , Pali-e a true Find colnl}lets statelnelit of all proposed work to be clone on the described ,premises and drat all provisions of the Btrildillg Code, the Zoning Ordinance and all other laws pertaining to tfre proposed work sliall be complied with, whether specified or noted, and tftztt such work is authorized by the owner. Purtlier, it is tlrlderstood that I/we slial1 submit prior to a Certificate of OCCUpallcy or Certificate of COMpli:tsice beirrg issued , an AS DUILT PJ COT PLAN by a licensed surveyor; drawn to scat 1rowing actual lactation of project olr premises. Signature: 0w11e(kweer*s agent, architect, contractor) Office No_ (518) 761-8256 Building & Code Enforement A orive: qm*94 /0 Insp: Dept. of Conununity Development Town of Queensbury hate Inspection Request Received: 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME PERMIT NO. lY LOCATION .DATE . — �— TYPE OF STRUCTURE Chimney Height/"B" Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake Plumb Vent Through Roof Roof Complete Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 30" to 36" Exterior Handrails, Balconies, Landing 18 in. or more Interior Handrails Stairs Bath Sides 3 or More Risers Grade 2'% Away From Foundation 8" Clearance To Sill Plate Gas Valve Shut-Off ExRosed/Regulator 18" Above Grade Gas Furnace Shut-O within 30 poet o Line of Site Oil FurnaceShut-Off a ntrance urnace ea .: Furnace/Hot Water Heate rating Relief Valve(s) Installed Headroom 6 ft. 6 in. Stairs Basement Stairs 6 4 in. Handrail Ex r Stairs Both Sides More 'Phan 3 Risers Interior PrivacylTritn/Doors/Main Entrance 36" Floor Finish Bathroom/Kitchen Watertight Interior Handrails Balconies/Landing 18 in. or more Railing Across Window in Stairwells Smoke Detectors: every level every bedroom outside every bedroom inter connected Bathroom Fans Plumbing Fixtures Foundation Insulation 314 Hour Fire Door/Door Closer Garage Fireproofing Garage Penetrations Sealed Furnace In Separate Room Protected (In Garage) Light Ventilation Per Room Safety Glazing 18" or Less From Floor Final Electrical Site Plan/Variance Required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic System Layout Req. Okay to Issue TAsmW C/0 GENERAL INSPECTION REPORT Town of Qu+eensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive z211d am/pm Depart am/pm Inspector's Initials .Q?!� � NAME: C-�� PERMIT # LOCATION. 2. :'"r2 t DATE : �� ,* R AF TYPE OF STUCTURE: RECHECK N/A YES NO COMhffiNTS Footings/Piers Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in lace The contractor i responsible for providing pro 'on from freezing for 48 hours folio g the placcme of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on Foundation/Wailpour Reinforcement in PI FoundatioM]am oofing Backfill ro 1 Plumbing ( It r Slab Plumbing 'Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-ln /� Insulation_ C.�� A eir Foundaf ion Walls Interior R- •�' Foundation Walls. Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheatcd spaces R- Proper 'Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack PostslMain Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1 , 2, 3. hour. Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2. 3, 4 hour Firestopping GENERAL I VSPEC 1ON REPORT Town of Queensbury Dept. of Community Development Date inspection request received: Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Arrive am/pm Depart am/pm Inspector's Initials NAME: PERMIT # LOCATION: ,,; DATE : TYPE OF STRUCTURE: RECHECK NIA YES NO COMMENTS Footings/Piers 1 Monolithic Pour Form Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing; protection m freezing for 48 hours following he placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose o site Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation/Dampproofin Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab Plumbing 'Vent/Ven in Place Rough Plumbing Heating Rough-In Insulation_ Foundai ion Walls Interior R- Foundation Walls Exterior R- Floors R- Walls R- Ceiling R- Duct work or piping in unheated spaces R- Proper Vent, Attic Vent Framing Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist Hangers Jack Posts/Mai n Beam Air Infiltration Barrier Fire Separation 1 , 2, 31 hour Penetration Sealed Fire Wall 2, 3. 4 hour Firestopping 0.0, �f yl V VP ClAw do 1 C?RMATIdN FOR BUTLDIIV G DEPARTMENT r LENDING AGENCY 'Atlantancy!and, Inc. is in the Occupancy/ry process of issuing a Certificate of I Compliance for the electz ical insW ation/ construction project as covered in an application filed with our main office. dam..- i ,=nspector NEW YOaRK T IC-NA.ND, INC. �-- - kow4 f i � LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION SCHEDULE B - WHARF & MOORING PLAN Y� SCHEDULE C - FACILITY PLAN r VV r FILE Zkr NOTICE �'' t"$`v7le T Frc r r, — c f K FT PAPER INSULATION MUST BE COVE ED BY NON-COMBUSTIBLE BAWER � 6' OAM INSULATION MUST BE C E �! BY A 15 MINUTE THERMAL RR R �JS � � � �_� Id O^ I _ 'l ,� ° ° •' y ass, ,,,,,.—� I T � I LJ7T].w- 1 I \ I r aiv t � 2\ f �^-v � _ L.a.GE GEaRGE PaAK wvuM:5SvY 4 FACIUTY v h/� ''A _ � Il Ira R CI r! Ar --� TOW N Of QUEENSoIlftY BUILDING DEPARTMENTc SAS. M,�A F40M: !,•- 1 '+ • 3-� t r a Based on our limited examination, compliance with our comments shall "`""' not he construed as indicating the - plans and specifications are in fulllow I C M 1ENT5. [ +� _Q r - ��.�-- { : ' G 17 • Y( compliance with the code. i LGPC PERMIT n523 -2 &-95 Page 5 of 5 -F Mold Voi 41 ' 1 (0, rt') ,u See, oy�\ 16 ap 64 4 � - Imo- ' --~ I �'11Le3 a Q /0 �[ �rC f� L/V" 4- ✓NGA--k_: C �d v�4 b u /C� � - �OLN\- x { r r �- SCHEG ' ' E C - FACILITY PLAN' r r-. D, "G t LJ Cr/ cte l� tr CN w ) 1eti LI . .. - . . . . _ IVAIII l V � � I • . . . ... 4/ _ t APR 13 1998 17[T rt, ; RY ris n . I 1 E I � _ , I �+ C1CiG � ou \cv ' Ft AIM Cyr --- - l 6-6y- i ' i r ` 2 _ -- - 7 coY'tiGt Floor i lall, r ---------- 1441ksANk,\0-7 NJ 0, r oc oo a' pp Re EC Yq c �r V j vkj I�j � f 'I k r 1 \, ti